always_up_trees @ 2003-07-02 22:57:00 |
Snape and camels
Well, Snape has updated and seems to be enjoying himself immensely in Egypt. His updates always seem to make my day. Just imagine the black garbed prof riding away into the sunset on his camel. The hilarity.
Also, anyone else catch the literary reference in the title? So Snape is a Yeats fan... :)
blue_raven @ July 2 2003, 23:08:25 UTC |
Yeah you would know, wouldn't you? Do they offer prizes for that?
First llamas, now camels. Yes, the thought is closing in on surrealism...
always_up_trees @ July 2 2003, 23:10:48 UTC |
I wonder if they do. Although the actual quote is "slouching off to Bethlehem to be born," I think. Refers to the second coming.
I think Snape has a thing for mocking semi-unusual hoofed beasts.
babytyggeryss @ July 2 2003, 23:34:25 UTC |
I think Snape has a thing for mocking semi-unusual hoofed beasts.
I think the man is seeking out his own kind--temperament wise. Snape, a camel, and Vampire!Kitty make up a party I wouldn't want to run into. ^_^
However, the mental picture is rather endearing.
I wonder how the Kitty will be fed if Daddy has decided to avoid people as much as possible; maybe the camel will have to be sacrificed in the name of "science."
notapipe @ July 3 2003, 00:17:39 UTC |
Snape, a camel, and Vampire!Kitty
Sounds like the setup for a horrible or great joke.
Snape, a camel and Vampire!Kitty walk into a bar. The bartender says "What is this, a joke?"
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 11:38:22 UTC |
Vampire!Kitty in Egypt... Will they visit the Temple of Bast ( do you think? Somehow the thought of a vampire cat in the temple of the Cat Goddess makes me giggle. Hmmm... camel sacrifice...
Do you think Lilitou has anything to do with Snape's destination of choice this holiday?
babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 12:08:47 UTC |
Thank you for a very interesting read. I can see them doing that.
One little sentence jumped out at me:She(Bast) was the protectress of women, children, and domestic cats. Times of uncertainty do lead people down paths they wouldn't normally walk. Maybe Snape is doing that.
I'm looking forward to seeing where that camel takes them.
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 12:51:24 UTC |
Yes, so am I.
Interesting thought. I don't know, I just have the sneaking suspicion that Snape is there for a reason.
babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 14:38:33 UTC |
Yes, there is a reason for this but I don't think it will become clear anytime soon.
(parent)zionsstarfish @ July 2 2003, 23:22:39 UTC |
Just imagine the black garbed prof riding away into the sunset on his camel.
...perhaps with Lilitou tucked inside his cloak. For continued research purposes, naturally.
hehe! go na!snape. work that camel!
notapipe @ July 3 2003, 00:12:45 UTC turning and turning in the widening gyre |
Oooh, Yeats! I glossed over that originally, but two claps to potions_master for the second coming reference and you for pointing it out.
There was some H/D/T WIP (it was at chapter 3 or so when I stopped reading it) that I vaugely remember where Snape was a massive Yeats fan. I'm trying to remember the name.
always_up_trees @ July 6 2003, 13:47:54 UTC Re: turning and turning in the widening gyre |
What comes of liking poetry! Perhaps the reference was unintended, although I doubt it.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 01:55:55 UTC Love v. Fact |
I've been watching Remus and Snape go head-to-head on the Harry issue Snape brought up at the end of his most resent post.
Their conversation reminds me of many I have seen played out between people who are parents and people who aren't. Yes, Snape is right, but only to a point. Yes, in two months Sirius and Remus will be back at school with Harry because he's alive. And yes, that is more than some parents can say.
But I think Sirius and Remus do have cause for grief. Harry maybe alive but he's forced to live with people who would love nothing more than to tell him he's less than nothing. If I were in their place, I would worry too. What is going to go on at #4 that Harry won't be writing about? How is this going to affect him?
The pups are going to be sending Harry an owl today, so we should be hearing something even if it is "I'm fine, don't worry, I miss you."
I think they are upset for the selfish, but not unreasonable, reason of wanting to be with Harry, do family things, and now they can't. I think most parents would react the same way.
blue_raven @ July 3 2003, 02:05:38 UTC |
There it is. Very clever.
I do love it when these three argue.
babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 02:16:04 UTC |
I do too most of the time. This argument doesn't have the playful undertones of past ones. This argument seemed to have a very hostel feel to it; Snape's tongue seemed to be in very fine form.
I wonder if this isn't due to the madness that defined the end of this year or if the players are going for that rift feel that was present in OoTP; Sirius and Remus on one side and Snape on the other.
Time will tell.
blue_raven @ July 3 2003, 02:29:24 UTC |
You are right, things are a bit more hostile now, I've never seen Lupin that aggressive before. But I think that even though they are both worried about Harry being back at number 4, that there are students that won't be back anywhere at all. I think some people lost sight of that. However, in their position, they have every right to get protective like that.
As to the reason for the hostility, your guess is as good as mine. Though,I hope it's better than mine because my reasons are always half baked.
nabiki @ July 3 2003, 02:38:24 UTC |
Right and in this, its kind of sad to see lupin and black throwing a big fit about Harry not coming home with them for two months when they didn't really seem all that horrified or remorseful for the children that died...Snape is totally right in my book :P They're right to be dissapointed but it does seem somewhat selfish in light of things..
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 02:58:02 UTC |
I think Snape is right to a point. But the one thing that Sirius and Remus need but don't have is a sign that Harry really is going to be ok. He wakes up and is almost immediately put on the train to live with people who couldn't care less for his health, safety, or well-being.
Yes, Harry is alive but is he getting better? I think this is what Sirius and Remus are most worried about. It's not that Harry can't stay with them, it's that they can't protect him if something goes wrong.
A parent's first concern is their child. I think once Harry is out of danger we will see less "big fits."
Another reason maybe that Snape may have moved passed this event. Surely he has seen worse in his life; he was a DE. Sirius and Remus maybe feeling a little bit of guilt; their child is ok. Other parents weren't so lucky. Snape also, as far as anyone knows, doesn't share any emotional bonds like Sirius and Remus do with Harry. Those bonds, or lack of, will color the reactions of the three men.
snowballjane @ July 3 2003, 03:24:19 UTC |
Surely he has seen worse in his life
Kids killed by crush injuries. I'm not sure there's much worse to see.
snowballjane @ July 3 2003, 02:58:37 UTC |
Quite, although it's an understandable parental response they really have been fairly tactless (although one assumes the Hufflepuffs'/Soblessa's parents won't have been reading their journals...)
I think Snape's reaction probably stems partly from the fact that while they spent days at the bedside of their living Harry or locked in an office, he presumably spent the same time in the 'makeshift morgue' and therefore met those kids' parents etc.
Anyway - er, new person post! Erk, how addictive has this been the last few weeks.
babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 02:40:46 UTC |
But I think that even though they are both worried about Harry being back at number 4, that there are students that won't be back anywhere at all. I think some people lost sight of that. However, in their position, they have every right to get protective like that.
Yes, I badly addressed some of that on my large post in the other thread.
My theories are always half-baked as well, but between the two of us we should be able to come up with something ^_^
blue_raven @ July 3 2003, 02:58:31 UTC |
Being new there, that is a nice thing to know, cheers.
hp_snape @ July 3 2003, 04:24:00 UTC |
Naturally a Yeats fan as well as of Lovecraft.
Reading this, I realise that I should have taken a similar tactic and taken alternative self prof_s_snape away until end of August.
shusu @ July 3 2003, 05:02:56 UTC |
Yeah, the holiday never *starts* for Snape. ^^;
Would Potions_master run into Bill Weasley in Egypt?
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 09:39:49 UTC |
Excuse me while I *meep*. That would be a seriously bizarre NA slash pairing!
(parent)shusu @ July 3 2003, 10:25:59 UTC *grins* that's just an open invitation |
Why not? Both involved in ancient mysteries and potentially dangerous jobs (undoing curses, teaching children), not that much age difference, strong opposites attract, a very pretty picture.
And no, I was talking about running into each other and having a chat, not hot desert sex. ;p
But then, I can slash anything. Just watch me. ^^
hp_snape @ July 3 2003, 14:01:00 UTC Re: H bloody P bloody Love bloody craft |
And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet. Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger.
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 15:51:05 UTC Re: H bloody P bloody Love bloody craft |
*offers you a pint of Shoggoth's Old Peculiar*
hp_snape @ July 3 2003, 16:21:46 UTC Re: H bloody P bloody Love bloody craft |
offers you to buy you a round at the pub run by The Little Sisters of the Tentacled Mortification.
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aurorasinger @ July 3 2003, 11:59:30 UTC |
Haaaaahaha. I can't imagine him wearing anything other than thick heavy robes. Hahaha. Oh god, Snape in a t-shirt. *shakes head*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 12:13:03 UTC |
I see him in native dress. Black, or something dark.
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aurorasinger @ July 3 2003, 12:57:23 UTC Re: |
lol i'm beginning to picture him in a white moor head cover-y thingie! ^_^
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 14:25:16 UTC |
Or something like this?
Or what would you say of the traditional indigo of some nomads? Bet that would suit him.
babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 14:34:14 UTC |
I see Snape in indigo; white isn't his color.
I love the picture. ^_^
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 14:46:50 UTC |
Agree. Snape is definitely a winter, not a spring, wouldn't you say?
babytyggeryss @ July 3 2003, 15:05:11 UTC |
I think so too. Light colors just don't look good on him.
BTW, would you like a code?
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Anonymous @ July 3 2003, 15:28:37 UTC |
Er, actually, if you have 'em lying around, that would be great. My email is
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aurorasinger @ July 3 2003, 17:51:47 UTC Re: |
HAHA someone make an icon out of it. hey, dumb spitting animal and all! *inserts a little arrow with the words "Remus Lupin" attached to it*