notapipe @ 2003-08-03 23:11:00 |
(no title)
Music: Nirvana - Drain You
A-HA! This nrager has uncovered yet another diabolical plot against wizard-kind. And I won't rest until the whole story has been uncovered, the perpetrators brought to justi- *trips over own shoelace*
Er yes, funny twins. Where's Molly gone? What's this bump on my head? [Edit: Why did I do this? I think I need to lay off the sugar.]
[Edit: Arthur is distressed too. And the twins don't approve of Percy's lifestyle choices. Weasleys = joy.]
[Edit 2: S/R isn't the marriage that's really in crisis]
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 21:22:55 UTC |
You sir, are a very funny man/guy/thinger.
You -- and the twins, of course -- amuse me to no end.
Sugar is good! Do not lay off of it, swear by it.
Sugar is your god.
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 21:46:23 UTC |
Chocolate ice cream? :(
Good choice!
I salute your icon, not because I understand it but because it seems random enough for me to understand. Understood?
notapipe @ August 3 2003, 21:52:58 UTC |
Yes, er, Dreamery Chocolate Truffle Explosion, to be precise, sinfully delicious.
Well, as long as you end up saluting the great god Sondheim, I'm down.
On that note: why the hell are there no musical lovers on NA?
jenicomprispas @ August 3 2003, 22:12:24 UTC |
Eep! *raises hand, but is afraid you will ask a question I don't know* ♥ Into The Woods. Am working on Sweeny Todd, then rest of them.
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Anonymous @ August 3 2003, 22:15:14 UTC |
<3 Sweeny Todd, my mother can sing literally every song from it. ah memories. *grins*
notapipe @ August 3 2003, 22:40:26 UTC |
Sweet. I should make a shrine to Sondheim, but I figure nearly a gig of my hard drive isn't a bad start.
The icon comes from possibly my favorite Sondheim song (though there are so many really great ones, it's hard to choose, it changes based on my mood): "Someone In a Tree" from Pacific Overtures (which I haven't seen, but am in love with the soundtrack of), and a picture of Sondheim in a tree.
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 22:33:56 UTC |
You have convinced me to do research on this God named Sondheim.
You may be proud, or not, depending on how odd you are.
NA musical lovers? Hmm, yes, there should be.
notapipe @ August 3 2003, 22:51:14 UTC |
Especially given the number of gay males at Hogwarts. Throw us a sterotypical bone here, I say.
I am very proud. Making someone else's life better (yours, in this case) should make anyone proud. And d00d, Sondheim. If your blockbuster has it (and it may, I've seen it at a few), you should rent Sweeny Todd.
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 23:01:21 UTC |
We only have one blockbuster in my tiny Canadian city, but I'll check anyway!
I bow down to you.
saffronlie @ August 4 2003, 06:36:04 UTC |
I love musicals!
But, er, not so much that I could withstand heavy questioning or discuss anything written after about 1972. I've seen you quote Sondheim, dude. No one's gonna go up against that. ;)
dari_brit @ August 4 2003, 15:55:01 UTC |
I am a great big geeky musical lover, from the old Rodgers and Hammerstein classics, on up through more modern stuff like RENT. I have to say that my favorite musical is Pippin, though, with 1776 coming in second. Love the history-theater!
Actually, a friend and I are attempting to rewrite Pippin as a fanon-Draco odyssey. Lyrics are everywhere on the 'Net, but if anyone has a script, I'd love them forever!
anjaliesque @ August 3 2003, 21:26:01 UTC |
It's not such bad sugar, really.
Their endless sarcasm cracks me up. And 'the decency to make us tea and do our laundry,' really. They're incorrigible.
But hey ho, what's Harry up to?
untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 21:43:28 UTC |
They seem like they're playing hide and seek, or some variation of that game.
Such playful lads Harry and Remus are.
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Anonymous @ August 3 2003, 21:39:13 UTC |
Oh god.
George, it just swallowed the bench.
what has swallowed the bench? the thing in the shed?
*grins and waits for more info*
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 11:17:12 UTC |
I thought it was the bread box at first...could however be the tourquoise (or teal or whatever) thing that is in want of more hair.
(parent)xnera @ August 3 2003, 21:46:20 UTC |
I can't help wondering if the twins have been hanging around Hagrid. Swallowed a bench?
(parent)notapipe @ August 3 2003, 22:00:47 UTC |
But the hair and color thing... just doesn't feel very natural to me. A demented Snape, more like it.
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 3 2003, 22:47:26 UTC |
My cats Whiskers and Crackhead (don't ask) are both girls and they love him too, even though they've never met him.
Crackhead is actually my brother's cat, my brother likes drugs.
Your cat is very pretty, in a manly-cat sort of way.
notapipe @ August 3 2003, 23:23:49 UTC |
Re: Crackhead: Hah.
In all fairness, it's a rather flattering angle that obscures his fat belly. Though do not tell him I said as much, since he will meow at me and I will be forced to melt, and no one wants a melted me (hmmmm, that sounds like a great title for a new lockerygildhart autobiography (though it ought to be ghost-written, since pages full of nothing but "Hello!" gets tired after a couple hundred pages)).
untiemybinds @ August 4 2003, 00:17:08 UTC |
My cats have fat bellies too, they got them when we got them fixed. Well, really it's just a lot of extra skin hanging down off of them.
My cat used to be really fat but when we got the kitten Crackhead after our other cat died she became skinny from running away from it.
Melted people wouldn't be so good, no. Though that is a good title, like you said.
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 00:37:33 UTC |
Wondering whether this 's the first time Molly has to face this "pretty young thing" problem.
(parent)saffronlie @ August 4 2003, 01:18:36 UTC |
Oh dear. Oh dear.
But I would like to take this moment to say that I dreamt about the aftermath of the party last night, and it wasn't quite like this. All I really remember is Neville posting and saying, "Thanks for the jolly good time, old chaps, but I've got to get back to Sara. All the same, good to see Harry and Draco finally shagging."
And then I came online to all the other posts and got sad. :::wibble:::