notapipe @ 2003-05-27 17:15:00 |
(no title)
Mood: refreshing
1: M.B. is God.
2: See 1. It's true.
3: I don't know what she has done, but I want to know.
4: The suspense is killing me.
5: F5
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 14:37:57 UTC |
6: I got the amusing idea (from Draco's response) of M.B. reading Passionate Trousers.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 14:48:13 UTC |
Well. It's quite nearly Passionate Trousers. Bare Essentials, in fact.
(parent)notapipe @ May 27 2003, 14:56:07 UTC |
The question is: Is that M.B.'s? Or just Draco's?
The difference between it and Passionate Trousers is that Naturally Naughty (Bare Essentials) is apparently good for a romance novel.
anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 15:06:04 UTC |
12. I am a bit leery of the Cheesecake Scene.
13. Why or why couldn't this be something more like this? It seems entirely M.B.'s taste, and perhaps ps's too.
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:13:54 UTC |
12: Does food squick you?
13: Because I think this is a "Draco is straight, even if a total queen" little bit they're putting on. Okay, I just came up with that, and it's kinda silly. But honestly, it MIGHT work...
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:21:36 UTC |
12.1: If food squicks you, your icon is kinda counterproductive.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 15:27:26 UTC |
12. I am in denial over my squick for food, and so I use my icon to constantly taunt myself in masochistic ways.
13. Actually, I rather like food. It is the Cheesecake I am a bit uneasy about. I mean really- is it cheese or is it cake?
anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 15:28:57 UTC |
14. The 13 was 14. I am hopeless at numbering.
15. Sure, Draco is straight. Like Seamus is straight.
anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 15:30:11 UTC |
16. Now I've confused myself. Perhaps everything can just be 42.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ May 27 2003, 15:43:04 UTC |
42. Just_Harry/Pottersinks
Life, universe, everything. Heh. Heh? *Coughs* *Runs away*
wednesday_tea @ May 27 2003, 15:45:59 UTC |
I just wrote Pottersinks. Someone shoot me.
STINKS, dammit. *Merp*
black_dog @ May 27 2003, 15:14:14 UTC |
Draco has far too many issues for that. This way, he can identify with Kate when she's having hot sex with Jack, and no one is the wiser.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 15:23:17 UTC |
AHA, how very crafty of ps to indulge his fantasies in this way. No wonder M.B. is so amiable about sharing her romance novels with him- they both identify with opposite characters. :D
(parent)notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:25:52 UTC |
My problem with this reading of Kate!Draco and Jack!Millicent is the fact that they both agree that Jack is a henious imbecile. I think they can both identify with a a "I Hate It Here"!Kate.
(parent)black_dog @ May 27 2003, 15:44:53 UTC |
Sorry! I really must learn to scroll more. Nice points.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 15:32:57 UTC |
M.B. is suave enough to ignore Jack and fixate completely on Kate. Who does after all have dark hair, a skanky black outfit, and situations with baked goods. Kate!Pansy, perhaps.
(parent)black_dog @ May 27 2003, 15:26:42 UTC Re: |
And Draco's identification with Kate is rather poignantly illustrated here, in #14.
I <3 Millicent.
moojja @ May 27 2003, 15:31:19 UTC |
Oh yeah, when I read that, I though M.B. was making a point to Draco. Giving him a way to talk about his own problems, without directly facing them.
(parent)black_dog @ May 27 2003, 15:42:54 UTC |
Well, it's one of the longest paragraphs she's ever written, and one of the least overtly snarky. Even if she's being a bit facetious, that lends it some significance.
What do you make of her question about parallels, #15? I could be flippant and say, Lucius/James, but really, Draco's issues probably do have to do with the models he's seen.
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:47:41 UTC |
It's possible. We know Sirius/James has happened. But there's a better flippant parallel of Lucius/Sirius, which actually happened. Remember, James is dead, and has never acted as a father to Harry, so that place can be taken over by his godfather and gaurdian.
(parent)black_dog @ May 27 2003, 16:08:44 UTC |
665. I was thinking more about the implicit parallel from Lucius and Draco's standpoint than from James/Sirius/Harry's. Especially if Draco has reason to think his father may have been involved/known about James and Lily's murder. But it doesn't bear that strict a reading I guess. Still, the issue of parallels is a relevant one for Draco, I think.
666. Speaking of parallels, it's interesting that Millicent is eager for PS to hurry up and get to "the scene in the abandoned theater."
moojja @ May 27 2003, 16:32:08 UTC |
The parallel can also be about Lucius/Narccisa/Sirius. A wife for public image and a lover on the side. It can also be the future version of Draco. Draco with a society wife, then a hidden lover on the side.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 27 2003, 20:19:27 UTC |
When I came home tonight and found a thread that began, "I am God," by M.B., I knew I was in for a treat.
But this was my favorite comment among many favorite comments in it. The abandoned theater. It does make you wonder just what Draco did with himself for all that time. That lettuce must have been soft indeed.
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 21:17:41 UTC |
I am waiting for someone to write a Draco/Lettuce smutlet. I would write it if I were any good at smut, but alas.
(parent)notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:44:15 UTC |
345: Well, she's also right. It's definetly a control issue, since that's really what abstinence is about.
346: And it worked so well, too!
black_dog @ May 27 2003, 15:48:25 UTC |
Interesting that PS uses his "something is awry" icon here, when he backs away from Millicent's probing, and also when she alludes to the backstory involving Kate's mother.
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hobaggins @ May 27 2003, 14:55:06 UTC |
Trashy romance reading!Draco is certainly welcome.
myrddin @ May 27 2003, 14:56:53 UTC |
Cake that's bigger than Draco... *Ponders* ... *Spits Sunkist all over keyboard.*
(parent)notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:00:01 UTC |
What kind of Sunkist? *drinks some Diet Sunkist Lemonade*
I love your icon. It needs to be my new buddy icon.
myrddin @ May 27 2003, 15:02:14 UTC |
Orange Sugar Filled Sunkist. *Hyper* Feel free to use it as your buddy icon. :P
(parent)black_dog @ May 27 2003, 15:00:33 UTC |
Nice to see Millicent taking Draco's education in hand.
(parent)notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:10:22 UTC |
Check out the following Amazon review/synopsis for Naturally Naughty (contains spoilers, I suppose). Important parts in BOLD.
Successful Chicago business owner, Kate Jones returns to Pleasantville, Ohio to sell her mother's house. Kate's hates the place perhaps as much or more than her cousin Cassie (see NAUGHTY BUT NICE) loathes their hometown. Kate learns that her mother had an affair with the now deceased Mayor Winfield, who kept her mom hidden from his constituents since he was married and she was white trash. Kate vows vengeance targeting the son John, Jr. as fair game.
Jack Winfield comes home to clean up the mess his father left behind when he died. Jack sees Kate, knows he wants her, acts out of character by following her and when they meet he cannot resist a kiss that she also thoroughly enjoys. However, when she learns her Jack is John, Jr. she rejects him as if he carried the plague though their sparks could provide the Christmas lighting for the Windy City. Jack needs to overcome her rejection as he loves her and is encouraged by the belief that Kate loves him too.
Leslie Kelly spins a wonderful contemporary romance that sort of reads like a second chance at love albeit the first time for the next generation. The story line engages the audience from the moment a reluctant Kate comes home and never loses the reader until the final time Jack kisses his kissable Kate. Fans of a torrid tale with terrific characters will want to read the noteworthy NATURALLY NAUGHTY.
Harriet Klausner
imochan @ May 27 2003, 15:17:28 UTC |
Important parts in bold.
I am both disturbed and in awe.
Gold Star For You.
anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 15:18:53 UTC |
>:O OMG U SPOYLD THE B00k FOR M3 U SUK!!!1111 >:O >:O
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princess_draco @ May 27 2003, 15:41:03 UTC |
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princess_draco @ May 27 2003, 16:26:15 UTC |
14: Masturbation is also a way to be in control of one's sexuality.
Do you suppose Millicent knows a lot about this? I'm sure Draco does.
anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 16:35:55 UTC |
Millicent seems like the type to be fully in control of her entire body, from wrestling Mudbloods to smashing Beaters. And if she must control everything, then surely masturbation is a form of ultra-control over one's body. But I fear she's put in extra practice in this lately, seeing as now her bed's been Pansy-less more often than not. :((
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:50:16 UTC |
Fucking n00b shouldn't even be on these fucking boards. Eyebrows. Gulf. Other jokes which establish that I am a regular and hence better than others.
anjaliesque @ May 27 2003, 16:13:45 UTC |
It takes too much thought to talk like this...As for being a regular: staplers, gringotts, and Vlador the cabana boy. :D
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 15:18:52 UTC |
14: Pseudo-intellectual metaphorical textual interpretations!
15: Three words: La Petite Mort
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 16:21:11 UTC |
Well if they are, M.B., who is right, is the smart ones of us, and potterstinks is people like me who just make snarky stupid comments like "Harry likes Draco because Draco is hot, so says the great God M.B."
I don't think it's making fun, becuase M.B. is too right to accurately be making fun. So even if they were aiming at making fun, it has become an homage.
bluekivrin @ May 27 2003, 20:40:10 UTC |
Mm, yeah, probably. I just looked at that and went, "wow, it's just like nraged, reading loads of analytical stuff into tiny little actions."
notapipe @ May 27 2003, 21:21:14 UTC |
We at nraged aren't the only ones that do this. For example, political reporters, scholars of literature, feminists, marxists and english majors all do the same thing.
tiamet_nox @ May 27 2003, 23:38:07 UTC |
I feel so deep. Plus now I can say that N_A is school related, thus excusing all the long nights I spend on it^_~
Question: What charm are they referring too? (#2) And what does it have to do with being "clearly in the superior House?" It all seems to have gotten lost with the excitement over "the book."
MY THEORY: In order to distract PS from his warpath, M.B. proposed a bet. They bet a cake. PS won and that's why he wants to know where his cake is. Either that or M.B. won and now PS has to pay for her meals for all Hogsmead weekend for the rest of his existence. What this has to do with charms and superior houses: they cast a charm on someone from another house (Ron. they charmed his fingers off, which is why he hasn't complained, yet.) They got away with it. This makes them superior. Obviously.
I need a life.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 00:36:12 UTC |
1: I tried that. Didn't help me on my finals.
2: I don't know what the charm was, see 3 up top. My theory is that it was more of a "turn the whole school green" or something. A house, rather than personal thing. I'd agree that it was a charm that had something to do with humiliating Gryffindor in some way.
3: If Draco had done it, why would M.B. say that she was God? Millicent pulled the heist.
4: I also think she stole Draco's cake. Or, if we were to say that Pansy baked the cakes (possible), Pansy baked a cake and M.B. ate it rather than Draco, reflecting the new dynamic. Again, another Pansy reflective alternative is that Pansy didn't bake Draco a cake.
5: If a bet DID happen, #4 suggests that M.B. won it.
6: Why? Lives are overrated.
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Anonymous @ May 28 2003, 03:40:13 UTC |
Question: What charm are they referring too? (#2) And what does it have to do with being "clearly in the superior House?" It all seems to have gotten lost with the excitement over "the book." !!!
sistermagpie @ May 28 2003, 07:39:32 UTC |
The charm thing is killing me, but it seems like one of those things we'll need to hear from other students....
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Anonymous @ May 27 2003, 18:32:06 UTC Theater? |
Millicent mentions that the "abandoned theater" scene made her hungry. Parallels to PS's time in the abandoned theater directly post-outing? That reference provides even more credence for the whole discussion to be an elaborately structured reference to The State of j_h/PS-ness.