dragynville @ 2003-06-02 06:08:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
!skcor einrE
samenashi @ June 2 2003, 06:19:32 UTC |
!oot, egassem taht daer ot sega em koot ti dnA !!mih evol yletulosba I. looc nmad os tsuj si eH
liasantana @ June 2 2003, 06:23:14 UTC |
!edoc siht ni etirw ot derehtob eb t'nac yllaer i dna emaS
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 06:20:36 UTC |
OMG Ernie cracks me up. Another code! And Colin, following Ernie. So is Ernie his new hero or is he just recruiting members for his club?
(parent)zorb @ June 2 2003, 08:11:18 UTC |
Colin is a kid who desperately needs to have someone to imitate and look up too. Harry's no longer an option to him, and he seems to have figured out Draco doesn't quite hate Harry as much as he once did, so it's onto the next vaguely Alpha figure who quite clearly shares Colin's ideals - that is, Harry-hate.
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 08:22:43 UTC |
Yeah, but I just can't see Ernie as an Alpha. But I guess he is the paramount of paranoia...
zorb @ June 2 2003, 08:26:38 UTC |
For his house, though, I'd say he's the leader, and that, along with a good dose of Harry-hate, is all Colin needs.
*also cannot be arsed to write in "code"*
liasantana @ June 2 2003, 09:48:05 UTC |
Ah! I see what you mean.
And LOL - took me about 5 minutes to write one measley sentence in 'code'.
notapipe @ June 2 2003, 12:16:09 UTC |
.slooF .sdrawkcab gnipyt yb flesruoy truh ot evah t'nod uoy oS .UOY ROF txet esrever taht ereht tuo seitilitu tpircsavaj ERA ereht ,wonk uoY
(parent)liasantana @ June 2 2003, 22:48:10 UTC |
No, I'm computer retarded and don't even know what javascript is. Besides I'm lazy, can't be bothered reading backwards, which is contridictory since I just read your message.
Wait.. did you just call me a fool?
*narrows eyes*
liasantana @ June 3 2003, 03:42:06 UTC |
Oh my God, that is pretty cool. I'm going to act like a six year old now and start reversing phrases - and then snicker over them.
Thanks for that ;)
.ti ees t'now droL kraD eht ,knil eht no mrahc a tsac evah I :SP
serpensortia @ June 2 2003, 06:59:31 UTC |
?revo ssecbo ot mih rof yrraH rof tnemecalper A ?kniht uoy od ledom elor wen sih emoceb einrE sah - thguoht ddo si dnuora mih gniwollof niloC *snirg* !edoc sih tuo erugif reve lliw eno-oN !suineg a si einrE
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 12:22:44 UTC |
?taht rof nwod dekcams steg eh erofeb eb lliw ti gnol woh no steb ynA .epanS ot flesmih hcatta ot yrt mih ees ot tnaw I .loohcs eht ni ahplA yreve yrt tsuj ll'eh ebyam rO .flesmih no ni espalloc ro htap nwo sih egrof ot evah ll'eh ,yllautnevE .gnol rof ledom elor sih sa einrE dloh ot yrt ll'eh tbuod I dna ,sdne sih eviehca t'now sihT .einrE ,ledom elor gnitah!yrraH txen eht ot no gnihctal s'eh won os ,)aibohpomoh fo esac koobtxet a tog s'eh esuaceb( mih seracs taht os ,yrraH gnicarbme era snirehtylS eht dna ocarD won tub ,ocarD deirt eh tsriF .ledom elor tnegrevid ,wen a ot flesmih hcatta ot seirt dna dnuora seog eh os dna ,enoemos ta pu gnikool neeb syawla s'eH .nosrep nwo sih sa flesmih enifed ot woh wonk t'nseod eh ,niloC rof yltenutrofnU .yrraH fo smret ni flesmih enifed t'nseod eh taht won flesmih enifed ot gnilggurts si niloC kniht I
(parent)serpensortia @ June 2 2003, 13:27:36 UTC |
.mih nmad...yrraH sekil elliveN taht si ereht melborp ,esruoC !neht seiroeht drol krad htiw yad dleif a evah dluow sffupelffuh eht fo tser eht dna einrE !elliveN pihsrow oreh dna yrt neht ll'eh spahreP .kciuq nmad ytterp taht ot pots a tup dluow epanS taht si teb yM
(parent)notapipe @ June 2 2003, 13:36:34 UTC |
.si ti sa ,epor sih fo dne eht gnihcaorppa ydaerla s'eH .yrraH setarelot ro sekil loohcs eht fo hcum os ecnis ,ylkciuq rehtar etalume ot sledom fo tuo nur ll'eh ,thgir er'uoY
(parent)katrionaa @ June 2 2003, 18:43:43 UTC |
LOVED Ernie saying of Colin "What a weird kid." Oh the irony! Pot, kettle? :D
(Cannot be arsed to read through coded posts above so I apologize if this is a repeat.)