dragynville @ 2003-06-10 16:30:00 |
draco is unamused..
Mood: loved
Draco is back striking fear into the hearts of many, and he is beautifully enraged.
(and I used the 'loved' mood because they don't have 'loving')
[addendum] And now he and M.B. are up to something in the kitchen. [/addendum]
kat99999 @ June 10 2003, 16:38:41 UTC |
He seems very not amused, very grr indeed. Although, who can blame him? Sounds like his visit to the hospital wing was not pleasant, and that his father's mediwizard just made it all the more worse.
And is it just me, or does he not sound particularly impressed with Pansy? Could the honeymoon be coming to an end? *looks a bit hopeful* Then again, he doesn't sound particularly impressed with anyone, so maybe I shouldn't get too excited. Heeh, aw the poor babyyyy.
dragynville @ June 10 2003, 16:56:33 UTC |
I had a feeling his father's meddling would make things worse.
He seems decidedly unimpressed with everyone at the moment. But that's very Draco.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 15:25:03 UTC |
He also put that post in his memories under 'Why Potter should not have lived'
(parent)dragynville @ June 11 2003, 20:28:19 UTC |
Which seems to prove the theory that Draco's rant..
I do feel so horrid that I bothered anyone while I was unconscious due to having my kneecap attached to my leg with silver and then having it rebroken. I am so very bloody thoughtless.
..was about Harry not coming to see him.
taradiane @ June 10 2003, 16:43:18 UTC |
Sadly, I am having trouble fighting off visions of just_harry carrying
potterstinks around Hogwarts so that he won't have to endure those horrid crutches.
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chibi_draco @ June 10 2003, 16:50:37 UTC |
That, would be adorable. Thanks for the cute ickle image =P
(parent)dragynville @ June 10 2003, 17:12:43 UTC |
What? What? Kitchen arrangements about what?! And why have they run the house elves out?
..dying of curiosity now..
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 17:13:59 UTC |
"I have prepared the chef's hats." (http://www.livejournal.com/users/potterstinks/21528.html?thread=411672#t411672)
He is too adorable.
theantimodel @ June 10 2003, 17:16:19 UTC |
What on earth are they baking? This is interesting.
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 17:19:43 UTC |
Millicent is so buddy-buddy, isn't she? Up for anything, she is.
(parent)dragynville @ June 10 2003, 17:24:47 UTC |
With a sarcastic remark always at the ready. XD What would we do without her?
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 17:50:51 UTC |
There's so much affection in her sarcasm with Draco and Harry. It's just so warm that it's cute. What would Draco do without her?
(parent)dragynville @ June 10 2003, 17:57:19 UTC |
Too true. She's also the only one of his circle who points out to him when he's being an ass. But with affection like you say. And she's also there to stand beside him. (She's so one of my fave N_A charas. ^^)
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 18:13:23 UTC |
How funny is it that Ms. Back Off is so universally loved?
dragynville @ June 10 2003, 18:18:02 UTC |
We'd probably all be terrified of her in RL, but online she's just so vibrant. XD
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 19:59:39 UTC |
...but online she's just so vibrant
Yes, and the really funny part is the clash between the feistiness of comments and the dourness of her user pics.
dragynville @ June 10 2003, 20:18:09 UTC |
Her pix really add to the 'tone of voice' of her comments. Reins the feisty in from becoming any shade of perky, which just wouldn't be M.B. :D
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 20:42:55 UTC |
Oh, yes, I agree. She and PS make great use of their pics. I only wish J_H would get some more! That blank stare distracts me every time. :D
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 22:49:46 UTC |
I think the blank stare gives his snarky comments a tone, and also his caring ones, and it works very well. For example, look at his comments to Lisa and how the icon works, and then look at his comments to Neville being dissapproving. He has a perfect all-around face.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 10 2003, 17:21:33 UTC |
I'm wondering if this is somehow related to Pansy's birthday? maybe they're making her a cake? I know him and Pansy don't seem to be getting along well but it would seem fairly appropriate for Millicent and him to team up on something like this.
(parent)larks @ June 10 2003, 17:25:46 UTC |
I agree! Considering how she showers everyone with baked goods, maybe the two feel the need to repay the favor.
(parent)dragynville @ June 10 2003, 17:30:44 UTC |
Maybe he's doing it specifically to distract her from continuing to take care of him...? Based on what he said in his post and all, it seems to be annoying him.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 10 2003, 20:41:52 UTC |
That's what I thought too. The idea of the two of them with chef's hats in the kitchen baking for Pansy just slays me. I hope they make her a big lopsided cake and she loves it!!
Trust Draco to take care of the proper fashion accessories and have no recipe. I'm so happy to see him posting again but he really does seem to have been put through the ringer. If it had been anybody else they'd be considered the big hero of the game: playing two positions, getting badly injured, STILL catching the snitch and then going unconscious. Instead the people who did post about it were either neutral or hoping to spin things so he hit Cho on purpose. Normally I think he'd deal with that well but oi! That experience in the infirmary with his knee. OUCH OUCH OUCH! He really does seem to just feel humiliated and sore. And part of that still might have to do with being on the outs with Harry as well.
sheron @ June 10 2003, 22:34:57 UTC |
I had a thought that he was annoyed with Harry (or maybe Ron?) when he wrote that entry.
He writes sarcastically, "I do feel so horrid that I bothered anyone while I was unconscious...I am so very bloody thoughtless." It sounds to me like he has either been told or had gotten the impression from the journals that someone found it "thoughtless" of him to worry someone. And he seems to strike back with sarcasm.
Of course I may be totally of base here, but no one except Harry (and of course Pansy and Millicent) seemed to be bothered that he got hurt. So who else could this comment be directed at?
sistermagpie @ June 11 2003, 08:36:49 UTC |
Oh, good point. I figured some of the anger at least was directed at Ron for claiming he knocked Cho off her broom on purpose but you're right some of it was probably for Harry as well. He and Ron eventually sort of agreed that Draco was probably being overdramatic, after all.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 10 2003, 17:26:20 UTC |
I would like to point out the time of the Slytherin Quidditch practice.
*cough cough* Wonder why that time? ^-^
dragynville @ June 10 2003, 17:36:54 UTC |
Oh yes, and her birthday is tomorrow. So maybe he meant the humiliation can be focussed on her instead in a truly literal sense? Just what are they baking? *quirks eyebrow*
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 10 2003, 17:46:21 UTC |
I don't know if it has anything to do with Pansy but it's the same time as Harry's practice.
I'm hoping for more dramatics then already indicated (re: Pansy's b-day)
dragynville @ June 10 2003, 17:53:54 UTC |
Oh.. I thought his was 'today' after dinner?? *confused*
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 17:54:21 UTC |
Harry's practice was today, I believe, Draco's is tomorrow. But both held right after dinner on respective days.
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 17:27:22 UTC |
<a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/potterstinks/21528.html?thread=412440#t412440>*cries*a>
(parent)toopizza @ June 10 2003, 18:01:16 UTC second try at making a coherent comment... |
Since unicorn hair was used does that mean that Draco is still a virgin or does that only apply to actual unicorns being near him?
(parent)lunastarr @ June 10 2003, 18:02:42 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
I thought that was unicorns and boys, not virgins...
(parent)toopizza @ June 10 2003, 18:04:32 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
I don't know...I thought it was that a unicorn will only approach someone if he/she is a virgin...
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 18:09:33 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
Well, there wasn't an actual unicorn in the hospital wing, just hair. But he's gotta be a virgin. All of his relationships seem to have been very superficial and mainly for show. (He hasn't even shared a bed with Pansy, has he?)
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 23:17:45 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
Well, he was tied above it once.
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 18:13:35 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
I think it's like that in classic mythology, but in Hp I thought they just had a preference for girls.
I would also assume Draco is still a virgin, as he and Pansy have not been together long/do not seem that close to each other.
Although, Narcissa hasn't commented on Draco keeping his promise, I suppose it's possible.
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 18:17:28 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
What promise? (I'm fairly new.)
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 18:39:26 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
Narcissa wanted Draco to lose his virginity by a certain time and she made him promise he would. I forget why she wanted him to.
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 18:51:53 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
Uh, ew. I went searching through the old posts in both her and Draco's journals looking for it, and I was somewhat puzzled as to what was going on. Thanks for clearing that up. :)
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 19:24:38 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
She explains it here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/blonden
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 19:51:32 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
Ah, somehow missed that! Thanks!
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 21:26:13 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
But if he is still a virgin and being 17, doesn't that mean he broke Malfoy tradition? That doesn't seem very like him(at least then)
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 21:44:19 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
I bet he's not the first to do so. It doesn't seem like the losing of the virginity would be anything that they'd hold parties over or send out gilded announcements for, so I don't think it's an actual "tradition."
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Anonymous @ June 10 2003, 21:56:11 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
I actually wouldn't be surprised if Narcissa just forgot.
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fourscore @ June 10 2003, 18:15:38 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
I don't think that has anything to do with unicorn hair, though. They use it in Potions all the time and it's a wandcore.
(parent)toopizza @ June 10 2003, 18:17:17 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
Ah. True. Good point about them using it in Potions...
(parent)sheron @ June 10 2003, 22:36:49 UTC Re: second try at making a coherent comment... |
Only unicorns, probably. With all those wands being made with unicorn hair, it would be pretty bad if the wand started malfanctioning once someone loses their virginity. :D
(parent)nightflight @ June 11 2003, 07:29:23 UTC |
We could always have a flour fight to relive the childhoods of others.
Consider me slayed. <33333
And then Draco's response! Sigh. Theirfriendshipissowitty.
This wasted comment has been brought to you by the letter R, for Ri. Hurry on now, nothing to see here.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 13:57:47 UTC |
Did anyone else notice that he said "my mother" and not "My Mother?"
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 19:04:06 UTC Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
I'd just run through Draco's old journal entries and found something interesting.
It's the "laundry tips" post, originally being posted a few months ago. Currently there are 2 more extra comments being posted by both Draco and Harry yesterday (June 10, 2003), seemingly after Draco's injury entry 's posted. Could anyone figure out what they mean?
sistermagpie @ June 11 2003, 19:13:51 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Why those tricky little bastards!
To me it seems like Draco answered an old entry of Harry's knowing that it would get e-mailed to him so that they could have an exchange that wasn't so noticed.
That would mean Draco was the one to actually make the first move and Harry replied.
How on earth did you notice this??!!
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 19:42:19 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
hehehe.. I was pretty hopeless about the current state of their relationship, so decided to go through Draco's journal to figure out something. I remember this post so vividly because it's one of Harry's first public move towards Draco.
And what does Harry mean by this " everyone has figured out by now , I didn't make it up"? Make up what? Harry met Millicent and then Sirius the night before and we don't know what they really talked about. Draco or Harry's scar?
dragynville @ June 11 2003, 20:25:19 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
So it sounds like Harry's scar started hurting the night/day they were together (when Draco was supposedly in Cannes), Draco got freaked out by it and accused him of making it up, and now Harry's pointing out the DE attack (mentioned in Cho's LJ) as proof.
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fourscore @ June 11 2003, 20:34:16 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
I assume he was talking about the agitating and that he stole the information from online articles on how to get stains out.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 11 2003, 20:36:31 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Yeah, that's what I thought. All these months later Harry can admit the word "agitate" didn't come from him.;-)
(parent)lunastarr @ June 11 2003, 20:42:44 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Nah, he says "That's the word THEY used" so he's admitting he didn't make up any of the laundry tips.
(parent)dragynville @ June 11 2003, 20:45:37 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
I was referring to his second sentence (As everyone has figured out by now, I didn't make it up.), which could have a double meaning depending upon what happened between the two of them.
(parent)lunastarr @ June 11 2003, 20:48:11 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
But if you change the period to a coma he says "That's the word they use, I didn't make it up." I just doubt it has double meaning O_O;;;
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fourscore @ June 11 2003, 20:50:57 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
I agree. Harry was likely just responding to what Draco said. I mean, he was probably a little surprised that Draco was answering his comments three months later.
(parent)dragynville @ June 11 2003, 20:48:08 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Mm.. it just sounded rather 'conversation within a conversation', but the peace-offering theory holds a lot of merit too. *shrug*
..deleted and reposted for grammatical control-freakishness..
tabiji @ June 11 2003, 20:33:33 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Those sneaky little shits!
Maybe I'm reading into it, but I'm wondering if it is significant that Draco replied to this particular post. This was when Harry was trying to apologize and get Draco to talk to him...then Draco mentioned that he didn't want Harry's "sodding laundry tips", etc in the outing post. I wonder if this is Draco's way of trying to extend an olive branch for more than one thing?
dragynville @ June 11 2003, 20:41:51 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Opening the lines of communication, especially in a place where everyone else won't see it.
(parent)tabiji @ June 11 2003, 20:51:10 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Since it wasn't really a public fight, I'd have to wonder who they would be trying to keep from seeing it. Lucius?
Snape just posted about Harry's forehead, so the DE theory is looking more likely!
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fourscore @ June 11 2003, 20:57:28 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Everyone, probably. Every time they do anything the whole school has to get involved.
(parent)sistermagpie @ June 11 2003, 21:17:46 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Definitely. And especially sweet coming from Draco who does so much for an audience. It feels almost like he's always speaking in a voice to project to the back rows, playing his role, so for him to really secretly make a comment to Harry (as opposed to dramatically secret like sneaking out at night) it just seems very real. Particularly after the things he just went through--a dramatic injury etc. Interesting that he came out of that with this comment. I do wonder in general, though, what Draco thinks about Harry's scar trouble etc.
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fourscore @ June 11 2003, 21:23:09 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Definitely. I wonder if Draco even knows about Harry's scar, though. Harry didn't ask to talk to Sirius until a few days ago, so I presume that's when his scar started hurting, if it does hurt. Harry doesn't really like to talk about it, especially since Hermione and Ron are always giving him those anxious looks over it, so I'm nto sure if it's something he'd even bring up with Draco.
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Anonymous @ June 11 2003, 23:22:39 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Harry didn't ask to talk to Sirius until a few days ago, so I presume that's when his scar started hurting, if it does hurt. Harry doesn't really like to talk about it, especially since Hermione and Ron are always giving him those anxious looks over it, so I'm nto sure if it's something he'd even bring up with Draco.
sistermagpie @ June 12 2003, 06:53:43 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Oh I didn't mean he'd talked to Draco about it--I agree he wouldn't. I meant I wondered if Draco was reacting to the public talking about it now in the journals now that Snape flat out said this was going on so that M.B. is asking about it etc.
(parent)dragynville @ June 11 2003, 21:04:47 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
Everyone, since they're trying to be cagey/discreet about the whole thing to begin with. And I think he'd especially want to keep it private in case Harry snubs him.
Yes, I think so too. And he implied that that's what Harry went to see Sirius about!
sistermagpie @ June 11 2003, 20:46:04 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
I think it is significant. I think this thread means something to ps. He's got everything in memories but for some reason decided to use this one to get into contact with Harry. Either he sought this one out or was going through his enteries in Harry's absence!
It's kind of nice, really, because this thread is Harry trying and trying to get Draco to talk to him and he won't. Now Draco's pushed him away again. Harry doesn't appear to be willing to do this again, but Draco going back to the first time he did do it is a really sweet gesture, I think. It doesn't solve everything but it does say that he's still thinking of Harry.
It's not a big apology or anything but it's definitely an olive branch of some kind. It's affectionate curmudgeonly. Whatever it really meant I think Harry gets it.
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fourscore @ June 11 2003, 20:49:55 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
I agree. It's like he's saying that he'll answer Harry now, because this is when he wouldn't answer anything Harry said.
(parent)tabiji @ June 11 2003, 21:09:01 UTC Re: Something interesting from Draco's old entry |
It's so adorably Draco. He wouldn't just say "Sorry", but "'Agitate' it. I mean, really." (accompanied with rolling eyes) in a place where nobody else would see it, and nobody but Harry would understand it is so him!
(parent)xnera @ June 11 2003, 21:21:45 UTC |
They're communicating on other old threads, too!
Looks like I'll be spending the night going through every single post potterstinks has ever made. *grins*
non_inferno @ June 11 2003, 22:19:40 UTC |
I don't get the whole point of them posting there, but it amuses me very much. Just thought I would share that.