hezzabeth @ 2003-07-27 18:49:00 |
My NA dream
Mood: amused
Yes you heard it correctly folks , I had a dream involving Nocturne Alley. Last night I had a dream where I was "auditioning" in order to play the role of Hannah Abbot. The bizzare thing was I was kidnapped by masked administrators who wanted to keep the nocturne alley head quarters secret.
I was then led into the basement of a computer ware house where the buildings walls were painted red and yellow.
I then met the person who played Harry , a black girl with curly hair in a pink jumper.
Then I met the person who played P_S and he was so completally different from P_S. He looked like Frodo from lord of the rings and he acted like normal Neville ( not evil Neville) he then said something about always expecting the unexpected.
This is the last time I read a huge comment thread before going to bed.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:14:40 UTC |
Liar. You'll read a huge comment thread right before going to bed tonight or tomorrow night as well.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:16:11 UTC Re: |
I will not be going to bed for another four hours and I am reading the comment threads now.
So Ner.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:26:14 UTC |
So I'm assuming you're not from North America...
Well, tomorrow night. Or after. We'll get you. You'll see.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:31:04 UTC Re: |
No I am not north american.
I am Australian.
Which means it will take a long time for any of you to catch me.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:36:41 UTC Re: |
He lives in Brisbane.
It is a different state.
Lets hope for your sake he can drive.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:55:10 UTC |
Well, thanks for shattering my illusion that everyone in Australia lives within 10 city blocks of each other, except for kangaroos which live in the outback.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:59:57 UTC Re: |
Kangaroo's live in zoo's and on my university campus.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 02:03:58 UTC |
So are they all Art majors? I can't imagine they're very smart.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:23:42 UTC Re: |
I was so sad when I woke up and I realized it was'nt real.
(parent)bookofjude @ May 28 2003, 01:25:00 UTC |
We must identify this girl with curly black hair and send roses. And hearts. And flowers. And porn.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:28:02 UTC |
Now now now. You know that porn is bad and exploitive of women and must be destroyed. Though I suppose gay porn is okay. Because men can't be exploited or something.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:53:26 UTC |
No. I think it has something to do with having a penis. They give us super powers of non-exploitability.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:55:07 UTC Re: |
And my breasts give me super powers of causing car horns to go off on there own.
Pull one of the other ones , its got bells on it.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:58:51 UTC |
With a community name like anti_porn, how could they possibly be the wrong ones?
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:29:44 UTC Re: |
I think she was actually a charector off the tv show "100 deeds for Eddie Mcdowd" now that I think about it.
I was so excited during my dream because I was thinking " ahah I can go interview them about P_S and J_H relationship for my Nrager friends yay I'm a girl reporter!"
I think my dreams of being a journalist came out in that bit.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:51:50 UTC |
You don't read the New York Times? Next you'll be claiming you don't use the BBC.
I suggest Howard Kurtz on Jayson Blair. In brief, however: Jayson Blair was a reporter for the New York Times (one of the (if not THE) most esteemed newspapers in the English speaking world, and certianly first in America). Jayson Blair made shit up. He fabricated reports, made up interviews, etc. This went on for years, and was recently uncovered by the NYT.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:53:36 UTC Re: |
Yes I watch the BBC , However I read the daily telegraph and the Sydney Morning herald instead of the new york times.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 02:02:43 UTC |
So, in America-speak, you're saying "I read the Bumblefuck Arkansas Times and the Minneapolis Star Tribune"?
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 02:08:14 UTC Re: |
No , there the two major papers in Australia.
Mr Snobby.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 02:12:45 UTC |
Okay. So it's more like the LA Times and the San Francisco Chronicle (because it's probably legit to say Cali alone is analougus to Australia as a whole). That's not quite so bad. And hey, at least you read newspapers. That puts you ahead of 90% of nraged anyway.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 02:30:49 UTC |
We should. Someone with a paid account should make a poll for nragers:
"Do you read the New York Times? (web or print version)"
"Do you read the newspaper or some other generic print news source? (online versions of newspapers, bbc.com, etc)"
"Have you read one in the past week?"
"Do you use some other non-TV news source? (NPR, etc)"
"Do you watch TV news? (CNN, BBC, CBC, FOX (hahaha), The Daily Show)?"
"Were/are Harry and Draco past the friends stage?"
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 02:41:50 UTC Re: |
I like your icon.
Now that I've complimented you are you going to do it?
shusu @ May 28 2003, 04:30:53 UTC |
Yeah, Star Tribune's weird. St. Paul Pioneer Press all the way.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 11:55:29 UTC |
Actually, I added Star Trib in there to make it seem like it wasn't COMPLETELY ghetto, just mediocre. If I wanted a right wing rag of lies, I would have included a right wing rag of lies (though I suppose some might argue that the Bumblefuck Arkansas Gazette or whatever is a right wing rag of lies).
Besides, I don't think the Pioneer Press has Boondocks. If a paper has comics and no Boondocks, then something is seriously wrong. Not that I read Boondocks in the paper (boondocks all the way), but that I think it provides a barometer of the paper's readership and editorial bias.
slinkhard @ May 28 2003, 01:55:33 UTC |
Poor notapipe. Continuing to make references to current events to an audience which reads nothing but nraged.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:56:48 UTC |
Oh yeah. This is fandom. Half this community has probably never touched a newspaper in your life.
Why do I keep forgetting?
tabiji @ May 28 2003, 02:04:25 UTC *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
*stamps foot* I'll have you know that I HAVE read a newspaper! (It counts if it was to find out what the theater start time was for Chamber of Secrets, right?)
Heheh...I just noticed that I slashed the early and late people :)
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 02:07:21 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
How would that work? Would it be a big orgy, or do they pair off into pairs of late night/early am?
(parent)tabiji @ May 28 2003, 02:13:33 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Er, yes.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 02:17:59 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Theres a roster.
(parent)tabiji @ May 28 2003, 03:51:39 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Okay, who is first string?
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 01:45:34 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
I'm still colour co ordinating the roster.
(parent)tabiji @ May 29 2003, 01:50:06 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Gryffindor and Slytherin colors?
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 01:51:02 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Red and Green , Ron would be so proud.
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 02:52:34 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
You could do Gold and Silver. Or Crimson and Silver.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 02:57:00 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
I am doing this for Ron.
Not you.
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 03:05:03 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Well you should do it for me. I mean, if the alternative is Ron, you should be doing it for George Dubya Bush. And that's pretty low.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 03:19:43 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Because Ron is misunderstood and needs a nice girl to apreciate his unique dress sense.
(parent)notapipe @ May 29 2003, 03:28:05 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
He just stole it from The Red Green Show. Stupid non-west-coastal, non-Torontonian, non-Quebecois (they're stupid for different reasons) Canadians with no dress sense.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 03:29:56 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Are you saying that Ron's canadian?
(parent)notapipe @ May 29 2003, 03:40:42 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Yes. Yes I am.
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Anonymous @ May 29 2003, 07:56:42 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
I take offense to this. ;)
(parent)tabiji @ May 29 2003, 08:33:58 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Ron doesn't look Canadian. He doesn't even have a mullet!
(That's hockey-helmet-hair to all of those who don't speak Canuck)
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 14:47:54 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Wait, so a mullet is different in Canada than in America? Because here, a mullet is a haircut long in back, cut short in front.
(parent)tabiji @ May 29 2003, 17:57:15 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Nope. Same thing. Mullet=Hockey Hair=Tennesee Waterfall, etc. http://www.mulletlovers.com/main.ht
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 01:44:45 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
You know there trying to introduce the "female mullet" in this months issue of cosmo.
I'm scared.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 16:05:47 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Hey , Australian guys have mullets as well!
(parent)notapipe @ May 29 2003, 16:11:42 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
You say that like it's not a major insult.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 16:16:12 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
I think its funny.
Do you spend all night online?
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 18:59:31 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Well, I'm only two hours ahead of the PST timestamps on the comments, so you see for yourself. Also, I wake up around noon or after anyway.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 01:49:22 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
So your usually on at around four a.m?
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:20:17 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Yeah. Give or take. Sunlight burns my flesh.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:21:04 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
So your a vampire.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:31:27 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Again with the misspellings.
No. I'm a troll that gets burned by rockiness.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:32:17 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
I'm guessing that your not a "discworld" troll then.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:40:05 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Is this based on my ability to spell or my inability to deal with rock?
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:41:20 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Disc world trolls don't burn.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:43:09 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
But they CAN be smoted, which is close enough.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:44:27 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Do you even know what discworld is?
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:47:13 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Of course, it's a flat disc of a planet riding on the back of a giant turtle (the great A'Tuin) flying through space. However, I contend that Discworld trolls can be smoted if you reference "Feet of Clay" since the intelligent golems are the only unsmotable thinking form of life on the discworld.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:48:15 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Damn you.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:49:24 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
*gloats about his superior geekishness*
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:50:54 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
I am furious because I can no longer relish in my discworld superiority.
I saw a person reading equal rites on the train and I nearly cried.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:54:20 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
I bought a copy of Equal Rites for 25 cents (American). I never read that copy (though I ought to. And I would go and get it (haven't read it in ages) if it were not in what is probably a locked room and I wasn't reading Catch 22).
Tears of joy or despair?
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:55:44 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Despair , because he did not deserve to read one of my favourite books.
I grew up with no one knowing about the series in my area and it felt like it was "mine" now every ones reading it.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:00:47 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Dude, there are like 5 discworld books on the BBC's top 100 most loved books of all time. It's not indie.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:03:47 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Your missing my point entirely.
Heh, you said dude.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:06:26 UTC Dude. |
It's not so much that I'm missing your (notice the correct use of "your" as opposed to "you're") point (which would be easy to do since you don't really have one), it's more that I'm hoping to further crush your spirit.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:08:42 UTC Re: Dude. |
You will not crush my spiret.
I know how to deal with your type.
And I do have a point , my point is that people in my AREA as in my town do not read Discworld. It is a prooven fact , i worked at the local book store and his books just did not sell.
Then suddenly six months ago every one starting reading them and I feel less superior and more insecure.
Why do you want to crush my spiret? It never did anything to you.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:13:36 UTC Re: Dude. |
Only 6 months? Posers. Newbs. n00bs. Johnny come-latelys. Use these terms. Because they're true. 6 months means they suck.
You talked about serfdom under soviet rule.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:15:56 UTC Re: Dude. |
And thats your reason?
God I could attempt to crush your spiret for half the things you say.
But I do not do that because I'm mature and I know how to let things GO.
I'm going to tell Luke he sucks now.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:18:43 UTC Re: Dude. |
Well, you continued. After I told you how much it hurted. Though I suppose I ought to have forgiven you thanks to that great tea idea.
Who is Luke?
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:21:07 UTC Re: Dude. |
Luke is the person who insists that his the biggest discworld fan eva because he read all the novel summarys off the internet.
And you never told me how much it hurt , you just replied with your usual dry sadistic commentry.
It's difficult to tell when I should take you seriously or not. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings , I did'nt mean to.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:27:16 UTC Re: Dude. |
Luke sucks.
Did too. direct quotes: "Stop it! You're hurting me!" and "OWWWW! Exploding Brain! For miles on to Zanzibar. To the shores of ye old rustic shinock. Decimating the competition, Leaving in their wake, a blind ambition. Come along children, let's rock, get it on!"
You hurt my head. Not my feelings. Also, rule of thumb: "Take me seriously iff I say 'I'm not fucking kidding'"
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:34:16 UTC Re: Dude. |
You know when I made the statement involving the "serfs" I was actually reffering to a famine in the ukraine during Stalins rule when "serfs" apparently ate the flesh of still born children in order to survive.
I was saying that the peasant girl in rumpelstilskin was better then the peasants in the USSR because at least she did'nt eat her children.
I did not expect to get into a historical discussion involving Russia in Nraged.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:45:05 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
I beg to disagree. Especially if they're already dead.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:46:11 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
I refuse to click on that link because I know what site your reffering me to.
Is your name really Erik? do you really have a black cat?
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:53:26 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
Johnathan Swift is a great man.
Yes. Yes, though it's a family cat and so I was without him for this past school year.
Do you really like Hey Arnold!? And if so, are you some kind of robot? And if so, what kind of powers do you have? Do you use them for good, or for awesome? Would you like to join forces? I just happen to be the greatest criminal mind of our time.
-Strong BadErik
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:12:14 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
I also have a black cat but she is all mine.
Yes I really do like Hey Arnold , I've been a member of the "Hey Arnold" forum for the past three years. I am not a robot but I do have powers.
I have psychic dreams involving the future outcomes of television sitcoms.
You are not the greatest criminal mind of our time , Artemis Fowl is.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:15:54 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
You must go to homestarrunner.com and read/watch the Strong Bad Emails. You also need to seek help for liking Hey Arnold!
Do I need to read Artemis Fowl? Because I haven't.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:19:19 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
If you do not read Artemis Fowl I'm sure bookofjude will give you the gyst of it.
I do not need help for liking Hey Arnold.
It is a heart warming cartoon show and the charector Helga is both painfull and endearing.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:23:19 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
If by heart-warming you refer to the acid burn from the violent vomiting it causes, you are right.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:24:13 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
I am a girl , I'm allowed to reinforce femine stereotypes and enjoy soppy things.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:31:46 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
I am a guy, I am allowed to scoff at such things and take your love of Hey Arnold! as a reason why women must be kept from making policy decisions or making as much money as men.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:34:16 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
Ah , so you are male.
Casina owes me ten bucks.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:41:07 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
And the name "Erik" didn't tip you off?
All things considered, however, that's a better (if less funny and iconworthy) response than you had to finding out about bookofjude.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:43:03 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
Casina assumed it was short for Erika , she also thought you were a lesbian woman.
This is despite the fact you read Draco/Harry slash.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:50:13 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
Who is Casina?
Lesbians can read H/D. I occasionally ate dinner with a lesbian slasher who read H/D (and writing Remus/Sirius).
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:51:44 UTC Re: whaaaa? |
Casina is a friend on my list , she enjoys speculating the real identitys of people on live journal.
(parent)tabiji @ May 29 2003, 08:31:18 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Okay, I'm in! Which color is for the late and which is for early?
*signing name onto late list*
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 16:05:01 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Green for early , red for late.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 02:17:21 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
Actually I read newspapers a lot , my fathers an editor and we get them for free.
(parent)tabiji @ May 28 2003, 03:55:10 UTC Re: *waves 'hello' to the late nite/early am nraged crowd* |
d00d, a newspaper is only like .50 cents! Your dad should go work at an auto plant...then you could get the good stuff for free!
slinkhard @ May 28 2003, 02:15:40 UTC Re: |
I read the newspaper every day. But as it's the Daily Mail (Mum's choice), it probably does more harm than good.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:58:06 UTC Re: |
Oh I just realized Howard Kurtz is in my text book!
(parent)slinkhard @ May 28 2003, 02:13:59 UTC Re: |
I didn't mean anything by it, just that notapipe referred to Jayson Blair to me also, and I too, didn't recognise the name.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 02:20:44 UTC Re: |
Nah I'm cool with it , I'm just all excited because I have the ability to look stuff up in my text books.
There not just door stoppers any more!
slinkhard @ May 28 2003, 03:41:07 UTC Re: |
Heh. All my textbooks are paperweights at present.
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Anonymous @ May 28 2003, 01:39:35 UTC |
You don't remember the confidentiality agreement that you had to sign before we let you into the secret HQ? *steals your firstborn child*
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:52:48 UTC |
Hmmmm. Rumplestiltskin would have been much better off if he had forced her to spell his name. This is valuable information.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 01:54:31 UTC Re: |
I never claimed I could spell.
Besides she was an ignorant peasant , there for she was illiterate.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 01:57:32 UTC |
I read that as "she was an ignorant pissant, therefore she was illiterate". I liked it better that way.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 02:48:58 UTC Re: |
I'm just saying you should'nt call her a pissant when it was the prince who was exploiting her for sex. The prince is the pissant not her.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2003, 02:58:01 UTC |
You're the one that called her a pissant. Besides, she traded her kid for gold. She is too.
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hezzabeth @ May 28 2003, 03:01:46 UTC Re: |
I called her a peasant , its completally different because no piss is mentioned.
Besides she traded her child for gold because she was starving to death and the prince was going to rape/kill her.It's no worse then what the serfs did in the USSR.
notapipe @ May 28 2003, 12:01:41 UTC |
serfs did in the USSR
You said that just to piss me off, didn't you?
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 01:58:42 UTC Re: |
Yes , the USSR treated the serfs rather badely.
I was reffering to the canabalism , not the harsh working conditions.
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 02:31:47 UTC |
Look, as much as I hate history and accuracy, sometimes it deserves respect. You really want me to suffer, don't you? You should just make a big comment saying "Serfdom is a soviet institution" ten billion times. It might explode my brains. I'll try to catch it on camera.
(parent)notapipe @ May 29 2003, 02:51:55 UTC |
I don't see how that's so hard. It doesn't seem to stop the general population from going about their business.
Besides, I could always get my brother to digitize it and link it on my LJ.
And your misspelling of "you're" might to do it without having anachronistic mentions of serfdom. I really need to relax.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 02:55:01 UTC Re: |
Your brain is going to explode because I can't spell?
Wow , some one needs to drink some herbal tea.
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 03:00:11 UTC |
That is a brilliant idea. Thank you.
*goes off to boil some water*
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 03:15:17 UTC |
As a bonus, I will now go and shoot people while drinking Rasberry flavored herbal tea. This is the greatest idea ever. After all the ones I had.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 03:17:51 UTC Re: |
Rasberry? what are you some sort of freak?
You should be drinking tropical fruits flavour!
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 03:19:15 UTC |
1) Stash doesn't make tropical fruits 2) It's WILD Rasberry
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 03:21:00 UTC Re: |
Oh well then its wild , I suppose that makes everything all right.The fact that your reffering to "stash" and capatalizing WILD seems a bit to odd.
(parent)notapipe @ May 29 2003, 03:24:10 UTC |
Stash is the brand. Wild is capitalized because it is the distinguishing characteristic. Can you even make pot tea? Would that get one high? I'm rather intruiged now.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 03:29:19 UTC Re: |
Well you can make "pot flavoured" Hello dolly cookies so I assume anything is possible.
(parent)notapipe @ May 29 2003, 03:42:46 UTC |
Well, that's a matter of putting the pot in the cookies
. I want to know if THC goes into the water if you were to soak pot in hot water.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 16:30:03 UTC Re: |
I think it will probably fuse with the steam giving off a nice pot scented air freshener.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:31:55 UTC |
As much as I like the smell of pot, I think that's a waste of the pot.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:41:35 UTC |
Your ballet teacher is a moron then. Why was your ballet teacher even talking about how pot smells?
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:44:36 UTC |
So she just walked up to you and said <voice style="strongbad">"Pot smells like fruit. I am a big moron. Blah Blah Blah Blah."</voice>
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:46:37 UTC Re: |
I over heard her talking to my mum about it after a lesson when I was around eleven.
It was after a band had been in our studio.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:48:25 UTC |
And you remembered it since you were eleven? That is impressive.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 02:50:08 UTC Re: |
It was one of those things that sticks in your mind long after it's been mentioned.
The whole band in our studio was a pretty big deal at the time.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 02:51:56 UTC |
But if you're eleven and you have no clue what pot smells like, why would you even care?
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:25:25 UTC Re: |
Because I was curious , I had just learnt what pot was so I wanted to be able to recognise the smell in the future.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:33:01 UTC |
Didn't help much, did it?
Then again, I had to actually be in a room with someone smoking pot to realize what pot smelled like, so who the fuck am I to talk?
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:35:13 UTC Re: |
Well then answer the million doller question , what does pot smell like?
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:42:37 UTC |
I'd say a less dirty, greener cross between tobacco and incense. Though honestly, I don't know how to describe it well. You're the journalist wannabe, you tell me.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:43:56 UTC Re: |
So your saying it smells like the cheap incense you guy at discount stores that makes you get a migraine?
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:47:11 UTC Re: |
Do you actually smoke it? or do you just use it as a perfume?
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 03:58:13 UTC |
Well, I don't even smoke it unless it's complimentary so I'm not going to use it for perfume.
I'm beginning to wonder if you even know what it really smells like. Which is a disturbing idea.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 03:59:34 UTC Re: |
Of course I dont , did'nt you read my last entry where I proffessed how sweet and innocent I am ?
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:06:33 UTC |
Holy fuck woman, something is wrong if you're in college and don't even know what pot smells like. You must get someone to at least smoke some in your presence to enlighten you.
Are you really short? Because the most innocent/niave friends I have are very short. I am wondering if this is a general trend across the populace.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:08:01 UTC Re: |
Actually I'm rather tall 5'8 in fact.
I'm pretty sure that people smoke pot at college but I dont actually live on campus.
Most of my class mates live at home like me , because the university is pretty close by.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:12:55 UTC |
Okay, you are hereby an anomalous data point that I'll throw out.
I suppose that your off-campusness excuses you a bit. But still. It should be corrected. Just so you can appreciate what your ballet teacher said.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:14:41 UTC Re: |
Alright I will purposely walk into the Jolly Jugs night club on thursday night just so I can smell Pot.
Either that or I'll smell the gothic guy in my classes sweater.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:18:10 UTC |
Does he smell good? Also, since when do gothic guys wear sweaters?
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:20:45 UTC Re: |
It is cold here and his sweater is black.
As of yet I do not know what he smells like.
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:23:39 UTC Re: |
It is winter here.
What do you mean by hot? he is very attractive but I do not know what his body tempreture is.
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 04:38:51 UTC |
What kind of winter? I have a friend who complains about 60 degree weather.
I can ask two questions with one question mark, can't I?
sistermagpie @ May 28 2003, 06:21:41 UTC |
So, when you met j-h and ps's players did they seem like they were playing characters were just friends or had they progressed beyond that??!;-)
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 01:53:20 UTC Re: |
I had another DREAM!
Harry and Draco will beb togethor by late autumn I saw it all in my vision!
notapipe @ May 29 2003, 02:54:43 UTC |
Hmmm, "beb", eh? I'll bed five bucks that the subtext of that involves ses.
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hezzabeth @ May 29 2003, 02:55:43 UTC Re: |
I'ts a typo caused by my excitement , psychic's such as myself cannot be involved in trivial matters such as spelling.
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chibi_draco @ May 28 2003, 14:50:24 UTC |
I had a dream about NA once too.
However, it involved MB, cherries, and a Peepingtom!ps.
....I have a feeling I'll regret saying that.