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ex_delz @ 2003-06-14 19:56:00 |
(no title)
What's your prediction of the outcome of tonight's Quidditch match?
Gryffindor or Slytherin?
My personal prediction: Slytherin!
notapipe @ June 14 2003, 17:23:49 UTC The Red is for the team that will win |
5 bucks says Gryffindor
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hezzabeth @ June 14 2003, 17:37:13 UTC |
It's always Gryffindor , Slytherin winning for once would be far more interesting.
Besides P_S deserves it , his been through so much already.
notapipe @ June 14 2003, 19:21:01 UTC Point of Information |
Actually, according to PS's profile last year they beat Gryffindor, though I don't know the circumstances of the alleged Slytherin triumph.
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hezzabeth @ June 15 2003, 02:09:39 UTC Re: Point of Information |
Judgeing by Ron's hysterical post we have a winner...
(parent)lunadeath02 @ June 14 2003, 17:54:46 UTC my guess- |
It'll be a tie. And they'll have to flip a coin or something to determine the winners.
or have a rematch. whatever it is they do for a tie.
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kpuchon @ June 14 2003, 18:22:52 UTC |
I'm not sure who would win out of those two, but I know how I'd like it to end. (I'm not sure who originally made that animation but I worship them each day for doing it)
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 14 2003, 18:58:46 UTC |
It's by the wonderful and talented ashjay. I worship at her altar also. :)
This of course would be the idea ending scene, otherwise I think it will be Gryffindor. Very close with much cheating abounding, but still a Gryff triumph.
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 19:30:52 UTC |
I wonder how upset Draco would be if Harry beat him again. Would it have an impact on their friendship? Maybe. I can't think of a situation in NA which would help to figure it out. Well, the only one I can think of is when Narcissa sent Harry the better owl/present and Draco threw a fit (a terrible word for it, I know) However, I'm leaning towards Draco getting really upset over losing so of course I thought of the worst reaction to Harry Draco's ever had.
I think it depends on which Harry and if he can gauge Draco's reaction. And more importantly, which he cares about more : Keeping Draco happy or Quidditch.
Origonally I thought Slytherin, but now that I thought about it, I just don't know.
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 19:35:40 UTC |
Keeping Draco happy was a bad phrase. I meant more like staying on Draco's good side\avoiding events that would cause Draco to distance himself from Harry, assuming Harry would like to get closer to Draco than he is right now.
(parent)la_trix @ June 14 2003, 20:16:41 UTC |
I don't think Harry would ever deliberately throw a Quidditch game. Even if he were inclined to do so, I think Draco would be furious if Harry let him win.
(parent)dragynville @ June 14 2003, 20:21:55 UTC |
I agree. Harry would lose respect for himself and Draco would lose respect for him as well. Something that neither would want.
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Anonymous @ June 14 2003, 22:01:53 UTC Catching the snitch doesn't always=win |
Harry's the better seeker, but there is the element of luck...
And of course, Harry could catch the snitch, but Slytherin could be so up on points that they win anyway.
notapipe @ June 14 2003, 22:42:21 UTC And the winner is... |
Well, I'll let Ron announce the happy news.
I was right. Hooray for flipping coins.
dragynville @ June 14 2003, 22:50:21 UTC Re: And the winner is... |
And he's so subtle too. XD
(parent)theantimodel @ June 15 2003, 01:40:58 UTC Re: And the winner is... |
I wonder how bitter the Slytherins are right now. probably very bitter. I want a full recap you hear that Ron? A full recap.
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 07:12:28 UTC Re: And the winner is... |
I want a full recap too. But are we shure Griffindor won? Ron is a bit vague, not his style IMHO.
Hey, N.A post something!!
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 07:24:30 UTC Re: And the winner is... |
That's what I thought too. My first thought was that they won but then I realized Ron's post could also be just a "Go go, kick their asses!" post pre-game.
But he might just have wanted to post something quickly and then go off to the party.
As to how Draco will react well, he did beat Harry last year, it seems, and it's not like losing to him would be a new experience for him.:-) If they lost I wonder how Draco will change that part of his bio...
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 07:44:18 UTC Re: And the winner is... |
hey! is there anyone who's followed this game last year? How did Draco win? I'm so curious. Did Harry have an injury, did Draco cheat?
well, this year Draco can always say his kneecap was still not healed properly... Though i doubt he'd say that. He seems more mature for that
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 11:14:16 UTC Re: And the winner is... |
I don't think they ever roleplayed fifth year in NA. I've never seen the game referred in present tense in posts.
(parent)dragynville @ June 15 2003, 11:15:33 UTC Re: And the winner is... |
Yes, it could be that Slytherin won but got into serious trouble for some cheating or unnecessary roughness or whatever.
I wish they'd hurry up and get on with it though, I have to work tomorrow.
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 07:52:03 UTC |
Griffindor will win, but M.B.'s gonna crush someone's kneecap...
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 14:52:35 UTC |
Griffindor WON!!!!!
I was right!!!
I want to hear Draco's version of the game...Sure it'll be quite interesting. Esp. the Wronski Feint part... ;)
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 15:20:48 UTC |
I love that both teams were fighting completely dirty and that it lasted until after one in the morning. I'm satisfied with that. Though I have a feeling there's a lot of things we'll need to hear about to really understand what went on...
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 15:33:18 UTC |
No one was posting anything for a long time and I was refreshing the page every 5 minutes coz i wanted to know the outcome of the game.
I was whining why didn't they say anything for so long - and my sis suggested 'they must be all in the Hospital Wing unble to type anything'. I asked "hey you mean -THE WHOLE SCHOOL??" - "why not! It's Griffindor/Slytherin"
So i wasn't that surprised that the game'd been dirty...
sistermagpie @ June 15 2003, 16:57:50 UTC |
Yeah, I figured it would have to be a blow-out!
It's interesting that Ron's post appears to chalk up a bunch of violent fouls to himself. I mean...he knocked Draco off his broom (the very thing he was screaming about Draco allegedly doing to Cho) and got into fistfights with girls? Hmmm...
I mean, I know Ron's always been biased but I can't wait to hear Harry's version of things. I can't help but feel sorry for ps doing a Wronski Feint and Harry spotting the Snitch halfway into it. But then, I'd feel sorry for Harry if it had been reversed too. I wonder if anybody's in the infirmary...
lunastarr @ June 15 2003, 17:02:08 UTC |
I'd be surprised if no one is injured! lol It sounded like a really violent match. ^_^ But I don't think Ron was chalking up the fouls to himself, it sounds to me like he's being dramatic about it, like how he was in GoF when he was retelling stories to others about what happened to him in the lake :P I can't wait for Slytherins to post! ^^
(parent)tiamet_nox @ June 15 2003, 17:25:56 UTC |
I wonder if anybody's in the infirmary...
Maybe M.B.? Her broom got chopped in half.
And what was Draco doing with 2 brooms?
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Anonymous @ June 15 2003, 17:32:27 UTC |
For speed, I suppse? Ron said he started flying really fast...