el_erzulie @ 2003-07-10 20:08:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
I'm giggling hysterically because I feel the NA obsession mounting. I just had to join the community. Right now, I'm following potterstinks and
just_harry's conversation. It's hilarious to watch what user pictures they choose, like Draco's broom!leer. Yes, we know just what you're thinking, bucko.
Squeeing like mental over Seamus/Charlie. It's amazing how I never think of Seamus ships until somebody else does, and then I just sit there going... it's perfect. Poor Seamus, I really slut him around. Anyway, it would serve deanthomas right. ^_~ A little bit of jealousy goes a long, long way.
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Anonymous @ July 10 2003, 09:39:28 UTC |
And I can't help squeeing when he uses it while talking to Harry 8-)
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 00:54:39 UTC Re: |
I know, he is perving. ^_^v
And... I feel stupid now. You meant the Draco one. Weep! Ah well I'm used to it.
I also like that "pulling a distasteful" face. So very cute.
el_erzulie @ July 18 2003, 21:27:00 UTC Re: |
Oh! So you did mean mine. *L* I am causing mammoth amounts of confusion, yeah?
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 02:02:38 UTC Re: |
Oh! By the way, do you have an LJ and are just not bothering to sign in? Or do you not have one? If you don't have one I have spare codes and am feeling like Santa is all, so you can have one if you want. *L*
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Anonymous @ July 11 2003, 09:52:16 UTC |
Thanks very much! But I'm just a bummer--- too lazy to make an journal.
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 00:52:23 UTC Re: |
Speaking of hot icons... I was just perving on yours. *L*
I can't claim I made mine, though I like it too. Spike... yum. That's a porno mag, too. ^_~
staraflur @ July 11 2003, 16:05:48 UTC Re: |
haha, really?
Here's to excellent icons, then! Did you ever see the CB movie?
el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 21:36:08 UTC Re: |
I own it on DVD! I saw it at the movies, too, it was awesome seeing it on a huge screen. It kicked so much arse.
"Who are you?"
"Just a humble bounty hunter, mam."
Have you seen the trailer for it? It's so good, if I hadn't already had been obsessed with the series I would have gone just because of it.
staraflur @ July 11 2003, 16:06:08 UTC Re: |
I perve on mine all the damn time. That's why it's the default one. XD
(parent)wednesday_tea @ July 10 2003, 12:23:09 UTC |
Your icon. Spike. Mmm. :D
Oh, and yes, Charlie/Seamus is seeming rather appealing. :)
el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 01:15:17 UTC Re: |
*L* Thanks! He certainly is delicious. What about Vicious? Or Spike/Vicious? ^_~
I hope it happens! I'm off to see if anything has been added to that post. Ron would choke on myself, and so would Dean, and it would be perfect.
lunadeath02 @ July 10 2003, 12:48:42 UTC |
I've been wondering if there will be a possible Seamus/Harry in future- a jealous Dean and Draco would be something else!
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dry_your_eyes @ July 10 2003, 14:16:02 UTC |
I've never considered Harry/Seamus.
Harry belongs with Draco! dot
although they could arrange things to make Dean and Draco (DD^_^ ) jealous.
el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 01:19:47 UTC Re: |
I was just babbling about that theory. *g* Great minds think ailke, yeah? ^_~ It would work a charm.
Oh, Harry/Seamus for some fun, H/D still... you know, forever, etc. [Not forever fluffily, though, because they are too sexy and hot and fiery to be eternally fluffy... that would be so many degrees of wrong].
I'm so mad at Dean and his going on about Boot, I want to see him jealous as hell. *pops on halo*
non_inferno @ July 11 2003, 21:48:19 UTC |
Does no one else ship Dean/Terry? I feel so out of it.
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:04:58 UTC Re: |
*pets* Surely somebody else does. ^_^v
I think I'm a minority of Seamus/Ron, but not so much in NA. It's popped up in the background of a few fics, and...! Damn hilarious.
tabiji @ July 10 2003, 21:32:46 UTC |
I've been wondering the exact same thing (which always ticks theantimodel off!)
el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 01:17:26 UTC Re: |
Oh, oh!
What if they made a deal, to piss the others off?! It would be hilarious. Seriously, they could just agree to snog, and yes... jealousy abounds!
Oh my god, look what you've done. *shrieks and flaps arms* That's it, if that doesn't happen, I'll be brutally disappointed.
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Anonymous @ July 11 2003, 03:57:40 UTC Unconnected topic |
Well I have a thought on a totally unconnected topic. Guys, don't you worry about Millicent. During a looooooooooooooong time we didn't hear anything from her except for two little comments for Draco, one of which was just "Help" . *I*'m worried. Where is our beloved girl, what happened to her so horrible that she didn't manage to organize a witty and extremely funny discussion with Draco. I miss their chats which ALWAYS make me giggle! Oh, and more than this i miss their talks between her Draco and Harry...
Oh, maybe, when Draco'll get an Apparation License they'll together come to visit Harry *squee*!!! Oh, wait Harry and Draco need no one to disturb them, even if it's MB.
el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 04:36:44 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
Oh, more adorers of MB! She's just so perfect. Her dry humour is absolutely down pat and I always love her icons - including that hilarious scar one. I'm not worried really, surely they shan't kill her off. But I DO miss her chats! I love that they've given her a real r'ship with everyone because we never see it in the books. Her, Draco and Harry is also good I agree. :) Oh, well, until things heat up I think she can intervene... it just adds some humour and she could always make a seedy comment. ^_~ I'm quite open to those...
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Anonymous @ July 11 2003, 04:51:09 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
You know what I like about her icon with scar---- she named it "it's personal". Oh and I just adore her websute! website http://www.pinstruck.com/ ! It's so... MB! ^_^
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Anonymous @ July 11 2003, 04:57:01 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
ooops! I ment this one: http://www.nocturnealley.net/~petitemill
el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 05:15:24 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
*pokes eye* So this one isn't hers, then? It's still an absolute riot! Hee.
What fun! Thanks a bunch for the linkage. :)
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Anonymous @ July 11 2003, 08:22:32 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
Both are hilarious and adorable and typically MB!!!!!!!! *jumping around the room dreaming about MB posting quicker*
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 05:12:41 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
WEBSITE? O_O Dashing to look! Wow, I really need to not be so behind on everything NA. *L*
Oh, I love the reviews. Wheezing. *steals MB away*
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Anonymous @ July 11 2003, 09:50:02 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
You can't steal MB!!!!! The lost for the mankind will be too great! 8-)
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 09:52:29 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
*g* Alright, alright.*replaces her, admires from afar*
But she should definitely post and comment.
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Anonymous @ July 11 2003, 09:56:16 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
YES! DEFINITELY! For our sakes!
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Anonymous @ July 11 2003, 09:57:21 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
And she HAS to chat wit Draco 24/7! Or am I being cruel?
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 11 2003, 21:34:08 UTC Re: Unconnected topic |
Perhaps, because she needs to go away, find things to be bitter about, then come back and briefly mention them in her usually hilarious way. ^_^
Perhaps 23/7, though. Or should we give H/D time?