untiemybinds @ 2003-05-26 21:27:00 |
Hm.. interesting.
We now get to see Harry's new wardrobe.
And Draco can't make up his mind.
Same post by the way, I'm just pointing it out.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 17:35:27 UTC |
Oh, I think Draco has made up his mind alright. He always loved tolerated Harry just the way he was and the bad clothes were part of his charm. Now Seamus has gone and made him un-Harry like and Draco is upset. He doesn't like change...
I'm loving Draco right now. He's so the hysterical one in this relationship.
And yeah, can't wait to see how Ron responds to Seamus' post.
bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 17:42:06 UTC |
I think it may also be an issue of influence. I think Draco, despite his cool exteriour, is rather nervous about Harry's, um, attentions. To have Harry want to change his wardrobe just a week or two after Draco and Seamus discussed his poor clothing could make Draco nervous. I think the idea of being liked by Harry unsettles him, and to see it in form is disconcerting. So disconcerting that he tries to disconnect himself by saying that he never had a problem with Harry's clothing to begin with.
Love Draco.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 17:44:40 UTC |
It's so symbolic of the way he feels in general to say that yes, in theory it would be great for Harry to get new clothes but in practice it's scary!
It's probably not a good thing that these new clothes come along with Ron "outing" Harry and Draco when they weren't yet in the closet together. Yipes.
bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 17:49:48 UTC Re: |
Oh, yes. It's the theory verses actualization. Exactly.
Do you see a secret jh/ps in the outings here, or have I misread you? Hm, I hadn't really thought that Ron was, well, serious. I see a Ron who's rather more innocent, expecting that if Harry likes someone then of course the other person will like him back. Harry's just embaressed by it all because he doesn't want more of Draco's outright rejection, but Ron, being Ron, is honest to a fault. "Of course he's your boyfriend, you like him, right?"-type thing.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 17:56:26 UTC |
Oh no no--I see it exactly as you describe it. Ron is completely off-base but doesn't know it and Harry wants to shut him up because of course this is going to bring the wrath of ps down on him.
I just called it an "outing" because Ron thinks he's telling the truth about Harry and ps being together.
But ps ought not act this way about it (not that this has ever stopped him). Harry's always been honest about liking ps since the outing. He said it under Veritaseum and Draco acknowledged it.
bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 18:00:23 UTC Re: |
Yes, but. I don't know why exactly there's a "but" for this here and not for the Veritaserum (speaking of that, where's Neville been? Hm.) situation, but there is. This is...Ron-involved, for one thing, and more...blatent. It not only says that Harry still has the feelings, but assumes that Draco has similar ones, too. And...erugh. I can't describe it, exactly.
Gah, collapsed comments now. Blast.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 18:10:36 UTC |
Oh yes, because Ron is talking about something--he's been making Harry-shaped pillows. He thinks--and has good reason to think--that Harry's been seeing Draco at night and naturally assumes that they are a couple. But clearly Draco still doesn't return Harry's feelings.
Seamus gets cooler and cooler. What do you make of this post? He seems to have calmed ps down, but that first line is verrrry interesting...
bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 18:18:32 UTC Re: |
Oo. Good for Seamus, for EXPLAINING exactly what's going on, and for understanding to begin with. So much strife results from misunderstandings. And I think the Seamus anger is a bit expected/deserved toward Ron, since Seamus knows what it's like to be in Harry's position, at least more then Ron does.
I think Draco's freaked, to bring up the Harry! kiss so quickly. Even thought he hasn't been blatently homophobic since The Outing post, it can't have just gone away since then. He's scared of Harry, scared of what it means if Harry likes him (what does it do to their rivalry, for one thing), and scared of what that could do to him. Seamus is trying to calm him down by blaming it on Ron (which is not unreasonable), but I think the deeper issue with Draco--his fear and disconcertment--will keep coming back up until it is dealt with directly (and not just with yelling).
anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 17:58:47 UTC |
*weeps with the adorable-ness that is lovable idiotic innocent assuming Ron*
(parent)bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 18:02:36 UTC Re: |
It IS adorable, but in a...painful sort of way. You just want to run in there and shout "SHUT UP" to him, and then scoot j_h and ps off into a corner to talk.
It's like, not NOW, Ron!
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ex_meiko437 @ May 26 2003, 18:15:10 UTC |
that is precisely it. Ron is just so cute and utterly clueless.
His whole thing with the clothes makes me think that since Harry likes Draco, and Draco knows his clothes, that Ron should get interested and knowledgable about it also in an attempt to get closer to Draco. Like how Ron is always stalking Draco's posts and replying to all of them. Harry's his best mate and he should get to know his "boyfriend" *snickers*
But then again.. this whole encounter makes me want to duct tape his mouth shut and escort him away. Ron has a problem with knowing when 1) he isn't wanted, 2) to stop or when to leave, 3) anything is trying to be conveyed subtly, or 4) he's making things worse. He always has the best intentions in mind, but he really knows how to mess things up.
bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 18:25:05 UTC Re: |
Yes, exactly. I hadn't even connected it when Ron was so interested in Dean and his Art, but that makes loads of sense. Draco knows colour, so Ron should, too!
I think it could be even more, that Ron's jealous of Harry's attention and wants some back for himself. Which explains the colour thing, too.
But yes, Ron, NO. He's a good guy, loyal and all, but just too...yeah.
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ex_meiko437 @ May 26 2003, 18:36:13 UTC |
i dont think ron is a jealous guy when it comes to relationships, except in book 4 where he was jealous that harry got attention when he didn't. my theory is just that ron wanted to know color so he could connect with draco. Could be wrong!
what I really love about all this is how harry has spread out from his original cliqueish trio, and has become close to seamus and other characters as well.
LOVE TO PERCE. "Ronald, I am free for literati now". *snickers* Please take him away, and have a long talk with him, Perce.
bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 18:41:31 UTC Re: |
I don't know, I see Ron as a bit jealous of things in general, just because he's always lived his life behind someone, be it Draco class-wise, Hermione intelligence-wise (bit of a random thing, this one), or Harry fame-wise, and so one. Thought it's not obvious and I don't find Ron at all sneaky, I wonder if maybe some of this is a reaction to the Harry chasing Draco vibes. But that's just me!
So very Percy-ish, just wander in AFTER SOME HUGE BLOODY HURRICANE and comment calmly about a bit of a game, if no one's really busy. But clever Percy, get Ron out of here!
tropes @ May 26 2003, 17:38:01 UTC |
OMG, wasn't it fabulous when Ron accused Seamus of haning out with "someone's" boyfirned? I nearly fell off my chair!!
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 26 2003, 17:39:21 UTC |
I thought he was trying to claim that Harry was his! I <3 Ron!!
(parent)tropes @ May 26 2003, 17:41:04 UTC |
Our ickle Ronniekins, mucking things up as usual... He's so lovely.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 17:39:52 UTC |
::falls off chair laughing::
Oh Ron, you wonderful birdbrain. It all makes sense now. Harry's got to put a stop to this before ps has a cow...
I assume Seamus is not allowed near ps because he is gay and therefore can't spend innocent time with ps, perhaps...?
tropes @ May 26 2003, 17:42:37 UTC |
Maybe Ron is sensing that Draco wouldn't be spending so much time posting back and forth with him if he weren't jealous over the Harry/Seamus shopping.
Your icon makes me giggle.
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 18:01:06 UTC |
LOL--Who knows what Ron thinks. I love him. He just keeps making it worse and worse. But he's tried to be such a good friend making Harry-shaped pillows.
I'm glad you like the icon. That picture has had me giggling ever since ps drew it and I just had to have it.
We really need M.B. to stop by this thread (the one on NA).
tropes @ May 26 2003, 18:06:35 UTC |
YES! Every great thread needs some M.B.
Hey, does anyone see things leading up to this with Pansy's post about being cold at night? It seems that Draco has not joined her bed for some time...
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stefijeanw @ May 26 2003, 17:44:33 UTC |
Harry now wants Ron to delete the comments saying that Malfoy is his boyfriend. But ps has already noticed!
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 26 2003, 17:45:56 UTC |
Weasley is apparantly going to die!
Spilled the beans perhaps Ronnie-kins.
tropes @ May 26 2003, 17:47:10 UTC |
What?? I've been making Harry-shaped pillows in your bed for so many night, who have you been out with if it's not Malfoy?!
*is so killed by this*
bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 17:55:58 UTC Re: |
Yes, exactly. WHO?
Am sitting here grinning and madly refreshing.
*loves loves loves*
untiemybinds @ May 26 2003, 17:59:06 UTC |
NA is the best thing since fried rice!!
Or something less weird, but you know what I mean.
kat99999 @ May 26 2003, 18:01:26 UTC |
Would just like to take this moment to join the SQUEEEEEEE! Lmao
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 17:49:31 UTC |
HAHA, now Harry's trying to hack Ron's journal to delete the comments! :D :D
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 17:50:56 UTC Re: |
anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 17:47:51 UTC |
HAHA, everyone's hyperventilating about this!! I love how inside Ron must absolutely hate Harry and Draco being together, but he is still fully supporting their non-existent relationship for Harry's unfortuante sake, even scolding Seamus for hanging out with someone else's boyfriend!'
Oh, my sides hurt from laughing. Is someone screencapping this? :D
anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 17:55:55 UTC |
OMG, as funny as this is, poor Harry!! He's trying to get Ron's password to delete the comments and save whatever pathetic remains are left of his already fragile relationship with Malfoy. Did you see him protesting wildy that he hadn't said anything? *mourns*
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 18:06:43 UTC |
*screencapping wildly*
Poor Harry! Draco is being so cruel about him when he responds to Ron. Even if these comments are deleted, I suspect there will be another forlorn Harry disappearance for awhile.
bluekivrin @ May 26 2003, 18:09:01 UTC Re: |
Yes, that's likely true. WAH. *loves Harry*
And they were getting along so NICELY, too, what with the astronomy and the...general other stuff. This keeps happening between them. Wah.
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Anonymous @ May 28 2003, 17:48:12 UTC >:O |
Damm. Damn! What did he say?!?!?!?! What did Ron say? I missed the whole bloody thing! Argh.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 17:58:02 UTC |
Oh disaster, thy name is Weasley.
And I adore Seamus: "So not with the helping, Ron." Pointing out Draco's obsession is so not a good idea right now...
untiemybinds @ May 26 2003, 18:00:59 UTC |
I love the way Seamus talks to everyone. He's like the rational person for everything. Always helping out in the arguments and offering advice.
And Ron is so silly.
babytyggeryss @ May 26 2003, 17:57:42 UTC |
This good be really bad. Ron's good intentions might have back-fired on him and now we'll have to wait even longer for Draco and Harry to get together.
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 26 2003, 18:06:02 UTC |
*ahem* Er, sorry 'bout that.
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Anonymous @ May 26 2003, 18:11:11 UTC |
Draco seems to think this is a fantasy Harry concocted and fed Ron. I doubt he'll be going near Harry anytime soon.
(parent)untiemybinds @ May 26 2003, 18:12:23 UTC |
Well, yes I know this.
That was just me going crazy.
tropes @ May 26 2003, 18:00:49 UTC |
"Mission Accomplished, but at what cost?"
The title of that thread seems oddly... prescient, no?
tropes @ May 26 2003, 18:04:57 UTC |
It's the title of the post we are desperately refreshing. It's at the top, before the clothes pictures.
(parent)kat99999 @ May 26 2003, 18:06:38 UTC |
Ohhhhh. It really helps if I look at these things, lmao. *got too excited* Heeh.
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 18:07:31 UTC |
Ha! I was just thinking that!!
Can't make intelligent comments though, must refresh...
tropes @ May 26 2003, 18:12:03 UTC |
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 18:18:21 UTC |
I've got 35 screencaps and am not allowed to have anymore!! *wibbles*
Seamus says he's done deleting but he's left the "I haven't got a boyfriend.", "What's Malfoy, then?" bit. Wonder why?
babytyggeryss @ May 26 2003, 18:14:46 UTC |
Narcissa has posted using the gloved finger icon; the angry icon.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 18:22:32 UTC |
AHA, he's moving to Azkaban! But I'm sure Ron would follow him there, yelling about not abandoning one's boyfriend. :D
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hobaggins @ May 26 2003, 18:28:15 UTC |
He'd have to delete almost every entry otherwise. Most of them have something that if you had the slightest bit of intelligence could help you to infer what happened. Poor Harry...... *wibble* I am angsting so bad for J_H right now...
(parent)wednesday_tea @ May 26 2003, 18:19:14 UTC |
I just saw that too. *Cries* BAD RON, NO!!
Will we ever get a hopeful ending to this sort of thing? ;_;
untiemybinds @ May 26 2003, 18:21:15 UTC |
God, I really hope so.
It can't happen yet though, as NA would then (most likely) get to predictable.
*wibbles some more*
sistermagpie @ May 26 2003, 18:18:07 UTC |
So...this post... is this referring to Ron's response way back when in the outing thread where he talked about how ps ought to be grateful for having Harry when he didn't deserve him?
I love the way this theme has continued with Ron and ps. Ron has considered him Harry's boyfrriend from the moment Harry said he wanted him and ps has always angrily told him it didn't work that way. I love how ps remembers the words so well.
And way to go Ron pretty much destroying all the work Harry's done with ps thusfar. Telling ps that he can't even do an astronomy project with Harry without being his boyfriend kind of guarantees ps isn't going to go anywhere near Harry in future. Poor, silly Ron. So well-intentioned and yet not at the same time. We love you, Ron!
rain206 @ May 26 2003, 18:45:41 UTC |
is this referring to Ron's response way back when in the outing thread where he talked about how ps ought to be grateful for having Harry when he didn't deserve him?
That was my interpretation. Ron, being Harry's best friend, simply cannot fathom that someone wouldn't want to be Harry's boyfriend, and believes that is an honor when Harry wants to be friends with you (hence the grateful part).
I love Ron, too, but I'm so "Eugh!" at him right now. I've been squeeing recently at all the hinted-at all the PS/J_H interaction and now they'll go back to ignoring each other! Aack!
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chibi_draco @ May 26 2003, 18:20:53 UTC |
It's another one of those damnable 'abuse the F5 button!' things isn't it? *wibble*
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chibi_draco @ May 26 2003, 18:25:24 UTC |
I can barely read the 'F5' on that button from last time this happened.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ May 26 2003, 18:23:29 UTC |
You know, Memorial Day is supposed to be a day when we honor the men who died in the American Civil War, not have angsty flash-backs to the HORRIBLE "Harry outing" post of April.
(parent)notapipe @ May 26 2003, 18:57:10 UTC One teensy little problem |
This is supposed to take place in Wizarding Scotland.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ May 26 2003, 20:35:03 UTC Re: One teensy little problem |
I know. I guess this was my un-needed personal statement of what I was feeling and thinking at the time.
(parent)notapipe @ May 26 2003, 20:41:05 UTC Re: One teensy little problem |
Yeah, and that was my un-needed snarky comment. It's all good.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 18:30:13 UTC |
Just noticed, as I was pressing 'post.' And deleted it right after. *blows kisses*
(parent)notapipe @ May 26 2003, 18:54:28 UTC |
I thought it was just an homage to the thread (I missed the F5fest :(((( )
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 26 2003, 19:02:34 UTC Re: |
You poor boy. *pats head* I've got all the deleted comments screencapped, but no place to host them. *sigh* Others will probably do it though.