sistermagpie @ 2003-04-02 13:04:00 |
(no title)
Mood: thoughtful
Another theory on potterstinks ignoring Harry.
Is it possible that at some point after the party a drunken Harry told Draco not to comment to him anymore? I mean, we know he left the party wondering why he wasn't commenting. He even asked him something like, "You are online all the time. What is your problem?" Could this be potterstinks doing "exactly what Harry wanted?" Just a thought.
anamirza @ April 2 2003, 14:35:00 UTC |
That would be so, so teenagery. (Argghh. Those two are driving me nuts!)
Though I did like (what someone pointed out on another post), that just-harry writes that series of posts right around the time he finds the Mystery Note in his pockets. (His conversation with Ron in lupercus' journal, I think.)
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Anonymous @ April 2 2003, 17:30:05 UTC |
Please excuse my putting my oar in here (in a slightly OT way, too), but I have been driven out of lurkerdom over the whole Harry-and/or-Draco situation recently, and I finally decided to post my own opinion.
My take on it is that perhaps there’s more to the whole ‘girls-girls-girls’/ignoring Harry thing than just a desire to prove his straightness to the world. I think perhaps he’s trying to prove it to himself as well – he’s desperately trying to find a girl who he can find attractive, he’s talking about the female body in an attempt to get himself interested in it. All of which would suggest that whatever did happen that night caused Draco to realise that he had some kind of attraction to Harry. So then he panics, and starts on this whole girls thing – and yet it’s fairly obvious that he doesn’t really have any attraction to any of the girls he’s ‘gone out with.’ Take his reaction to Greenknees for example:
while a round of fellatio is certainly not something to turn down, I hardly think the lake at Hogwarts is the place. I mean, really. Could the girl be any more of a cliché?
He’s worried about the location when he’s being offered sex? Obviously he has no real interest in her (or any of the others) and is merely attempting to feign it. But I wonder how much of the whole thing is a façade, whether he really actually does believe that he is straight and that – whatever happened – was an aberration. Does he still believe he’s straight, or is he just trying to be?
On the subject of his ‘date’ with Queenie:
I'm taking her 'round on Prefect Duty for the evening, with the hope that the usual boredom found on Prefect Duty does not repeat itself.
Hm. The last time he was on prefect duty was ‘that night,’ wasn’t it? I’d say the ‘boredom’ reference is him trying to point out to Harry that he is/was not interested, which of course is somewhat less than the truth. And also, he doesn’t want a repeat of whatever happened? Or does that mean that the Incident couldn’t be repeated if he’s with a girl? Whatever, it’s another very definite pointer that something major did happen that night.
And then Harry’s immediate response to everyone who worried about him:
Professor Lupin gave me detention so I'm not going unpunished because I'm me or anything
Where did he get that from? I’m inclined to think that this would indicate that he and Draco had some kind of argument, or at the very least that Draco sniped at him over his drunken state. Did they have a fight, verbal or otherwise, and Draco simply realise that he was enjoying this far too much for it to be simple enmity? Did Drunk!Harry get caught up in verbal sparring and point out that Draco’s obsession with ‘perfect Potter’ has all the hallmarks of crush behaviour? ::is intrigued::
::goes back to lurking::