sistermagpie @ 2003-03-28 00:29:00 |
(no title)
Mood: hopeful
What I want to know is when NA is going to start inspiring its own fanfic.
I mean, we might never really know what happened that night after the party ...just a thought.:-)
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Anonymous @ March 27 2003, 21:32:45 UTC |
I don't know, I hope people would ask the players first. I mean, they might not want to have their H/D written before they get to write it themselves.
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Anonymous @ March 27 2003, 21:37:26 UTC |
Sorry, I didn't realize how weird anonymous comments look. I just don't have an lj.
- ethilu
sistermagpie @ March 27 2003, 21:43:43 UTC |
I know what you mean about anonymous posts--they look sort of ominous when you see them up there.
I hesitated about suggesting it for exactly that reason and wondered if there was any protocol about things like that. But my selfish desire to see a million possibilities won out so I did it anyway. I definitely wouldn't want to disrupt the RP at all!:-)
bookshop @ March 27 2003, 21:49:44 UTC |
Haha! I know, my reaction to that was something like *Gasp!* It's potterstinks himself decreeing No Fanfics!!!!
--but then I realized it was just ethilu!
*schnoogles ethi* <333333333
ethi, you want an LJ code, sweetie? *dangles*
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Anonymous @ March 27 2003, 21:54:04 UTC |
Nope, sorry, that was just me being a t00b! I forgot how creepy anonymous comments look. *schnoogles Aja-w00blet*
Gah, I don't know about fic though. I think I'd rather read it in N_A itself, but I also want the great and t00by loff! But I wouldn't want to put the players out at all, and I think if someone did write fic they wouldn't even have a chance to say they were put out.
I'd rather not have an LJ. I just like to read a few things, but I don't want to get caught up in the flamewars! LOL. <33!
bookshop @ March 27 2003, 22:00:20 UTC |
*mild wibbles* Er, weeeeell, contrary to popular opinion we really don't have that many flame wa-- *shifty look* --er, yeah. Anyway. *twiddles thumbs*
oooh, and dude, I'm all for fanfic but you're totally right, i hadn't thought about how it would make the players feel. I wrote a little teeny section of dialogue-only H/D ficlet thing for my journal and posted it but i think it was mostly a joke and the players knew about it. i think.
*tickles the ethi-let* squee! i'm so glad you're here! :)
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Anonymous @ March 27 2003, 22:06:39 UTC |
I used to be in RPGs in another fandom, and fics for RPGs were more common there. People got so into the fic that they stopped reading the RPG, so I might be projecting. ;D Plus I'm excited to read the real N_A version! Even though my heart aches for Ginny! Wah, she is so loffly and sweet and her last entry was heart-breaking!
Ohh, I am tempted to ask for the ficlet but am feeling loyal to just_harry because he is the icklest w00blet and I want to hug him to pieces. *squees*
bookshop @ March 27 2003, 22:13:41 UTC |
Really? Damn. But yeah, like, here Double Cross has had a couple of stand-alone fics that got to be really popular and that probably changed the shape/audience of the RPG for the worse... is that RPG still even going anymore? I haven't heard from it in ages.
And WAH Ginny and Harry AND Cho must be hurting. This is, actually, now that you've made me think about it, one place where I *like* ginny. Like, I don't even think about *not* liking Ginny, I just do, haha. Dammit, You have Exposed Me!!!! >:0!!!!!
*somewhat softened by thought of how ikkle and t00by Just_Harry is and how PS must be missing him and awwwwwwww theirloveissopure!*
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deche @ March 28 2003, 05:32:16 UTC |
XX is a bit stagnant because a lot of people got busy doing other things (RL and stopped coming on line.) Therefore, it was a lot harder to get together to write anything. We actually did do a bit here and there, but it's a slow process that isn't getting much of anywhere. So, yeah, stagnant. LOL
And unfortunately, our Harry was perhaps the person most sucked into RL. She graduated, is working but looking for a new job, was just married recently and therefore, didn't have any time to RP. Actually, she just quit recently. So.... Yeah. LOL Sorta hard when one of your driving characters leaves.
sistermagpie @ March 28 2003, 08:21:06 UTC |
People got so into the fic that they stopped reading the RPG, so I might be projecting.
Ack! I do not want that to happen. I had thought at first that the best scenario would be the players writing it, but then the problem is that I wouldn't want everything nailed down. It's much better to just project into those big spaces we don't see on the journals.
People can always just be inspired in a general sense without having to make something NAUniverse, of course.
delfeus @ March 27 2003, 22:08:11 UTC |
Hey, take LJ, it's fun! :D
About NA fics... I agree that it would be nice to ask first if the players mind but anyways I'd love to read them... :D
ishuca @ March 27 2003, 22:16:03 UTC |
why not set up a poll here?
i'm sure the players are well aware of this community's existence by now, so if they want to they can join in the voting (and certainly discussion). if anyone was truly against the idea a character could comment personally- it has happened before.
delfeus @ March 27 2003, 22:46:36 UTC |
Great idea! Now, one of you guys who actually can start up a poll do it... :D
(parent)anamirza @ March 27 2003, 21:37:41 UTC |
Well, if we see a sudden surge of H/D-encounter-after-party-at-Sirius' fics in a couple days' time...
metaphoracle @ March 28 2003, 01:49:38 UTC |
I think Aja needs to write it. *nods* Definately going to go with Aja being responsible for all Potterstinks/Just_Harry fanfiction.
(parent)bookshop @ March 28 2003, 07:22:28 UTC |
*laugh* I can't begin to imagine the atrocity that J_H/PS fanfic would be if it came from me. It would consist mostly of glorifying Malfoy and turning Harry into a sugar-coated doll of t00by love. And besides, I can barely write my own fanfics these days, haha.
*pats katie*