morganmuffle @ 2003-06-27 00:12:00 |
Mood: crushed
Things are not looking good for Seamus/Dean here
I just want them to be happy especially with everything else that's going on and they're not and I'm not and...
Does anyone else think they are too attached to this RPG?
*wanders off sobbing into her handkerchief*
greenapricot @ June 26 2003, 16:40:09 UTC |
*raises hand sheepishly*
I'm too attached also, yes. I blame it on the amazing job all the players are doing.
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ms_potter @ June 26 2003, 16:44:50 UTC |
*raises both hands* I'm way too attached! WAY TOO ATTACHED! but that's all part of the fun! I like to call NA the "Gay Extravaganza." :D
(parent)tabiji @ June 26 2003, 16:55:09 UTC |
Does anyone else think they are too attached to this RPG? God, yes.
Although after the "you-know-what" in OotP, it's really nice to see everyone alive and well here. (I'm confident that Harry will be least that's what I keep telling myself).
(C'mon, Harry...we're having candlelight chat vigils for you...)
hepcatpixie @ June 26 2003, 16:56:45 UTC |
Too attached is the nice way of putting it. I have done nothing but worry over Seamus and Dean's predicament. I ranted to my sister about it for twenty minutes today, paced my livingroom, checked NA about a million times.
*drops head in shame*
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thegirlingreen @ June 26 2003, 18:09:37 UTC |
perhaps there should exist a nocturne_alley fanlisting for those of us fanlisting whores who need to express their attachment to the rpg again and again.
(parent)merlion @ June 26 2003, 21:52:31 UTC |
It is an addiction. And Nraged is the support group. And I love it all!!!!
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aurorasinger @ June 28 2003, 11:41:45 UTC |
Far too attached.
Sometimes I feel really upset and I try to think of why...and then I realise that it's because of some character in N_A. It's kind of sad, really, but that's okay.... ^_^