hezzabeth @ 2003-08-12 19:33:00 |
In the tradition of Lavender and Parvati
Mood: curious
I found this nifty website which has free tarot readings. After reading all these threads about whats going on with P_S and Just_Harry I thought I'd do the "realtionship" spread for fun.
I asked this question " what on earth is going on between Draco and Harry" any way this answer came up.
The following is how Draco currently sees himself :The Lovers
Love. Beauty. Perfection. Harmony. Unanimity. Trials overcome. Trust. Honor. Possibly the beginning of a romance. Deep feeling. Development. Optimism. Letting oneself go. Freedom of emotion. The necessity of testing or subjecting to trial. Struggle between sacred and profane love. Examining. Yearning. Possible predicaments. A person deeply involved in the emotions and problems of a friend or relative. A meaningful affair.
The following is how Draco see's Harry :
Six of Swords (Science): A trip or journey. Travel. Headstrong attempt to overcome difficulties. Expedient manner. Success after anxiety.
The following is what Draco feels about Harry ( this part really wigged me out when it showed up) :Death: Transformation. Clearing away the old to make way for the new. Risk for renewal. Unexpected change. Loss. Failure. Abrupt change of the old self, though not necessarily physical death. The ending of a familiar situation or friendship. Loss of income or financial security. Beginning of new era. Illness, possibly even death. Streak of bad luck. A loan that will not be repaid.
Now I dont know about you guys but I think this strongely relates to recent events with Draco reflecting on his past relationship with Harry. Obviously something had changed or transformed. Especially the bit " the ending of a familiar situation".
What stands between our two boys :Five of Pentacles (Worry): Material trouble. Destitution. Loss. Failure. Error. Impoverishment. Lover. Misaffection.
How Harry sees Draco :The Hanged Man: Life in suspension. Transition. Change. Reversal of the mind and one's way of life. In a passive sense, apathy and dullness. Boredom. Abandonment. Renunciation. The change of life's forces. Event's of an uncertain nature. The period of respite between significant events. Sacrifice. Readjustment. Regeneration. Improvement. Rebirth. The approach of new life forces. Surrender. Lack of progress. Oversacrifice. An unappreciated person.
How Harry sees Draco ( major squeeness here) :Ace of Cups: Great abundance. Fulfillment. Perfection. Joy. Fertility. Opulence. Fullness. Happiness. Productiveness. Beauty and pleasure. Goodness overflowing. Favorable outlook.
The current challenge of the relationship :Seven of Cups (Temptation): Fantasy. Unrealistic attitudes. Imagination. Daydreams. Foolish whims. Wishful thinking. Illusionary success.
Now I have no idea how accurate this stuff is , I just thought that some of the stuff that came up related to the whole situation. Any thoughts?
comava @ June 13 2003, 07:14:32 UTC Hmmm... |
Not much of a tarot fan or any divination of sorts, but... yeah, it's interesting.
And yes, major squeeage for the how Harry sees Draco part. Squee!
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hezzabeth @ June 13 2003, 15:55:16 UTC Re: Hmmm... |
I was just looking the stuff up for an rpg I'm in and I thought I'd give it a whirl.
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Anonymous @ June 13 2003, 10:06:12 UTC |
You have how Harry sees Draco twice. I assume you meant the first on to be how Harry sees himself?
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hezzabeth @ June 13 2003, 15:56:15 UTC Re: |
Yes , the second one was a typo it was meant to be how he felt not sees.
(parent)freak22 @ June 13 2003, 13:33:19 UTC Im no expert . . . |
I know a bit about Tarot I do readings every now and then. The think you have to remember is that each card has many words to its meaning ,you, the reader have to make the ultame choice in what the card is trying to say. You do this by knowing a bit about the situation you are reading for. So here is my extended (i guess)virsion of the reading
How Draco currently sees himself:The Lovers
A person deeply involved in the emotions and problems of a friend or relative.
He gets very cought up in things going on with other people rather then himself.
How Draco see's Harry :Six of Swords Success after anxiety.
He hopes that things will work out for the better no matter what the outcome
What Draco feels about Harry:Death Abrupt change of the old self, though not necessarily physical death.
For them to have a 'relationship' Draco would have to change him self quite a bit.
What stands between our two boys:Five of Pentacles Misaffection
each thinks the other truly hates them
How Harry sees Himself( I believe thats what you ment):The Hanged Man Reversal of the mind and one's way of life.An unappreciated person
Harry is not sure of himself and who he is now that every one knows he kissed Draco
How Harry sees Draco:Ace of Cups Favorable outlook
He would like to be with him
The current challenge of the relationship:Seven of Cups
Fantasy. Unrealistic attitudes. Imagination. Daydreams. Foolish whims. Wishful thinking
Both believe that any relationship is a flight of fancy and that they cant be with eachother because that would be pure fantasy.
Ok I hope that made sense.
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hezzabeth @ June 13 2003, 15:57:22 UTC Re: Im no expert . . . |
Thats a pretty good interpretation!
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hezzabeth @ June 13 2003, 16:20:23 UTC Re: Im no expert . . . |
Thats a pretty good interpretation!