anjaliesque @ 2003-04-03 22:20:00 |
One cannot help but adore lupercus
Aww. I love Charlie. His note is so sweet to Ginny, but poor Ron. It seems the scolding never stops.
Remus has registered himself on the Bridal Registry of Neiman Marcus! Simply search for them, if only so you can read the message about the cake server. I was gratified to finally have a pic of it so I too can lust over it's silvery perfection. There's a wedding date listed too. *squee*
I am also worried over Remus's impending transformation.
I'm always, always afraid I can never come back
I never realized before how crane-like Snape really is. If a rather dark and forbidding crane.
P.S. I love Harry's new user icon! *coos over forlorn!harry*
taradiane @ April 3 2003, 19:35:32 UTC |
I've always loved that picture. It's so...raw and exposed. Perfect for the current circumstances.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 3 2003, 19:40:54 UTC |
Lupercus is such a beautiful man I can't stand it. He's afraid of himself. Oh god. No wonder that quiz said I was a Remus fangirl! Even when he's just in the library the (wolf)man's a poet. Sirius is a lucky man. (And he knows it.)
Although I have a feeling Remus and Sirius are going to be waking up to some sort of crane they don't expect one of these days. Like maybe all their silverware will have been transfigured into cranes. Or there'll be a big dead one in bed with them.
I'm dying to know what inspired the userphoto from Harry. Because it's true, Draco did needle him for not having one.
karabou @ April 3 2003, 19:49:27 UTC |
I can't believe they are really registered at Neiman Marcus! *dies* But that cake server is almost $400!!!
His entry was so good, too. I'd also like to add that I love the subject line, as I really dig They Might Be Giants. :)
And of course, wondering what brought on the icon change for just_harry. .. Or maybe we're just reading too much into it...
zorb @ April 3 2003, 21:15:41 UTC |
Hee! The date he registered with is my birthday!
*squees for no good reason*
katrionaa @ April 3 2003, 21:25:57 UTC |
*is speechless at Neiman Marcus registry*
But that cake's Fugly.
delfeus @ April 3 2003, 21:47:07 UTC |
I loved that whole damn post. And Cho's reply. :D Well, Sev & Luc as well...
(parent)greenapricot @ April 4 2003, 06:23:05 UTC |
*love love loves lupercus*
I think my favourite of hers was Jane Eyre. Sirius once said that explained everything. Sirius is also an idiot.
![]() |
Anonymous @ April 4 2003, 12:20:56 UTC |
::also loves::
You know I love you, but my God, you sound like me.