theantimodel @ 2003-06-29 02:22:00 |
Draco has posted
What do you guys make of Draco's latest post?
Seems like a reply to something, some sort of conversation, and it was posted in NA not his own journal, so he obviously wants everyone to see it.
oh, and GIP! I love Ernie! and tabiji
notapipe @ June 29 2003, 02:31:17 UTC |
This is rather optimistic, but perhaps it has to do with meeting Harry over break?
(parent)theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 03:18:44 UTC |
well, I certainly never thought you were the optimist type.
(parent)notapipe @ June 29 2003, 03:31:25 UTC |
Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself,
I am large, I contain multitudes.
theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 04:19:37 UTC |
You know the more I read it the more it seems like he is talking about how he'll be able to travel. Of course i too would love to think that this is some sort of reply to Harry about how he'll be able to apparate and floo to him this summer. *sigh* theirloveissohidden
(parent)![]() |
hezzabeth @ June 29 2003, 02:32:14 UTC |
It seems to me he wants some one to know he'll soon have his apparation license , gee I wonder who that could be :)
By the way your icon is perfect!
dragynville @ June 29 2003, 02:36:38 UTC |
Beacause of the not quite so complicated and peons comments, I thought it was a reaction to everyone crediting Harry for his idea even after Hermione specifically mentioned that Harry got the idea from Draco. ???
(parent)bluekivrin @ June 29 2003, 03:06:08 UTC |
Yes, that's what I was thinking, too. Everyone is jumping up and down at how brilliant Harry was to transfigure the wand, yet it was Draco who suggested the idea to him. (Sidenote: when did Draco suggest this to Harry?)
I wonder if Draco's getting sick of the Slytherian nametape that follows him around? I don't think anyone would credit Draco, even if Hermione shot up green and white firecrackers that spelled out "It was Draco's idea!" in large, scripted letters.
notapipe @ June 29 2003, 03:11:50 UTC |
He should do that as they get on the Hogwarts Express, it would be funny.
(parent)sheron @ June 29 2003, 10:16:12 UTC |
I thought so too!
Plus it's interesting that M.B. responded with similar treatment of Ron's achievements in her own post.
theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 03:20:27 UTC |
and yet we still don't know which one of us is Ron and which one is Harry...
*hem, hem*: FISH!!!!!
babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 02:55:19 UTC |
I think it might be Draco-talk for "I am a powerful wizard who can use magic well and I will soon have the power to travel anywhere I want to."
Sounds like Remus may need to air out a bedroom for a guest. Of course, Sirius will have his own ideas on that score.
![]() |
ashh @ June 29 2003, 04:03:02 UTC |
Well, he's saved it under "Why Potter should not have lived" and "Proof of unfair Hogwarts treatment" (and as usual, "Simply the wonder that is me"). Am I the only fool who tries to use his Memories keywords to better put his posts into context?
I adore your icon, by the by.
slinkhard @ June 29 2003, 04:28:26 UTC |
Why would they need to air out a bedroom?
Surely there's nothing more innocent that two boys sharing a bed?
Caitlin, I love the icon!
girlchild @ June 29 2003, 08:03:32 UTC |
i dig your icon! i think that susan's "did you just call me a motherfucker? :(" is like, one of the best na lines EVAR. it ranks up there with sinistra's "such a classy walking stick you have there. tell me, does bubble gum pour out when you remove the head?" to lucius. *^^*
(parent)xnera @ June 29 2003, 08:16:29 UTC |
Back to bed? What was Draco out of bed for? Visiting Harry, perhaps?
(parent)babytyggeryss @ June 29 2003, 10:38:43 UTC |
Or the fact that people aren't giving him credit for the wand-->fish thing was bothering him and he needed to vent his anger.
(parent)theantimodel @ June 29 2003, 12:58:04 UTC |
I seriously hope it was that. I don't think he would actually wake up just because people are ignoring the fact that it was his idea to transfigure the wand, so he must have been up doing something. My vote goes for visiting harry.
(parent)citrene @ June 29 2003, 18:08:12 UTC Live Thread! Live Thread! |
Draco is torturing Ron! Poor Ron. Just. Sign. On. argh
(parent)larks @ June 29 2003, 19:18:27 UTC |
Seems to me the reason why ps is making it such a point that he will be getting his Apparation license soon, and letting everyone know about it, was due to what had just happened.
PS was probably more upset at the fact those of age Apperating around him, while he had to stay at the castle and wait for "mummy and daddy" And being that he is ps, he will make it a point of doing it right the first time around, and not get splintched like others.
However, the shipper in me wants to think, that it's for seeing J_H. awww.