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thegirlingreen @ 2003-06-06 20:56:00 |
I think I've waited my five minutes...
Mood: curious
Is Pansy coming onto Ron?
It seems, at least to me, that she's trying to get back at Draco about this entire situation. I mean, we haven't heard from her much, and usually she's the one who has a comment to Draco or defending Draco, etc. And when she does make a come back to the commenting, it's to Ron or concerning Ron and the Weasleys and how adorable and darling, etc. they are. The Weasleys who Draco happens to not be quite fond of, yes? And what questions did she have about the ministry?
I wish she'd say something about the Harry-Draco-Seamus triangle that seems to be going on. She's still the Girlfriend of Draco Malfoy, afterall, yes? I understand that this may be her way of handling things, or something like that, but it's frustrating not to know what she's thinking, since she's always seemed to be so concerned with everything involving Draco in the past. They still have those icons, and even though he doesn't really mention her, Draco occasionally uses his (granted, only when he's on the defense about his sexuality).
Oh, and I thought this was amusing:
Fucking Malfoy just makes me crazy, and...
I read 'fucking' as a verb instead of a description, and it made me giggle.
Dean, fucking Malfoy would make us all crazy... Crazy like a lustful fox!
And I'm done.
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thegirlingreen @ June 6 2003, 18:19:44 UTC ::waving a new flag:: |
^^ She lists Ron Weasley as an interest (along with Draco Malfoy and Millicent Bulstrode).
notapipe @ June 6 2003, 18:29:53 UTC A little history, and a little speculation |
She had always been coming on to Ron, and even onto Arthur a little, before she became "Draco's girlfriend". It's not NEW, but I agree that this signals a giving up, on Pansy's part, on the relationship. Either that or she's trying to make him jealous. However, given the situation, and the fact that this was the status quo before (and if it was to make Draco jealous, it never worked beofre), I'm inclined to think this is her going back to the old pattern, and an acknowledgement that there's not much "itemness" between the two.
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thegirlingreen @ June 6 2003, 18:35:47 UTC Re: A little history, and a little speculation |
It's not NEW
Oh, i know. I just mean that it's a bit heavier of a come-on. At least, as I remember.
I almost feel sad for the lack of Pansy/Draco romance. But then I remember what ship I sail on and I stop.
notapipe @ June 6 2003, 18:39:29 UTC Re: A little history, and a little speculation |
I think she's just making up for lost time.
Pansy/Draco gets in the way of M.B./Pansy as well.
theantimodel @ June 6 2003, 18:35:09 UTC |
And here pansy posts about making friends with people from other houses. This makes me wonder what she is up to. it seems that no move Pansy makes is ever genuine. If she is making overtures towards the Gryffindors I think that she has a reason, whether it is making Draco jealous or just trying to include herself in the new friendships between M.B. Draco and Harry, I do now know. Although right now I think i am voting for the latter. I think she wants to feel included in all this.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 6 2003, 18:48:10 UTC |
Is Pansy poisoning Ron with cookies?
After all she does say,
I do however think that is unfortunate that some to not take too nicely to those making friends with those outside their houses. Personally, I think this is wonderful! It would be quite unfortunate if any ill came out of such potentially positive situations.
And then we see her offering Ron cookies. my my, what is this girl up to?
theantimodel @ June 6 2003, 18:53:19 UTC |
Especially because millicent helped her make them.
notapipe @ June 6 2003, 20:12:33 UTC |
I dunno, it looks like she cooked THOSE and sent them off before Millicent's suggestion. Though she might have coated them with something at the last minute. Or perhaps planned ahead.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 6 2003, 18:53:26 UTC |
Millicent is in on it too. They've decided this situation requires some of Pansy's special pastries to make sure what kind of ill comes out of it.
My question is, who is getting poisoned? Ron in punishment for doing things to Draco? Seamus? Harry? The two of them are back in Sallie-Anne mode against Gryffindor. They are also commenting on Harry's post thread. Wonder if he's the target...
black_dog @ June 7 2003, 16:35:23 UTC |
I sort of took it to be Pansy running off as a loose cannon, and Millicent stepping in to sort of "help" and direct her. I'm a little suspicious of Draco's soup, too -- i.e. don't mess with Harry. Tough love in Slytherin? I suspect Pansy's down for the count.
(parent)dragynville @ June 6 2003, 18:55:48 UTC |
This makes it sound like they're playing matchmaker. Pastries laced with love potion perhaps? *confused*
(parent)theantimodel @ June 6 2003, 18:58:05 UTC |
Somehow I think that this is a little worse. While Millicent seems to want Harry and Draco to get together, I don't think Pansy is as enamoured of the idea. And if these cookies are meant for Harry And Ron, I have no clue what is in them. *baffles*
(parent)dragynville @ June 6 2003, 19:00:57 UTC |
I think she's either just playing head games with Ron or hoping to use him to get access to Harry. As evidenced by this exchange.
(parent)sheron @ June 6 2003, 20:21:35 UTC |
I doubt they're using him to get to Harry. I think both find it amusing to come on to those boys.
Personally I find Ron's reaction hilarious. I don't know about Harry's as I haven't seen much of it, but I do wonder if Pansy could ever be so bold as to try it with him, as per M.B's suggestion.
notapipe @ June 6 2003, 20:16:30 UTC |
Didn't Millicent use an altered cake on Harry and Draco in the hole incident?
Also, if they WERE to poison Harry, they'd probably want to be a tad more discreet. It's not some hapless Slytherin or Ravenclaw girl that Draco isn't interested in anyway that they would be sabatoging. I expect a LITTLE more subtlety from Pansy if she wants that.
theantimodel @ June 6 2003, 20:24:40 UTC |
Ah, now this is not something that my alarmist!mind thought about at first. You are probably right. After all, they are Slytherins, and Millicent can be quite sneaky I, think.
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Anonymous @ June 6 2003, 22:31:13 UTC |
Didn't Millicent use an altered cake on Harry and Draco in the hole incident?
Nah, it was just a very large cake Millicent brought up to coax Draco into talking.
sistermagpie @ June 7 2003, 08:37:36 UTC |
LOL--the way those Slytherins ply each other with food it's really amazing they're not all the size of houses. What do they do with it all? Lavender would die there!;-)
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 00:15:57 UTC Go cry about it, darling |
Perhaps it's apt that Pansy uses her "go cry about it" icon for this post, because, man, somehow she does make me feel so sad.
Of course, I may be reading a subtext of depression into her posts that isn't there, but... Trying to cozy up to her old buds Millicent and Draco. Baking like crazy again. "Darling"-ing Ron in a way that feel less like playing with him than attempting to pretend to play with him--like she was trying to pretend to be her old self, but comes out a bit of a parody (did that make any sense?).
And, in some sense, it made me feel like she wanted to lay claim to her Gryffindor as well. As in, Millicent and Draco are playing with the Gryffindors and Millicent wants to keep TBWL as a pet. Well, she likes to play with the Gryffindors as well. She likes to freak Ron. Can't she be a part of the Slytherin club again?
I also wonder if the typos were a "crack in the facade" or if I should ignore them as a player boo-boo. Usually Pansy's posts are so careful and over-polished if anything though. No all caps, or misspellings or !!!111!! for her.
Was she really sick? Perhaps (making huge leap with almost no evidence to support!), depression runs in her family? She does make reference to her mother and grandmother having these spells. And she's got the whole poet-goth thing. It does make me sad that no one seemed to notice or care, whatever the reason she was laid up in bed.
I'm glad Millicent seems to be willing to play again. Perhaps her disappointment with Draco over his hanging out with that self-righteous Seamus (not that I am biased and taking sides or anything, oh no), has led her to conclude that she was overly-harsh with Pansy?
After all, Pansy bakes. Draco can't even be bothered to get silk souffles as he should.
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 04:41:58 UTC Re: Go cry about it, darling |
the spelling mistake was just a player boo-boo i am afraid. i didn't notice it until it was too late and now the damn thing is glaring at me!
i like your theories though i won't tell you which are right or wrong :D
sistermagpie @ June 7 2003, 08:53:49 UTC Re: Go cry about it, darling |
Well, I for one definitely want Pansy to have her rightful place in the Slytherin club! She and Draco appear to be back in form with her cheering him on for Quidditch while he and M.B. suit up and go kick butt.
I wondered about her being sick too. If she was down I wonder if she came out of it with a new plan. I don't think Seamus is a big problem, exactly, yet. I mean, he and Draco haven't hung out that much and Seamus himself even makes it clear they're not "friends." I have no idea exactly why M.B. doesn't like him but my first feeling was just that he is, as you say, self-righteous and more importantly familiar. He's kind of entered into this relationship with a sort of, "I'm here now so you lot better just move over," attitude that could grate on a Slytherin's nerves. But I feel like he's just an annoyance in Slytherin at this point.
It's also possible--I've got no proof for this obviously--that whatever Pansy's spells are are known to her friends in Slytherin. Sort of like the way we know how Draco knows about how she acts when she's got her period and how the girls know how to deal with Draco when he runs into a hole. Draco says that he sent Pansy up some soup but it's hard to say what that means. Has he been aware of her being sick before or is this the first soup he's set up? Is her "illness" something else that all her friends know to refer to as an illness?
I love the Slytherin trio and like to see them taking care of each other in their slightly dysfunctional fashion. They're just three wonderful weirdos, two of which seem to really need good friends especially.
pornography @ June 7 2003, 00:43:41 UTC |
Pansy IS a slytherin, perhaps shes just bored -after all, Draco isnt paying much attention to her lately -he's too busy with Harry. . . which is a good thing. . .