dragynville @ 2003-06-07 15:24:00 |
Gunther, bad news, and visiting the dogs. Oh my!
Mood: amused
I found it highly interesting that Lucius described Gunther as quite well-developed and hired him merely because he hates to be responsible for anyone being out of work, yet was not bothered by Draco having fired half the staff at his grandmother's manor. XD
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vintagesex @ June 7 2003, 15:50:38 UTC |
Ah, I must have missed something. What is this about Narcissa's heritage?
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 15:57:51 UTC |
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 16:01:10 UTC |
I'm amused as well. But moreover, why does he go to see the barrister?
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 16:16:08 UTC |
Right from his post, I can think of two possibilities;
1) Something to do with Narcissa's parentage or something just incase he finds out something he doesn't like. Despite his claims, I really don't believe he would stay with Narcissa if she were found out to be a muggleborn or (more likely) half and half. It would end up in a choice between her and Voldemort, and I feel he would choose the latter.
2) Something to do with Draco's inhereting his Grandmother's estate. As it has been discussed, this takes away from Lucius' power over Draco considerably, and it wouldn't be beyond Lucius to put some extra fine print in.
Other than that...I don't know. Has Lucius ever said what he does on NA? Because that could help.
notapipe @ June 7 2003, 16:21:21 UTC |
Of course, Lucius is the trustee, so Draco is beholden to him there as well.
(parent)dragynville @ June 7 2003, 16:55:34 UTC |
Narcissa also believes Lucius is arranging for a divorce. 0.0
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 17:05:09 UTC |
It's possible that he wants to marry a real pureblood wife and produce a new heir. He 's not too old to do that. Or perhaps Narcissa 's too quick , jumping to this conclusion (divorce).
(parent)dragynville @ June 7 2003, 17:13:06 UTC |
That's so tacky, I really can't see Lucius doing it since he's so hyper-conscious of maintaining well-bred behavior. And Narcissa does seem to immediately jump to the worst conclusions.
(parent)shusu @ June 7 2003, 17:39:58 UTC |
Unless the player isn't about.... Lucius isn't hurrying to refute her, though.
(parent)shusu @ June 7 2003, 17:53:42 UTC |
Mentioning Gunther in the same post in those glowing terms can't be too good. The juxtaposition and the blatantness of it...
I dunno. I'm split now, I can't read his tone very well, and so often with Lucius his tone speaks more than his actual words.
sheron @ June 7 2003, 17:17:00 UTC |
I really doubt he is. Lucius doesn't need to profess love for her in that case.
I'm sure he is just going on about the business of being a trustee. (And I could so see him selling Draco's property and adding the money to the Malfoys vault. Because you know, Draco will inherit it anyway. *sigh*)
I can also see the "really bad thing" being something like Narcissa coming from Gryffindor's pure blood-line. *g* That would have been funny.
I'm worried about Draco not posting about the match. He could have lost :( Unless something even worse happened...
shusu @ June 7 2003, 17:23:46 UTC |
Hopefully Harry is distracting him, post-game. *CoughshowersCough*
I also hope they're not related, Draco and Harry...
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 17:30:51 UTC |
Didn't Harry go home for the weekend? I don't think he's at the game. Something tells me all is not well with those two.
(parent)shusu @ June 7 2003, 17:33:05 UTC |
Sheesh. I thought it was for yesterday. I check all the comments and still get confused.
But yes... one wonders if the interactions with Millicent and the blowup with Dean and Seamus have affected them behind the scenes.
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 17:44:54 UTC |
Things seemed to be bad before Dean and Terry and Seamus. In Harry's post he said he was ready for holidays to start then, and the whole tone of it was either tired or angry or sulky, depending on how you read. And then Remus suggested he come home for the weekend, and Harry jumped right on it, even though there was a game.
Draco, on the other hand, is sending soup to Pansy. He sounded irritated in his post this morning, but with Draco it's hard to tell if it's something specific, or if he's irritated because irritation is what he does best. His comments to Millicent seemed playful enough. I could be reading too much into it.
shusu @ June 7 2003, 17:51:29 UTC hrm. |
Draco was also cooking for Millicent, though. The Slyth three seem to have slid back into their old ways. The only difference is that Millicent occasionally toys with Potter in comments, and also Terry.
Draco's Quidditch explosion could be something to prove himself as, by himself, plus on the other side there's Weasley supporting Cho.
I think Harry might be tense with the situation in Gryffindor House. Watching a relationship which might be his secondary example of a gay couple crumble in front of him can't be too heartening.
I don't discount the two of them being slightly off, though...
sheron @ June 7 2003, 20:17:00 UTC Re: |
I also hope they're not related, Draco and Harry...
Haha that would not be amusing! :D
Harry is at Dogear and Draco is not about to post anything. I had had a thought at some point that he wasn't crazy enough to play for two people, was he? But then again, here we are! *lol*
shusu @ June 7 2003, 16:57:59 UTC Is Narcissa out....?? |
I think five minutes has passed.
Can I scream and die now?
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 17:22:16 UTC |
I’m a lurker here on Nraged, but I saw this and just had to put my two cents in. Personally, I think Lucius, at worst, found out Narcissa was a half-blood, because according to the books, magical powers do not manifest themselves immediately at birth, appearing later in life, as Harry’s did. Assuming the Peltiers adopted Narcissa as a baby, and planned to pass her off as their natural child, they would have wanted a baby that they knew would display magical powers, so she has to be at least a half-blood. Or the problem Lucius has might not have to do with the amount of wizarding blood in Narcissa’s natural family, but could instead deal with the affiliations of said family. I’m sure the Malfoys have several enemies within the wizarding world, and she could be related to them. Or heck, for all we know, she could come from a long line of Hufflepuffs. There are just so many options out there for the bad news to be, it should be interesting to see what it really is.
That said, poor Narcissa! Although I didn’t like her at first, she is a character I’ve grown to like, and she’s just had so much drama and trouble in her life recently, I hope Lucius doesn’t do anything rash. I really don’t think he would divorce her, particularly after all of this being so public. He is, after all, very concerned about his public image, and has political aspirations. Divorcing his wife so callously would only serve to further vilify him in people’s eyes and cast a huge breech in his relationship with Draco.
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Anonymous @ June 7 2003, 17:53:53 UTC |
From another lurker:
I wonder whether Narcissa isn't an illegitimate child of Mr. Peltier or something. It would make some sense - after all, it would still be an 'adoption' from her real mother, and that way she would still be sort of a Peltier.
Though it would explain why her mother was so cold to her as well. Who knows.
sistermagpie @ June 7 2003, 18:49:52 UTC |
Oh, I just can't even guess what the bad news is. I've said in the past I sort of hope she's still Pureblood because if she's not it sort of gives Draco an artificial out on his racism. I'd rather see him have to realize he's wrong about Purebloods being superior while still being one himself--after all, most racists don't turn out to really be not white etc.
But it's true there's lots of other possibilities there. She could be a Weasley or a Potter or Hufflepuff. I don't trust Lucius at all here. He doesn't yet know what the news is, but that seeing the barrister seems like it has to have some sinister meaning somewhere, somehow. Poor Narcissa, checking for Draco's Quidditch scores and finding this! I wonder if she'll come to see him in the hospital ward. Draco hasn't said anything about his thoughts on her parentage yet at all--I hope he does the right thing by her. (Yeah, that's a safe bet. Draco doing the right thing? Ha!)
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adolfa @ June 9 2003, 19:29:22 UTC |
Before Narcissa posted that comment about her family having "a few Muggle members", I actually was toying with the idea that Lucius and Narcissa could be siblings.