tabiji @ 2003-07-27 06:33:00 |
The NA Drinking Game
This is all vellum's idea/fault! :D
The Nocturne Alley Drinking Game!
Disclaimer: Of course, this is all meant in fun and we do not endorse the over-consumption of alcoholic beverages. This game is meant to be played with lemonade or a nice refreshing soda!
Take a sip every time potterstinks threatens bodily harm.
Take a sip every time potions_master makes a literary reference.
Take a sip when missgranger asks how
just_harry is.
Take a sip every time knight_to_h3 posts IN CAPS!
(a chug when he threatens people, too!)
Chug every time potterstinks posts a double entendre.
A sip every time jadedsirius and
lupercus get mushy.
A chug when lupercus and
potions_master have one of their heart to hearts
A sip whenever petitemillicent confuses
Who has more?!
vellum @ July 27 2003, 03:37:38 UTC meeeee! my fault! |
CHUG whenever lockerygildhart,
moaningmyrtle, and/or
the_fat_lady posts.
watch out for your livers, everyone!</a>
notapipe @ July 27 2003, 03:48:08 UTC |
You (and vellum) rock. This is brilliant.
Sip every time erniemacmillan asks "what are you playing at?" or acts paranoid.
Chug every time finch_fletchley tells someone to "take it outside".
Sip every time potterstinks uses his "I am brutally attractive" icon with
Chug every time someone responds to one of wheresmytoad's posts.
Sip every time potterstinks accuses house-elves of plotting against him.
saffronlie @ July 27 2003, 05:26:20 UTC |
Double shotties whenever another Weasley uses CAPS, triple if it's Molly.
A sip for every 'darling' or seductive icon from la_pensee. Chug if she comes on to
knight_to_h3 or Arthur.
Two sips if purestblood makes a thinly-veiled reference to Weasley inbreeding or Arthur's job.
Sip if someone refers to potions_master as 'Sevvie', but chug if he replies 'Don't call me Sevvie'. Drink the whole bottle if someone else says it.
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Anonymous @ July 28 2003, 01:05:25 UTC |
A sip for every 'darling' or seductive icon from [Bad username: la_pensee.] or Arthur.
Hi. I love you. :D
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Anonymous @ July 28 2003, 01:06:05 UTC |
oops. i messed up my code. but you know what you wrote.
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ex_meiko437 @ July 30 2003, 00:17:11 UTC |
"Two sips if purestblood makes a thinly-veiled reference to Weasley inbreeding or Arthur's job."
best suggestions!! I love looshie and his suggestions to Weasely incest.
Suggestion: Chug everytime Arthur flirts in return to Pansy.
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Anonymous @ July 30 2003, 07:43:56 UTC |
let me know when you've all got alcohol in front of you, and pansy's player and myself will work on getting you all absolutely shitfaced.
much love,
arthur's player.
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ms_potter @ July 31 2003, 11:34:04 UTC |
Hi Arthur's player! You're my favourite character in the entire game! And I feel very dorky writing this!
tabiji @ July 28 2003, 06:21:32 UTC |
Yep! When Draco was fine
I don't think we ever got a clear answer as to why he was "fine". It was after The Outing, after the period where just_harry had deleted his journal. It was speculated that
potterstinks was fine because
just_harry was back, and they were just going on as usual as if nothing had happened.
el_erzulie @ July 27 2003, 05:53:35 UTC |
Take two sips everytime goyle misspells Draco's name.
Take a sip everytime potterstinks abuses a house elf.
Well, I am exceptionally lame at this, but am giggling.
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dry_your_eyes @ July 27 2003, 11:22:52 UTC |
Take two sips everytime goyle misspells Draco's name.
take a sip everytime petitemillicent say's she's God
primroseburrows @ July 27 2003, 08:26:08 UTC |
A sip every time scotchtartan uses the number 7 in a post. Chug if she uses it in a comment.
A sip every time blondenarcissa, er, sips (this may or may not be effective for several months, pending any consequences of her recent broom accident).
dragynville @ July 27 2003, 13:29:38 UTC |
Chug every time erniemacmillan calls
scotchtartan Minnie.
Chug every time erniemacmillan creates a new secret code.
Sip every time potterstinks mentions apparating somewhere.
Chug every time just_harry posts in his LJ.
Sip every time just_harry replies in someone else's LJ.
tiamet_nox @ July 27 2003, 14:32:16 UTC |
Sip every time there is a reference to the shed
Sip every time wehaveseven go's ga-ga over muggle office supplies
Sip every time there is a hufflepuff conspiracy. Chug if they use the hufflepuff icon
Sip every time colin__creevey changes loyalties.
Sip every time boot_boy gets someone else under the stairs. Chug if he also gets them eating purple beans.
Sip every time pinkstarsgirlie is excessively cute.
Sip every time a 6th year Ravenclaw posts.
Sip every time deanthomas uses his mmmmsex icon
vellum @ July 29 2003, 22:46:48 UTC |
chug if someone else gets drunk ::cough::just to keep them company::cough::