tabiji @ 2003-07-09 08:31:00 |
Narcissa posts...and doesn't the last paragraph sound like morning sickness?! *boggled*
vellum @ July 9 2003, 06:01:34 UTC |
it sounds like she's pregnant. that would be fabulous, wouldn't it? a little na baby. i can imagine the nursery now. a lot of stone.
duude, she was hella putting down the weasleys, too.
i'm still wondering what's the deal with the portraits, too.
theantimodel @ July 9 2003, 06:06:46 UTC |
blargh, you stole my post, biotch :D
Anyways, I am wondering about the food cravings and nausea too, i certainly hope its just the stomache flu or something.
Also, what the heck is going on with the portraits and with Dacey. All the Malfoys give us incredibly biased reports that misconstrue the facts.
Also, Narcissa mentioned that Draco is "edgy" and Dacey is "anxious" I'm wondering if theres any sort of DE stuff going on. Lucius was away on business at first.
merlion @ July 9 2003, 07:51:19 UTC |
I completely missed that. But yes, it does seem possible.
Somehow, I can't imagine Draco taking too well having a sibling. Although, his observations of life with a baby would be priceless!!! As are most of his comments.
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aurorasinger @ July 9 2003, 09:43:48 UTC |
*oggles at icon* bad hair day he was having, hein?
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Anonymous @ July 9 2003, 08:45:16 UTC |
ahaha yes that is exactly what passed through my mind too! Now *that* would be fun.
(parent)jenicomprispas @ July 9 2003, 09:14:44 UTC |
Righto, so I've decided to de-lurk on this here list...
And if N. is preggers, is anyone else concerned about the large quantities of Vodka L. seems to be feeding her with? Just a thought.
babytyggeryss @ July 9 2003, 09:50:42 UTC |
If Narcissa is pregnant, I think the vodka will stop right away. They can't run the risk of a less than perfect baby, right? It will be very interesting to see how the men react. This may give Lucius the leverage he needs over his Heir; if this child is a boy Lucius would be quite free to cut him off because he would have a Spare Heir, so to speak. Draco might want to get away from the house and go somewhere where he can be the center of attention again.
Someone refresh my memory, when do woman start getting morning sickness? I have searched the archives of both NA and Narcissa's journal to attempt to find one particular post that seemed to suggest sex and a possible conception date. I can't find it but I think it was when Looshie was recovering from his dual with Remus.
lunadeath02 @ July 9 2003, 10:10:24 UTC |
I remember that post about them 'getting it on', but i don't remember the date.
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adolfa @ July 9 2003, 12:42:05 UTC |
Um. If it indeed happened when Lucius was in his recovery period, the date of conception could be anywhere from May 2nd to May 13th, throughout which nearly every entry implied sexual activity.
babytyggeryss @ July 9 2003, 14:13:38 UTC |
So, she's about 2 months along. I did some looking around for info on morning sickness and the only stat I found said that most women start morning sickness around 5 1/2 weeks. This is an average and every pregnancy is different.
(parent)black_dog @ July 9 2003, 17:51:17 UTC |
You know, just to throw a wrench into things --
It's true there are a couple of points where Lucius and Narcissa may have spent the night together recently, but for the most part, she's been away from Lucius for several months and engaged in various self-actualizing activities. Anybody think there's a chance, that if she really is pregnant, the baby isn't Lucius'?
babytyggeryss @ July 9 2003, 20:30:25 UTC |
You bring up a very good point, Narcissa was out of the Manor for quite sometime but I don't think she'd cheat on her husband. I think she does love him (what she sees in him, only she knows) or at least she loves his money enough not to jeopardize her marriage.
Also the men she lived with were gay and very much in love; one of those men didn't even like her.
I think it's safe to say that if she's pregnant, Lucius is the father. If he wasn't..........he'd make her life very unpleasant.
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adolfa @ July 10 2003, 14:38:06 UTC Re: |
I don't think so. In case y'all haven't noticed, Lucius and Narcissa get it on a LOT. It's just mentioned in a very indirect, Malfoyish way. "I must confess that, although we spent quite a good amount of time inside one bedroom in particular, I was a bit too caught up in other things to worry about the decorum."
Morning sickness starts appearing at an average of 5 and 1/2 weeks after conception. 5 and 1/2 weeks ago was around June 2nd. The closest to that she's updated is June 4th:
Lucius and I returned to the Manor. He stayed home with me on Monday and Tuesday but he has to return to work today. He has been very sweet and comforting and I-
black_dog @ July 10 2003, 22:56:00 UTC Re: |
Eh, you're probably right. Am gossip-mongering slander-whore. Just wanted to get the possibility on the record.
(parent)tabiji @ July 10 2003, 23:11:02 UTC |
Still...since the whole Narcissa adoption issue hasn't fully played out, I wonder if Lucius would try to use their separations as an excuse to claim that the kid may not be his?
I'm already wibbling for Draco...poor thing getting forgotten and pushed aside in the excitement of a new baby...*sniff* :(
Then again, if it's a boy, it would give the Malfoys another heir...someone to carry on the family name, and leave Draco free to pursue other...interests :D
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ms_potter @ July 9 2003, 09:59:03 UTC |
Oooh! An NA baby! A MiniDraco! Squee!
If Narcissa really is expecting, let's have an NRaged baby shower! :D
babytyggeryss @ July 9 2003, 11:02:17 UTC |
I'd like to see this baby come to term first; I can just see something happening to it.
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Anonymous @ July 9 2003, 13:06:56 UTC |
Wasn't there talk about Narcissa having wanted a daughter? I seem to remember something like that, sometime before the Sirius/Remus wedding...?
Draco might not be as opposed to a little sister as he perhaps would be to a brother. Lucius would probably prefer a male heir so a girl wouldn't that big of a threat. Draco could also teach his little sister to adore and worship him.
I find a possible Malfoy baby, boy or girl, very interesting. ProtectiveBrother!Draco would be so very cute.
shusu @ July 9 2003, 20:13:13 UTC no one will get this. |
If she is, I'm throwing out my Whiplash badge and retiring. There will be nothing more to do.
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Anonymous @ July 9 2003, 20:22:31 UTC N-preg...and other plot points |
I REALLY hope that this is happening...and not just a player tease. In any case, we should know for sure soon, as Remus has just recommended that she get checked out at St. Mungo's. Everyone cross your fingers and hope!
However, their conversation and dinner plans were interrupted by Seamus apparating in atop Remus's head. We should get an interesting entry out of that meal, but what is concerning me is the fact that Sirius is temporarily absent and that Seamus is single. Is anyone seeing the possibility for The Last Temptation of Remus Lupin? Or am I just paranoid?
PLEASE feel free to start this as another thread; but being an anonymous poster, I didn't have that power! Thanks ever so much!
tarie @ July 9 2003, 20:36:40 UTC Re: N-preg...and other plot points |
Would you like a code?
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Anonymous @ July 10 2003, 10:47:20 UTC Re: N-preg...and other plot points |
That would be great! Thank you so much. I'm at
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 9 2003, 20:45:08 UTC Re: N-preg...and other plot points |
I have always seen Remus as the type who would not put himself in a position in which children might result. He knows what it's like to be an outcast and i don't think he would wish his condition on anyone (assuming that a Changed werewolf can father cubs).
Besides, he would end up facing Lucius, who just might be mildly enraged. Look what he did to Arthur; what would he do to Remus? The revenge inflicted upon his wife and the Other Man would be horrendous. I don't think it would be worth it.
Remus loves his over-sized pup, I don't see him throwing that love away. Sirius is the one with monogomy issues; who remembers The List?
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Anonymous @ July 10 2003, 10:48:27 UTC Re: N-preg...and other plot points |
Actually, I meant that Remus might be tempted by Seamus, rather than the father of Narcissa's baby. This was posted before the multitudes of Seamus/Charlie hints, though, sooo...
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adolfa @ July 10 2003, 16:01:05 UTC |
*sigh* I'm excited about a mini-Malfoy and all, but I kind of hope it's a player tease, because preggers!Narcissa seems to be the default for all HP RPGs. Somehow, some way, Narcissa always ends up pregnant. Wurgle.