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neveth @ 2003-06-27 13:18:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
Hopefully this is past the 5-minute mark.
This is so cute. potterstinks is very much himself here, but you can almost feel the concern.
Since Potter was requesting my earthly presence, I ditched the Hufflepuff and made my way to the infirmary... Oh? *knowing look*
merlion @ June 27 2003, 11:42:54 UTC |
Somehow, the word 'ditched' makes me think that Draco ran to the infirmary. Wishful thinking, though. He would NEVER be that gauche.
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neveth @ June 27 2003, 11:54:27 UTC |
Me too. I'm thinking he just took off when he heard Harry was calling for him. And that he SAT there for, what appears to be quite a long while with Harry, went to go demand more food for him.... SQUEEE.
*ahem* Excuse me.
novembersnow @ June 27 2003, 11:50:54 UTC |
I'm just wondering how long he was actually there with Harry, since he mentions that he began to nod off in his chair. Granted, he was awakened at 3 AM, but still. Hmm. (And I'm completely tickled by the image of Draco attempting to hie off and obtain food for Harry. Hee!)
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neveth @ June 27 2003, 11:59:21 UTC |
Draco's post makes me giggle like a wee schoolgirl. I need HP skinz, so I can manipulate the lives of NA in the SIMS.
Need a life, do I.
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neveth @ June 27 2003, 13:36:56 UTC |
Have I mentioned how much I love that icon?
Oh lord. I have to walk away before I squee out loud and scare my coworkers.
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neveth @ June 27 2003, 14:20:15 UTC |
And his statement of hidden!t00by love! Squeeeeeee. Oh ps, how I love you.
(parent)imochan @ June 27 2003, 13:20:01 UTC |
*flings self about in fit of absolute <3*
hepcatpixie @ June 27 2003, 14:12:29 UTC |
I've obviously expressed my concern for Potter's pseudodeath, so now you can run along.
That's lovely. He's not even being subtle about it anymore. *grins to a painful extent*
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neveth @ June 27 2003, 14:22:43 UTC |
So unsubtle. squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I am trying so hard not to start giggling while I'm reading this from sheer squee.
hepcatpixie @ June 27 2003, 14:59:00 UTC Re: |
Giggling is fine. i must restrain myself from kissing Draco's icon on the computer screen.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ June 27 2003, 14:33:46 UTC |
Am a huge balloon of squee-ness right now. :DDDD
"When, Granger, did I say I was unconcerned?" (....)"It's not as though I'm faking disinterest. If I were, would I have even mentioned that I went to the hospital wing at three o'clock in the morning?"
*Just...dies* Eeee!
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neveth @ June 27 2003, 14:47:10 UTC |
So wonderful.
hepcatpixie @ June 27 2003, 15:00:55 UTC |
Now, if only Dean and Seamus could get back together it would be perfect.
*tears up*
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ex_ankle @ June 27 2003, 16:03:18 UTC |
Er. Doing what?? Isn't he talking about disinterest in whether Harry lives or dies? He's just saying he's concerned about Harry, I think, and that he hasn't pretended he wasn't concerned at all. I don't think he's making a confession to some sort of deep, poetic love.
(parent)takeonelook @ June 27 2003, 17:59:22 UTC |
I don't think people actually think he was confessing his love for Harry, at least I didn't. I read it the same way you did, which is the correct way as the star points out. I was simply excited because like Hermione, I didn't think Draco would so openly admit his concern for Harry. And that's why I'm squeeing and why I thought others were too. Because this is one of the most positive sentiments Draco has had (at least publically) concerning Harry.
For the most part their friendship is pretty hush-hush; although there have been increasing references (sitting together in potions, COMC, etc...), but now after the crisis Draco is upfront about his concern and his support/comfort of Harry and that says a lot. To me it says that the friendship (and Harry) is important enough to Draco, and a big enough part of his life, that he refuses to hide it and will be upfront about it. Of course this doesn't mean that he will post about Harry all the time, or fill his entries with details of their friendship, I'm pretty sure that it will mostly continue like before with vague refrences to their time together. However, Draco not only proved that he could be there for Harry at a difficult time, but that he would so unashamedly. And considering his parents and the reactions of others, that's a big thing for him, hence his getting defensive with Hermione.
dragynville @ June 27 2003, 16:16:18 UTC |
Open concern for Harry: I have no idea if he ever got food, so someone should likely see to that if he has not.
Open hostility for Harry not getting what he wants: Perhaps someone ought to inform Potter that he's not allowed to have food, then, since he quite plainly said he wanted some. I don't see why he can't have any, as he didn't fracture his stomach.
*death by squee!* <3 <3 <3
theantimodel @ June 27 2003, 20:01:05 UTC |
I just adore concerned and defensive Draco. That whole thread was just great. It's interesting to see how ps has never really seemed to hide the fact that he does care about j_h, he just doesn't flaunt the fact. I've really been loving his carefully unconcerned concern lately.
(parent)always_up_trees @ June 27 2003, 20:15:04 UTC |
Me too. I think he is at his best when he is either concerned but feigning that he is above it all, or when he is actually very upset about something. I enjoy it when I read his posts and laugh after a long day.