theantimodel @ 2003-06-12 00:23:00 |
Current Events 101
In an effort to try to tie it all together (or at least get some semblance of the bigger picture) I present to you all:
Things we have learned today.
-In this post Draco calls Narcissa "my mother" instead of "My Mother". This is important. Possibly signifying a lack of respect because of her newly discovered heritage.
-Draco has been repeatedly approaching Harry via old posts. However, this is not to be taken as an apology. In fact, it seems that he is just looking back on their past experiences and is commenting back to Harry on those subjects. He appears to be looking at how their relationship has changed. And, evidently, when Draco picked the entries he picked them specifically because Harry had been talking about him in them. It also seems that he picked this one to prove the point that he didn't need his father to buy his position on the Quidditch team.
-When Millicent tried to get Harry to meet her after dinner, she was not necessarily trying to get Harry and Draco into the same room to talk (or do anything else). Instead she was, apparently, trying to figure out what happened between them.
-On top of this all, Harry's scar has been hurting, as has been acknowledged by both Lupin and Snape. However, this doesn't seem to be what Draco and Harry had a thing (fight? freak out? something?) about because Harry didn't tell Draco about the scar pains.
So... this all seems to be pointing at something big. Harry's scar, the DE attacks, Narcissa's true parentage, and the Gryffindor/Slytherin match coming up, not to mention exams, NEWTS, and OWLS. I'm not saying that all of
Have I missed any more of the more important recent developments? What does it all mean? And for god's sakes what the heck happened with Harry and Draco last weekend??!!
Also- did we ever discover exactly what it was that Dean was talking about that went on in the Ravenclaw common room?
[EDIT] Draco has scanned the Prophet Report here. Anyone care to discuss? [/EDIT]
Whew! *wipes sweat off brow* I'm really giving my tabbed browsing a run for it's money tonight. I hope this is helpful.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 01:28:12 UTC |
Kneecaps? Because I just don't see the Ireland in the Ravenclaw common room.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 01:32:16 UTC |
Ah, and he was using a penknife or something wasn't he. It is all making sense know.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 01:37:25 UTC |
It's certianly easier than giving M.B. all of Ireland (for one thing, not enough owls in the owlery). That's how I read it. Though I think in terms of hurting Seamus, he's done a PRETTY GOOD JOB of it.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 01:39:04 UTC |
I don't know, that has certainly been the speculation but we never got a definite response to that. However kneecaps definitely was a refrence to Millicent wanting Lansings on her breakfast table.
(parent)dragynville @ June 12 2003, 01:42:10 UTC |
Thanks, I couldn't remember if there was ever a conclusion to that or not.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 12 2003, 01:52:57 UTC |
There is also Neville's memory.
And did we ever figure out where Lilitou came from?
not exactly a curret event but I was wondering
tabiji @ June 12 2003, 02:06:29 UTC |
Good job on the summary! I was waaay too lazy to do one!
Well, we do know that Draco did freak out, but there's still a big why there.
Are the Freak Out and the Scar really related, or are they two separate things?
Was the freak out because of something physical (or emotional) that happened between he and Harry when Draco came from Cannes? Was it because he was with Harry when Harry started having trouble with his scar and he got upset because Harry didn't tell him what was wrong? Or (squee!) because Harry didn't/couldn't finish something they started? Did he get upset and take it as rejection because Harry broke a date with him because his scar was acting up?
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ex_meiko437 @ June 13 2003, 04:31:32 UTC |
The stars are in abundance lately. Not that I'm complaining!
(parent)theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 02:28:34 UTC |
I was going to link to that but I forgot/got lazy, thanks.
And I see we have a star for the freak out not being related to the scar, which was what I had been assuming, mostly because harry didn't tell Draco about the scar. So what i want to know, is what made Draco freak out.
As far as I can tell Harry and Draco haven't crossed the friendship line. Hell I'm not even sure their friendship is 100% stable. So I think it might be too early too assume that it was a lovers quarrel. What I think is more likely would be some sort of freak out because something happened to cause Draco to question himself, or their friendship.
We know that Draco isn't completely comfortable with homosexuality, although it seems like he is getting more used to it, what with his friendship with Seamus and Harry. However I do think that he wouldn't be ok with being gay himself. So if anything happened with him and Harry that maybe made him question that he would probably freak out.
And then there's the possibility that he was hinting at being misunderstood about something. It is entirely possible that he freaked out because of something non-related to the scar or being gay. At this point I feel like we're still missing some of the pieces to the puzzle, but I'm desperate to discover what they are.
tabiji @ June 12 2003, 02:53:23 UTC |
So we're right back to the "did he or didn't he?"
Since we've been all through this backwards and forwards, I think that we've already hit on the cause of the freak out in one of the other threads, but the players haven't commented because they're not ready to let us know yet!
theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 03:09:30 UTC |
It seems like that might be what is going on, especially since we have been running the scenarios for a while now and have suggested a lot of possibilities, surely one of them is close to being correct.
(parent)tabiji @ June 14 2003, 11:41:46 UTC | that a "nope, sorry nobody's hit on it" or a "nope, sorry we're not tellin'"??
sistermagpie @ June 12 2003, 08:57:36 UTC |
Draco and Harry would also just have been meeting after his grandmother's death. It's possible they had an argument about that in some way. Because I agree that the fight could also have been about a serious subject that wasn't sexual and had to do with family or death. It could also have been about friends and friendship. It led to Harry wanting to make surefire all-summer plans with Ron which could have nothing to do with the specific argument, or be a response to some comment Draco made in a roundabout way.
My first instinct was that something happened that made Draco question himself and what he felt for Harry which he then blamed on Harry and used to push him away. It's weird how aware I'm becoming of how outnumbered Draco is sometimes. Pansy and M.B. are fabulous but it's striking me recently how he seems to be living on j_h's turf now. Not just in terms of the Gryffindors all liking to stand together but in terms of Harry's parents living at the school. It's very different from canon the way Harry has two dads he can talk to, not to mention the way he can literally go home on weekends. In a way Draco seems like one of the only people who is isolated at school. He could slip away from Cannes but I don't get the sense he's got anywhere to run to from Hogwarts like Colin, Ron, Harry and even Seamus have.
It's interesting that this happened right after M.B. thought she'd settled the issue over Ron's boyfriend comments. It just goes to show that this relationship is volatile and vulnerable at all times. Nobody can predict just how these two will hurt each other next!
sistermagpie @ June 12 2003, 09:06:03 UTC |
In a way Draco seems like one of the only people who is isolated at school.
I should amend that, of course. M.B. and Pansy also don't seem to have supportive parents. Pansy's seem a lot like ps's in fact. In a way this is a brilliant contrast that explains the different natures of their friendship and personality. There's always a sense with M.B., Pansy and Draco that while they might fight amongst each other they are still tightly bound, almost like siblings. It's amazing the way they subtly cover for each other, make room for each other and subtly support each other's trouble spots. The Gryffindors often have good intentions but accidentally end up being overbearing or doing what they want rather than what the other person wants. Even when M.B. was angry at Pansy and Draco she seemed to see it as a private matter and she didn't seem to speak in terms of them not doing what was "right." Not that she doesn't take them in hand at times, but that appears to be part of their understanding.
It's a complex and wonderful friendship these three seem to have and I just love it even if I don't understand it. I can see them as young children creating a separate world from the adults that still exists today.
theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 13:52:30 UTC |
This makes a lot of sense, especially in the regards to the parents and the not having a real place to run to. In Pansy's birthday thread Pansy comments that M.B.'s parents aren't any better than her own. It seems like the three of them really don't have a solid committed relationship to any real adult figure. Especially since Snape has been looking down at Draco ever since the outing debacle.
So instead of having a place to run to, or having adults to talk to they really seem to draw tighter together when they get upset. Draco also seems to fall back on his usual petty mannerisms and snarky comments, which is where he feels the safest. This topic is really interesting to me because I hadn't really looked at their relationship before. but I think it is definitely a lot more complex than the rest of the characters. Not only do they have to defend each other throughout, they also try to keep their dirty laundry private, and they have to be subtle about it all because if it looks too much like blind loyalty, well, that wouldn't be very Slytherin, now would it?
black_dog @ June 12 2003, 17:08:07 UTC |
In view of how tightly PS, MB and Pansy are drawing together, it's kind of fascinating that MB has to seek out Harry to find out what happened between them, and run to Remus to figure out the significance of the scar hurting. It feels like there's some stuff between Harry and PS that PS is withholding even from MB, which suggests that their relationship may have become fairly intense.
On a possibly unrelated matter, forgive me for seeing a filthy double meaning when we learn that Draco spits. How would Snape know, anyway?
la_trix @ June 12 2003, 17:28:14 UTC |
Oh, my GOD. Ew. I really don't think PS and j_h have gotten that intense.
Yet, anyway. ;)
I thought PS didn't know anything about Harry's scar hurting, but I suppose Snape wouldn't know about that.
theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 18:08:36 UTC |
Yeah I think that is interesting also, it seems to suggest that Draco isn't at all comfortable with what happened, especially if he won't even tell Millicent about the debacle.
Ahahahahaha poor Snape, nothing ever comes out right does it? *snerk*
sistermagpie @ June 12 2003, 19:19:31 UTC |
As theantimodel said (and btw before I forget THANK YOU for putting this all in a thread with links etc. that was really cool of you) I think their relationship is really complex. They're all on some level performers with a public persona and I suspect a lot of their friendship involves accepting each other's necessary fictions. M.B. seems the most upfront but even she rarely comes out straight and says why someone has angered her and she obviously knows when not to push an issue. Often she seems to say what the other two can't and maybe make them laugh about it--Narcissa is a drama queen, Pansy's parents are cretins etc.
I doubt Draco has ever been completely forthcoming about everything, nor have the other two. For instance, I doubt Draco would ever have told either of the girls about Lucius snubbing him in Hogsmeade that day. He probably didn't tell anyone about Lucius ripping into him after the non-duel. Usually, though, his friends (especially M.B.) can get a sense of what's happened without knowing the exact thing. Draco's problem with Harry now seems to be different, even for him. He obviously needs to reflect on it for himself by going through their old journal conversations etc. He might not be able to really articulate exactly what happened or talk about it.
If his freak out with Harry was sexual in nature at all that would make sense. Draco's problems, as real as they have always been, have also usually been on the child side of the line, including his dating, I think. If Draco's actually dealing with the idea of a real relationship and his sexuality it would make sense this wasn't something M.B. couldn't take care of or get in on. Even if it weren't sexual it's possible Harry hit on some area that forced Draco to start thinking like an adult.
I wonder if M.B. doesn't know that Draco and Harry have been communicating in their old entries--it doesn't seem like Draco would tell anyone that either. But if those communications helped at all I think M.B. would see that and back off.
Can I say also that another reason I love this is that I do see a basis for it in canon? We don't know Millicent there, of course, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Canon!Pansy as well. If I were in their class I probably would be disdainful of them like Harry is, but as an adult I see two kids who do seem to provide something for each other. I dread opening OotP and finding them made into grotesques!
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flyby @ June 12 2003, 04:02:43 UTC |
Totally randomly because it does not deserve its own post:
I like this from lupercus:
Next week is going to be a trial. Exams to be given to everyone, including OWLs and NEWTs. The students are counting down the days with a mixture of anticipation and dread. I don't blame them. It's terribly stressful to have something so momentous on approach without knowing what to expect of it. I trust they will all be fine, but we won't know that until the time comes. And I daresay the teachers are as nervous as the students about it!
Well, *I'm* certainly 'counting down the days with a mixture of anticipation and dread,' lol.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 05:24:29 UTC |
yeah, that's exactly how I feel about the release of OotP
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 08:45:19 UTC |
Seamus & Ron apparently made up but we have yet to know how dat happened.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 14:05:16 UTC |
No prob, I was trying to piece it all together in my mind, but then decided that I'd do better to write it down. And then I figured what the heck, if I need this then other people probably do too. So I posted it. I'm hoping that maybe with a look at the bigger picture we'll be able to get some more clues. Or at least a better perspective of it all.
(parent)comava @ June 13 2003, 09:05:33 UTC |
Well, the 2d part is certainly true! I was gone over the weekend and kept wondering if I was missing something relevant... I don't know how much time I spent catching up when I came back!
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ex_meiko437 @ June 13 2003, 04:36:02 UTC |
do you think M.B. is going around everywhere asking about the scar because she is only curious or because she is genuinely concerned about harry come recent? (I make so little sense on little sleep so excuse ridiculous grammar)she seems to be going out of her way to find potter if she is only curious about his scar hurting. and my poor sleep deprived state lowers my theorizing and my IQ to the negatives.
(parent)sheron @ June 13 2003, 16:45:31 UTC |
Did anyone ever found any new posts in PS's journal? (He said he was also stalking himself.)