dragynville @ 2003-06-23 15:34:00 |
Mood: nervous
Harry is listed among the missing! ;_;
Minnie reports the Apparation wards have been repaired. Does this mean it was an attack from outside? Was it the Death Eaters?
So why were Ron and Draco fighting? Stress? Does Ron suspect Draco of involvement? Were they fighting over Lucius' possible involvement? What?! *panics*
whoyouinvent @ June 23 2003, 16:14:36 UTC |
there appear to be a few students strying to apparate out, seeing as they all splinched themselves. (maybe harry did it successfully? hmmm.) Did anyone apparate in, is the question.
I think Ron might have just taken the chaos as a chance to fight, they couldn't have been near the north wing, as they aren't injured by the... attack? accident?
dragynville @ June 23 2003, 16:21:03 UTC |
I don't think the students can apparate within the castle with the wards up, so something else had to bring them down. Unless they brought them down so those who know how could apparate out..?
I doubt Harry can apparate yet since he's only a sixth year.
whoyouinvent @ June 23 2003, 16:25:56 UTC |
that's what i figured, too - both that the wards had been brought down from o utside and that Harry can't apparate. It was just a thought.
Also. Ron needs to go haul out the Marauder's Map... do they have it in N_A?
dragynville @ June 23 2003, 16:31:05 UTC |
I don't know.. I'm not sure how much of canon they've included. :\
(parent)shusu @ June 23 2003, 16:31:47 UTC |
"The Apparation wards have been repaired. Please do not attempt to Apparate into Hogwarts."
theantimodel @ June 23 2003, 17:33:49 UTC |
Draco says that h can apparate, another sixth year successfully did it. But i dont think that's what happened to harry. When there's trouble his first instinct is to solve the problem, not to run away.
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Anonymous @ June 23 2003, 19:35:20 UTC |
He says Nott Apparated but Nott is seventeen, Harry is sixteen. You can't Apparate until you're legal age (seventeen).
(parent)notapipe @ June 23 2003, 21:12:23 UTC |
You're not ALLOWED to Apparate. I think Harry probably possesses the potential to be able to Apparate.
(parent)kat99999 @ June 23 2003, 16:33:06 UTC |
I know this is just an unintelligent wibble but- Ron... breaks my heart. He is such a good friend, wahh. *hugs him lovingly* He's so worried, and I think it's going to be another No Sleep For Ron episode. Let's hope he doesn't collapse this time though!
(parent)kat99999 @ June 23 2003, 16:40:28 UTC Re: |
Oh, I know! He is so loyal and concerned and worried, and panic ridden. He just makes the sweetest gestures in the world for his friends.
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 16:51:39 UTC |
And I just noticed he asked for Percy first, too. That's sweet of him in regards to that. ...Finally.
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chibi_draco @ June 23 2003, 16:42:35 UTC |
Narcissa makes an appearance..
Geez, what's going on? @_@!!
whoyouinvent @ June 23 2003, 16:43:43 UTC |
I'm just waiting to hear from Draco... I assume if Ron can get to a computer, so can Draco.
I love your icon, btw
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chibi_draco @ June 23 2003, 16:46:45 UTC |
Oh boy.
It seems it was a Death Eater attack. That or Ron is over reacting, as he sometimes does..
linuial @ June 23 2003, 16:51:42 UTC |
Well either it's not a DE attack, or Narcissa didn't know about it...
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chibi_draco @ June 23 2003, 16:52:55 UTC |
Hm, well, as far as we know, she isn't a DE. I think. Unless I missed something?
(parent)linuial @ June 23 2003, 16:54:16 UTC |
No, she's not a Death Eater, but at least she knows nothing of Lucius being involved in this...
(parent)whoyouinvent @ June 23 2003, 16:46:11 UTC |
Ooooh, yeah. Hm. I guess I expected a little more Drama from him... what's he up to? It must be something...
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chibi_draco @ June 23 2003, 16:47:30 UTC |
Looks like Ron went and attacked him..
Crazy first day back.
whoyouinvent @ June 23 2003, 16:53:48 UTC |
wow, can we say jumping to comclusions? But that is such a Ron thing to do, really. Unless he knows something we don't know....
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 16:54:57 UTC |
I don't think he'd just go and attack Draco during the chaos without some reason -- even if it's a mistake.
(parent)whoyouinvent @ June 23 2003, 16:59:24 UTC |
He does seem pretty convinced, here especially.
Boy's goinna get himself in trouble.
cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 17:03:21 UTC |
At first I believe Ron because I want to believe.
Then I disbelieve, because he's not bringing up any proof or any of his suspicions [yet] or anything he saw [yet].
But then I believe again because now both Lucius AND Narcissa have encouraged him to go to off and find Harry [in the North Wing]. To me they seem too calm about it. Draco is, for the moment, ignoring Ron as well, just complaining that he's broken his nose.
cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 16:57:45 UTC |
Probably just me and my paranoia, but that last comment from Narcissa - "Oughtn't you put your energy in finding him instead of taking out your worry and fear on me and my child?" - seems very ... calm. And awfully like telling him to go the North Wing where he'll get hurt.
(parent)whoyouinvent @ June 23 2003, 17:02:39 UTC |
I know, now he's just getting whiny.
Can't say I'd not feel the same though.
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chibi_draco @ June 23 2003, 17:03:22 UTC |
Aww poor guy. And his nose, broken again. Some day that's just not going to heal right and it'll end up all crooked.
(parent)linuial @ June 23 2003, 17:05:48 UTC |
S'alright - Lucius is taking him to a plastics mediwizard
(parent)linuial @ June 23 2003, 17:18:19 UTC |
<3 Narcissa. And she's putting the slap down on Ron. The Malfoys are scarey when they're all riled up :S Showing their true colours...
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 17:20:04 UTC |
That, and I think it's been 10 minutes since Ron's last response. I think he might have taken their repeated suggestions to go look for Harry to heart.
(parent)linuial @ June 23 2003, 17:21:59 UTC |
Uh oh. That's bad news - we all know he's going to the North Wing...
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chibi_draco @ June 23 2003, 17:25:01 UTC |
Hey now.
Leave those of us with ADD alone, lol. (Actually, ADHD but let's not get technical..)
notapipe @ June 23 2003, 17:25:29 UTC |
Draco really doesn't want to believe that Harry is dead. Either he cares, or he knows.
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 17:28:37 UTC |
I noticed that. He says when. And he is calm. Though as others pointed out, he cannot appear to be panicked.
In the chaos, one just starts having doubts. At first he made a lot of anti-homosexual comments, and then he ends up as friends with Harry, maybe more. And Ron is going on about what they've done to Harry; Draco had a very bad reaction to that, I noticed, to the COMMENT and not necessarily about Ron yelling at his mother. Egh. Need .. more .. info..
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 17:32:32 UTC |
I was just thinking myself that Draco seemed to be in either denial or knowledge about Potter-o. Very worried in his run-on sentance. Very cute/sweet methinks.
(parent)notapipe @ June 23 2003, 17:35:10 UTC |
Indeed, and since he's not been in contact with any Death Eaters or other people who might have inside information, if he knows, it's a good thing. If he's worried, well, that's a good thing if Harry gets out all right.
(parent)la_trix @ June 23 2003, 17:34:16 UTC |
I don't think he knows. He sounds a little frantic. If he were just angry, I'd expect him to be more in control of himself, you know? When he's enraged, his messages are still articulate and pointed.
These sound disjointed and repetitive. I think Draco is scared.
cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 17:36:36 UTC |
Personally, I think part of the possible fright is that he knows something, which is what caused Ron to attack him in the first place. I don't know if I would go as far as scared, but unnerved, certainly; even his complaints sound shrill to me.
(parent)linuial @ June 23 2003, 17:37:00 UTC |
He sounds absolutely terrified, and like he just wants his mother to tell him it's going to be alright. Thankfully Narcissa is trying her best.
(parent)notapipe @ June 23 2003, 17:37:22 UTC |
Quite. Exclamation points, and responding to his mother again and again saying Potter Lives!, plus the CAPS. He's obviously VERY scared. CAPS.
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 17:40:41 UTC |
*huggles ickle-Draco* Harry can't die. He has to defeat voldemort.
*cough* Or rather end up in wild snogging luv with You, Draco.
notapipe @ June 23 2003, 17:50:07 UTC |
Well, no matter, the evolution made it even cooler.
Is your icon from Kingdom Hearts 2?
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 17:54:08 UTC |
Danke, danke.
Yup. I have a collection of screenshots from the trailer, as well as the movie.
cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 17:41:26 UTC |
"I know you didn't murder Harry, darling." said Narcissa. Can anyone else imagine the emphasis on "you"?
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 17:45:33 UTC |
Not really no. Narcissa LIKES Harry, to an extent,and really, I think all she's doing is trying to reason with someone she can clearly see is VERY upset over a missing friend. She's trying to be calm and collected with him, but calm never works with Ronnikins.
Looshie, on the other hand, is more than likely making veiled threats towards Ron, although he didn't step in till Ron started getting really abusive with Narcissa.
theantimodel @ June 23 2003, 19:47:05 UTC |
Well, weren't they together the night before this all went down? Because neither of them were in their beds, and Draco seems to be saying that he saw him that night or really soon before the attack, plus Draco was sleeping in History and harry had overslept.
So Draco is probably really worried right now. Plus he's not usually a physical fighter but it looks like he got in some serious hits in his fight with Ron. Seems like they were both taking out some anger and fear on each other, eh?
dragynville @ June 23 2003, 19:56:06 UTC |
What class was Harry supposed to be in at the time everything went to hell?
(parent)merlion @ June 23 2003, 17:42:24 UTC |
That was my thought exactly. Seems rather suspicious, coming from Lucius. But then, he could also just be feeding the fear.
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 17:42:26 UTC |
Especially since no one answered Ron about Percy or his dad. And neither Arthur nor Molly have shown up on the computers..
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chibi_draco @ June 23 2003, 17:50:23 UTC |
I'll take not so veiled threats for a thousand, Bob.
I'm kind of surprised McGonagall hasn't stepped in and told Ron to quiet himself. She's probably too busy to do so, though, with all the chaos.
notapipe @ June 23 2003, 17:42:03 UTC |
Ron is so cute when he's incomprehensible, angry and homocidal.
(parent)dragynville @ June 23 2003, 17:54:27 UTC |
I'm having severe Ron!squee and Draco!squee from this! :D
(parent)la_trix @ June 23 2003, 18:23:26 UTC |
I know!
*giggles madly*
merlion @ June 23 2003, 17:48:38 UTC |
Narcissa tries to send Ron into the fray again
Sorry about the delete. Forgot the subject of my sentance ...
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 17:52:03 UTC |
*prepares herself for a bombardment*
Y'know, Ron's getting to be REALLY annoying. And well, I'm starting to get scared of Ron. He's throwing around lots of "Drown your corpse" and threatening to kill people. Ron CANNOT CALM DOWN AND THINK. It's getting really irritating. What Ron wants must be done NOW, or you're all Death Eaters, he'll kill you one day. I say someone should just stun Ron and keep him that way till Harry's found. Personal opinion though.
cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 17:57:39 UTC |
He's always been that way >P although I don't know why someone hasn't stunned him yet, either, since they've apparently done so for at least one other student.
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 17:59:00 UTC |
It used to be cute. Also, he was never really this bad before.
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 18:02:25 UTC |
Personally, I found the whole Cho thing much worse than this -- I didn't find that cute at all. It comes off here as more ridiculous, seeing as Lucius is Death Eater Extraordinare and Narcissa is just going on about toners. I mean, Ron actually DOES have something to freak out about now, not just stupid things like Harry being friends with Draco or Ginny liking Cho. Harry's actually missing and while he may turn up, it's probably not a coincidence that he is missing, as we know and as Ron seems to suspect.
(parent)notapipe @ June 23 2003, 18:02:19 UTC |
I think it's entertaining and rather sexy, if also very very stupid. That said, the best strategy probably WOULD involve stunning him, simply for his own protection. I don't think Ron is actually going to kill anyone, the fight with Draco is probably the extent of his physical violence, UNLESS, of course, bad news about Harry comes out, in which case I DO see him as going for vengance (and although I think he's WRONG and don't support him, I don't exactly blame him for that). He's panicked, often people say stupider things than normal when they panic.
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 18:03:45 UTC |
The stunning, as I see it, is more to help the people doing the searching, rather than to protect Draco.
(parent)cadeyrn @ June 23 2003, 18:06:31 UTC |
The stunning would be for Ron's sake. He's probably going to burst an artery.
(parent)pegkerr @ June 23 2003, 19:49:10 UTC Note what Neville's doing |
Neville seems to be doing his best to distract Ron. First he suggests that Ron might help him cut up herbs for Pomfrey. When Ron brushes him off, next Neville tries to send him on an errand to the owlery.
(Although note that he can't resist complimenting Ron on the job he did bashing Malfoy's nose.)
notapipe @ June 23 2003, 17:55:16 UTC |
Did Lucius just compliment the Weasleys? My world-view is shattered.
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 17:56:52 UTC |
Backhanded compliment methinks. Plus, he was saying he thought they were above raising crazy murderous liars, but not GOOD parents.
(parent)la_trix @ June 23 2003, 18:15:29 UTC |
There is evidence to suggest that two may have stayed up late together the night before. Doing what, I could not say.
(parent)merlion @ June 23 2003, 18:20:26 UTC |
Right. Thanks for the reminder!!! When I read that the first time way back when *cof*, that was my first thought. My poor brain .. beseiged by too many harry potter related words in the last little while :)
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neveth @ June 23 2003, 18:00:42 UTC |
They're looking for everyone all at once, instead of individually, Ron. Shaddup.
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Anonymous @ June 23 2003, 18:13:12 UTC |
News from the Burrow! She speaks! (http://www.livejournal.com/community/nocturne_alley/162905.html?thread=1421913#t1421913)
dragynville @ June 23 2003, 19:54:15 UTC |
Has Colin taken it on the lam? It seems he may have used this opportunity to escape or go into hiding of some sort. XD
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ex_meiko437 @ June 23 2003, 21:14:16 UTC |
does anyone else find ron to be extremely sweet and endearing during this? Ron is such a cute little goober.. standing up for harry against Looshie and his death eaters. My favorite part was his constant badgering of McGonagall followed by the supersized picture of harry. So cute..!