el_erzulie @ 2003-07-19 20:09:00 |
(no title)
I did intend to come and post about how little comments Neville's posts get, but then I did some research and it seems a lot of people don't. I don't know, it just seems like a lot of his entries get absolutely no comments. It's interesting really, it seems to me that in NA he's been made a little less of the "loser" of Gryffindor, so to speak, so people have been more friendly. But then I notice he really doesn't get many comments and I have to wonder. I always hated how rude they were to him in the books - remember when Harry lied, I think in Prisoner of Azkaban, when he was sneaking off to Hogsmeade? Poor Neville. I adore him. Any thoughts on him in NA?
This is the sort of thing you miss when you don't have all of the characters on your friend's list. As it goes at an absolute snail pace most of the time, I should really just add them all, but it takes a while and I'm lazy. Do you all have all of the characters added?
Sorry if this is pointless. I'm seeing Placebo at a music festival [Splendour in the Grass] tomorrow and I'm so excited I've gotton nervous. *L*
bookofjude @ July 19 2003, 03:34:22 UTC |
Actually, I'm lazy, and almost always have to catch up with N_A. But I've managed to do so all right. And I'd add them all but I don't think my friendslist could probably handle it. But if actually, you can go and copy and past the 'members' list of nocturne_alley and go to the admin console, if you use something like word or notepad, and put each of the seperate members on a seperate line, and type 'friend add' then copy and past it before the name of each member, copy and past the entire list into the admin console, and press the little do or whatever button, it should add them for you. A lot easier than manually doing it, eh?
el_erzulie @ July 19 2003, 04:08:45 UTC Re: |
Thankyou! I have no idea where the admin console is, but surely it's not too hard to find? That would be brilliant. *glomps* I will do so. My friend's list may possibly have a fit also, but well, as I said they really do update slowly. ^_^
(parent)bookofjude @ July 19 2003, 04:16:36 UTC |
You're very welcome! I know how horrid it is to have to add multiple people to your friendslist and go through one by one. Have learnt my lesson while joining RPGs, and now use the console. Also, I did link to the console, but perhaps it didn't go through:
And that's out of memory. Also,
Allows you to filter people on your journal; so you could have an 'NA' filter, like I do (for N_A and NrAged) and a 'friends' filter, or something like that. It's quite good, really, but then I'm too lazy to actually go through and set up filters so I just plod down my friendslist. :D
el_erzulie @ July 19 2003, 04:39:15 UTC Re: |
*L* That wasn't rambling!
Oh, chances are you DID link and I missed it. Sleepy and delusional. ^_^ You're so lovely, thanks for the help. I think I will go through and do it all on Monday [I'm out tomorrow at Splendour, all day... gah... can't wait... and going to bed now, so I'm all rested up] so that's so so so helpful of you. I suck at finding my way around. *g*
Oh! I do believe I will check out this filtering. ^_^v
I understand your plodding. I had to skip 100 the other day. It was horrendous! *L*
bookofjude @ July 19 2003, 04:41:11 UTC |
:D Because I thought I'd take my own advice to heart, just copy and paste the following lines into the console and there you go. :) And you're very welcome for the help, also plodding. Eeek. I got back from a FOUR day holiday last month, and I was at the limit, skip=2000. It was horrid.
friend add a_slytherin
friend add arithmantra
friend add artistic_flower
friend add blondenarcissa
friend add blushcrush
friend add boot_boy
friend add cadoganthebold
friend add colin__creevey
friend add crabbe
friend add deanthomas
friend add divineparvati
friend add eloisemidgen
friend add erniemacmillan
friend add finch_fletchley
friend add goyle
friend add hannahabbott
friend add jadedsirius
friend add just_harry
friend add knight_to_h3
friend add la_pensee
friend add legit_regit
friend add lockerygildhart
friend add lupercus
friend add missgranger
friend add moaningmyrtle
friend add mycathatesyou
friend add nocturne_alley
friend add onourbrooms
friend add pe_eee_ee_eeves
friend add pennyclearwater
friend add percyneedsalife
friend add perfectprefect
friend add petitemillicent
friend add pinkstarsgirlie
friend add potions_master
friend add potterstinks
friend add purestblood
friend add ritaskeeter
friend add scotchtartan
friend add seamus_f
friend add seekercho
friend add sibyllsays
friend add sinistra
friend add susanbones
friend add the_fat_lady
friend add turpinol
friend add wehaveseven
friend add wheresmytoad
el_erzulie @ July 19 2003, 04:46:27 UTC Re: |
2000?! :O That is just not right!
Oh. Oh my lord. You are my favourite, favourite, FAVOURITE person right now. *glomp of mammoth proportions* Love!
I will actually go to bed now. *g* I'm a shocker.
bookofjude @ July 19 2003, 04:55:22 UTC |
2000?! :O That is just not right!
*headdesk* Hell, yes. It is utterly not right. And there were actually posts AFTER that, but 2000 was the limit. Or something resembling that. It was just a nightmare.
:D *grins* Hope it helps. I just went through and did it all for meself so thought, why not share it? Save other people the time.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 19 2003, 06:26:56 UTC |
i've only listed PS and just_harry as friends, but i check draco's friends page every day.
it's not only Neville who doesn't get many comments. It's only PS who gets more than 50 comments a week :) (though not these days, the lack of certain green-eyed griffindor can be easily sensed ^_^)
anatidae @ July 19 2003, 07:36:19 UTC |
My homepage is NA's friends list. *utter geek*
I've noticed how Neville doesn't get much attention either. And I love it that while he isn't the "loser" in the sense of being mocked, but while the other characters don't intend to ignore him, he always ends up left on his own. Even his nEVILe stunt didn't last very long, or have a huge impact on anyone other than him (and maybe him and him).
It makes him appear very small in this world full of Dracos and Weasleys, and is so very much the Neville we know from the books.
<333 Neville's player.
anatidae @ July 19 2003, 07:37:23 UTC |
I am too lazy to delete and reply to this again. So um. Ignore the mistakes.
(parent)notapipe @ July 19 2003, 11:18:49 UTC |
This made me laugh. Thank you. Also! *preens*
I always mean to write on Neville -- since even not evil, I really like NA!Neville -- but I always get just too distracted, as well as critical of my thoughts/words, since serious character analysis is WAY harder than paranoid theorizing. I think Neville needs to do more evil, it makes it easier on my brain.
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hobaggins @ July 20 2003, 19:34:01 UTC |
My homepage is NA's friends list. *utter geek*
And thank god for it, somedays I'd forget to check if it didn't automatically open and (!!!) the Drama I'd miss.... Drama with a capital Melo
el_erzulie @ July 21 2003, 04:18:52 UTC Re: |
That isn't geeky, that's a great plan! I wish I had my own computer.
I suppose that's right - he is very in canon. ^_^ Still, I always feel bad for him. He's just so lovely!
Awww. Neville's player? (O^__^O) *is rather dopy*
el_erzulie @ July 21 2003, 04:26:46 UTC Re: |
Oooh! I do indeed, as lovely <lj user="taradiane" got me one! *beams* Brilliant. I will check this out, too, thanks!
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Anonymous @ July 19 2003, 13:31:11 UTC |
I don't like the NA Neville lately. He used to be alright, but lately he's just been irritating me, which is annoying because Neville is one of my favourite characters. I don't know, something about his characterisation changed a while ago, I think it was about the time he started underlining words in his posts. Ever since then he's kind of been a bit off in my opinion. I don't know what's happening with this whole truth block thing, and now this thing with him and the girl, but I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.
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jgoreham @ July 20 2003, 06:52:34 UTC |
See, I'm exactly opposite. I like Neville the most now, as opposed to earlier. (I liked him ok before, but now he's got moxy!)
Last weekend, when I was bored and sleepy (I think I had saturday off and nobody else did?...), I went back to the very beginning of NA, and it's crazy how far the characters changed and developed, but I haven't noticed as it's happened, it's felt very natural. (Longest. Sentence. Ever.) These guys are doing an awesome job with this role play, it makes me so happy! Millicent, Snape, and Neville (to me, at least) are in their prime right now =)
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hezzabeth @ July 19 2003, 17:32:35 UTC |
Judging by Neville's past entrys it's safe to say that Neville dos'nt really concern himself with other peoples lives.
I love reading Neville's entrys because they usually shed more insight into his life and history. They do not always repeat events which have already been mentioned in other journals.
I was a bit dissapointed when we did'nt see much of the nEVILle plot however.
notapipe @ July 20 2003, 13:09:10 UTC |
Holy Chimera, Batman! hezzabeth was secretly a nEVILle supporter in disguise the whole time!
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hezzabeth @ July 20 2003, 17:37:29 UTC Re: |
I was'nt a supporter exactly , I was just waiting for more evidence to support that fact that his not evilneville!
(parent)notapipe @ July 20 2003, 23:58:09 UTC |
A LIKELY story. If that were all you wanted, you could hold his latest posts up. No, I'm afraid you're a closet Evil!Neviller (should that be Eviler!Neviller? Or Eviler Neviller Niffler? Eviler Neviller Beveler?). Don't worry, it's okay. There's nothing wrong with being an Eviler!Neviller!Beveler (Anevil neville).