notapipe @ 2003-05-30 06:32:00 |
(no title)
Mood: thinking he's Edith Head
Okay okay okay, so I should be using my glee on potterstinks's latest great sun-hating entry but I can't help myself from squeeing over Lisa's response, her TMBG reference and the pointed redemption comment specifically. Okay, mainly the TMBG reference.
I am also enamoured with the concept of the Lone Seeker Draco. I think he's aiming low with just a book deal. The concept alone makes an excellent movie.
[Edit: This is amusing and related: Maybe we don't need the sun. The Daily Show's Rob Corddry reports (low bandwith version here) (requires Real Player).]
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hezzabeth @ May 30 2003, 04:48:13 UTC |
Responding to your comments in my inbox made me miss P_S update.
Shame on you.
tabiji @ May 30 2003, 05:03:18 UTC |
OHMYGAWD! You two damn near BROKE the other thread! You guys really need to look into this new thing that's out called "instant message"!
(parent)non_inferno @ May 30 2003, 18:28:20 UTC |
Ooh, so this is what happens when I am gone for a few days. I may cry.
(parent)shusu @ May 30 2003, 18:39:35 UTC *tissues* |
Sorry dude. 179 comments and counting. Almost all, too.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 18:52:30 UTC |
What is it with people and mocking the use of the word "dude"? It's a completely legit word.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 30 2003, 18:57:44 UTC Re: |
I was not mocking it. That was completely dude-worthy.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 30 2003, 18:51:08 UTC |
I was going through hard times. I saw the death of a chipmunk! At least, I think it died. I don't need these accusations.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 18:57:04 UTC |
If you saw it die, you would know it's dead. As it is, all you saw was the mortal wounding of a chipmunk. Mortal woundings are no excuse.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 20:44:59 UTC |
That's good. But how will I ever atone for the deep psychological scars?
(parent)black_dog @ May 30 2003, 05:58:30 UTC |
What do you make of his sun-hating? And his wild fantasy of being a lone seeker? And his outrageous sense of alienation from his Grandmother's body, comparing it to a dead animal? And the fact that he apparently visited the body enough times to be constantly irritated by the coins on her eyes?
This is the grandmother who doted on him, as we learned at New Year, and who he was apparently quite fond of. I think either: 1. he's very upset, and would cut the head off anyone who noticed or suggested that he was; or 2. it goes even deeper than that, and he's frightened of what he's feeling and ferociously repressing it.
Am I wrong? Is Lisa right that he's just unredeemable?
sistermagpie @ May 30 2003, 07:17:58 UTC |
Ps is a boy after my own heart. I would be looking at that body every five minutes if I were him. It's fascinating.
He and his grandmother weren't all that close, I don't think, but I suspect he's still reacting to her death. He may be describing it in terms of being interesting but I suspect there were bigger concerns drawing him to the body over and over. Telling everybody how interesting it is sounds like a way of telling everyone that he's not reacting to this emotionally at all in case they thought for a second they thought he was. Whatever his real reaction is he's not telling!
But the sun is something he can safely have emotion about, plus it reinforces the idea I'M STILL AS SELF-CENTERED AS I EVER WAS! But I don't know if he's really aware of this. Basically I think he channeled any emotion he was feeling--whatever that was--at all into his distress over getting sunburnt. He didn't say anything about his grandmother as a live person and just said he had to be there for his mother. I wouldn't be surprised if it got him thinking about death if nothing else...
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 19:14:19 UTC As in romanticism, not love |
I think Draco is just a romantic at heart. Lone seeker, hating the light and the sun, a drama queen, obsession with death, unrequited love...
Lisa is always right. However, I think she's right only in the context Draco suggests.
babytyggeryss @ May 30 2003, 07:37:31 UTC |
I find this new post rather interesting. If this woman had died two or even one month earlier, I think we would have seen a very different post.
If she had died earlier, we might have read a post that was had more definite bite to it. Instead, we get something rather tame; I doubt that he's enraged. His comments are all rather general and written in a way that makes me think he didn't know her very well. They were closer than he and his paternal grandparents are, but I don't think this woman baked cookies, took him on walks, or did anything that constitutes any happy memories.
I find the last line very interesting. He wants people to remember that he isn't there. I think it was meant for Harry. He seems to do similar things in his posts with him. It's almost like he wants Harry to remember that he, Draco, occupies a little space in his life.
spoke @ May 30 2003, 17:57:25 UTC |
Yes. Would be very cool, what with the press conferances when the opposing teams try to take him out, because there's just him, and no Beaters to protect him. I can actually picture him on a podium, giving a speech to reporters about the whole thing. Of course it would all be about how he showed them up despite their blatantly taking advantage of his Lone Seeker status. Somehow implying that they should just ignore him and let him catch the Snitch. (leaves for work, still snickering)
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 18:54:19 UTC Just don't put the mask over his neck |
Now all he needs is a spiffy theme song.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 30 2003, 19:44:25 UTC Re: Just don't put the mask over his neck |
Now all he needs is a spiffy theme song.
Another one?
notapipe @ May 30 2003, 20:49:49 UTC Re: Just don't put the mask over his neck |
Well, the Volga Boat song is hardly superhero music.
(parent)black_dog @ May 31 2003, 01:44:13 UTC Re: Just don't put the mask over his neck |
Why do I picture him here as Stupendous Man?
(parent)notapipe @ May 31 2003, 02:02:46 UTC Re: Just don't put the mask over his neck |
Scene: Draco is turning into Stupendous Man in some Hogwarts closet and gets his cape stuck in his zipper.
Harry walks in. Connect the dots yourselves.
non_inferno @ May 30 2003, 18:30:05 UTC |
The sun is not necessary. I burn easily. I understand the pain.
(parent)notapipe @ May 30 2003, 18:47:35 UTC |
Can you do nothing wrong? You listen to horrible music, you are a lazy updater, you can't do poetry and you burn easily.
(parent)non_inferno @ May 30 2003, 18:52:52 UTC |
And my hair frizzes in the rain. Don't forget that.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 30 2003, 19:54:54 UTC | Harry responded to Lupin but not ps or Narcissa. Significant...?
(parent)black_dog @ May 31 2003, 01:38:15 UTC |
Significant of Harry's lingering awkwardness, maybe? I guess I'd be surprised if he was being deliberately cold. I suppose notes of condolence are always appropriate, but Harry may be too afraid of presenting himself in a false light to Narcissa, too uncertain about how things stand, to approach her right now. And Draco is so volatile that Harry may feel it's just more prudent not to write to him.
I'm actually surprised that none of the grownups are sending condolences. Remus? Maybe we can assume they're doing it by private email? Or maybe they will turn up now that Narcissa has recovered enough from her original shock to make a post in her own name.
anjaliesque @ May 31 2003, 12:31:29 UTC |
He's now responded here and here. The latter is so completely Harry, while the former is so completely squee. Sunscreen! Aloe! Yay for Harry's infamous domestic tips. Wonder if Draco will respond? I think he's still a little hung-up on the boyfriend thing. His parents certainly hadn't blamed Harry for that, instead targeting Ron, but Draco included some biting Potter-lashing in-between bashing Ron.
(parent)dragynville @ May 31 2003, 12:40:39 UTC |
I particularly like Harry's wording: "That's what the sunscreen was for" (as opposed to 'that's what sunscreen is for'). Implying that he was the supplier of said sunscreen and not just advising.
(parent)anjaliesque @ May 31 2003, 12:49:24 UTC Re: |
Yes, when I read that, I was like, "Wait! What sunscreen? Did Harry give him sunscreen? Eep!" Wonder if this is something I missed earlier?
And nice Orphen icon. :)
dragynville @ May 31 2003, 13:05:09 UTC |
I don't think so.. It struck me as one of those implied, happened elsewhere things that we're only going to get a hint about. Though partly because I can't remember reading anything about it previously either, so I could be wrong. ^^;
And thanks! :D
black_dog @ May 31 2003, 13:10:16 UTC |
Yeah, I think this is a big deal, just as a revelation. Why would he give him sunscreen? Because he knew he was going to Cannes because of his grandmother's death. So Harry and Draco have been talking since the big fight. And it sounds like it was a friendly conversation, and they're on normal, concerned speaking terms. Puts the fight in some real perspective.
And look at Neville's entry, for how Harry and Ron aren't talking to each other at all, and Ron is still showing jealousy of Malfoy in Potions.
dragynville @ May 31 2003, 13:25:04 UTC |
Good point.
And look at Neville's entry
Ooo.. I forgot all about that. And what about McGonagall's reply to Ron? How does that figure in? Very interesting indeed!
anjaliesque @ May 31 2003, 13:47:25 UTC |
What is up with Ron, anyway? McGonogall says he skipped school for three days, and is currently skipping if that is what the twins are implying on their bet-taking for whether he'd show up for the game. I suppose it's because Harry is probably pretty angry with him over the boyfriend thing, and Neville did say that they had been ignoring each other in class. But wait, does that mean Ron has been in class after all? *confused*
(parent)notapipe @ May 31 2003, 13:49:18 UTC |
Plus, they're taking opposite sides on the Quidditch match.
When Harry wishes Susan good luck, Ron turns around and wishes (in BIG letters) good luck to Cho. Or Ron wishes Cho good luck and Harry turns around and wishes luck to Susan. I'm not sure (though the first is more likely). What I do know is that they are temporally connected and orderly connected. There is a spat there.
What's sad is that Harry has backed a losing team. Because Ravenclaw is going to kick their arse.
anjaliesque @ May 31 2003, 13:57:36 UTC Hufflepuff power! |
I'll have you know that Susan says Justin almost caught the snitch at practice last night! Ravenclaw is going down.
(parent)notapipe @ May 31 2003, 14:06:05 UTC Ravenclaw uber alles, uber alles in der Hogwarts |
How does one ALMOST catch the snitch during practise anyway? If you can't catch the snitch during practise you're probably a worse seeker than Millicent Bulstrude. And she's a beater.
Also, remember, Cho has all those tips from Ron, just in case. And since Ron is the smartest guy this side of Homestar, you know they HAVE to be good.
dragynville @ May 31 2003, 14:10:51 UTC |
I didn't think Harry was backing them so much as he was just being his usual polite self. Wasn't Susan one of the Hufflepuffs who was againt the anti-Harry Hufflepuffs? Or am I mixing her up with someone else?
I too think Ron's is very much in relation to Harry because of the use of BIG letters and all. It all depends on which was posted first though.
notapipe @ May 31 2003, 14:16:24 UTC |
Susan is the one he took to some ball or something and has been very hurt at finding out that Harry was gay. She's defended Hannah (the leader of the anti-anti-Harry brigade) from Ernie and Justin but hasn't defended Harry; you're probably mixing her up with Hannah. I agree that he's not backing them in his mind. But in RON'S mind...
I think it's legit to say Ron's is post-Harry's, and just assume Cho was speedy in her response.
dragynville @ May 31 2003, 14:34:44 UTC |
Ahhh.. I get the Hufflepuffs a bit mixed up. ^^;
ideseth @ June 1 2003, 23:33:48 UTC |
Harry posted after Ron. Maybe Ron thinks since Harry liked Cho once he'd cheer for her? Oops in that case.
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 00:42:06 UTC |
No, because the Ron timestamp is a COMPUTER SET timestamp. I prefer to think Ron has his clock set off from PST, and therefore posted RIGHT AFTER. And at least we know, Cho responds after Harry. Besides, he'd cheer for Cho anyway. She's his sister's girlfriend.
(parent)notapipe @ May 31 2003, 13:44:02 UTC |
Draco doesn't seem like the type to be willing to put on sunscreen. He should get Harry to do it for him.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 31 2003, 19:10:14 UTC |
I couldn't agree more--so Harry.
And so ps. My nose could have fallen off. See you Monday, Potter.
Is it me or is that the most affectionate ps has ever sounded??:-)