aurorasinger @ 2003-07-22 13:10:00 |
Hermione didn't pass?
She talks about flying on a broomstick but not about Apparating. Are we to take it that she did not pass her Apparation test?
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cacklebang @ July 22 2003, 11:00:14 UTC |
No, I don't think that's it. I believe, in canon, Hermione is supposed to be a bit younger than her peers. She probably just isn't old enough to test yet.
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hobaggins @ July 22 2003, 11:05:53 UTC |
But Draco saw her at the written part of his exam
#too lazy to go find link#
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cacklebang @ July 22 2003, 11:21:51 UTC |
It is possible that you could take the written before the practical part of the exam, if nothing else. Sort of like getting a driver's license.
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hobaggins @ July 22 2003, 11:38:46 UTC |
Mmmm... but you still need to be of age to take the written part of the exam, don't you?
Then again, who knows how this works
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cacklebang @ July 22 2003, 11:41:20 UTC |
Well, following on a method of licensing I know, you can take the written tests before they let you out on the road, so to speak. You can take the written test to get a permit up to six months before you are even allowed to try for your license.
(oh, and your icon is so very old school. Goth!TK. I heart it. It destroys me.)
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hobaggins @ July 22 2003, 11:44:52 UTC |
AH. I was unaware. I'm such a loser, I'm afraid to learn to drive. I'm seventeen and have had my permit for over a year now, and I still haven't sat once behind the wheel
!!!! <33333 Goth!TK = best.ever. It's amazing how many OldSchool Digimon fans have come out of the woodwork. Lost Temple of Ishida is completely disappeared though alas and alack, I'd love to reread all that
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aurorasinger @ July 22 2003, 11:57:33 UTC |
my parents won't even let me take driver's ed. wah.
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hobaggins @ July 22 2003, 12:09:32 UTC |
I sat through the Driver's Ed lessons, just never got into the car. My parents got so mad at my wasting of their money....
(parent)shusu @ July 23 2003, 15:56:01 UTC Re: you rock |
See below. Am adding "goth tk" to my LJ interests.
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aurorasinger @ July 23 2003, 06:30:42 UTC Re: gasp |
what exactly is this Goth TK thing so many people seem enthralled by?
(parent)shusu @ July 23 2003, 15:34:56 UTC indulge my fan girl. |
It was a fixture of the Lost Temple of Ishida, run by one of the (few) pillars of the Digimon fan mob, Claire. Goth TK is the angsty, pin-eating, fan girl-hating version of a usually brighthappystraitlaced Digimon squealer lil bro character.
Then it was all gone ;_; A glimpse through the Wayback Machine... but none of Goth TK's angst poems or art have survived! It destroys me.
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aurorasinger @ July 24 2003, 05:50:00 UTC Re: indulge my fan girl. |
While I'm at it...what is yaoi?
(parent)ungemmed @ July 24 2003, 06:47:54 UTC |
Anime/manga fandom term for M/M slash, usually connoting at least an R rating. (fairly innocent stuff is shounen ai.) Yuri and shoujo ai are the equivalent terms for femslash.
(parent)ungemmed @ July 22 2003, 17:51:44 UTC |
WAI! 02 was terrible—though I began to tolerate the newbies by the middle and actually like them by the end, the plot was always rather BLEGH outside of the character-developmenty bits of the Ken arc—and though I loved Tamers for me Digimon will always and forever be the last half of 01. SUCH good TV, really. I remember waiting with bated breath Saturday mornings for all I was an Old Jaded Eighth-Grader.
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hobaggins @ July 23 2003, 00:13:07 UTC |
I watched after school as I babysat my cousin, every day. I was addicted. It came so that he didn't even want to watch Digimon anymore and I wouldn't hear of watching anything else... after all my complaining at the start. Eventually I too watched it on my own. I remember being really excited for 02 and then being so disappointed. I like Daisuke (I can't remember his American name for some reason) though... and <3 to Goth!TK always.
(parent)shusu @ July 23 2003, 13:01:07 UTC |
I'm telling you, Goth TK was in Tamers. I am desperate for a screenshot of that. I think in "Boar Wars" in the dub.
02 rocked once you hit the Oikawa arc. Brrrr, I still remember the Fox ads for it, it was like a mini-Hitchcock film... just violins, voice-over, and clips. (I also want that ad. And the psychedelic "Your Heart is Your Digivice" Tamers ads, the -full- ones.)
On topic, I think Hermione not mentioning Malfoy there was a bit odd.
ungemmed @ July 23 2003, 20:36:33 UTC |
But *nothing* beat the Dark Masters ads. Especially not the evil!Matt one. ::shiver:: For all the voice acting in the dub was painful sometimes, the delivery on that one line.... ::fangirls endlessly::
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aurorasinger @ July 22 2003, 11:07:56 UTC |
Which would bring into question what she was doing there in the first place.... I believe you're right, though, I think her birthday was after school started. Maybe Ron was getting his license?
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cacklebang @ July 22 2003, 11:23:15 UTC |
Hmm.. I really think that she might have just been taking the written test alone at the time. That's the only way I can figure it.
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Anonymous @ July 22 2003, 11:09:30 UTC |
No I think she's older.
User: missgranger (560893)
Name: Hermione Granger
Website: S.P.E.W. Online
Location: Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom
Birthdate: 1979-09-19
User: knight_to_h3 (539602)
My journal!
Ron Weasley
Name: Ron Weasley
Website: All about Ron Weasley the Chess Master
Location: The Burrow, United Kingdom
Birthdate: 1980-03-01
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cacklebang @ July 22 2003, 11:21:05 UTC |
Lexicon says a bit different, though.
Not that it's the end all.
But her being younger than her classmates really explains a bit more about her drive to succeed.
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Anonymous @ July 22 2003, 11:26:38 UTC |
Lexicon says Macmillan is spelled "mcmillan" which is incorrect. But we're talking about NA in which Hermione is born in 1979, and the rest of her year is born in 1980. In schools generally the cut off date of birth is September 1st. Harry would be the youngest in his year, whereas anyone born between September and December would be the oldest and born in 1979. It's a matter of personal preference when it comes to Hermione in fandom and in NA she is older than the rest of her year, so it's pretty moot.
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cacklebang @ July 22 2003, 11:34:15 UTC |
Oh, I know. Trust me, I tend to regard the Lexicon with a pretty good deal of skepticism.
The thing about cut-off dates for schools would be that they vary from school to school, so it's really more or less impossible to pinpoint. But, hey, I just say to have her born at some point and it's good enough for me.
(Excuse any ignorance on my part, as I am still half asleep. I'm not even sure I'm making sense.)
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Anonymous @ July 22 2003, 11:35:51 UTC |
Oh, it's not just me then? Sorry I just hate when people always say the Lexicon is right because it's so frequently wrong so it aggravates me. I know, about the schools, so I don't think in HP anyone can say for sure unless someone sits JKR down and asks her, alas.
windtear @ July 23 2003, 00:18:41 UTC |
The reason why the Lexicon says she's younger is because, on the CoS DVD, in the computer goodies section, there is a timeline that is apparently JKR's Official This-Is-How-It-Is timeline.
It says:
September 19, 1980:
Hermione Granger born
Ergo, Hermione Is The Youngest. I think her preschool got sick of her and shuffled her into Year One a year early. You may make your own theories.
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Anonymous @ July 23 2003, 16:09:12 UTC |
Yeah, but I don't trust the DVDs for anything, but that's just me. These are the movies that decided Harry's eye color wasn't very important. (Again though this is just personal preference as there's no use debating the importance of the movies or we'd be here 6 days ;))
babytyggeryss @ July 23 2003, 17:28:07 UTC |
September 19, 1980 is also the day that "Book" magazine has Hermione's birthday. If anyone has a copy of the May/June 2003 edition there is an article on OotP and a very impressive time-line.
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aurorasinger @ July 24 2003, 05:51:48 UTC |
but...aren't his eyes nice and green in the movie?
...well, i s'pose they've got a hint of blue, but they're mainly green, right?
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aurorasinger @ July 22 2003, 11:22:20 UTC |
Aww, isn't that cute, Ron's younger! Okay, well even if it wasn't for Ron, she's too young to get her Apparation license because she hasn't turned 17 yet, has she? She will in September.
And by "My journal!", do you mean you are Ron's player? If so, *squee*!
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Anonymous @ July 22 2003, 11:27:47 UTC |
No I am just a deadjournal user without a livejournal. I was pasting from Rons info, sorry! It's 1997 in NA canon and Hermione would be turning 18 in September. Draco's 17 in NA and his birthday is 1979.
sistermagpie @ July 22 2003, 11:28:34 UTC |
I didn't take that to mean she didn't pass. She talks about traveling with her parents, who are muggles and so take aeroplanes. Then she compares that one mode of flying to broomstick flying. No need to compare it to apparating, necessarily.
I have no idea if she was really taking her test that day with Draco, though he does say they do two people a day. Maybe the other wasn't her or she was there for some other reason. I wouldn't put it past Hermione to find a way to take the test early.
On one hand it's hard to imagine Hermione failing anything, but otoh it would actually be really interesting to see her fail her first test--her player could do some interesting stuff with that. It's just a skill, after all. Maybe it makes her nervous. Plus there's something very funny about it. It's like the class valedictorian who can do everything struggling with the parallel parking part of the driving test and failing. You wouldn't think any less of her, but it's funny to imagine.
notapipe @ July 22 2003, 17:51:13 UTC |
I would add that she doesn't talk about Flooing, and that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to Floo.
As for actually TAKING the test, I think it's fairly clear from PS's post that she did. I also noticed that Granger was on her way out, by herself of course, but Tofty wouldn't tell me what happened with her exam. And since there are so few tests a day, you would think he would have seen the other test-taker if Hermoine weren't there for the test.
I also don't really think she failed, since I would think that Hermoine would have a breakdown if she failed, and she feels relatively sane in that post. Though it would be amusing.
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Anonymous @ July 22 2003, 11:41:52 UTC |
Bwah! Hermione's 17 and of age in NA, has been for almost a year, Draco saw her during his practical not his written, she was there by herself not with anyone else.
----Hermione's player hoping to soothe confusion.
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Anonymous @ July 22 2003, 12:00:49 UTC |
No worries! The person above me is right--Hermione's age is greatly debated in fandom and there really doesn't seem to be one correct answer. Plus it's not always easy to keep in mind the year that it's supposed to be. ;)
----Me, again!
jheaton @ July 22 2003, 11:57:16 UTC |
I would call that a radical interpretation of the text. She states very clearly in the first sentence that she is going to Transylvania with her parents, which obviously rules out any form of magical transportation regardless of whether she passed her apparation test or not. She mentions broomsticks only to say that she prefers flying in a plane to flying on broomstick.
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Anonymous @ July 22 2003, 14:14:08 UTC |
Yeah, that's completely right! She couldn't very well Apparate with her Muggle parents along. Silly us.