dragynville @ 2003-05-26 14:34:00 |
draco's latest..
Mood: intrigued
Oh, really? *grin*
imochan @ May 26 2003, 13:43:34 UTC |
<333 Ron and Draco crack me up. Ron being all like, "d00d I AM SO SUBTLE! R0x0rs!!!!1" and Draco all, "No. No, you're really not."
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 13:51:22 UTC *hysterical* |
You know this? (Which is ultra-squee, by the way.) Well, I simply cannot resist pointing out this. Tsk tsk, Draco and his caperberries. :D
(parent)dragynville @ May 26 2003, 14:03:43 UTC Re: *hysterical* |
Waaaah! I didn't even think to look into caperberries! ultra-squee indeed :D
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 15:18:20 UTC Draco Denies |
Draco says no to caperberries... Potter will have to make him something else.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 15:25:31 UTC Re: Draco Denies |
HAHA. Of course, it would have to be be Shiny!Lucius who plays with the pretty stimulants and aphrodisiacs. :D
(parent)_audrey @ May 26 2003, 14:44:30 UTC |
O'Doyle rules!
I think I've seen Billy Madison a few too many times. :P
untiemybinds @ May 26 2003, 14:51:01 UTC |
LOL. I read that and started yelling it just like they do in the movie. Such a funny movie that I've watched many, many times.
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 14:57:41 UTC |
Potterstinks proves he is the Best Ever. As if we ever doubted it.
anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 15:12:38 UTC Re: |
Perhaps the secret is that Draco is rather odd, which is what Ron was saying earlier. Maybe by odd he means gay, and that's why the "secret's safe with me." It's hilarious how Ron keeps trying to be somewhat conversational with Draco, for Harry's sake. Even though he's really just making even more of a mess of things.
HAHA, he needs to go to the bathroom. This comment made me fall of my chair. <3333
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 15:16:20 UTC |
Ron is the Master of Subtlety. Oh man... he deserves the beating he's bound to get
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thegirlingreen @ May 26 2003, 15:16:33 UTC |
HAHA, he needs to go to the bathroom. This comment made me fall of my chair. <3333
lol! i know! i heart ron's player for that comment.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 15:25:19 UTC |
I assumed the secret was that Draco wasn't getting any sleep because he's been out playing with Harry at night and Ron, loveable idiot that he is, is trying to talk like he's in on it while Draco wants Ron to not say a word about it.
Ron could use from lessons in subtly from M.B. who simply says that Draco no longer has much use for pyjamas.
anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 15:34:02 UTC |
Yes, that makes much more sense. Did Draco ever say or hint anywhere why he isn't sleeping? Millicent doesn't really say, and Ron does seem to think it's something to do with Harry, seeing as he proceeds from sleep schedules to the pennant. I especially liked Ron's comment about how Draco's father better get used to his insomniac son, presumably sleepless because he's angsting over Harry. Or whatever. Is Ron just imagining Draco's doing something at night with Harry? If not, then what is he doing that causes even Millicent to take notice? *is so out of the loop*
(parent)takeonelook @ May 26 2003, 15:44:01 UTC |
Well the only reason why I think it has to do with Harry is because of these comments:
Ron tells Harry that he'll practice with him IF he's around at night. So that implies that Harry hasn't been around either.
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 15:47:59 UTC |
You're so smart! *fangirls*
I had not put those together yet. Muchas gracias.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 15:49:18 UTC |
Right--plus the one time ps said something about why he was awake it was because Harry had returned his snitch at 4am. Ps took the moment to notice that Harry's hair looks the same in the middle of the night as always.:-)
(parent)takeonelook @ May 26 2003, 16:07:10 UTC |
That's right! That seems like it was so long ago that I didn't make the connection. I thought that that one time was an accident and not a planned meeting. But perhaps that's what started it all. That first night they both just happened to be awake, and since then they've been meeting up to play quidditch or whatever it is they're up to.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 15:51:20 UTC |
Oooooh. So is there really something going on? Draco and Harry meeting in the middle of the night(s), and it's NOT wishful thinking... *gasp*
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 16:05:25 UTC Re: |
Damn, does that mean I'm behind in my squeeing duties? *commences extreme squeeage*
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 15:23:52 UTC |
I just saw this too.
*Comes back to life*
*Dies again*
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luleh @ May 26 2003, 15:57:55 UTC |
I don't want any Gryffindor ham!
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 16:01:20 UTC !!! |
Draco wants to play Snap with Ron, even though Millicent was bugging him to play Literati earlier?! Very, very interesting.
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Anonymous @ May 26 2003, 16:03:44 UTC Re: !!! |
I thought he was being sarcastic about it. Or is he not?
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 16:05:22 UTC Re: !!! |
oh you're right of course, I just got carried away from my squeeing earlier on..... oops....
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 16:04:15 UTC Re: !!! |
He must have some sneaky ulterior motive. *deeply suspicious*
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 16:06:17 UTC Re: !!! |
I am a fool.... *squees anyway for squeeing sake*
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 16:08:32 UTC Re: !!! |
Draco's the fool. Why would anyone want to play Snap with Ron? He's a chess man. Harry's the one Draco should be asking. ;)
(parent)notapipe @ May 26 2003, 16:36:21 UTC Re: !!! |
The question is: why would anyone want to play Snap at all? Chess is better than Snap anyway. Does Draco play chess? I know he doesn't list it as an interest (to my knowledge, only Ron and Lisa have it listed), but that doesn't mean he doesn't play. Personally, I doubt potterstinks is much of a chess player.
tabiji @ May 26 2003, 16:53:53 UTC Re: !!! |
I'm guessing here, but maybe Draco's just using Snap for an excuse to hang out with Ron until Harry shows up?
(parent)notapipe @ May 26 2003, 16:37:59 UTC |
Yes, the wizzard and assistant librarian Rincewind, who is so incompetent that it is beleived that if he were to die, the average magical ability of the Discworld would actually increase. Not that he plans on dying anytime soon. He's been around for a while, I think back to the Ministry field trip (possibly before that, even).
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aurorasinger @ May 26 2003, 16:46:21 UTC Re: |
Wait, what? I followed until the end of the third sentence, but what does the Ministry fieldtrip have to do with the Ministry field trip? Is Rincewind also the assistant librarian of Hogwarts and the same policy follows for this Rincewind?
notapipe @ May 26 2003, 20:34:46 UTC |
Should have put a paragraph divider there.
Rincewind of Discworld:
Yes, the wizzard and assistant librarian Rincewind, who is so incompetent that it is beleived that if he were to die, the average magical ability of the Discworld would actually increase. Not that he plans on dying anytime soon.
Rincewind of N_A, a 6th year student:
He's been around for a while, I think back to the Ministry field trip (possibly before that, even).
babytyggeryss @ May 26 2003, 17:43:35 UTC |
Who is watching the post that Seamus put up about Harry's new clothes? Ron has now decided that Draco is Harry's boyfriend and is very ok with it.