dragynville @ 2003-06-25 22:51:00 |
oh my..
Mood: sad
It seems that Dean and Seamus' problems aren't over yet. (This too.)
[edit] I want to be M.B. when I grow up. XD
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hobaggins @ June 25 2003, 23:07:06 UTC |
Can someone please direct me to something positive that's ongoing in NA at the moment... *wibble*
tiamet_nox @ June 26 2003, 01:15:07 UTC |
Just do what I do... reread everything M.B has ever posted.
albet this takes some searching.
portkey @ June 25 2003, 23:15:41 UTC |
"ok... goodnite..."
And with that, my heart broke. *sighs* I know that if anyone is to blame, it's likely Dean, but his pain and confusion is so palpable, that it's hard not to hurt for him. It's the same with Seamus in this case, I suppose, but it's different with Dean; for so long, he seemed to define his preferences by Seamus. Several times he's said things along the lines of, "I don't like boys, I like you." And I think that since he's started to apparently have some kind of feelings for Terry that went beyond platonic, he wasn't sure what to think, but wanted to explore them, as though it could help him figure out if he really was gay or if Seamus was the exception. Or possibly he even began to question what he felt for Seamus because of his attraction to Terry, and so when he saw Seamus and Draco spending time together, it caused him to suspect Seamus also had his eye on someone else (ie Draco, of course). I think if that's the case, then it would have probably made him question their relationship, and if they really were as commited as they both claimed, and it scared him. Because yes, I do think he loves Seamus very much.
With everything else going on, NA is rather bleak at the moment.
theantimodel @ June 25 2003, 23:23:11 UTC |
well, you stole the post right outta my fingers. However, now that it's here, I will discuss.
I think that they're still too newly broken up for Seamus to be okay with having Dean's indiscretions with Boot be flaunted, especially since Dean and Seamus had just been kissing. The boys really haven't had a chance to reestablish their boundaries at all, that is really dangerous. Obviously Seamus thinks that they need a cleaner break than this and I'm inclined to agree. Although their relationship was really cute, I think it was also really unhealthy. They were both feeling really stifled and maybe being apart will allow them to better realize who they are as individuals. And to appease you dean/Seamus shippers: maybe being apart will force them to realize how much they miss each other *shrugs* who knows.
dragynville @ June 25 2003, 23:34:19 UTC |
LOL I kept waiting for someone else to post about it! :D
Yes, I think they'd do better with some space for a while. For either friendship or future relationship. And sharing a dorm only makes things extra difficult.
quixotic_sense @ June 26 2003, 04:51:34 UTC |
Silver lining in a dark cloud? Ron and Lavender seem to be determinedly 'shipping Seamus/Dean. :D Awwww. It wasn't that long ago that their reactions were almost always homophobic.
(parent)trowa @ June 26 2003, 11:58:46 UTC |
I'm not so sure about Lavender tho. Her reaction kind of reminds me of several yaoi fangirls I know of who like the "pretty anime bois" but don't like real actual homosexuality because it's "gross". I seem to recall some comments she made way back during the Draco/Harry outing when she didn't object to Sirius/Lupin because they are so "pretty", but had problems with Harry being gay because that just wasn't right.
quixotic_sense @ June 26 2003, 18:12:46 UTC |
On the other hand, she's not actually squeeing over them. She seems to be offering real emotional support and concern for both Seamus and Dean, which I take as a good sign.