cadeyrn @ 2003-06-05 00:02:00 |
Anagram Conspiracies
Mood: amused
Unfortunately I found nothing to support nEVILle, per se, unless you count "globe melon nit volt," "giblet venom toll on," or "bootleg men nil volt" as evil. Pansy Parksinson yielded, however, "pains snaky porn." Hmmmm.
Draco Malfoy: "my, a focal rod," "a YMCA for old," "a car doom fly," "a racy mold of" (of what? damn it, not enough letters to form something REALLY interesting), and "a coy lad from."
Harry Potter: "rather to pry," "hot raper try," and "harpy rotter"
Millicent Bulstrode: "incredible smut toll" and "indestructible moll"
Severus Snape: "Pre-suaveness," "rape us sevens," "save pureness." Strange.. >)
notapipe @ June 4 2003, 21:59:07 UTC nEVILle Longbottom: Evil Mongol Bottle |
And what's "Evil Mongol Bottle" (dropping a letter is valid, anagrammatically)? It clearly portrays EVERY aspect of nEVILle's psyche: the Evil ("Evil" makes this pretty clear); the Meglomania and desire to crush his enemies under his feet ("Mongol"s conquered most of Asia, crushing their enemies under their feet and hooves); the Memory Charm or his Hulk style explosions ("Bottle" could indicate that he has bottled up memories, it could also indicate his method of bottling up his rage).
(parent)![]() |
kearie @ June 5 2003, 10:47:19 UTC |
Wow. Am floored.
"a car doom fly"
Does this mean that Draco is some how responsible for the flying car fiasco of second year? The mind boggles. I say we call in ritaskeeter to investigate this potentially groundbreaking possibility!
Haha, I <3 nraged.