hezzabeth @ 2003-08-16 10:03:00 |
Martin the Mad Muggle Rpg
Mood: hopeful
A lot of people responded to my little comment that we should make a Martin The Mad Muggle RPG. So this is my post asking the Nocturne Alley moderators permission to create this little game. I'm asking because Ernie came up with the origenal Martin the Mad Muggle charectors and it would be stealing if we just took them.
So , moderators and Ernie can we please have a Martin the Mad Muggle rpg?
thessamunga @ June 16 2003, 17:09:12 UTC |
o_O you guys are on so much crack right now, aren't you? AREN'T YOU!?!?!?
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 17:28:04 UTC |
Hmm... The biggest question here is, would NAM voodoo dolls suddenly be in high demand if we were to say No?
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2003, 17:29:53 UTC Re: |
You'd have to ask the others , people are starting to claim charectors.
There getting very excited.
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 17:37:51 UTC Re: |
Frankly, we are rather overwhelmed by the excitement and the claiming of characters. Flattered, too. It's really great that everyone is just as involved in the NA universe as the players, but the thing is, NA did create the Martin universe and we are, hopefully understandably, possessive of it. We really hate to rain on your parade or take away your fun or piss on your parties or basically being enraged psycho-beasts, but we do hope that everyone can understand if we feel inclined to reject this.
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faelori @ June 16 2003, 17:41:59 UTC |
I would understand. I understand completely. But I hope you'll consider it. :)
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 17:49:47 UTC Re: |
*mops brow* I'm really, really, really glad that you understand, because right now I'm feeling like such a bully. And I sincerely don't mean to throw my mod power about like that. The other mod, who actually has more modly power of doom than I do, is currently asleep. However, we've discussed this issue, together with Nraged mod, Aja, and I'm really sorry to have to say no to this. I hate to disappoint all of you as you've been showing fantastic support for NA for a really long time. But we're really uncomfortable with the idea of a RPG based on characters we made up, especially since the Martin comics will be making more appearances in NA plotlines and we've also assigned character traits and quirks to them. I'm terribly sorry. Would it help if I made NAM voodoo dolls for you as apology?
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 17:58:51 UTC |
oh, totally
*so much love*
I'm just as excited to see Martin Miggs in future NA as for my playing a character.
NA-watching is one of my favorite activities. I have nothing but undying respect and love for your decision and your game playing
I would LOVE a NAM voodoo doll. You should seriously market those. I bet most NrAgers would purchse.
Thanks for considering
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 18:21:38 UTC Re: |
I bet that's relief about our love of voodoo dolls. You had started making them without fleshing out the market, eh?
But luckily for you, it's true. We all want them. The piles around your house will all have welcome homes and you, m'dear, will rake in the dough.
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Anonymous @ June 16 2003, 17:49:08 UTC |
I remember when the NA players went to J.K. Rowling, who created the Harry Potter universe, and asked her how she felt about their RPG.
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faelori @ June 16 2003, 17:52:28 UTC |
That was a snarky joke. >_< Or were you being sarcastic too? It's hard to tell over the internet.
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 17:53:15 UTC Re: |
We would if we could, you realise. There was really no need for sarcarsm here. I feel bad enough as it is to have to say no. But it is rather unfair to compare us to JKR, who is richer than the queen, when we are doing this for ourselves and not making any profit out of it. We've been playing in NA for more than a year now. I apologise if our attachment to our characters and NA creations offends you.
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 18:04:07 UTC |
Your devotion to your characters and creations is what makes NA and what makes us NrAgers.
Let there be peace and love in the Kingdom of NA *radiates soothing*
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faelori @ June 16 2003, 18:08:14 UTC |
Absolutely. I'm not offended at all. Actually, I think in hindsight, I'm sort of glad. I can't wait to see what you will do with them!
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 18:12:56 UTC Re: |
Peace! Yes! Peace is good! We're big on the peace. It's our name, isn't it? NAM does not exactly scream peace. We will look into a name change because that is clearly more important in the scheme of things. I'm thinking TTEPBMONARPG. I think it has a nice, and completely forgettable ring to it. :-?
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 18:44:45 UTC Re: |
The Totally Energetic Potato-covered Businessmen (Many Of Nocturne Alley) Readily Peddle Groceries [Door to Door]
I assume thats what that means.
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 18:47:53 UTC Re: |
Hahahahah! Actually it is TTEPBMONARPG (The Two Enraged Psycho-Beastical Mods Of Nocturne Alley RPG) but now I am thinking I will go with yours.
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 17:59:14 UTC |
Well, that was my reasoning, but most of the people seem to have a problem with going against their wishes, and seem to be unsupportive of an AU thingy which doesn't really have to relate, it'd just be fun...
I dunno, I'm one for the take and run with it school of information is free, but I appear to be in a minority. And you can't have an RPG without players (well, I could develop schizophrenia, but then I could do it all in one journal like split_chick...)
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 18:30:32 UTC |
Well, that was a fun time. Since she was a person easily available over YM, who was poor and writing all these yards of work that were going unpublished in her spare time, it was really easy to get ahold of her. But we felt we had to, because otherwise, people might have thought we made them up, because of course no one realises JKR owns the property rights. But we had to ask, because JKR has so little and we have so much.
-The other mod.
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2003, 17:49:24 UTC Re: |
It's perfectly ok if you reject the idea and we understand completally. Heh , I just thought it would be a lot of fun to have an alternate universe type of thing.
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 17:57:06 UTC Re: |
I'm really sorry. Really, really sorry. Have I mentioned I'm sorry? I'm going to get an ulcer from this. *slits wrist* I know it'd be a lot of fun, I agree and can completely empathise with your point of view, thus the excessive sorryness. But the thing is that the Martin universe has been fleshed out by us, and it will be featured in upcoming NA plots, so it makes us really edgy to have a RPG made out of that universe.
Utterly sorryed out,
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2003, 18:00:35 UTC Re: |
Hey dont stress about it! I'm cool with you rejecting it and I'm sure every one else is ok with it as well.
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 18:03:38 UTC Re: |
*turns into a Weasley in face of distress*
notapipe @ June 16 2003, 18:12:14 UTC |
Damn, we made someone into a Weasley. What kind of monsters are we? *cries at the horror he may have helped percipitate*
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2003, 18:15:56 UTC Re: |
I never should have come up with this idea.
Damn my brain to hell.
notapipe @ June 16 2003, 18:34:58 UTC |
When you thought it up, you had no idea that it would be a drama like it has. It was a good idea, just it spun out of control.
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hezzabeth @ June 17 2003, 01:36:20 UTC Re: |
Idea's have a funny way of doing that , this is worse then the teen witch weekley fiasco.
(parent)notapipe @ June 17 2003, 01:39:58 UTC |
What? Huh?
Ideas are good, it's what people do with them that are bad. Even the idea "let's go round up some queers and lynch 'em." isn't bad, only when put in the context of being serious and actual follow through or threat to follow through.
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hezzabeth @ June 17 2003, 01:43:21 UTC Re: |
Oh a while ago my friend and I made this newsletter called teen witch weekly which was a funny way of commenting on several popular Harry Potter rpg's.
Every one thought it was a riot but members in the different rpgs started posting what ever they wanted in the community thus defeating the purpose of the newsletter.
It soon turned into the "Draco Malfoy scores with as many chicks as possible show" and I dropped out due to shere frustration.
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faelori @ June 16 2003, 17:34:30 UTC |
That depends. Which answer to that question would make you more likely to say Yes? :)
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 17:42:32 UTC Re: |
As a rule, we tend to say Yes to end-products of cocoa.
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 17:41:18 UTC |
They make NAM voodoo dolls? I almost want one regardless. Just to say I have one, not to actually stick pins in.
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 18:00:29 UTC Re: |
We are thinking of NAM blownup dolls as well. We can definitely see a huge demand for them.
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 18:11:12 UTC |
I'd buy them. I could get all my christmas shopping done in one swoop.
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 18:14:44 UTC Re: |
Imagine the profits! Not to mention sexual gratifications! We live to please.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 16 2003, 21:13:12 UTC |
NA Blow up dolls?? for the love of god NOOOO!!
that is too much for my mind to take. *grimaces* yerggg
notapipe @ June 16 2003, 17:34:31 UTC |
If we're serious we need to actually start organizing. I'm going to go off and assume this is over LJ. First, we either need a code benefactor (are any of those who are supportive of this paid members with a bunch of codes?) so we can spawn characters, or decide on another service, Blurty or something. Next, we need people who want to play to submit requests to play and who they want to play to a central location, I've set up madmugglerpg@yahoo.com for this purpose, and if you want to take over organizing this I can give you the password if you IM me (info in my profile) or email that address. I think beyond that framework, we'd be getting ahead of ourselves, at least for now.
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2003, 17:37:33 UTC Re: |
Yes , organization is the key to a good rpg.
We really need to suck up to some one who has a paid account and stress how much this would be cool or how much it would rock to have this rpg.
Also we need permission from intern alley and as of yet they've neither said yes or no.
notapipe @ June 16 2003, 17:48:40 UTC |
I would like to do LJ, but we DO need codes if we want LJ. LJ is best, certianly (though, maybe not certianly, since LJ is slow and unreliable), it's just a matter of CAN we?
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2003, 17:55:22 UTC Re: |
We cannot do anything , they said no unfortuently.
(parent)tabiji @ June 16 2003, 17:42:41 UTC |
I'm just giggling at the thought of us watching NA, and then NA watching us as MtMM. It sounds like a freaky kind of parallel universe.
I don't know if it would be a good thing long-term, but I think it would be a riot to do as a one-time deal...give NA a night off as players to watch us, and then have them commenting, questioning and theorizing on what we were doing. Hehehe...I would love to be able to give them stars!
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hezzabeth @ June 16 2003, 17:45:19 UTC Re: |
It would be bloody hysterical , like I said before it would be a backwards version of NA where theres a duck and nothing is as it seems.