el_erzulie @ 2003-07-12 16:38:00 |
(no title)
Mood: bouncy
Charlie, I've already sent Ginny home with some ways she can try to locate Cho on her own, so if you and Seamus would like to take your extra-curricular activites elsewhere, that would make me extremely happy as I would rather not find myself gnawing upon either of you come moonrise. I would also be utterly ecstatic if you both might pause your shenanigans long enough to restore the recreation room, the west study, the lower drawing room, and (for reasons that I have no desire to know) the upstairs W.C., to their original state, before you left.
Squeak. Somebody, hold my hand before I accidently leap out the window due to sheer bounciness.lupercus, you should post more often too. ^_~
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:08:17 UTC Re: |
I can't believe I missed the last bit of his post -
Thank god I'm in the habit of knocking.
I can't wait to see if Seamus posts soon, or Charlie, and everybody's reactions to it. How old is Charlie? I can't remember, should go to Lexicon...
likearaindrop @ July 12 2003, 00:19:49 UTC |
haha the last line was perfect....
I don't think they said how old charlie was in the books, but his player mentioned in a thread a lil while ago that he was in his mid 20's I think ..
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:22:49 UTC Re: |
That's around what I thought, hmmm. Thanks a bunch. ^_^
Imagine Ron's reaction. *g*
likearaindrop @ July 12 2003, 00:26:12 UTC |
I was going to search for the actual post but I'm a lazy arse :P
poor ron, I imagine there are going to be alot of all caps, size 32 font-ed reactions :D
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:32:10 UTC Re: |
Fair enough.
*L* Oh yes, and I imagine a new icon of rage might come out of the wood works.
*wiping the tears away* I'm getting very impatient, now.
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:09:15 UTC Re: |
I love how he just... says whatever. Regardless of the choking noises of shock he's probably creating. ^_~
(parent)tabiji @ July 11 2003, 23:59:50 UTC |
I'm loving the idea of Seamus getting some :) I hope it's not just a rebound thing.
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:11:01 UTC Re: |
I don't think it is, I mean, he was obviously attracted to Charlie a long time ago anyway. Charlie seems experienced, is clearly delicious...
I say, go for it Seamus. ^_^v
It's painful to wait for everyone's reactions, it could be very hilarious indeed.
dragynville @ July 12 2003, 00:12:24 UTC |
I think it could be very.. cathartic.. for Seamus. I'm all for it! :D
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:18:47 UTC Re: |
Like Dean, getting a bit of his own back, since he's blatantly mentioning Boot all the time. He won't be able to complain, but I'd wager he'll be a bit miffed. ^_~
But Seamus, because he's moving on, getting what he wants, and well, hello - Charlie is great... I think it's good for him. It makes me sad, all of this Dean being a sod and him getting hurt, but as you said this could definitely be cathartic.
That and damn hot. Come on, had to be said.
tabiji @ July 12 2003, 00:23:01 UTC |
Mmmmhmmm. Even with an age difference...it's a bit QAF Brian/Justin (not that Charlie is even remotely Brianish!)
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:30:04 UTC Re: |
Plus, guys who can play pool well are sexy IMO. How could you resist?
Age difference smifference. *g*
dragynville @ July 12 2003, 02:33:55 UTC |
That and damn hot. Come on, had to be said.
Oh yes, flaming hot. But definitely :D
black_dog @ July 12 2003, 00:21:28 UTC |
Poor Remus. Be careful what you wish for, right? I mean, there he was, moping about being alone for the summer, and suddenly he's hosting: a romantically depressed Seamus, who blithely announces he's staying two weeks; a layabout ex who's in no hurry to return to work in Romania; a distraught Ginny Weasley in search of her girlfriend, an angsting Narcissa, an angstier Dacey . . . . There's nothing like other people's troubles, to distract you from your own, right?
I guess there is something to be said for werewolfism, if it gives you the chance to clear out overly persistent houseguests, from time to time.
I love, love, love the saintly Remus at the end of his patience. Really quite . . . gamey, indeed!
Oh and I suppose I'm happy about Seamus/Charlie, but I don't really think it means anything.
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:28:58 UTC Re: |
You are so right, now I'm giggling some more. Then again, Remus is just the sort of guy who would know what to say in such situations. Really, he should act like more of a bastard to protect his home from invasion.
I snorted at that - can't you just imagine the house elves getting suspicious around him afterwards, edging away much to his frustration?
Well, it mightn't be a relationship, but I do think it might be a bit of a kick up Dean's arse. I'm full of Dean!rage.
babytyggeryss @ July 12 2003, 00:46:50 UTC |
I think Remus enjoys having company most of the time; he's just too nice to ask them to leave. At this time, with Sirius gone and his return time very uncertain, he needs to have friends around. Just not all the time.
Yes, he kicked his guests out but I think he really is concerned. The transformation is painful enough as it is and now there's no Padfoot to play with. If Sirius was there, maybe they could stay. It's for their safety and his peace of mind.
Maybe when he's recovered, people will have better things to do and he can have a few days peace. I can see him walking the grounds with Rosie following along, or the two of them in the Library (I assume DW has one), Remus reading (I picture him with reading glasses) or writing and Rosie asleep with her head on his feet.
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:52:25 UTC Re: |
I totally agree. He must be very concerned that he'd hurt someone while being a Werewolf too, because you'd hold yourself so accountable even if you really can't control your actions. So really, he's still acting like the protector. Sigh, I miss Sirius though. Poor Remus without him, and no Padfoot to help keep him controlled.
Awww, what a cute image. :)
babytyggeryss @ July 12 2003, 01:03:37 UTC |
As long as he takes the Wolfsbane before the Change, he keeps his human mind. So, in this case, Padfoot is an element of comfort, not control. This month he may lock himself in an unused room, changed, and sleep it off.
I'm sure he's go this all planned out.
Did he say anything about Rosie? Where does she go during the Change and he and Padfoot go off to play?
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 04:55:46 UTC Re: |
I always, always forget that. *L* It's because he acts as though he's a risk, though, so it's his fault for confusing poor me.
I'm not sure, I haven't been following avidly from the start, so I probably would have missed anything he said. You should post and ask, now I'm curious. ^_^
retired_ego @ July 12 2003, 02:10:59 UTC |
I'd also like to see Terry get with someone else and give Dean a double kick the arse. >:0
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 05:03:55 UTC Re: |
Yep, considering in my mind he uses him quite a bit really.
It was Boot who had a thing going with the MB, right? I get so confused. What the hell happened? Nobody disses MB... *growls*
retired_ego @ July 12 2003, 05:32:38 UTC Re: |
Yep, that was/is him. In fact, I don't think anything has been said about Terry terminating whatever it is that he has for Millicent.
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hobaggins @ July 12 2003, 05:46:56 UTC |
Mmmmm.... it always seems as if Terry just has little self control. Dean says, "Boot. Sex. Now." Amd Terry goes, "Well, alright" then panics and screams, "Miilllliiiiiccceeeennnnnttttt forgive me, my love" and then promptly does it all over again.
I also agree that it seems like Dean is sort of using Terry. But I really don't think Terry minds, in fact, he encourages it.... so it's not solely his fault. When this first started I thought that Terry had some sort of ulterior motive, but now I think he just goes along with the attention... but to fuck if I really care, *pulls out popcorn* it's goddamn hot. I'll take me some Thomas/Boot any day *salivates*
I think one of the best part of Terry to Dean is that he doesn't need to talk or explain himself all the time. Sometimes there can just be action.
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 06:14:54 UTC Re: |
No, I don't think Terry minds either. I missed something, though - when was Boot being rude to Seamus? Seamus mentioned it, and I am such his fangirl, and not liking Thomas/Boot [though I LOVE the jealousy and drama it causes, hee!] so... basically, I am attempting to mother poor Seamus.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 07:10:29 UTC |
don't bother mothering him anymore,
it has obviously happened! :)
they may decide to keep it in secret, but there'll be further hints , i'm sure
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 06:07:08 UTC Re: |
No they haven't said it's ended but Millicent seems to have said nothing on the topic at all... very odd.
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 00:59:45 UTC Re: |
Being a Werewolf must be brilliant that way.
But I do see what you mean. Remus would be too nice to tell them, or anything. *shrugs* But it was nice of them to visit, even if it was selfish as well since they all want his help so it seems. ^_^
theantimodel @ July 12 2003, 02:52:07 UTC |
Be careful what you wish for, right?
Absolutely. Remus has always been the guy who's there for everyone else. And as much as he might have wanted company, he really needs to be surrounding himself with people who don't need his help. Because sure, he's got guests, but all of them typically turn to him when they need help/advice/comfort. So now when Remus is feeling abandoned by Harry and Sirius (through no fault of theirs) it really seems like he's feeling the need for people who he can turn to. but he just hasn't got them.
Never-the-less, in true Remus fashion, he offers his home and patience to try to help Narcissa et. al. I'm just glad he's got the handy excuse of being a werewolf, so he can have some alone time to maybe figure out what kind of help he really needs.
deleted because I can't close my italics tags and edited to add this:
Awww thank god for Snape! I know they don't always get along but man, Remus needed that right now. I really hope that being able to stay in contact with one man who is out on a mission for Dumbledore will help to reassure Remus that Sirius is going to be okay. And at the very least, Severus is helping to provide a bit of a grounding, steadying force that Remus needs right now. I also really like the simplicity of their friendship. Remus didn't have to really say anything for Severus to know that he needed to say something real. And the simple "goodnights" it's very touching to know that they're comfortable with each other enough to be completely sarcastic one moment and sincere the next.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 04:52:56 UTC |
And the simple "goodnights" it's very touching to know that they're comfortable with each other enough to be completely sarcastic one moment and sincere the next.
that's what I call 'a friend in need's a frind indeed'
their friendship is very special, in fact after reading their interactions I want to have such friend as well
on a different note:
Lupin's a bit disappointed in Dumbledore. I can understand him, because why didn't Albus allow Sirius to tell Lupin the details of the mission -he's on their side and he's Sirius's significant other after all!
Doesn't Albus trust Remus?!
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 05:19:47 UTC Re: |
a) A friend with weed is better... stoned Severus, now that would be a laugh.
b) Albus is certainly acting canon. Grrr.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 05:32:39 UTC Re: |
A friend with weed is better... a friend with breasts and all the rest ... oops, that doesn't match that good, isn't it? :)
stoned Severus, now that would be a laugh.
Oh Brian, yes! He's damn funny now, but high he'll be a star (though I'd like him to perform that infamous salsa for me) ^_^
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 06:08:54 UTC Re: |
*g* No, but a good song. [Coughgreatbandcough]
*L* How did we get onto talking about Bri, missy? How hilarious. Oh, he would just be sprouting insults and hilarious things everywhere. Hee. Yes!! Lord, to see that salsa. *drools*
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 06:18:36 UTC Re: |
i see placebo allusions everywhere:)
I would like to see salsa just to read Lupin&Black's scoffs about it!
it's not very smart but I imagine a big salsa party and Remus/Sirius/Sevvy/Harry/Draco/Seamus/De
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 06:25:32 UTC Re: |
I totally agree. My band of bands. Look at my journal, it's got pictures in the style of them from way back... very, very good pictures. ^_~
I totally agree. There is this guy at some markets I go to who I refer to as "AVOB" [asian version of Brian Molko] and who, I recently found out, is actually bi. He wears eyeliner. Is such the Bri. I knew he was bi. *g* But enough of that... *blush*
Yes, and they were be flirting flying everywhere, seductive little motions, hip movements...
That is me, a puddle on the floor. Watch you don't step on me.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 06:36:35 UTC Re: |
first of all - I've added you
Nraged is just a treasury of HP&Placebo fans!
i got my lj code here and my first acquaintance (hobbagins *waves*) turned out to be a t00by placebo and NA fan :D
oh Brian, your journal's amazing. But did you think people didn't know their names?! *shakes head* :)
Yes, and they were be flirting flying everywhere, seductive little motions, hip movements...
what about a nice welcome-to-Hogwarts party in September?!:)
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 06:42:16 UTC Re: |
If you didn't I would have *g* Gasp! Her with the pretty avatar I stared at for a good ten minutes?! How Bri'ish do Justin's cheeks look, all shadowed and hollowed?
Feck it all I'm adding you both. *glomps*
I didn't put the names there, they came like that, with the signatures. ^_^ I thought it looked cool so left it. It was on their biography's at the very old BSH! So cool.
Weep. Off my mind goes again, oh devilish one.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 06:53:22 UTC |
Her with the pretty avatar I stared at for a good ten minutes?! How Bri'ish do Justin's cheeks look, all shadowed and hollowed?
oh, there's also a gorgeous Brian icon (<3333) you should see it!
It was on their biography's at the very old BSH! So cool.
remmeber it. great place it was
why aren't you in the community? brian_molko *puzzled*
i feel I should find an excuse for posting this completely off-top comment:
how about:
just_harry/potterstinks forever! :D *throws confetti*
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 06:58:17 UTC Re: |
Will keep my eye out!
THERE'S A BRIAN MOLKO COMMUNITY? :O I had no idea, that's why! I am eternally lame with communities, seems to shock and appall everyone. I just never think to look, but in the last three weeks or so I've joint the Cowboy Bebop community and this one, of course. :) So I'm improving and will SO be joining that one. I have a wee bit of an addiction. Weep.
*g* That was beautiful, sipmly! *g* And!
potterstinks/seamus_f fashion talk forever! :D
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 07:06:50 UTC Re: |
there's a bagful of the bri communities - but brian_molko's the best methinks! join. see you there at the bitter end ;)
potterstinks/seamus_f fashion talk forever! :D
M.B. usericons forever! ^_^
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 07:13:21 UTC Re: |
Indeed you will. ^_~
So true. I forget the name of the actress she uses, but she's great, it was cool to see the skull being used! Heh.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 07:19:07 UTC Re: |
check brianmolkoicons as well
loffly place:)
I really miss M.B. She's told us her family's a real horror incarnate, but I'd like her to find a way to post more often
(though of course it's just cause the player may be busy having RL^_^)
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 07:23:12 UTC Re: |
Opening it now. :) Yes, that's true enough. Hopefully that calms down. Really really really craving M.B. Even how she signs of as M.B. Work of genius. And just... hmmm, M.B. I am so very expressive, yes?
(parent)black_dog @ July 12 2003, 05:04:02 UTC |
Remus didn't have to really say anything for Severus to know that he needed to say something real.
Nice point about Snape. I was thinking of the parallels between Harry and Draco, a bit -- the way they bond with rough teasing, the way so much is unspoken, and they can give each other sympathy in a quiet, indirect way without drawing attention to the gesture. The "goodnights" have a similar affection to them. I hope Draco grows up to be less sour, more joyful, than Snape, though I wonder if he'll ever match him as a dancer.
Just to run off on a tangent -- it seems sometimes that one of the subtler rules of the NA game is to continually play with parallels, to ring changes on certain characters' interactions by mirroring them, with interesting distortions, in the behavior of other characters. Harry's outing was followed by a parody "outing" of Draco by Ron; Draco's meltdown under abuse was contrasted with Colin's; Seamus/Dean sometimes feels like a variation on older Sirius/Remus; the Hufflepuffs parody the Slytherins. I don't know, it may just be a caffeine-deprived overreading, and I guess there are only so many story plots. But it seems to happen a lot, to sometimes be a conscious strategy. Have you ever felt that?
theantimodel @ July 12 2003, 12:25:07 UTC |
The parallels are subtle, and I've never really consciously thought about them before. But yes, reflecting on them I think they're definitely there and they've always been something I've kind of felt but never really examined. I think that they probably use the parallels to reflect enlarge some of the less obvious sub-plots. Because if we see it enough we're far more likely to notice the themes.
There's also the very obvious use of parallel with Martin Miggs the Mad Muggle and the meta parody of HP fans waiting for OotP. I think that maybe not all of the parallels are done purposefully, but some of them feel more solid, like they're meant to be there. I'll have to re-read some a little later because this is a really interesting idea.
babytyggeryss @ July 12 2003, 08:11:12 UTC |
I also really like the simplicity of their friendship. Remus didn't have to really say anything for Severus to know that he needed to say something real.
There are time that I love Snape and this is one of those times. I'd hug the man if he were real and I didn't think he would look at me like I was some kind of freak who needed to be shipped off to St. Mungo's.
The man can read Remus like a book. Remus needed to be told that Sirius will be alright. The statement coming from Snape made it all the more powerful; it just shows that while, seemingly, the rest of the world has forgotten about Remus's needs, Snape hasn't. He's been paying attention. Yes, he hates Sirius, but friends know that somethings have to be said even if it leaves a bitter taste on your tongue.
He's probably rolling his eyes right now and making cutting remarks about the rain and how the rest of the world has gone crazy.
If Remus wasn't so happy with Sirius, I'd be all for Snape and Remus hooking up. They just have something.
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Anonymous @ July 12 2003, 01:55:17 UTC |
Aww. (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;213032) :(
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 05:04:39 UTC |
Was that link meant to go to a Microsoft-y page? *pouts* I'm confused now.
But as you are frowning... *hugs* in advance. :)
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hobaggins @ July 12 2003, 05:38:35 UTC |
This is awesome. I surely truly madly deeply encourage any Seamus/Charlie relations. Hot. Oh man...... I really really hope this plays into some big thing. There's so many directions it could go in. But for now, instead of being a good NrAger and posting all the ways I see it panning out, I'm just going to grin nonsensically and dream of gorgeous boys. <3 <3 <3
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 06:11:58 UTC Re: |
*g* You are so on my train of thinking, m'dear! Wouldn't it just be the sexiest thing? *fans face*
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dry_your_eyes @ July 12 2003, 06:23:38 UTC |
hey hon, nicely put - it's our right to dream about hot boys at times *smiles*
at the present writing I'm dying to read Charlie's and Seamus' comments!
and Dean's of course :)
el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 06:27:00 UTC Re: |
I know, where are they and why aren't they posting? Very frustrated. *grits teeth* And I am in no way patient.
(parent)saffronlie @ July 12 2003, 07:28:07 UTC |
Clearly they are far too occupied to post. And I might squeefully suggest that is this a Good Thing. :D
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 12 2003, 07:32:45 UTC Re: |
How did I not think of this?!
*builds shrine*
saffronlie @ July 12 2003, 07:37:54 UTC |
I'm surprised that my usually-clean mind did. ;) A shrine, pour moi? You're too kind.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 12 2003, 09:18:53 UTC |
...behave in a more gentlemanlike manner.
Didn't Elizabeth Bennett say something similar to Mr Darcy in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice?" I lent my copy of the book to my sister, so I can't go looking up the exact quote right now. I think it was when he proposed marriage the first time.
Does someone want to confirm my theory or tell me I'm out of my mind?
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Anonymous @ July 12 2003, 10:50:50 UTC |
Elizabeth in Ch 34, wherein Darcy proposes the first time:
'You are mistaken, Mr. Darcy, if you suppose that the mode of your declaration affected me in any other way than as it spared me the concern which I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner.'
Darcy in Ch 58, wherein he proposes again:
'Your reproof, so well applied, I shall never forget: "had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner." Those were your words. You know not, you can scarcely conceive, how they have tortured me; though it was some time, I confess, before I was reasonable enough to allow their justice.'
babytyggeryss @ July 12 2003, 11:27:09 UTC |
Those are some of my favorite parts in the book, but I love the whole book.
(parent)el_erzulie @ July 13 2003, 00:01:25 UTC Re: |
I love P&P. That was such a good bit, too. I just love that it's got the love/hate thing going, as if you cannot tell by my H/D shipping, I quite like that. ^_~