bookshop @ 2003-06-15 19:56:00 |
Mood: distressed
Hi gang.
I know that a lot of you think that all NA is doing lately is raining on your collective parade, and I assure you that we aren't. But I think there are a few things we need to clear up about player territory and the boundaries between fan assumptions and the right of a player to sort of 'dictate' what is theirs about a character.
You know how we've talked about NA fan fiction before? And how writing NA fan fiction that purports to describe what happens in the game is rude to the players because it assumes that the players don't have the ability to give us that?
Well, the same thing goes for the Martin the Mad Muggle RPG that you guys want to start.
Think about it this way. What if somebody other than Cassandra Claire decided that they were the ones who were going to write Passionate Trousers? What if they started writing and putting out chapters of Passionate Trousers while Cassie was still working on Draco Veritas? What if they didn't have Cassie's permission for it, but did it anyway? What would you all think about them?
Martin the Mad Muggle is given a brief reference in canon, by title only. The entirety of the cast and story line and the idea to use it to parody the coming of Book 5 was purely an NA invention.
Throughout the game there are certain to be other appearances of Martin the Mad Muggle, and the developments of its cast and zany plots. But the cast that NA built is NA's cast. We don't want anybody else to take that from us. Sure, another RPG could come along and do its own rendition of the comic, by doing just what we did, maybe even taking similar character names or situations--but that would be another RPG blatantly ripping us off, and we would treat it as such.
But for you guys to deliberately go and start one, or think that you should start one so that you can have fun with it or make it something you want NA to be, that it's not already--it tends to make us feel, well, hurt. It makes us feel like you don' t like the way we play our characters. It makes us feel like you'd rather take what we've done and turn it into something else rather than allow us the opportunity to take what we've done ourselves and make it what we originally envisioned it, and perhaps more.
I know that a lot of you think our attitudes towards the game and the community are too sensitive. Fine, maybe they are. But you have to understand that some of the members of NA have been playing their characters for over 18 months. They know them inside out and backwards and forwards, and although you all have been having a wonderful time during the last 3 months, it's been very difficult at times for them to watch fans interact this openly, and have the freedom to tell us how they think characters should be played or should be acting.
I am not blaming any of you for this, individually or collectively. Nor do I feel like the players aren't justified in feeling anything that they do. It's just that right now NA and Nraged have a very uneasy and tenuous balance that we all need more time to adjust to, every single one of us. Starting another roleplay based off of NA created characters would only add to that tension, and that is something none of us need, least of all me.
I think a lot of times you guys assume that the players are so in control of their characters, are so brilliant--and they are, they're all amazing--that they don't care what you have to say, that you can say basically anything you like about the characters and it won't matter, or that it shouldn't matter. But whether it should or not, it does matter, to many of the players.
We would consider your starting this roleplay to be disrespectful to the game. NA gets copied all the time by other RPGs, and it's stressful enough without having to watch our own fans do it, because it makes us think we can't do it well enough on our own. The things that happen within our game--we, the players, want them to be ours. Not yours. Ours.
Speaking as a fan, I can honestly say that I don't agree that that is necessarily the best attitude to have. Many of the NA players would disagree with me, but I started this community as a fan, and I stand by your right as fans to voice your opinions freely on the game, because I, personally, don't believe players or authors have sole ownership of their characters. That idea is at the heart of fan fiction itself. But there is a vast difference between voicing your opinions freely and disrespecting the players who are working so hard to bring you the game. There is also a vast difference between writing fan fiction for JK Rowling and starting a roleplay based off another roleplay within the same fandom, a roleplay that is still going on, and a roleplay that many of your own friends are involved in. And as a player, which is what I ultimately will be no matter what becomes of Nraged, I don't think any of us are asking too much from you.
I think you are all wonderful, caring fans, and I think that we as a roleplay owe *so* much to you for it. And the last thing I would want you guys to think is that we're not grateful for all the love and encouragement and support you show us, because we truly are. But with all that love, we would also ask you to be understanding and know that having a fan base like Nraged is difficult for us. And we would also ask the following things:
Trust that we know best how to play characters, and what to do with the plot threads and the in-jokes and the cast members that we create. We ask that you treat our players foremost with respect. We ask that you refrain from insulting a character unless you can talk about their behavior in a way that does not imply that the player themselves is at fault for what the character does. We ask that you be sensitive to the fact that to us, every member of Nocturne_Alley is as important as the next, no matter how minor their part is or what part they play. We ask that you be sensitive to the fact that the players follow closely what you say, and are giving hours and hours of their time to make this roleplay possible, and that every time one of you implies that all those hours and hours aren't good enough, it hurts us as members of NA.
And above all, let us have ownership of what is ours.
If you have objections to this policy, this is the place to voice them. As it stands, the moderators of NA and I as the moderator of Nraged, do not want the Martin the Muggle rpg to go forward.
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faelori @ June 16 2003, 18:13:31 UTC |
I understand completely. Believe me, I do. :)
I only have one thing to say:
I sincerely hope you aren't saying you consider other HP RPGs in LJ to be ripping you off. Because, and I hope this doesn't offend you, if you do I don't have the words to say how arrogant that is. :)
bookshop @ June 16 2003, 18:20:24 UTC |
No, that's not what I'm saying, but we *have* had a string of other RPGS on LJ, DJ and other blog sites that stole our characters: and by "stole" i mean they simply took everything from avatars to interests to usernames to avatars, character dynamics and writing styles. It's happened at least five or six times since I've been in the game, and probably more before I was a player.
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faelori @ June 16 2003, 18:24:32 UTC |
ACK! That's terrible. >_< That's so bloody annoying. I speak from one who has experience with RPGs and that kind of thing. I just don't understand why people do that. Aren't they creative enough to come up with their OWN happy, little sandboxes!?!?
(parent)untiemybinds @ June 16 2003, 18:49:54 UTC |
Like.. with sand?
I used to have one of those but then my daddy took it away... *cries*
notapipe @ June 16 2003, 18:31:33 UTC |
I don't think it will. I wasn't one for running to check it out, in part because I figured it was a one-shot that was going to be dropped and to abandon that gem of an idea would be bad. At that point it was much like a plot-bunny, a seed ungerminated that could be taken as a starting point and pushed over the edge somewhere far away. Now that I realize that this is important to y'all (wheee, I love that word), I'm glad it didn't just go ahead.
I don't think anyone is saying you do your characters wrong, and if anyone gets the impression that was anyone of our ideas, I think they're sorely mislead.
In fact, I don't think many people are saying that a person should be acting one way or another normally, but expressing our desires, as readers, for a certian outcome rather than the integrity of the story or characters. This is a natural thing to do, and it means that something has been done RIGHT in making characters who are real.
There is no offense meant in the idea, and nothing negative at all meant, just fun. So I, at least, and I think I speak for everyone even tangentally involved, am sorry that anyones feelings got hurt, because we didn't mean to do that AT ALL.
wheresmytoad @ June 17 2003, 20:15:20 UTC So . . . |
does that mean that if I told you that the Evil!Neville posts hurt my feelings you'd let go of the idea?
Just curious, really.
notapipe @ June 17 2003, 22:36:13 UTC Re: So . . . |
I'm sorry Neville, but I can't do that. Sometimes the Truth is more important than your hurt feelings or even my life if someone should decide to cross the Atlantic and snuff me out (in which case I would become a matyr for the cause so they shouldn't even try it, if they know what's good for them). Why do you ask?
(parent)wheresmytoad @ June 18 2003, 04:35:08 UTC . . . |
Hmm, I suspected as much.
Like I said, just curious.
bookofjude @ June 16 2003, 18:36:40 UTC |
I'll say that NA is probably one of the RPGs that I do enjoy watching; I haven't had much time to watch it recently, but I do really enjoy it. And I do have to say that I agree with everything you've said in this post--even though I don't really remember who Marvin the Mad Muggle (is that how it's spelt? I don't remember) is from the books, nor have I actually read what's been going on. I do agree, though.
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 18:38:14 UTC |
I love all of the characters of NA. It's thanks to them that I can now accept even, some of the canon characters that I had always held a distaste for (namely Ron Weasley. I really hated canon!Ron, I thought he was such a git after book four, but NA!Ron really made me appreciate him, and I rather love him. I wouldn't've said I had any sort of affection for Ron, but I really and truly deeply love NA!Ron and it has spread out to canon now, and I really want to say thank you for that)
I don't think anyone meant disrespect in the suggestion for an RPG. I had thought it was more of an homage. I understand, completely, the decision not to allow it. I am distressed to have added to your distress and the general distress. But I really want to emphasize this, however inarticulately I do (as I can be nothing but inarticulate), that it wasn't meant as an insult of any sort, it was out of awe. It was brilliant, and we had wanted to pay homage. Thank you for letting us watch NA and creating NrAged to chat about it. I can't even understand how stressful it must be at times, I'm sorry to add to the distress
*sorrowfully offers up chocolate*
potterstinks @ June 16 2003, 18:50:53 UTC |
Oh, do be careful, Weasley. Wordsmiths like yourself are terribly intimidating.
(parent)pink_faerie @ June 16 2003, 18:58:52 UTC |
T.T Excuse me THESS. You are interrupting my DROOLING ADMIRATION. :D :D
(parent)thessamunga @ June 16 2003, 19:06:58 UTC |
:o but I <333333333 potterstinks and I am going to MARRY him :o :o (,")
(parent)pink_faerie @ June 16 2003, 19:10:51 UTC |
anjaliesque @ June 16 2003, 19:26:43 UTC |
Well, you're certainly being mistaken for others today. *wink*
(parent)pink_faerie @ June 16 2003, 19:28:34 UTC |
That last one was just MEAN. I feel like I should be throwing a tantrum.
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 19:39:59 UTC |
Oh good, because he doesn't have a boyfriend you can talk to colors about.................................does he?
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 19:48:54 UTC |
Oh good. I'd hate to see Susan burned twice like that. You're sure he's not gay? Because I mean...
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 20:01:16 UTC |
Only academically. I mean, he is british and he's not horrible looking. It's just that... he's not a very nice guy, ya know? The kind that would push you down the stairs but not have sex with you afterwards, knowwhutimsayin?
(parent)dragynville @ June 16 2003, 20:05:43 UTC |
push you down the stairs but not have sex with you afterwards
XD XD XD i *squee* for you..
imochan @ June 16 2003, 19:46:27 UTC |
just_harry will so go Slytherin on your arse for that one. >:D
notapipe @ June 16 2003, 20:19:16 UTC |
Let him. I'll be waiting for him. Over here. In America. In an undisclosed location.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 16 2003, 20:43:06 UTC |
Look at the icon, Ron!! I think it might be Parkinson! You can always trust me, Ron. You can always trust your little sister Ginny! Oh, Ron! :) You should go outside right now and wait at the Greenhouse until she comes.. even if it's hours!
dragynville @ June 16 2003, 19:15:38 UTC |
Ladies.. ladies.. you know he's going to move to Canada and marry Harry. <3 <3 <3
(parent)imochan @ June 16 2003, 19:17:26 UTC |
:D :D :D :D :D
and you realize that just puts them closer to meeee...
dragynville @ June 16 2003, 19:24:50 UTC |
I *squee* for you! :D
coming to live with you.. or maybe we should just move in next door to them? XD
imochan @ June 16 2003, 19:32:15 UTC |
:D Well, obviously you should. !!! Haul out the omnioculars~!
(parent)dragynville @ June 16 2003, 19:36:46 UTC |
Oh definitely! How much recording memory do they have? And how about night vision? We must be prepared! ;D
(parent)pink_faerie @ June 16 2003, 19:18:07 UTC |
Ahem, let me direct you to this post:
I am clearly the more qualified candidate.
pink_faerie @ June 16 2003, 19:31:32 UTC |
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! My denial! My poor withering denial!
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ex_meiko437 @ June 16 2003, 19:58:11 UTC |
more qualified as in your competitor allowed you the priviledge of a potterstinks wedding?
Because that is clearly the case.
knight_to_h3 @ June 16 2003, 18:58:20 UTC Re: |
What the bleeding sod are YOU doing here?!
-Ron, Quidditch Cup Winner, hah!
knight_to_h3 @ June 16 2003, 19:07:58 UTC Re: |
Thank you!!! Were you there?? BEST MATCH EVER IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF!!
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jgoreham @ June 16 2003, 19:17:03 UTC |
I caught a little bit of it, I had a big bbq, so I was a little busy entertaining and not lighting fires.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ June 16 2003, 19:39:02 UTC Re: |
Oooh BBQ! I know what that is! I read all about it in Hermione, The Library!
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 19:43:45 UTC |
hahahahahaha. Most excellent. You better run before she reads this.
(parent)crimson_stained @ June 16 2003, 18:59:29 UTC |
*falls over*
You are too beautiful Mr. Malfoy.
imochan @ June 16 2003, 19:20:09 UTC |
And by NO IDEA you of course mean >:D!!!!!
I am so onto you, Mr.Weasley. <3
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 19:22:17 UTC |
Your icon! Hahahaha. My life's work is spread.
imochan @ June 16 2003, 19:24:42 UTC |
:D Shusu rocks harder than heavy metal. And so do you! <3s all round!!
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 16 2003, 19:21:06 UTC *waggles eyebrows* |
Why, hel-LO, Mr. Weasley. Such a FINE upstanding gentleman, you are. Would you be able to explain to a poor girl the mysterious meaning of these so-called- PLUGS?
(parent)imochan @ June 16 2003, 19:22:27 UTC Re: *waggles eyebrows* |
But!Plugs. For the <3ing of the Public School Boys.
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 16 2003, 19:24:19 UTC *gasp* |
*scandalized* I of course have no idea what you're talking about. >:D
(parent)imochan @ June 16 2003, 19:28:04 UTC Re: *gasp* |
Again with the No Idea. You people are so in denial.
I, on the other hand, am completely accepting of my pervy lurvey for the uniformed prepubescents. Like potterstinks.
anjaliesque @ June 16 2003, 19:34:51 UTC Re: *gasp* |
Do not underestimate the residents of Denial. They make frequent use of the very handy backdoor to the Bad Place. :D
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 16 2003, 19:45:35 UTC Re: *gasp* |
Oh god, that was completely unintentional. *bangs head against desk* I hold your interpretations of my accidental double entendres to blame for my worsening mental condition.
(parent)crimson_stained @ June 16 2003, 19:34:57 UTC |
Do you <3 public school boys as well, Mr. Weasley?
*fans self*
crimson_stained @ June 16 2003, 19:55:32 UTC |
Here. A spark plug for one of my favourite Weasleys.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 16 2003, 20:46:09 UTC |
It is obvious!!
go back to your plugs
knight_to_h3 @ June 16 2003, 19:04:50 UTC Re: |
THERE'S CHOCOLATE????? Trade you for a sugar cane bun???
(parent)wehaveseven @ June 16 2003, 19:27:52 UTC |
I do quite fancy myself one to talk! Blah blah blah, says I! :D!
(parent)notapipe @ June 16 2003, 19:34:24 UTC |
You do so very well, sir. Have you ever considered a career in public speaking? Or as an essayist?
(parent)wehaveseven @ June 16 2003, 19:43:37 UTC |
I considered it back in '75 for five minutes, directly preceeding considering being a pony.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ June 16 2003, 19:53:15 UTC Re: |
Did you get the owl from me and Ginny, dad?? It's called a SEEDY PLAYER! Hermione says you can buy SEEDYS to uh, plant in them or something and it plays music! Happy father's day!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ June 16 2003, 19:35:14 UTC Re: |
Hooray! FINALLY someone with taste, good on you!
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 20:31:24 UTC |
Let's get down to business with the rest. Who do you think Scorpio fancies? And Martin, does he fancy anyone? HMmm.............?
Someone with such clear perception, who sees the Don/Caroline so clearly... I'm sure you can sense the subtext for the rest too. Do tell.
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 22:03:54 UTC Re: |
Oooooohh... yours too
I'm going to the NY show and the Boston show!!!
I am so excited you have no idea!
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vintagesex @ June 16 2003, 22:05:42 UTC Re: |
Oh my god, I'm going to the NY show too!
I'm so excited that I even kissed my frickin LJ background...
*runs around*
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 22:08:28 UTC Re: |
You should come to the Boston show as well. Tickets are only like 15... and the Fung-wah bus from Chinatown is only 10 bucks each way. It is a bargain to see Placebo twice. (Ehich is why i get to go to New York!)
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vintagesex @ June 16 2003, 22:10:37 UTC |
Oh god, I so would pack up and go to Boston, but I won't be in the States for that show. >_<
And, damn. I never knew the tickets would be that cheap...!
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 22:15:42 UTC Re: |
I'm friending you. I want to see your review of the show! It's so great seeing Placebo fans everywhere... Mmmmmm Brian Molko......
That's rough doll, but the Irving Plaza show is giong to be incredible, so *shrug* thank fuck for that!! Where are you going?
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vintagesex @ June 16 2003, 22:22:01 UTC |
Friending you back. ;)
I'm traipsing down to Irving Plaza in the morning, trying to get to the front row. :D! Hopefully we won't go back home with bruises. Haha.
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 22:26:45 UTC Re: |
Mmmm... Since I have to take the bus (four hours oh GOD) I wonder how many people will be in line already. If we take like the 9:00 we'd be at Irving by 2:00 hopefully.... but Placebo fans, even though there's not all THAT many of them are all pretty damn intense. *Sigh* But it's only fair I suppose since I get to see them twice
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vintagesex @ June 16 2003, 22:37:53 UTC |
I'll be the one surrounded by tonnes of empty coffee cups, with one of my friends claiming that Brian Molko looks like a damn leprachaun. >_
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hobaggins @ June 16 2003, 22:42:42 UTC |
OOOOooooh, I should totally be a git and cut everyone and stand with you. When it gets closer I'll tell you what I'm wearing/Bug you about your outfit. Would you mind terribly? I'll come bearing coffee and.. umm... piercing wit (HA! not likely...)
OH GOD. I have absolutely nothing to wear. *panics*
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vintagesex @ June 16 2003, 22:44:56 UTC |
I don't know what to wear either! Hehee, we need to decide together.
Just call out 'Samantha! Oh there you are! Yeah I was with her, go away!', and all will be cool. :D
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vintagesex @ June 16 2003, 22:46:31 UTC |
Ah, and have you seen these photos before?
:O So cool. (I've no clue who's in the last one.. not Placebo. haha.)
delirieuse @ June 17 2003, 04:09:07 UTC |
Dammit! They cost $60 Australian to see the Melbourne show! That's about $30 US. I feel RIPPED OFF. >:O>:O>:O
On the other hand, Placebo tickets. Yay!
anjaliesque @ June 16 2003, 18:44:43 UTC |
Exact same for me with the Ron-loving! I didn't dislike him much in canon, but I didn't like him either. But now I have an unbelievable affection for the git. And that's real talent by the player! <3
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jgoreham @ June 16 2003, 18:48:51 UTC |
I've just had _major_ deja vu-- or maybe not. Have you posted a similar sentiment before here at Nraged? *crazy Jess* I had another deja vu about the glue used in my air mattress repair kit, too, even though I've never repaired that air mattress before... so really, that's the only reason I ask.
(parent)anjaliesque @ June 16 2003, 18:52:33 UTC |
*scratches head* Not that I know of. Must be a glitch in the Matrix.
*is raptly fascinated by the above thread* :D
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jgoreham @ June 16 2003, 18:40:20 UTC |
I had a bbq today. Between 12 noon-ish, and now when my last guest has just left (I guess that's about 10 hours I wasn't online), I missed all of this.
I just wanted to say how crazy active this place is. I hope that my internet never dies, and that I don't go away on vacation anytime soon, because when I got back, I probably would not recognize a damned thing...
dragynville @ June 16 2003, 19:02:38 UTC |
Quite frankly, I must admit to being relieved at the decision. My RL-fried brains were horrified at the idea of trying to follow two large RPGs. And I was looking forward to seeing more snippets about MtMM on NA in future, something a parallel RPG might have compromised.
And I hope I haven't said anything on Nraged to hurt any players' feelings. If I haven't said so before, I think they're all doing a brilliant job and have created vibrant characters with distinct, living personalities that still maintain a canon feel to them.
tabiji @ June 16 2003, 19:26:30 UTC |
?? I'm not quite sure what to say to this. Whatever I say will certainly be interpreted differently by different people, but screw goes:
Imitation is the highest form of flattery. JKR has inspired an awful lot of flattery. I would think the members of NA would be tickled to see they are doing the same. I would think there are very very few people that write HP fan fiction or do an HP RPG because they think that JKR cannot deliver the goods. I don't think NA fans are any different. A spin off fic, or talk of a silly RPG as a lark are a tribute to how much NA is enjoyed. Just like the comments about the characters. We spend hours posting, questioning, debating, analyzing and obsessing because we love and are addicted to NA. I just cannot comprehend why anyone would consciously choose to not take it as such.
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intern_alley @ June 16 2003, 19:54:23 UTC |
Well, that is the thing, really: everything is taken different ways by different people. The same way I might react to something could be completely different than how you would.
We weren't offended by the Martin RPG idea; however, we didn't want anyone to do it because, if you are watching NA right now, we have further plans for it, you will see.
I don't think you can really compare a bunch of NA members to JKR, though, because the situations are obviously entirely different. We are all here because of JKR, bottom line. However, there are fic writers who do so because they hate JKR's work and would like to see it done better. I have met them. They are there. I don't think that was the case here, but that does happen.
It was JKR's lawyers, Theodore Goddard, who sued an author for using a Harry Potter font on the cover of a book. And they won that case. It might sound silly to you or me, but neither one of us knows why it was handled that way.
The thing is, in the end, what we have done with NA will ultimately never be ours. It is JKR's. There are things we have created, like the Martin Miggs characters, the Quidditch players, to flesh out the world and make it more our own.
I, personally, have been asleep all day and missed the majority of this. I think Aja's post has led you to think we were all passionately offended and hurt by this RPG thing, when that isn't the case. We do feel like crap when people tell us we're raining on their parade, though, because it makes us feel like we don't have a right to really, well, exist. I mean, everyone has a right to say if something makes them uncomfortable, but a lot of times we feel like we don't have that right when people get angry at us for doing so.
tabiji @ June 16 2003, 20:39:48 UTC |
I don't think you can really compare a bunch of NA members to JKR, though... ... I don't think that was the case here, but that does happen.
I can't speak for everyone here, but I wouldn't spend this much time on something I didn't adore. (Gotta wonder about the intelligence level of someone that would)
I think Aja's post has led you to think we were all passionately offended and hurt by this RPG thing, when that isn't the case.
Yes, actually, it did. Glad to hear that's not the case.
We do feel like crap when people tell us we're raining on their parade, though, because it makes us feel like we don't have a right to really, well, exist. I mean, everyone has a right to say if something makes them uncomfortable, but a lot of times we feel like we don't have that right when people get angry at us for doing so.
I think that sums up how the fans feel at times too!
marysiak @ June 18 2003, 06:32:53 UTC |
I'm afraid I don't have time to read all the comments here and I skimmed some of your post but I really think you are out of line. Not that it's the first time fandom people have come out with similar things, so don't take this personally.
If someone started writing Passionate Trousers, even without Cassie's permission, I would find it very amusing although I probably wouldn't read it unless I knew the author was good as I don't really have time. We are doing all this without JKR's permission and I find it extremely hypocritical when we ask that people not do to us what we are doing to other people.
So what if someone wanted to start a Martin the Mad Muggle RPG? Why do you even care if they do? Why spoil their fun?