lunadeath02 @ 2003-06-12 14:47:00 |
Horoscopes! (for the NA peeps)
Mood: amused
Hello all. Remember a few months back when I posted the character's horoscopes in here? But it was only Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco's? Well, I look through many of the others' birthdays and have added them as well. Why? Because their horoscopes are very interesting, to say the least. They're going so well with the way things are/have been lately, that it's very scary. (especially Draco's, Pansy's, Snape's, and Cho's!) If I missed anyone, I'm sorry, but it would just be too much, I think.
What also amuses me is that Lucius' sign is the same as Hermione's!
NA horoscopes (June 12, 2003)
Harry’s: (July 31st) Leo- You may not be entirely convinced that those giving the orders know what they’re doing, but unless you know a better way, don’t rock the boat. The current full moon will make it easy for friends to fall out, so resist the urge to criticize, even when it seems to be justified.
Ron’s (March 1st), Neville’s (February 27th), and Millicent’s (February 29th): Pisces- Don’t let the full moon trick you into doing anything silly, because the planets promise that you don’t need to cut corners or break rules. Success is close and will soon be here. Mars in your birth sign from Tuesday onward will boost your self-esteem and make all things possible.
Hermione Granger’s (September 19th), Lisa Turpin’s (August 25th), and Lucius Malfoy’s (September 23rd): Virgo- Discord of one sort or another is likely this week, as first the full moon, then a major Mars transit bring bad feelings into the open. If you have a complaint to make, then now is the time to speak up. But you’ll also have to listen to what others say about you. It works both ways.
Draco’s (December 31st): Capricorn- Cheer up! Things can only get better. If you don’t believe that now, you’ll start to believe it when Mars moves in your favor again on Tuesday. You’ve worked hard in recent weeks and deserve some kind of reward. At the very least, you’ll enjoy a more varied social life.
Pansy’s (June 11th), Dean Thomas’ (June 6th), Percy’s (June 18th), and Justin Finch-Fletchley’s (June 1st): Gemini- Your solar chart indicates that one thing is coming to an end and another thing is just beginning. The ending is likely to concern a relationship that has run its course. The beginning has to do with your career. Don’t be afriad to go off in a new direction.
Remus Lupin (October 31st): Scorpio- Don’t worry too much about your cash-flow situation, because once Mars, planet of enterprise, moves in your favor on Tuesday, you’ll find a way to make ends meet. The second half of the year will be as fruitful as the first half was barren.
Severus Snape’s (April 14th): Aries- Try to get over the idea that you have secret enemies who are plotting against you. If you think like that this week, you’ll waste a lot of time and energy that could be put to more productive use. Healthy suspicion is one thing, but you’re flirting with paranoia. (O_O!!!!!!!)
Cho Chang’s (November 23rd): Sagittarius- A full moon in your birth sign means the solar year is more or less half over, making this a good time to take stock of how far you’ve come and how far you have to go. Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t met all of your goals; there’s still time to get it right. (will she get her dream job?)
Ginny Weasley’s (April 22nd), Padma & Parvati Patil’s (May 7th), and Lavender Brown (April 25th): Taurus- The current full moon will bring events to a head and force you to deal with something you’ve been actively avoiding. Once you’ve done so, you’ll find it easier to trust partners and collegues, and they’ll find it easier to confide in you. Together you can work miracles.
Ernie Mcmillians: (June 27th): Cancer- Your luck will change for the better this week and it’ll stay changed for the rest of the year. Once Mars moves into your fellow water sign of Pisces on Tuesday, your attitude will become a lot more positive, which in turn will lead to new opportunities for growth.
Colin Creevey should be a Libra!
Libra- Work and health issues will come to the fore once Mars changes signs on Tuesday, and they’ll continue to be a major theme throughout the second half of the year. If you’ve been overdoing it in any way—physical, mental, or emotional—you must restore balance.
Vincent Crabbe’s (February 6th) and McGonagall’s (February 2nd): Aquarius- What you own, what you earn and what you spend will be the dominant themes in your life for the foreseeable future. You’ll work hard to make sure you can afford the good things in life and you’ll make sure others know of your success. But don’t brag too much.
tiamet_nox @ June 12 2003, 14:21:43 UTC |
Hey! Ernie has the same birthday as me! Go us^-^
Thoese are cool. Wierd how fitting most of them are!
theantimodel @ June 12 2003, 16:02:02 UTC |
Just had to say that I, for one, find it very odd that Millicent is a Pisces, however not all Pisces are the stereotypical ones, I'd be interested in knowing her rising and moon signs. Then again, she is surrounded by a whole lotta Slytherins and Pisces do tend to take on everyone else's signs too, so I guess it isn't that odd.
Although I must say that it is extremely fitting that Pansy, Dean Thomas, Percy, and Justin Finch-Fletchley are Gemini's. After all the discussion of Pansy's dualistic nature, how fake she seems to be, and Dean being one way with Seamus and another with Boot. Good job players, this is totally spot on.
lunadeath02 @ June 12 2003, 17:10:02 UTC |
I find it amusing that it states this for Gemini:
The ending is likely to concern a relationship that has run its course.
Pansy's relationship, and Dean's, had run it's course? I hope not for Dean.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 13 2003, 04:19:59 UTC |
although some fit, I find it doubtful that many took signs into account other than Lavendar's player, and possibly Parvati's. Other than the cannon ones, too.
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hezzabeth @ June 12 2003, 16:09:03 UTC |
I always assumed that Draco was a saggiterius.
Heh , turns out I was wrong.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 16:35:33 UTC |
OMG, i'm so stupid not to realize that Harry is Leo. After all he has to be! Symbolic and everything. I just doubt JKR believes in horoscopes, but Harry HAD to have his Birthday in summer because of the plot. So what if JKR made a lion a Griffindor animal BECAUSE Harry is Leo to prove he's a REAL Griffindor.
I guess it's OT and widely known, so sorry! Sometimes I happen to be dumb...
Just wanted to say that all the horoscopes here seem strangely fitting. There's something fishy about that:)
thanks for posting!
lunadeath02 @ June 12 2003, 17:07:23 UTC |
In an interview, Rowling said that she gave Harry her birthday. It just so happened that she is a Leo as well. :)
And did you know that Daniel Radcliffe's birthday is July 23rd? He's right on the border of Cancer and Leo. He's too perfect.
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Anonymous @ June 12 2003, 20:36:39 UTC |
Wow! I didn't know that!
Anyway, i don't believe in coincidences, so lets just say - Dan was MEANT to play Harry...
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Anonymous @ June 13 2003, 04:05:34 UTC quick question |
hello! i've just recently followed this rpg and so far i'm <3ing this. but how were the birthdays determined?
*i n c o h e r e n t*
lunadeath02 @ June 13 2003, 13:52:25 UTC Re: quick question |
I have no idea. Harry's, Hermione's, and Ron's are in the book (although for Hermione it only says that her birthday is in September- doesn't give the day).
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faelori @ June 16 2003, 10:56:49 UTC Re: quick question |
JKR gave Hermione's and Ron's birthdays in an interview. :)
(parent)quixotic_sense @ June 13 2003, 08:25:35 UTC |
Oh my god I share a birthday with pinkstarsgirlie. :O