theantimodel @ 2003-07-13 03:01:00 |
(no title)
potterstinks has posted again... it seems our hopes have come true and M.B. has taken up residence.
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Anonymous @ July 13 2003, 03:13:58 UTC |
I missed their interactive conversations!!!!! And I already feel that I'll be giggling VERY hard thanks to them!
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Anonymous @ July 13 2003, 03:16:11 UTC |
*refreshing* SQUEE *refreshing* *refreshig* *refreshing* *refreshing* *refreshing* *refreshing*
(parent)theantimodel @ July 13 2003, 03:20:49 UTC |
In case anyone wants to know a flitterbloom was in OotP chapter 25, and what the plant that someone smuggled into St. Mungo's. It was really a Devil's Snare in the book.
(parent)black_dog @ July 13 2003, 14:48:01 UTC |
I may have a one-track mind, here, but I think sometimes a plant is not really just a plant. Perhaps it is the opposite of ham. This really sounds a bit like a coded sexual tease by Millicient. "You do not even water it." I mean, PS teased her about not really being a girl, and now they're sleeping together in apparent innocence. The boy is so, so very not straight, and I think MB wants him to just relax about it.
BTW I love, to death, PS's riff of being exiled out to the maze, going feral, becoming a bandit, making a house with just his hat. This sort of extravagant silliness is as much as part of his personality as his snobbishness and his nastiness, but it seems purely his own, he doesn't get it from either of his parents, and it's a glimpse, I think, into why he's actually kind of lovable at the core.
tiamet_nox @ July 13 2003, 17:56:06 UTC |
a plant is not really just a plant
ooooh surrealism. Actually that makes a lot more sense then taking it literally. And it's more amusing^-^
Also: I agree with your point about his extravagant silliness. It's one of the reasons I love reading his entries. The eccentricity of it completely makes my day. I throughly enjoyed the image of feral!Draco. It makes me wish I had a scanner because I turned it into a comic. Episode IV: Draco vs the Rabid Chipmunk! It will be epic in its ignominy. The craftily disguised invites to Pansy and Crabbe to join in the fun were also amusing. Its BYOT! (Bring your own tent. Plants not included.)
notapipe @ July 14 2003, 02:33:47 UTC |
If it is, it's much more subtle. Plants aren't exactly ham, nor bananas. This isn't much of an indictment, but it deserves a little consideration. I just want to know why plants are the anti-ham.
(parent)black_dog @ July 14 2003, 03:35:46 UTC Re: |
Well, strictly speaking, I think "pie" is the anti-ham, but plants could be another one, especially if they are bushes. I don't know, those two have so perfected the art of speaking in obscure code that it is sort of like jumping at shadows sometimes. I guess I was responding to the fact that whatever the plant was, it was something Draco was pretending to be nonchalant about/oblivious to, in a setting where they're teasing each other about gender stuff and sleeping together in a wierdly innocent way. Also it's something Millicent gives a haircut to (shaves?) and something that makes Draco angsty when she dwells on it in his presence.
However, we have subsequently learned that it was, in fact, simply a potted plant, and there are in fact now three others in the bed. So unless Millicent is planning a four-person lesbian orgy for Draco's edification, I have simply, once again, borne the risk of speculating too wildly.
theantimodel @ July 14 2003, 04:21:13 UTC |
ah yes, but speculating too wildly is far less bad than not speculating enough.
Besides, it still seems that the plants have some other significance. Or at least that their conversation about the plants was more significant that a simple discussion of plants. It really seemed to be teeming with double meanings. Especially since M.B. is usually quite picky about her wording. And Draco seemed a bit more uncomfortable with the plant discussion than should probably warrant if they were really only discussing the fact that he's got some potted plants in his bed.
However, I've really got no clue as to a possible other meaning besides the gender/sexuality idea. And the fact that Millicent definitely seems to make a lot of side comments about Draco's self-proclaimed heterosexual status.
el_erzulie @ July 13 2003, 04:12:36 UTC |
By the way, I adore your icon and feel your pain. They have katanas and scimitars in King of Knives... I want.
I'm so excited! This is fantastic. The glorious M.B. is back and more than that... she is back in force. ^_~ I can see the hilarious interraction now. And sharing a bed? Too funny.
I just adore how NA gives the Slytherins real relationships with each other. They're often hiding affection [so to speak, that sounds awfully lame] behind humour but there's no way they're not close. potterstinks would kick her out if he really disliked her. Plus, it's hilarious and cute how he mentions Pansy and Crabbe. A Slytherin slumber party, Malfoy!style...
dragynville @ July 13 2003, 05:06:02 UTC |
so I'll have to build makeshift homes using only my wits and a hat
saffronlie @ July 13 2003, 05:26:30 UTC Strange thing mystifying |
But why did Millicent pitch a tent only to take over Draco's bed? Not that I'd be able to resist crawling into bed with him either. The plant thing is quite intriguing, too.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ July 13 2003, 08:00:36 UTC |
I can't decide if he likes her company; his parents' aren't paying him much attention, or if he feels that his personal space as been invaded. A little bit of both I think.
BTW, why isn't Millicent in a guest room? Maybe they are going to do their nails, or whatever magical people do during sleepovers.
I think Draco needs a secret stuffed Harry doll to cuddle with at night.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 13 2003, 09:48:52 UTC |
I think Draco needs a secret stuffed Harry doll to cuddle with at night.
and a flitterbloom isn't a pleasant substitute.
I can feel his pain...
btw, I think Draco enjoys her company. He just keeps up his enraged style. He sounds really caring explaining about M.B.'s problems.
well, his relations with parents are also not excellent, aren't they?
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Anonymous @ July 13 2003, 15:11:39 UTC This should be in a different thread, probably |
I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but has anyone noticed that PS is not a member of wehateharry anymore?
(parent)tiamet_nox @ July 13 2003, 17:44:59 UTC Re: This should be in a different thread, probably |
Giving up his czar-ness? whatevernext!
is there a link?
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Anonymous @ July 13 2003, 19:16:40 UTC link to which? |
well, here's potterstinks full userinfo page
and here's wehateharry
tiamet_nox @ July 13 2003, 20:36:46 UTC Re: link to which? |
I ment wehateharry. I couldn't find it. thanks for the link^-^