imochan @ 2003-04-03 18:53:00 |
(no title)
Mood: geeky
Yee-ouch. Colin hits below the belt. >_o
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 16:02:49 UTC |
*cries and cries* poor draco!!!!!! *clings to nearest Nraged member*
(parent)rsiobhan @ April 3 2003, 16:05:39 UTC |
*sniff* It's so sad! And now, with the crying, and the wahhh!
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Anonymous @ April 3 2003, 16:07:39 UTC |
*curls up in a ball and dies!*
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Anonymous @ April 4 2003, 00:54:38 UTC |
Oh do cheer up! I think Milicent and Pansy do care for him!
- Brenda
ishuca @ April 3 2003, 16:45:07 UTC |
sort of did. but almost like too little, too late?
that last one was -really- harsh. :wanders off sniffing:
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 16:48:31 UTC |
And Colin wants to know if Harry agrees with him. I wonder if Harry will respond.
(parent)imochan @ April 3 2003, 17:35:13 UTC |
WAH! *weeble* I leave for a couple hours and everyone's crying!! I didn't mean for it to have that effect! *comforts, offers tea, chocolate chip cookies*
*clings and hits refresh with you*
delfeus @ April 3 2003, 21:53:48 UTC |
*weeps too*
Colin was evil. Now I really feel like continuing "Mine"... (which is for xandria's First Kill Project and I'm making Colin rape & kill Harry...)
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 16:20:47 UTC |
And he said it all in caps and...Waaaahhh!
No, really, I mean it! Waaaaah!!
lunadeath02 @ April 3 2003, 16:31:33 UTC |
Yikes. Colin's really lost it.
Poor Little Dragon. Harry needs to do something to help cheer him up. Maybe pop in and say that he doesn't hate him?
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 16:39:13 UTC |
I think he might--if only because Colin is dragging Harry into his own below-the-belt post and I can't see Harry wanting somebody to use him as a mouthpiece for that kind of thing no matter how much he hates the person. (Or he might just speak by not backing him up.) If I were any one of the Slytherins I'd be pretty annoyed at Colin telling Draco how I felt about him too. Even if he was correct, Slytherins tend to like to choose which feelings they share with others.
And also, now I keep thinking of in CoS when Draco does the Colin impression and Harry can't help but consider it accurate. Colin's not exactly in a position to speak for Harry on the people he wants to hang out with.;-)
But you know, considering what a passionate fan Colin is, it's not surprising he'd be just as over the top when it came to the opposite!
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luleh @ April 3 2003, 17:03:03 UTC |
But that's not the same thing as saying that he agrees with Colin. Seems like a way for him to avoid that.
(parent)bookshop @ April 3 2003, 17:09:51 UTC |
wah. i know, he is being all neutral. but still, to draco neutrality is probably coming across as a resounding accusation of guilt. :-L
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luleh @ April 3 2003, 17:17:44 UTC |
I wonder if Draco is trying to get Harry to hate him. Like it's part of the breasts and I'm HET!HET!HET! thing cause something happened the night of the party and Draco flipped and now he's trying to drive Harry away.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 17:40:02 UTC |
I wondered that too. It still does really feel like Harry has some understanding about why Draco's been acting the way he has been. Nice that he said hi to Lockhart, though. *giggle*
I can't help but think the students are playing right into the wrong hands by being so angry about Draco for this, though, because the detention is purely the whim of a teacher in response to a minor personal annoyance. Turning on Draco for it seems like exactly the wrong response, no matter how much you hate him. I know sometimes it's effective to give mass punishments for the actions of one person in order to encourage the students to help with the discipline, but this is more like dressing him in steak and then setting dogs on him.
See, this is why I'm always sorted into Ravenclaw. You have to look at the logic here, not the emotion!
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luleh @ April 3 2003, 17:54:18 UTC |
I wondered that too. It still does really feel like Harry has some understanding about why Draco's been acting the way he has been. Nice that he said hi to Lockhart, though. *giggle* I'm thinking that whatever happened, maybe Harry won't let Draco ignore it. And Harry is being assertive and aggressive (hmm, maybe not the right word.....) in his own way.
As for the detention thing, agreed! If Sinistra had leveled the punishment because any other student was singing a song, the students would be up in arms.
anamirza @ April 3 2003, 20:32:48 UTC |
Well, maybe I'm a little biased (pro j-h, and annoyed with ps for whatever it is he's doing to j-h now), but the Draco-gets-everyone-detention thing seemed so much like the Isolate-Potter plan, that it almost seemed intentional. Do we have Isolate-Potterstinks now?
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 16:51:58 UTC |
:o I do not think that is a defense at all!!!! I think it sounds like Harry is siding with Colin!!!! What! What is happening?! *despairs*
(parent)milenalupin @ April 3 2003, 16:56:57 UTC |
B...but he's getting Colin out of Draco's hair!
That's a defense strategy. 'M sure t'is. *huge puppy eyes*
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 17:01:59 UTC |
but he said Colin had made the point already like he thought it was a point that needed to be made!!! Colin basically used Harry as his backup for everything Harry said and then Harry didn't even bother to contradict him! *CRIES* and that was *before* he said he understood why draco was mad! :((!!! I SEE NO DEFENSE ANYWHERE!!!!! WAH!!!!!
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 17:05:32 UTC |
Oh, I didn't think that implied Harry thought the point needed to be made. I thought it was more neutral, as in, "You have communicated what you wanted to communicate." Then I thought Harry's next comment about understanding why Colin was mad was another way of saying that.
delfeus @ April 3 2003, 21:57:06 UTC |
I think it was a rather diplomatic answer, not saying he agrees with Colin, but understands why he was mad...
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 17:02:45 UTC |
I confess when I first read Harry's reply I read something slightly different than what he actually said. Dammit. Talk about seeing what you want to see!
However, Harry could very easily have let Colin go off if he enjoyed seeing Draco get yelled at. The only question now is why he's jumping in. He either:
1. Doesn't like Colin throwing his name around and dragging him into it, thus possibly attracting more trouble for Harry.
2. Is just uncomfortable with anybody yelling at anybody like that.
3. Has some other reason we have no way of knowing because we don't really know what's going on.
Harry's has avoided the question of whether or not he agrees with Colin...but I don't see why the "old Harry" wouldn't have just said, "Yes, Colin, we all know he's a prat but he's not worth our time." That's a lot more siding with Colin than, "I see why you are mad." That's what you say to someone you DON'T agree with.
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luleh @ April 3 2003, 17:07:31 UTC |
Well, I had a similar reaction to you as evidenced by all my loves. I do think his post is more in Draco's favor than Colin's. He could've ignored the whole thing but he didn't. And I really can't imagine him saying something like: "You go Colin! Tell it like it is!"
I'll keep thinking it's a good thing....
Denial? Naw!
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Anonymous @ April 3 2003, 17:10:31 UTC |
I'm completely with you. I mean, considering how Draco's been acting lately, and what it is that Colin is upset about, would Harry really take Draco's side? I think that this is as much as Harry can, in good conscience, defend him. Were he really disinterested, he'd have no problem ignoring or backing Colin. I think he's just trying to get Colin out of there.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 17:16:52 UTC |
Exactly. And note that his words to Colin are actually kind of sharp: "Knock it off, Colin!" That's not Harry gently calming down and distracting Colin with exploding snap. He snaps at him first and then softens it with understanding and promises of snap.
And you know Harry must really want to get Colin out of there if he's inviting him to hang out.
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 17:48:06 UTC |
Just that Harry is really busy, Colin. So he wants to get started playing to make sure he has time for a good game.:-)
(parent)bookshop @ April 3 2003, 17:17:19 UTC |
erg. good point. *softens toward harry while still feeling wretched, WRETCHED, for draco!*
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 17:25:22 UTC |
And, you know, Colin is only mad because he and Soblessa can't go to Hogsmeade and Soblessa cried. And the detention was only the result of Draco singing his little Boat Song! And it's so catchy, how could he NOT sing it?? So I don't think Colin's much speaking from a moral high ground here. On principle, no matter what a prat Malfoy's been, the teacher should be the focus of this.
(parent)bookshop @ April 3 2003, 17:32:02 UTC |
Well, the detention's not totally why colin's mad, that's part of it but it seems like most of it is because Draco really upset Soblessa with the blood-throwing thing, and i think the detention just set him off.
And Sinistra is horrid!!! I'd be scared of her too!!! >:0!!!!!!
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 17:34:42 UTC |
WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?! :((((((((((
bookshop @ April 3 2003, 17:57:44 UTC |
HAHAHA! She must have been reading nraged!!!!
*smug look*
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 18:21:47 UTC |
And Ron jumps in...wonder if Harry will try to escort him out as well...?
(parent)ishuca @ April 3 2003, 18:26:47 UTC |
but millicent stepped in to defend him! finally! yes!petitemillicent deserves a shrine to her glorious wit. =^-^=
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 18:33:30 UTC |
As if the poor woman doesn't have enough to deal with with incompetent hairdressers and burnt house elves!
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luleh @ April 3 2003, 17:33:52 UTC |
Yup, yup. I think that's what Harry meant by this: I really see why you're mad. Let's go, okay?
Meaning he sees why Colin is mad and it's not cause he (Harry) agrees with him about Draco.
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princess_draco @ April 3 2003, 17:36:39 UTC |
Hi anonymous poster... do you want an lj code? I've got some lying around if you post frequently and want an account...
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Anonymous @ April 3 2003, 17:46:28 UTC |
Thank you, but vanityfair just sent me one. I'm just trying to think of the right name.
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luleh @ April 3 2003, 16:47:47 UTC |
This might get interesting....
I said the right thing though, right! I mean, you agree with me!!
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 17:07:18 UTC |
Okay, Lockhart totally made me laugh and I needed that. ::Blows kisses to lockerygildhart.
anjaliesque @ April 3 2003, 18:03:38 UTC |
Wow. For some reason, on this entire thread, I am absolutely loffing Harry for his response to Lockhart. Whenever dear Gilderoy pops in, people either ignore him or lash out at him. So there's poor mindless Gilderoy's "Hullo," and then Harry's humoring, "Hi." I don't know why, but I squeed. <3333 Yes I know, I lost my sanity long ago.
(parent)servalan @ April 3 2003, 17:22:15 UTC |
What I want to know is why and when Harry said "Nobody likes you" about Draco . . .
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princess_draco @ April 3 2003, 17:39:06 UTC |
wah!! *wails* Harry, defend Draco! Draco, talk to Harry!
*wails again* potterstinks BETTER not think Harry hates him! Everything is so complicated! DAMN YOU COLIN! Although, this could lead to an interesting and honest explanation of feeeeeelings between Draco and Harry...
Hmm... *hits refresh repeatedly*
imochan @ April 3 2003, 18:20:15 UTC |
er. i know it's weird to reply to your own post... but i wasn't sure how to bring this up. >:)
Does it seem to anyone else that Colin is pushing all the right buttons here? This is probably exactly what PS doesn't want to hear, and do you think it's going to make things worse between JH and PS, or does having all these (sometimes obvious, sometimes not) feelings out in the open for once create the ability for some mending between our two favourite boys?
and once more, for good measure, wah! *clings*
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 18:25:38 UTC |
I almost did not want to wish for it because I wanted it so much:
M.B. has responded.
ishuca @ April 3 2003, 18:32:30 UTC |
i know!
i was so -sad- because no one was really defending draco, and- *loves MB*
of course, one wonders if colin will truly appreciate the greatness of her smackdown. possibly not.
luthienlupin @ April 3 2003, 18:58:02 UTC |
just_harry has a new default userpic. I don't why I thought this was comment-worthy, but I just felt like mentioning it. He looks so pensive in it. Didn't Draco once tell him that he (Harry) used no pic just so that he would be unique?
sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 19:02:10 UTC |
I was just noticing that too and wondering What It Meant!
It must mean something, no??? Because it wasn't there when he first posted, right?
And it is a very very nice photo.:-)
luthienlupin @ April 3 2003, 19:09:22 UTC |
Because it wasn't there when he first posted, right?
No, it wasn't. He had the usual no userpic and then when I refreshed the page there he was staring back rather broodingly.
Maybe he figures that this way potterstinks will surely notice his posts which he has been so studiously ignoring recently.
greenapricot @ April 3 2003, 19:11:10 UTC |
Ooh, I noticed that too and was just going to comment on it when you did.
Didn't Draco once tell him that he (Harry) used no pic just so that he would be unique?
Yeah, I believe he did. I wonder, is it some sor t of strange peace offering, saying he's not unique? Or mayebe he just finally found the right pic.
luthienlupin @ April 3 2003, 19:30:06 UTC |
Sure we can look at it logically, but wouldn’t it more fun to jump to conclusions? *g* For example, we can pretend this is an attempt by Harry to get Draco to stop ignoring him. With his charming face on the posts Draco couldn’t possibly not notice him. But then again, knowing potterstinks, he very well could go on acting as if
just_harry didn't exist.
greenapricot @ April 3 2003, 19:46:29 UTC |
*jumps right along with you*
Who needs logic when you could have Harry/Draco.
greenapricot @ April 4 2003, 06:41:56 UTC |
I agree. *spreads around the scarf love*
You make the best icons, they're all so yummy.
And as you've noticed I've gacked a few from your website.
greenapricot @ April 3 2003, 19:04:49 UTC |
Wah, I'm late.
So you've all reached the conclusions that I have long before I got here but, anyway, I think Harry's defending Draco. He's just trying to do it in the least obvious and most inoffensive (to Colin, even though he's being a git) way. And the more I read it the more I see this: Knock it off, Colin! I think he got the point, okay? as Harry being annoyed at Colin, definitely not agreeing with him. Harry just wants Colin to leave Draco alone. And I think that's really about all Harry can do unless he wants it to be obvious how he (I hope) really feels.
anamirza @ April 3 2003, 20:26:20 UTC |
This is how just-harry always is with Colin. Colin goes straight off the deep end in enthusiasm, too, and Harry always responds calmly, but without giving in to what Colin's trying to prove/ask/etc. And it seems like Harry's the only one (other than Soblessa) that Colin will listen to so...