intern_alley @ 2003-06-24 17:19:00 |
Just to settle it once and for all!
Mood: reassuring and noble
I'm sorry to post spoilers, but. Do NOT click this link if you haven't read OotP, because they are not minor spoilers.
I'm not sure how much I'm going to be giving away here. At any rate, this plot that we're having right now was planned in utter detail well before book five. There is no way we would have killed whoever died. Because we would have been SPOILING mad amounts of people, including some of our players! So don't worry. Sirius is a-okay. We were worried about having Remus say he couldn't find him, because we were afraid you'd think we were killing him. We're not.
I don't know how much we'll use from book five. Probably not a whole lot. BUT! We haven't discussed it yet because we're waiting for a few players to read the book. So you can pretty much count on there being nothing from book five right now. We did pull out a few names from the book, and the bits about Apparation, but none of the plots/characterisations are going to be used at all until we've all sat down and discussed what we want to use.
PERCY IS NOT EVIL IN NA. Well, he's not really evil in book five. But he's not traitorous in NA, that never happened. It's really not possible to work it in after all this time. So don't worry about him lying in wait or anything. He's still the same Percy he's always been in NA.
The only things we'll use are things that we haven't already contradicted in terms of the game. For instance we can't just pretend they had Umbridge as a professor last year, we can't pretend Dumbledore left, because someone would have referred to that, somewhere, before now. All of this stuff happened in Harry's fifth year, and as we're in sixth year we're not going to put it in and have it happen now as it would be rather obvious what we were doing. So don't worry, please! We love Sirius and won't kill him in sixth year just to rectify his having died in fifth year. Even beyond spoilers, Sirius's player loves him very much and we would not do that to them, either.
So I hope this cleared up any book five/NA confusion, and if not I'm online so I can answer anything I might've missed.
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ex_delz @ June 24 2003, 09:28:24 UTC |
Oh, yay! This is very good. I would surely be too depressed to go on living life if Sirius died in NA as well.
And also, yay on Percy not being a traiterous bastard in NA! That depressed me too. Sigh. Lots of things depress me, don't they?
Ah well! *clings to NA and never lets go*
zorb @ June 24 2003, 10:36:57 UTC |
Meanwhile, the old Jesus!Sirius icon has become even more amusing for its irony.
(parent)comava @ June 24 2003, 11:37:10 UTC |
Thank god. Thank god thank god thank god thank god thank god...
So happy NA stays the same. Except for, you know, the big tragedy. Because I'm still über-emotional about the ending. At least the "Was Cedric your boyfriend?!" had me laughing..
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Anonymous @ June 24 2003, 11:46:29 UTC |
Oooooh, thank you for posting this. I was getting incredibly anxious about that, even though Sirius turned up.
Now I can focus all my angst towards Harry! Hurrah!
Wait, no, not Hurrah. *worries*
wednesday_tea @ June 24 2003, 11:47:51 UTC |
Thank you SO MUCH!!!! Am still depressed over Canon!Sirius dying, both would just kill me. Thanks again for clearing that up. :) <3
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Anonymous @ June 24 2003, 11:48:28 UTC |
Oh dear, I knew I shouldn't have posted that. Oy.
- Lupin's player
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intern_alley @ June 24 2003, 11:55:47 UTC |
Oh, you butthead, I did not post this because of that! They were already curious and I'd said so in comments but not everyone saw the threads where I did, so I figured I should just make an entry. >:O
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Anonymous @ June 24 2003, 15:49:16 UTC |
Oi! Don't call me a butthead, lest I bite you!
>:O right back at you, toerag. <3
- Lupin's butthead
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intern_alley @ June 24 2003, 15:52:28 UTC |
Toerag! >:O I don't know the meaning of the word!
No, seriously.
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Anonymous @ June 24 2003, 17:34:12 UTC |
I like it. It's neat.
TOOOOERAAAAG. What on earth? Toerag. Almost as good as Snivellus!
- You-Know-Who
zorb @ June 24 2003, 13:39:50 UTC |
I just thought you were being evil and sneaky on purpose. ^^
(parent)dragynville @ June 25 2003, 00:11:03 UTC |
Just going to be a total dork for a minute here and say I lurve how you play Remus. He's one of my NA faves! :D
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queeniefox @ June 24 2003, 13:28:30 UTC Phew |
I must admit my heart skipped a beat when I saw that in Lupin's journal, so thanks for making things clear!
- new n_a fan
always_up_trees @ June 24 2003, 21:16:27 UTC Quash those rumors! |
Glad to hear you put it so clearly.
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Anonymous @ June 24 2003, 23:59:54 UTC yay! Percy <33333333333333333333333 |
*So* glad Percy will stay true to his N_A characterization. Working to exhaustion in the Ministry, taking care of his little bro, punching a hole in the wall, explaining why faces can't stick, he's so sensitive and stuffy and ...
<3 N_A!Percy.
That is all.
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Anonymous @ June 25 2003, 08:02:22 UTC Re: yay! Percy <33333333333333333333333 |
Thank you, Someone.
Yours in cloaks and daggers,
Percy's player.
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intern_alley @ June 25 2003, 08:03:59 UTC Re: yay! Percy <33333333333333333333333 |
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Anonymous @ June 25 2003, 11:20:51 UTC Re: yay! Percy <33333333333333333333333 |
dragynville @ June 25 2003, 00:08:56 UTC |
Good to hear since I much prefer NA Sirius and Percy to canon after reading OOTP. I mean, what was the woman thinking (re: Sirius)?! Although, talk about slash subtext! 0.0
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ex_meiko437 @ June 25 2003, 00:21:01 UTC |
Will you be integrating any of the characterizations in OOTP into NA? Even slowly insted of drastically. I was wondering, because a lot of characterizations in OOTP took turns that I didn't expect and that are very different from some of the N_A personalities.
I hope that made sense! <>
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intern_alley @ June 25 2003, 00:21:55 UTC |
I don't really know what we'll incorporate at all right now, but I can tell you no on Percy.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 25 2003, 09:00:25 UTC Re: |
Thank you! I knew about Percy-- it would be too drastic to do that to him now, besides
Oh, please leave Ginny mostly the way she is.. ^^; I love your Ginny..
I am severely dissapointed I did not get the paper bag icon :O
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intern_alley @ June 25 2003, 11:20:13 UTC |
Man, I am logged into another count, I don't feel like logging in for the paper bag! >:O I feel as though I have lost my will to live without it, however.
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ex_meiko437 @ June 25 2003, 15:55:23 UTC Re: |
I must say, the bag's a real lady killer.
Or man-killer
Dog-killer, if that's your thing ;;) I will not judge!
slinkhard @ June 25 2003, 05:17:17 UTC |
I hope OotP!Harry isn't.
I like just_harry as he is currently.
nightflight @ June 25 2003, 07:55:20 UTC |
That's it, I'm officially going to make n_a my new canon. ^_~ Thank you, really. My heart was torn apart enough over canon!Sirius' death that I don't think I could deal if n_a!Sirius died as well. ;_;
And as an offnote, I absolutely love how you say Sirius' player lovers him very much and you couldn't do that to them either. One of the things that really makes n_a stand out (one of the MANY things which I will gladly list any time any of the players needs an ego boost ^_~) is that it's so obvious the love and care that goes into each of your characters. Losing Sirius would be like losing a close friend, ne? I love that. ^_^
Thank you all, and keep playing on!! ::waves flags::
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intern_alley @ June 25 2003, 11:19:23 UTC Re: a respectful suggestion... |
Well, we're thinking about it. The trouble is it would be rather difficult to do without it being very clumsy and obvious (ie, "New character in books, let us try to pretend she has always been part of this world"). So I'm not sure. But she does live in Ottery St Catchpole (I assume, anyway; the Lovegoods live there in GoF, so it's rather likely that it's her) so it might not be too difficult.
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intern_alley @ June 25 2003, 13:49:24 UTC Re: a respectful suggestion... |
Her crush on him is as subtle as her lion hat! Ahem.
- The Other Mod.
sheron @ July 6 2003, 12:01:49 UTC |
Maybe it's been too long and if you don't get replies emailed you're unlikely to see this. In which case I'll ask it closer to recent posts. But this seemed the place to ask.
Will Narcissa be related to Sirius in NA? Will Sirius' family be the same as described in the book 5?
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intern_alley @ July 8 2003, 07:47:15 UTC |
Narcissa couldn't be related to Sirius in NA -- she's said her maiden name far too many times, and it isn't Black. I don't know how much if any of Sirius's family will be used, but not the Narcissa relation.