intern_alley @ 2003-06-07 16:04:00 |
(no title)
Mood: on task
Hi. This is one of the NA mods. I'm trying to work on a glossary for the site, and I was just wondering if any of you had any suggestions re: things that make you confused. Now, I don't mean plot devices, but terms and characters. For instance, I know several of you were confused about who "Evan" was in a recent post of Harry's, so he's in there. Any people, places, things? Thanks!
-NA mod.
Edit: Some of the stuff we've already put in, just to give you an example, is Dogear Wryde, Grottle, Evan Landgreen, Maloney.
Edit Three: I think the mood icons on this community are boring so I am going to hack in and change them. DO NOT TELL AJA.
Edit 4: I am still on task.
Edit the Fifth: I've decided what all of you truly need here is some large lemon face mood icons.
Edit VI: I'm considering putting all my edits from here on out in marquee form because I do not think I have been nearly obnoxious enough here.
Edit Brad Pitt Movie: Have removed second edit because is now incorrect, but note how my edits combined are still longer than my actual post.
anjaliesque @ June 7 2003, 09:28:14 UTC |
They are boring. You didn't hear me say that.
Gringotts, Rosie, Echo. More later if I think of them.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 09:29:59 UTC |
Gringotts, well done! You sat here and spent ages trying to think of something so I wouldn't look lame with my zero comments, didn't you? I smell pity!
Rosie and Echo I've already got. Possibly I should have posted a list of what I have but then where would the SURPRISE be in my uber-exciting glossary? Because glossaries, they are exciting.
sistermagpie @ June 7 2003, 09:41:40 UTC |
Pastries? They kind of have a heavier meaning in NA than in the real world...
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 10:07:24 UTC |
Well, this is where we're indecisive actually. We can't decide whether to include just things that an outsider would see and go, "Huh? What is that? That does not exist in Harry Potter to me..." or to fully catalogue everything that has a heavier meaning which would be a lot trickier. We'd have to go into pastries, potato, fine, enraged, hole, tank, cloud, rain, cake server, Spellotape, chess, horse, etc etc etc and it would take forever. I'm thinking we'll probably do NA specific things and then branch out in cataloguing the double entendres slowly, because to try and do them in one sitting would be impossible. I have been considering adding pastries anyway, though.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 7 2003, 20:03:23 UTC |
See, for me that is the stuff I need explained. I surmised that Echo is Narcissa's dog (am I right?) And I know most of the other stuff already listed, but the horses, potatoes, cake server?!, and silk souffles, that is the stuff that confuses the hell out of me. I know it would take a while but I think that cataloging those things would be more beneficial the the new NA readers.
(parent)sheron @ June 7 2003, 22:18:05 UTC |
We'd have to go into pastries, potato, fine, enraged, hole, tank, cloud, rain, cake server, Spellotape, chess, horse, etc etc
I think that's the stuff that would be very useful.
For example, I missed the part where the hole was introduced. I've gathered that it's supposed to be fairly secret and that there are other hiding places but they're easier to find... But that's about all I know about it. Things like this would be useful to know for people who aren't just starting out, but have missed chunks here and there. Like me!
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 22:20:18 UTC Re: |
Will do! Clearly this is going to take a while while we compile backstories and links to relevant threads. :D
(parent)sheron @ June 7 2003, 22:22:49 UTC Re: |
Might it be possible to explain with links? For example I do not mind reading up on things, but I'm not sure I could handle re-reading the entire NA history. A few guide points would be nice.
And thank youvery much for doing this at all! :)
anjaliesque @ June 7 2003, 09:45:37 UTC *lusts after the glossary* |
Modest though I may be, I must admit to working hard to come up with that one. That's not pity, it's my new perfume. You like?
I would say bananas and oranges, but then we venture into delicate subjects.
Lemon faces sound good. But not quite as good as paperbags.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 10:11:08 UTC |
Sadly there are no paper bag mood icons!
See re: sistermagpie on bananas and oranges, because am getting lazy in my obnoxiousness.
anjaliesque @ June 7 2003, 10:27:26 UTC |
Well, there should be. *sulks*
I think it would ruin it a little, to have all the double entendres and inside jokes be glossarized. (Yes, that is now a word.) The same way it ruins a joke when you have to explain it. Now, I have nothing against newbies, since we were all them at one time or another, but I think if they were to watch NA long enough they would catch on to most anything. And if they didn't, there's always an NrAgeder more than willing to lecture on it for a post or two.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 10:36:13 UTC |
That's true, too. Yeah, it's pretty much for newbies, but it's hard to explain them if they're inside jokes. "Ah, bananas. Well one time Draco wanted a banana, it was funny."
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 7 2003, 10:51:26 UTC |
You really are taking on quite an impressive task. Murdered owls and Gulf could take some explaining. Though you could amusingly further confuse everyone by defining them respectively as "suspected fowls" and "between 'the' and 'of Mexico.'" The list of magical bands looks to be really neat, also.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 11:02:27 UTC |
I am attempting to be very cohesive. For example,
Mulligan, Miranda: Seventh year female Slytherin. She, Sally-Anne Perks and Draco spent time together while Draco decided Pansy and Millicent hated him. Miranda is burly, sour and nasty and prefers to go by M. M. She was turned into a potato by Millicent. Sadly, she lived through the incident and later tried out for the Slytherin Quidditch team. Reports do not state whether or not she has returned from the hospital wing.
So with luck, links to posts will help.
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Anonymous @ June 8 2003, 13:28:16 UTC |
Speaking as a newbie among the players, trust me, I'd find the backfill explanations for the jokes, etc. mighty useful, too. I'd be less likely to make a mistake.
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 8 2003, 16:38:44 UTC |
I can understand this. I think the glossary could definitely be very useful. Like when I can't for the life of me remember a specific something, or when I'm searching for the link to a certain event. I'm not against the idea of a glossary at all, just some of the obvious jokes being explained. Not the inside ones, since they require understanding of the back-story, but others that are just delightful double entendres.
(parent)notapipe @ June 7 2003, 10:12:45 UTC Hold up! WHOOP thing. A my nragers who be thinking we saw. |
Dude, it's the middle of the day, no one is even around. Mellow out.
Suggestions (but since I've been enmeshed for so long, I have a hard time noticing things that are off): Soblessa, Purple Bertie Botts Beans, Under the Stairs, nEVILle (NO! I CAN'T LET IT GO GODDAMMIT! Also, don't include him. Because you might say something against it. And that would hurt me.)
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 10:16:37 UTC Re: Hold up! WHOOP thing. A my nragers who be thinking we saw. |
I was joking because I am hyper and bored, man.
And yeah, that's why I'm having a hard time with it, too. I've already got those (aside from nEVILle) so I should probably post a list of what I've got and shall do so post haste.
notapipe @ June 7 2003, 10:19:35 UTC Re: Hold up! WHOOP thing. A my nragers who be thinking we saw. |
Well, it was funny. So two claps and all.
Grottle (which, I'm sorry, I don't get the point of)
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 10:20:57 UTC Okay, this is what I have: |
Bleu Ball, The
Dogear Wryde
Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them
Golf clubs
Greengrass, Queenie
Hogwarts Inter-House Anti-Potter Association, The
Isolate Potter
Landgreen, Evan
Lantern Festival, The
Mulligan, Miranda
Murdered Owls
Nine Inch Wands
Operation Blond Ambition
Purple Beans
Shiny, Lucius the
Spriggs, Soblessa
Stairs, Under the
Tomato Ears
notapipe @ June 7 2003, 10:28:10 UTC Aw naw, hell naw, y'all been up and done it. |
Weird Sisters
Kevin McKormack
Sally-Anne Perks (d00d, no one remembers her from PS)
Broomhandle Confessional rocks, but don't include. I just want to say this because there's the music and stuff, and I'm kinda hyper or something.
Why there are no wizarding rap groups, honestly, where's the Snoop Animaggy Dogg?
Okay, I'm done. Sorry.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 10:34:07 UTC Re: Aw naw, hell naw, y'all been up and done it. |
Well, the Weird Sisters are canon and Kirley McCormack is the lead singer canonically, but I might include him anyway because he's from Quidditch Through the Ages and no one really combs through that. Sally-Anne Perks I've been thinking about, though, and the rest of Draco's dates, because I know no one remembers them.
I just decided to include the bands that people talked about, though I did make a list of magical bands until I realised probably I am the only one who cares in all of my compulsive list-making glee.
As for the rap that is a secret I cannot divulge. No, I just don't think anyone's characters are listening to rap. If they did, though, Snoop Animaggy Dogg and ... okay, there's no good parody for Dr Dre. It should start with D, but maybe the three-letter value is more important. Decisions, decisions.
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kearie @ June 7 2003, 10:52:27 UTC Re: Aw naw, hell naw, y'all been up and done it. |
Well the obvious choice would be "Dr. Draco", but I think that's going a bit far... Another possibility could be Eminem, although you could make it the wizarding equivalent of the candy M&Ms, if there is such a thing. :D Hurray for pointless posts.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 11:01:24 UTC Re: Aw naw, hell naw, y'all been up and done it. |
The Notorious YKW.
(parent)notapipe @ June 7 2003, 14:47:56 UTC It's tricky to rock around to rock around thats right on time IT'S TRICKY! It's tricky tricky tricky |
Floo DMC.
A fair amount of noise about N*Raged was made.
I don't know what Dre should be, but he would come from the group MWA (Magicians With Additude, or Muggles With Additude (a band of Squibs)). Eminem could be Squib Shady.
eleveninches @ June 7 2003, 15:57:16 UTC Re: Aw naw, hell naw, y'all been up and done it. |
Your icon is going to give me nightmares.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 15:58:15 UTC Re: Aw naw, hell naw, y'all been up and done it. |
You love it >:O
(parent)eleveninches @ June 7 2003, 16:01:50 UTC Re: Aw naw, hell naw, y'all been up and done it. |
Don't make me send you pictures of Arthur putting his contacts in. >:0 I KNOW WHERE YOU SLEEP.
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Anonymous @ June 9 2003, 01:57:31 UTC |
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intern_alley @ June 9 2003, 21:00:57 UTC Re: Aw naw, hell naw, y'all been up and done it. |
What? I have worn contacts for several years, that really does not bother me. Your threats are idle and non-emasculating.
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 00:12:26 UTC B-)! |
It's a fantastic way to gross out Erin, though. It's like a car crash! She can't look away, but :o! ALSO MUCH LIKE NRAGED :o
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jgoreham @ June 7 2003, 12:24:27 UTC |
Actually, I'd like to know silly brittish slang. I don't know what snogging actually is. *hangs head in shame*
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jgoreham @ June 7 2003, 13:49:33 UTC |
That's it? Oh. I don't know if I thought it was more x-rated or less =^^=;;
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 14:09:41 UTC a few more suggestions |
Chudley Cannons
Falmouth Falcons
There are also some quidditch-specific words,
(blagging etc), and pro Quidditch players names, but I'm not sure how important they are to anything.
moony @ June 7 2003, 14:25:03 UTC |
Also noteworthy:
Thetis (Charlie's mechanical owl)
Ogdred-upon-Weary (where Remus was born)
Faintly Macabre's (seedy pub in Hogsmeade - also a tattoo parlour)
H.O.W.L. - Humanitarian Organisation for Werewolf Liberties
Wiglorn, Professor of Muggle Studies
Moldclay (wizarding band)
I dig the mood icons. Why not a lemon?
shusu @ June 8 2003, 07:33:06 UTC Seconded on the lemons |
I use them myself. They have the longest tongues.
(parent)rain206 @ June 7 2003, 14:31:16 UTC More suggestions |
A list of teachers and their subjects.
Students who are Animagi.
Members and positions of the House Quidditch teams. (M.B. is Slytherin Beater, Justin is Hufflepuff Seeker, etc.)
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 14:32:20 UTC Re: More suggestions |
Of course it looks better in the frames.
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 14:33:11 UTC Re: More suggestions |
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intern_alley @ June 7 2003, 14:34:39 UTC Re: More suggestions |
Well, I see this shared journal thing is going to work well.
(parent)tarie @ June 7 2003, 16:07:35 UTC |
Hera Peligroso
Wizard Wank Thyself
Squamous (one of Lupin's ill-fated owls)
zorb @ June 8 2003, 01:28:13 UTC |
I think I have been following NA too long, it all makes sense to me. A twisted sort of sense, that is.
Except for Silk Souffles. Not a clue what those are, but they sound lovely.
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 09:58:42 UTC Re: |
Silk Soufflés are kind of like cotton candy :D
I think they sound lovely, too!
zorb @ June 8 2003, 21:07:10 UTC |
Thanks! M.B., despite my hero-worship of her, was unresponsive when I asked her about them in Armchair chat.
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intern_alley @ June 8 2003, 21:51:02 UTC Re: |
Hahahaha, I don't think she enjoys explaining Wizarding terms to Muggles :))