inflatblesextoy @ 2003-06-03 20:54:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
Neville's latest post.
Is anyone else reminded of those Mastercard commercials? Being ostracized by the student body: Priceless and so forth.
bluekivrin @ June 3 2003, 21:25:03 UTC curious |
I don't know if I quite understand it all.
Justin (and thus Hufflepuff) I can see, since Ernie, in his infinite wisdom, has deemed Neville suspicious. Very similar to what happened to Harry, back in the books.
Lisa and the Ravenclaws is a bit more complicated. I guess that it is because of her feelings about him pushing Lavender's troubles public (however, she has been posting them publicly--Neville made direct reference to them). Perhaps I do not understand the complexities of anorexia and thus why what Neville did was so wrong in their eyes (if anyone could explain, I want to understand it more), but it seems like the reaction (being told to drop dead) is a bit...harsh.
And then the ostracizing from Gryffindors...have I missed something else (nEVILle aside), or is this all a reaction to Lavender?
I am enjoying how he's started signed everything "N." instead of "Neville", though.
liasantana @ June 3 2003, 21:38:32 UTC Re: curious |
Hmm... I think the problem is that anorexics don't admit that they have an eating disorder - so it's embarrassing I guess. I'm not too sure myself. This is just what I think...
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inflatblesextoy @ June 3 2003, 21:43:44 UTC Re: curious |
2. I think it's because Lavender continue her anorexic pursuits in hiding, so no one could compile conclusive evidence, which seemed to be what McGonagall was hoping for here.
3. My guess is that the "Gryffindor isolation" is:
a. Neville's situation is akin to the situation in PS, when everyone avoided Harry and Ron because they had lost so many points.
b. Everyone is involved in their own dramas aka the great Fashion Fiasco.
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inflatblesextoy @ June 3 2003, 21:56:17 UTC More on Lavender |
Slightly tangential:
Lavender was being awfully open about her "dieting" techniques, so it seems like the troubles were already made public. However, she doesn't really seem to think she has a problem (and this has already been discussed) and has backing from a friend, so we'll see how that plays out.
bluekivrin @ June 3 2003, 22:08:39 UTC Re: curious |
2. Maybe in private, but certainly not in secret; her posts about being thin and how much she desired that "pefection" were, well, obvious. I can understand McGonagall's wanting to keep it private for lack-of-control's sake (she can't do anything until Lavender steps forward herself), but what I'm trying to find is Lisa's motivation for anger. Anorexia is deeply psychological, I believe, and I'm trying to find what public recognition of it (as Neville did) could do to the person suffering. And if publically calling someone on anorexia is indeed so damaging, how should it be conducted by someone wishing to help (as Neville is, I think honestly, trying to do)?
3a. Has he lost that many points though, relatively? Snape's been running around calling points on Lavender and anyone else who does things that make him mad, usually a significant amount, and no one has thrown fits about any of it. Besides, Neville's always losing points. I don't know...
b. But...there's a difference between simply being too busy, akin to what you suggest, and the ostricizing that Neville seems to be suggesting in his post. Hm.
quixotic_sense @ June 4 2003, 00:37:03 UTC Re: curious |
Hmm. turpinol says that she hasn't talked to the Ravenclaws about Neville. The Hufflepuffs do tend to take a united stand on most things, but I think that the Ravenclaws are more likely to have arrived individually at the same conclusion. It's quite likely that there are Ravenclaws who feel quite sympathetic towards
I think it comes down to a different attitude towards problem-solving. wheresmytoad's behaviour is typically Gryffindor, when you think about it -- heroically storming the barricades with his focus narrowed on his purpose. Flashy, brash, likely to cause even more problems in the aftermath. Ravenclaws, IMO, would analyse the problem from every angle and consult available data that might lead to the best solution. Judging from
turpinol, they're also sensitive to the wider implications of any action.
I'm puzzled as to why Gryffindor is ostracising wheresmytoad, though. It's possible that Neville is being over-sensitive -- after all, it IS nearly exam time and his housemates also seem to be busy with other things.
bluekivrin @ June 4 2003, 00:43:47 UTC Re: curious |
I agree with your analysis of house dynamics--quite good. And while that certainly explains her reaction to Neville, I'm still curious, medically, why she seem so opposed.
It's possible that Neville is being over-sensitive -- after all, it IS nearly exam time and his housemates also seem to be busy with other things.
Mm, yes, that's probably it. But I'm still curious, considering the rest of his post. It's very Neville, in one sense, but it also makes me go "hmmm."
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:18:13 UTC Re: curious |
Not signing his full name COULD be a way of disassociating himself from the word "evil". Kind of like the way George W. Bush always gives his stump speeches in front of backdrops that say things like "creating jobs" or "corporate responsiblity" even when he undermines the things that the backdrops say.
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 4 2003, 22:26:38 UTC |
So by signing his name "N.", he is attempting to align himself with the k001ness that is "M.B.", all while undermining her attempts to...crush things? Ride the "bad, bad pony"?
If he's acting Slytherian as a way to hide, then where does his real nEVILle lie?
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:52:50 UTC |
I was saying that he's just not including that subliminal "evil" in "nEVILle". The Real nEVILle is like Harry, in both Slytherin and Gryffindor. nEVILle is what Harry COULD have been if Harry had a Napoleon complex and wasn't too busy fighting Dark Lords to plot.
Actually, I went and checked, and he's been alternating between "Neville" and "N." ever since the accusations. I think it's just part of his "can spell, can use proper grammer"!Neville persona.
adrienneherbst @ June 5 2003, 02:35:57 UTC Re: curious |
I think that the Hufflepuffs have decided that he's evil (or are just being jerks-- what is wrong with the boys in that house?), the Ravenclaws that have spoken up are irritated with him over the Lavender thing to the same tune as Lisa, the Slytherins are being insular as usual, and the Gryffindors... well, I don't think Neville's being ostracized by them, actually; I think they're just busy? Like, he only really hangs out with the kids in his year, and they're all wrapped up in other things. Harry, Ron, Seamus, and Dean (the other boys in his year) are all off being involved in the Harry/Malfoy drama; Ginny is hanging out with Cho and Colin has fucked off (the two younger kids that hung out with what used to be the Gryffindor crowd); Lavender and Parvati are obviously pissed off at him and ignoring him, and Hermione (is there another girl in Neville's year in Gryffindor?) has probably just gone effectively AWOL until exams are over.
(parent)liasantana @ June 3 2003, 21:26:06 UTC |
Thanks for pointing that out! Neville is hilarious and I want to hug him so much.
I <3 these mastercard ads...
non_inferno @ June 3 2003, 21:30:06 UTC |
Current music is 'It's Not Easy Being Green'. This brings me joy, great joy.
(parent)notapipe @ June 3 2003, 21:47:56 UTC |
The truth is revealed. You just like to hear Kermit's voice.
(parent)notapipe @ June 3 2003, 22:07:25 UTC |
He's also funny on the Daily Show (low bandwith version)
Watch it.
non_inferno @ June 3 2003, 22:20:46 UTC Re: |
Hah, haha, ha, ha! His voice goes up when his is nervous. This is wonderful.
(parent)notapipe @ June 3 2003, 22:25:42 UTC |
Just doing my job, ma'am.
I like the fact that Kermit is always ready.
non_inferno @ June 3 2003, 22:39:57 UTC |
I'd be disappointed in him if he weren't. He sets an example for so many kids.
(parent)non_inferno @ June 3 2003, 22:48:05 UTC |
In being prepared and in preventing the spread of STDs. He is saving lives.
(parent)notapipe @ June 3 2003, 22:48:54 UTC |
Oh yeah. That. I agree. The United States Federal Government with it's abstinence only support for sex ed does not, however.
(parent)non_inferno @ June 3 2003, 22:55:52 UTC Re: |
The United States Federal Government must be Catholic.
(parent)notapipe @ June 3 2003, 21:57:09 UTC Obligitory Evil!Neville post. |
nEVILle is rebuilding his "fool" cred, all the while building a list of people to kill (and waaah, it has turpinol on it).
Neville has become more confident, his prose has taken a turn for the intellectual, he's generally not the fool he used to play. Also, he has Snape on his trail, so what can he do to put Snape and others who suspect him off his trail? Resume his status as Bumbling Fool!Neville. But he doesn't want to jeapordize his memory block interests, so to both pursue his new confident course and to eliminate the scourge of Snape, he needs to establish that his new self is also a fool and couldn't possibly be a Dark Lord. Notice how he inks his special assignment for Snape? Telling Snape "Hey! I'm a fool!"? He's building a case for his foolishness. Soon the suspicions will die down, and when he DOES break through his memory charm, no one will suspect something wrong if he feeds them some bull about Death Eaters memory charming him for fun or something.
I don't think that nEVILle MEANT to harm Lavender, but I think he's playing up the bad effects, now that they've happened. He's obviously doing this to say "look at the put upon fool I am". (Evil or not)
non_inferno @ June 3 2003, 23:34:28 UTC Re: Obligitory Evil!Neville post. |
Your dedication to the nEVILle cause is impressive.
(parent)notapipe @ June 3 2003, 23:45:06 UTC Re: Obligitory Evil!Neville post. |
*waves away non-existant clapping* Thank you, thank you, everyone. I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents and God, aka petitemillicent. I view my work as a challenge that gets harder and harder as time goes by (though if he hates Lavender, it's really really easy). It's very rewarding, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. So in conclusion: Thank you all, and vote Dean! *walks away from podium, clutching a gold star that exists only in his imagination*
spoke @ June 4 2003, 21:46:41 UTC Re: Obligitory Evil!Neville post. |
No it doesn't! See? (awards gold star)
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:03:30 UTC Re: Obligitory Evil!Neville post. |
*runs back to stage looking embarrassed, takes REAL gold star from spoke, shakes hand, thanks, kisses on cheek, runs back to his seat*
spoke @ June 4 2003, 22:07:20 UTC Re: Obligitory Evil!Neville post. |
(is startled and happily goes back to her own seat) Yay!
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:03:54 UTC Re: Obligitory Evil!Neville post. |
Erm, by Dean, I meant Howard Dean. Not our esteemed Dean Thomas, though he's cool too.
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thegirlingreen @ June 4 2003, 14:15:32 UTC >:o |
Is anyone else bothered by Neville's inconsistancy with typing the numbers? He types '5', then spells it out later, spells out four, types '5' again, etc. (I think, and this will be of interest to no one, that the number rule is to spell out the numbers that are ten and under But I could be wrong.) Be consistant, Silly Nevilly.. Well, the clever rhyme I was going for completely backfired, didn't it?
But then again, I tend to pick on the little things.
And also:
Number of points I lost for Gryffindor in Transfiguration: 15.
He doesn't explain why he lost these points... So, why did he lose them?
And, I think someone's already said this, nEVILle has changed in the way he writes his posts. He sounds much [insert appropriate word which escapes me at the moment here].
blankcanvas @ June 4 2003, 17:49:10 UTC Re: >:o |
Yes... why did he lose them? Hmm... perhaps he didn't lose them at all! nEVILle works in mysterious ways....
And yes, the number thing bothers the hell out of me as well.
And yes, your clever rhyme did completely backfire. The work of nEVILle, perhaps? We may never know.
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:05:54 UTC Re: >:o |
eviler? more sophisticated? like he can write properly? more diabolical? more evil? improved? evilized? more sinister? sinisterer? more evilesque? MUCH more evil?
(parent)spoke @ June 4 2003, 22:14:50 UTC Re: >:o |
perhaps he lost his temper and tried to turn someone into something he shouldn't? and is playing it down so no one will notice this sign of his evil temper getting the better of him?
'hmmm. can't just ignore it entirely, but someone will ask if i don't say anything ... just stick in the middle and hope it blows over?'
it would also explain why no Gryffindors talked to him, since they don't want to get Transfigured into unpleasant things either.
spoke @ June 4 2003, 22:15:31 UTC Re: >:o |
and i meant to add, they are mad at him for it besides. sheesh.
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:30:16 UTC Re: >:o |
I think you might be somewhat right. They have Transfigurations with Hufflepuffs on Tuesday, so he might have gotten in a fight with Justin.
(parent)spoke @ June 4 2003, 22:41:08 UTC Re: >:o |
you know, i never looked at that stuff? interesting... and yeah, i could so see Justin not shutting up and evil!Neville losing it. makes more sense than a Gryffindor, anyway. ^^
(parent)notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:43:49 UTC Re: >:o |
Actually, I could see UnEvil!Neville losing it as well. Or at least, yelling at Justin to shut up in the middle of class and causing McGonnagall to get all huffy and shout "MISTER LONGBOTTOM! 15 POINTS FOR INTERUPPTING CLASS AND DETENTION IF I HEAR ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOU."
(parent)spoke @ June 4 2003, 22:55:59 UTC Re: >:o |
lol! Wouldn't she, though? But then you'd think he'd have told us about it.
'Taken from me because Justin wouldn't shut up. My own Head of House hates me now' ;_; poor thing.
...only UnEvil!Neville, of course.
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 22:59:16 UTC Re: >:o |
Well, she could have said "MISTER FINCH-FLETCHLY! MISTER LONGBOTTOM!...".
(parent)spoke @ June 4 2003, 23:03:28 UTC Re: >:o |
That would be better. At least it wouldn't isolate UnEvil!Neville. ^^
It occured to me he wouldn't want to draw any attention to Justin either, since he remembers what Snape said.
Must analyze new post for signs of nEVILle. ^^