vellum @ 2003-06-11 23:02:00 |
(no title)
so, wait, is black in dog form and doing the crossword puzzle, or is he human and shaking his leg?
and the whole attack thing and lupin looking up protective charms. ::chills::
and ron!
theantimodel @ June 11 2003, 23:17:06 UTC |
I got the impression that he was in human form, an that is what made it so amusing, the fact that although in human form, he still shakes his leg like a dog.
All of the DE stuff is making me nervous. They are definitely gearing up for something it seems.
vellum @ June 11 2003, 23:22:26 UTC |
yup. very canon, isn't it?
and i'm amused by the mental image of a dog trying to hold a quill, as well, but that may just be me.
xnera @ June 11 2003, 23:30:31 UTC |
and i'm amused by the mental image of a dog trying to hold a quill, as well, but that may just be me.
Nope, not just you. :)
You know, when I read Ron's post earlier about running into the cake, my first thought was "Why is Hagrid wearing green icing?" And then I realized we haven't seen Hagrid at all in the roleplay... so I guess he's still off being an ambassador to the giants or something. And yes, it really does seem like something big is about to happen... Lupin wants to get protection charms for DW. That can't be good.
xnera @ June 11 2003, 23:34:20 UTC |
And now Snape needs to talk to Lupin/Sirius. Something is definitely going on.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 11 2003, 23:36:35 UTC |
I think something is going on as well. Something bad always happens to Harry at the end of Spring Term.
(parent)xnera @ June 11 2003, 23:39:53 UTC |
*smacks head* Of course! I've been unemployed for seven months, so I've completely lost all sense of time. I forgot it was time for the yearly attack from YKW.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 12 2003, 00:04:38 UTC |
Is N_A going to deal with that? I thought they kinda ignored Voldie on the basis of it being to game altering.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 00:41:46 UTC |
Voldemort commenting on someone's post about some Hogwarts ball would be a hilarious concept. Or Remus making fun of him. Though I guess it would be rather... unrealistic.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 00:22:37 UTC |
The Llama comments on Snape's entry ( make me think of the old FPS insult (though I suppose I've only seen it on Half Life and its mods). This brings me to two observations:
A) Quake 2 is out by game!time (97, or is it already 98? Half Life is 98.). I won't ask for gamers, because that would be far too gauche. However, it would be cool.
B) Snape obviously got really angry at Draco following the outing incident, and he hasn't appeared to start LIKING Draco again, especially with his negative comments about Draco in the llama thread, but what are people's thoughts on the Draco/Snape dynamic?
vellum @ June 12 2003, 00:27:59 UTC |
i have no clue as to fps or A).
B) draco showed his homophobia and snape is a homosexual. i'm thinking snape is giving draco an extreme cold shoulder to draco personally, but still favoring him as a slytherin (draco went into potions late, in his post after the quidditch game, and snape didn't say anything), but i think i'd need a bit more than that to say anything about that truly.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 00:40:05 UTC |
A) you should. Shooting people is fun
B) I know WHY the fallout happened, and now that I think of it, we have a few more data points. If you remember (or beter yet, click to have your memory refreshed (, when Draco requested out of school Snape seemed rather cold to Draco and granting him allowances only insofar as he's granting Slytherin allowances. He's certianly not in a Playing-Strip-Poker-With-McGonnagall-To-K
C) Anyone know who Draco's replacement as Slytherin Prefect is anyway? Pansy?
vellum @ June 12 2003, 00:43:34 UTC |
A) first person shooter. that jogged my memory.
B) yes. you so smart. kinda sucks though, as there's rather a lot of prof. mcg/gryffindor interaction, and personally, no offense to prof. mcg's player, i'd rather see a lot more snape out there.
C) no. anyone? can you tell us?
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 01:07:44 UTC |
C) I'm beginning to suspect one has not been named. I checked the outing thread and a number of posts (with their comments) afterwards, especially Snape's and McGongall's (the only personal journals I checked, since I figured prefecture would be announced on the community), and found no mention of who his replacement was (though I remember something about McGonagall wanting Pansy all along, so if it's anyone...)