wehaveseven @ 2003-08-04 02:42:00 |
(no title)
Mood: blah
Must distract self from firewhiskey by getting crack people to ask self questions within reason.
Remus tells me it's a good distraction!
What's on your mind?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 00:54:27 UTC |
They've got my lack-of-ability-in-kitchen skills, and I'll bet Molly would say my fondness for tinkering, so I'd have to say myself! Though they've got her shrieks downpat.
(parent)nightflight @ August 4 2003, 00:53:51 UTC |
My school refuses to let me bring my microwave to the dorms.
Would you like it?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 00:56:18 UTC |
Also, what a silly school!
nightflight @ August 4 2003, 00:59:19 UTC |
It's a very handsome microwave. Has little picture buttons to cook things like pizza and popcorn even! Also, the food rotates on its own, so no having to stop and turn the food halfway through by hand. It's miraculous, really.
I'm sure you'll take good care of it. =D
And yes! They say it constitutes a fire hazard or some nonsense. My microwave wouldn't hurt a fly. Unless it flew inside. =X
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:40:29 UTC |
ELECTRIC ROTATION!!!!!!! :O Fascinating. That's going straight to the shed, that one.
(parent)nabiki @ August 4 2003, 00:56:43 UTC |
Mr Weasley~
What is the most interesting thing you've learned about Muggles during your work at the ministry? And the most despicable?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:05:05 UTC |
I'm not sure whether forks in toasters counts as interesting or just plain thick-headed. Electricity's a marvellous thing in itself, but I'm probably most curious by the slow rate at which Muggles advance! It's loopy! I'd love to give them a few pointers but I think I'd get into strife at work. And throughout the whole Wizarding world in general.
Most despicable? The way they can treat some children like animals. I suppose the bad sorts on either side of the magical line can do that, though.
vellum @ August 4 2003, 01:01:42 UTC |
first time you saw molly? when you knew you were in love with her? first kiss?
favorite muggle thingamajigger?
why aren't you out now looking for her?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:16:43 UTC |
I first saw her up on the stool, being sorted. I knew I was in love with her when my ears tingled every time she touched my wrist. I first kissed her after a Quidditch match in our sixth year Gryffindor slaughtered Slytherin - I only did it because I got far too carried away with the excitement of the game. Good thing, that.
I'm rather fond of plugs. I get carried away with other things but plugs always hold my interest.
Because she's Molly. You don't know her like I do.
vellum @ August 4 2003, 01:25:50 UTC |
that's too sweet. did she touch your wrist all the time?
no, i don't. :D
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:38:59 UTC |
The first time she touched my wrist was in the Three Broomsticks when fifth year was almost over. The old ears went bright red then, and they still do.
(parent)noirenails @ August 4 2003, 01:02:37 UTC |
I burnt my hand yesterday and wasn't able to use my computer for a day and thus I missed all the action. Boiling water= Not a good thing.
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:19:12 UTC |
I was far too busy being social to bother with the computers at Dogear. Feel as though I've got all the time in the world, now, though.
Boiling water's not the best! A simple Cooling Charm helps to ease the pain, you know.
noirenails @ August 4 2003, 01:42:06 UTC |
*is a muggle* Thanks anyway. You and your family rock.
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 01:03:52 UTC |
Tell us something we never knew about Ron. And Ginny, Bill, Percy et al... all your children. Tell us the gossip, tell us the secrets, we wants it, yessssssss
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:23:27 UTC |
:O I can't give away all their secrets! Dads are the best secret-keepers kids can have!
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 01:35:04 UTC |
Not all secrets! Something harmless, some quirk we never knew. Pleeeeaaaaaaseee just one... just a something...
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:47:59 UTC |
Percy brushes his teeth four times a day, for ten minutes each time.
Ginny leaves notes on the shed door for me when I'm in there all weekend.
The twins named a fire cracker after me when they were twelve. It almost set the back paddock alight, but it looked fantastic.
Ronald always dive-bombs into the pond.
Charlie's really good at sitting on the roof and telling you what all the constellations mean, and where they are in the night sky.
Bill cuts his toenails at the kitchen table and it drives his mother mad.
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 01:54:13 UTC *awe and love and adoration, oh my!* |
Yes, that sort of information, exactly. That was absolutely perfect.
<3<3<3<3<3<3 x 1,100
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 01:36:28 UTC |
I'm sure Percy's secrets are for trade from you, at least
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 01:39:29 UTC |
What would you have?
Telll us a story! All these NrAgers to see, you know you want to brag of some of your best exploits... hmmmm?
percyneedsalife @ August 4 2003, 01:51:04 UTC |
I can tell you about the time we sold Percy's kneazle to the circus. He was 13 or so, I reckon, and he was awfully proud of winning it from a local carnival Mum and Dad let us go to. He was showing it to everyone and telling us boring facts about the bloody thing, like we cared or something. So we finally had it. We were going to turn it into something clever, like maybe a flying pig, but then we found out the circus was passing through Ottery St Catchpole, and we really couldn't pass that up, now could we? So one afternoon we spotted Percy going outside with a book and the kneazle. Fred asked him some stupid question -- about some book we had to read for school, or something -- and I lured the kneazle away with one of Mum's biscuts. I wrapped it up in a scarf, and put one of Ginny's stuffed animals where it used to be. Percy never even noticed. Then that night Fred and I snuck down to town and sold it for 3 galleons. Percy didn't speak to us for weeks. It was brilliant.
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 01:58:36 UTC utter infatuation |
You're brilliant.
Absolutely completely out of your minds brilliant.
Were you punished? Are you ever really punished? Is it your charm that gets you out of punishment, or are you just pranking so often that punishments begin to be superfluous, and lose their meaning, and so not given to you that often.
I am in awe. Completely besotted.
percyneedsalife @ August 4 2003, 02:03:58 UTC Re: utter infatuation |
Of course we get punished. But half the fun is trying not to get caught. Besides, no punishment is so bad we want to stop pranking. The look on Percy's face ALONE is enough to get us every time.
(parent)anjenue @ August 4 2003, 01:43:22 UTC |
We could all join in a rousing rendition of "Weasleys are our Kings" if you like?
(parent)anatidae @ August 4 2003, 01:10:24 UTC |
Why has your wonderful yellow lemon face been replaced by a dragon?
Also, what's your middle name?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:24:21 UTC |
We've always had the dragons there, Molly and me! Charlie's the best dragon man in the world! It's a tribute!
And, Ronald!
sigrun @ August 4 2003, 01:12:29 UTC |
Do you ever wish that you had more children, maybe another girl? Or are you happy that you stopped at seven?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:27:51 UTC |
I'd love more Weasleys but Molly's got the final say on that. Having one girl makes her special, too. Time for grandWeasleys soon, anyway, I'm hoping.
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:28:49 UTC |
Sure is! The best Charms a Wizard can throw! And I've got an air shampooer in there, as well.
(parent)anjenue @ August 4 2003, 01:18:56 UTC |
Who is your best friend (aside from Mrs. Weasley, of course)?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:30:39 UTC |
My best friend at school was a lad called Alastair Crumpet, though we fell out of touch once school was over and done with. I hear he's a Muggle milkman now. I should get back in touch with him.
The lads at the office are good to confide in, but nothing beats my wife.
anjenue @ August 4 2003, 01:40:21 UTC |
Aww, well aren't you precious?
With an attitude like that, I'm sure she'll be back in no time...
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)
saffronlie @ August 4 2003, 01:23:39 UTC |
Oh dear, Mr Weasley, what happened at the party? I knew you didn't know what you were getting into with Pansy. :( I hope you and Molly can work things out.
Did you have a good time at the party, though?
Where are Ron and Ginny, while we're at it?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:36:43 UTC |
I had a fairly decent time, and Albus liked his kitten, and Malfoy didn't go anywhere near my kids, and the finger food was scrumptious!
The children are asleep in their beds, they were dog tired when I brought them home and headed straight upstairs. Good thing, too, wouldn't want them to see their father drinking this much.
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:50:45 UTC |
Charlie got it for me from Romania when he first went over there!
(parent)portkey @ August 4 2003, 01:45:55 UTC |
Which of your children did you find out was gay first? How did you react?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 01:55:57 UTC |
Charlie, the lad. I was off-kilter for a little while and thought maybe I was a bad parent, but quickly knocked that out of myself. Discrimination gets nobody anywhere and my children are the most precious jewels in the world, according to their dad. I couldn't ask for better people to bear the name of Weasley.
(parent)notapipe @ August 4 2003, 01:51:39 UTC |
What's YOUR favorite musical?
Why do you and the Malfoys hate each other so much?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:29:59 UTC |
The way you freely use the word "pleasure" shows that you must be truthful.
(parent)tabiji @ August 4 2003, 01:54:57 UTC |
Hello Mr. Weasley!
Did either you or Molly ever date anyone else?
It's very nice of you to come chat with us. I hope you enjoy watching us as much as we like watching you!
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:06:00 UTC |
Hullo there!
Patricia Malstaff sent me Valentines in fourth and fifth but she looked a bit like a dingbat. Molly had so many boys after her that I always wondered how on earth she ended up choosing me.
You lot are a motley crew - but, more often than not, good for a giggle.
tabiji @ August 4 2003, 02:32:04 UTC |
We all seem to have our favorites that we watch...
...do all of you, too? Will we ever get to see any of you with, oh, say a "notapipe" icon? :D
Do you have any questions for us Muggles?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:52:22 UTC |
Don't you like my icons? :(
I liked all those chaps that stood up for me concerning Miss Parkinson, I must say. Not good with names, though.
What's the function of a windchime?
tabiji @ August 4 2003, 03:02:05 UTC |
What's the function of a windchime?
Ugh. Some Muggles take these pieces of metal, wood, sea shells, or plastic and string them together to hang because they are under the impression that when the wind clanks them together they are melodious. I am not one of those Muggles. They're damn irritating.
...and I adore your icons. I'd love to get you even more...talk to your boss about it, okay? ;)
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 03:27:26 UTC |
Well, goodness! More icons of me! Intriguing.
And wind chimes! Even more intriguing.
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dry_your_eyes @ August 4 2003, 01:55:32 UTC |
have you ever seriously considered adopting Harry (before Sirius's return, of course)?
who was Ron's first crush? Does he have any pictures of Hermione under his mattress?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:09:25 UTC |
I don't know if he would have accepted the offer, anyway. I never considered it myself but I'm sure the wife must have. We don't need papers to treat Harry as the eighth.
Ahahaha! Again, a father is the best secret-keeper a child can have.
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:14:20 UTC |
Good lord! You people sure know how to redden an old fool's cheeks.
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dry_your_eyes @ August 4 2003, 02:18:38 UTC |
my pleasure ^_^
though i'm still craving to hear what's under Ron's mattress? *giggles*
oh pleeeeeeeease.....
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:28:22 UTC |
Years worth of dirty laundry is my bet - to tell the truth I'm too afraid to check. Teenagers!!!
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dry_your_eyes @ August 4 2003, 02:31:54 UTC |
ok, Ron wins :)
thank you very much for your answers!
Hope you'll find Molly soon *hugs*
notapipe @ August 4 2003, 02:31:56 UTC |
Can you even get far enough into his room to enable you to check?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:49:07 UTC |
Well... I wouldn't know, I haven't tried, but he's in there at the moment so unless he's taken to apparating to bed, I assume so.
(parent)notapipe @ August 4 2003, 02:50:00 UTC |
He's also probably a little smaller than you, though.
(parent)notapipe @ August 4 2003, 02:56:17 UTC |
I have found the best way is to simply construct a very narrow pathway to the bed, since it makes it easier to go to the bathroom at night than doing the window thing.
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 03:46:31 UTC |
And what about your's, Molly's and ones of your other children?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 05:05:16 UTC |
Myself, maybe a meerkat or a bear. Not an agressive bear, just a bear. The wife,
Bill would be a stallion, I think. Charlie, a dragon, because the boy's almost got dragon's blood. Percy, a raccoon. The twins, a pair of squirrels. Ginny, a fox!
Just my opinion.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 18:52:55 UTC |
You forgot to tell us what Molly would be! Although I dunno, I could see her as a bear pretty easily, what with the protecting children thing and all.
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 6 2003, 20:17:44 UTC |
You're right, Molly's more the bear. How about a highland cow for myself? Oh ho ho.
(parent)notapipe @ August 4 2003, 02:13:16 UTC |
No, telling embarrasing things about their children are what mothers are for.
(parent)meifu_shinigami @ August 4 2003, 07:36:09 UTC |
Too true. ::nods::
I figure maybe we could ask Mrs. Weasley when she gets back, then.
altricial @ August 4 2003, 02:04:39 UTC |
Who is your favourite son?
What do you see in the Erised?
What is your Boggart?
What do you hear when Dementers are near?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:23:23 UTC |
Ronald's on my brainwave. Fred always sneaks an extra scone for his old man. George tidies up the shed when he thinks I'm not looking. Percy is so astoundingly clever. Charlie's never too far away to come home. Bill is quietly supportive, always. So tell me, can you pick a favourite?
.. the what now?
A man's greatest fear is his most well-kept secret.
My father.
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dry_your_eyes @ August 4 2003, 02:24:54 UTC |
A man's greatest fear is his most well-kept secret.
so true!
altricial @ August 4 2003, 03:25:31 UTC |
I suspect your Boggart is Molly ;;)
I think you love Ron most [-(
notapipe @ August 4 2003, 02:06:59 UTC |
Did you know you look kinda sexy in your wedding icon?
(parent)notapipe @ August 4 2003, 02:23:47 UTC |
My bad. Very sexy. And with great hair. You were a very attractive man, Mr. Weasley.
(parent)notapipe @ August 4 2003, 02:31:05 UTC |
Alas, such is life. You've not decayed completely, though.
Don't let it get you down, there have to be some good things about being old and decrepit.
notapipe @ August 4 2003, 02:51:29 UTC |
I was thinking children and perspective and experience (though this is only what I am told, I for one despise kids, and find the "wisdom" stuff old people profess overrated), but your answer is better.
(parent)sincelastjuly @ August 8 2003, 09:55:08 UTC |
:o Are you saying he is not still handsome?? >:O
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:31:38 UTC |
Good heavens, sorry, love, got confused by the icon there.
Er, no.
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:37:54 UTC |
I like scones, if that's an incentive to give me some.
(parent)eleveninches @ August 4 2003, 02:42:13 UTC |
Oh, I see how it goes. I give you scones and then you remind me you're married, is that it? Well, I don't play that way, mister. I'm not that kind of girl.
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 02:48:02 UTC |
*weeps* I just wanted some scones! Who's going to bake me scones now that Molly's gone? Who? WHO!?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 4 2003, 05:11:01 UTC |
Why not! I still have the left over icing from Harry's cupcake!
(parent)saffronlie @ August 4 2003, 06:30:56 UTC |
*I* make a killer batch of scones, you know, Mr Weasley. Fresh from the oven, fluffy and hot with jam and freshly-whipped cream. Mmm. Now I think I have more of a craving than you.
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 03:10:01 UTC |
If Molly suddenly... well... broke with you and married someone else, whom would YOU marry (theoretically) ?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 03:22:53 UTC |
Molly would marry someone else? :/
I'll say eleveninches, then, because she seems very determined.
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 03:35:03 UTC |
NOT FAIR! I'm better! Why others always get all the yummy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 10:23:12 UTC |
I'll try to brighten up you struggles...LET ME TRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 6 2003, 05:07:02 UTC |
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 03:14:02 UTC |
Did you have any others crushes/girlfriends except Molly during your school?
If you weren't connected to muggle studies , you'd choose a career of...?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 03:25:07 UTC |
I often watched pretty girls, but none of them had my heart from the start like Molly did.
I've always thought that Florean Fortescue had it made.
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 05:10:50 UTC |
She doesn't want to be found right now! And I don't particularly want to lose a limb right now
(parent)_audrey @ August 4 2003, 03:38:12 UTC |
Speaking of drinking...
What's the most outrageous thing that you can remember doing when drunk?
(Oh, and because I promised myself I would... *kisses* <33)
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 05:14:52 UTC |
:O More affection! I'm just a silly old codger, I promise.
And a drunken, outrageous thing? Standing on the edge of the lake at Hogwarts, playing the kazoo with my nostril while reciting a poem I wrote called "Muggles, my Muggles!", all in an attempt to woo the giant squid.
I've just caused myself terrible flashbacks.
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 06:51:33 UTC |
WOW! You're a poet !!!! *squees fangirly*
Can we be honored to see some masterpiece of yours, pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeee!
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 10:17:11 UTC |
(yeah, I know I'm a little bit late but anyway...)
no, we want YOUR poems (I'm sure there is one about stapler)
P.S.: RON"S A POET?!?!?!? *stares for a long moment then squees*
purestblood @ August 4 2003, 12:04:30 UTC |
Can I assume that, with Molly gone, you'll be redoubling your efforts at sea creature seduction?
(parent)retired_ego @ August 4 2003, 04:01:57 UTC |
Why are you drinking firewhiskey and not out looking for your Mollykins, hm?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 05:09:55 UTC |
Because you don't know Molly, and I do, and looking for her would be useless right now, and firewhiskey burns good.
(parent)saffronlie @ August 4 2003, 06:39:54 UTC |
(Has no one else asked?) Arthur, my dear, what's in the shed?
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 07:01:24 UTC RON's lovelife. |
Why don't you call Ron and talk him into FINALLY asking Hermione out?
How will you react if their future children won't be red-haired?
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 15:42:17 UTC |
That's a mother's job, I think.
Oh, they would be. Trust me!
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 10:17:20 UTC |
So you assume, that they'll have children *nods in agreement*!!!
That's why go and TALK TO HIM, now while Molly is gone for a while
steph_hime @ August 4 2003, 07:22:51 UTC |
As you're like a second father to Harry, what do you think of his and Draco's growing friendship?
Oh, and don't worry, I'm sure Molly will come back!
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 15:43:21 UTC |
Friendship? With young Malfoy? Ahahahahahaha, good heavens.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 5 2003, 03:07:30 UTC |
So, you don't acknowledge it? I think they'd make a cute couple, don't you?
kat99999 @ August 4 2003, 07:25:43 UTC |
Hello Mr Weasley!
Could you describe each of your children in one sentence? Also, is there any chance they might allow us to ask them questions too? :-D
wehaveseven @ August 6 2003, 05:34:24 UTC |
Bill is Brilliant.
Charlie is Chivalrous.
Percy is Punctual.
George is Groovy (I am all up with my hip words, see).
Fred is Far-out (again, Artie W is in the house).
Ron is Rampaging.
Ginny is Gutsy.
meifu_shinigami @ August 4 2003, 08:26:53 UTC |
Since you have graciously offered to answer our queries (within reason, of course), here are mine:
1. What is the one Muggle item that you absolutely WISH you could own?
2. What is the most bizarrely enchanted Muggle item that ever made its way into your office?
3. What are the strangest habits of your seven children?
4. Has Mrs. Weasley EVER been this upset in the past? If so, what happened and how had it been resolved?
5. What, in your opinion, would be the perfect hex to perform on Lucius Malfoy when he's least expecting one?
Hmm... I'll be sending you my special concentrated hangover medicine in the morning. It's better than a Sobering Charm, plus it even gets rid of the incriminating breath. Just add three drops of the potion to a glass of water. Three drops, mind. A fourth drop would certainly not hurt, but it would make any alcohol ingested ineffective to about a week, at least, not to mention make everything you eat taste minty. ^^"
Don't worry about the postman. As you can see, ::points to icon:: I have an owl. =D
wehaveseven @ August 7 2003, 23:56:31 UTC |
Sorry to take so long! Troubles at home, I'm sure you can understand.
1. A spatula.
2. Good question! I was very impressed by the death-by-toothpick we received once, though I must say I also have a soft spot for the tapdancing toothpaste. Oh! Mustn't forget the flesh-eating refridgerator, either.
3. Bill chews his bottom lip, taps his fingers and toes and bites his fingernails, all at once, when he's thinking about something. Charlie can send gnomes over the fence just by staring at them. Percy is freakishly good at Scrabble. The twins lock themselves away without communication for days. Ronald hums very loudly and monotonously when he brushes his teeth of a morning. Ginny turns into a smaller version of her mother whenever one of her brothers is ill.
4. ... I can't say she's ever been this upset with me. Usually she gets angry with something and just throws things, or knits. A lot.
5. I'd say one that removes all Beauty charms, wouldn't you? How about a Natural Hair Colour charm, or a Pauper Hex could be perfect, as well. I spend far too much time thinking about this. Also a good smack to the jaw could be really satisfying.
meifu_shinigami @ August 8 2003, 03:30:30 UTC |
Sorry to take so long! Troubles at home, I'm sure you can understand.
I completely understand.
1. A spatula.
I think I have a spare I could send over. Would you like one metal one or the plastic one?
4. ... I can't say she's ever been this upset with me. Usually she gets angry with something and just throws things, or knits. A lot.
Frankly, I can't imagine Mrs. Weasley throwing things, though I understand about the knitting. I hope you find her soon.
5. I'd say one that removes all Beauty charms, wouldn't you? How about a Natural Hair Colour charm, or a Pauper Hex could be perfect, as well. I spend far too much time thinking about this. Also a good smack to the jaw could be really satisfying.
I would recommend a proper smack to the jaw since I can say that it's more statisfying from experience. It'll be a lot easier on your fist (not to mention more damaging to your target) if you had a set of brass knuckles, which are still preferred by some Muggle hoodlums today.
Shall I send a pair along with your spatula?
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 09:01:39 UTC |
If there is one, what is your favorite Muggle movie? And why?
Oh, and I just got a fish and named him Staple :)
wehaveseven @ August 4 2003, 15:45:28 UTC |
Muggle moofies!! I've yet to watch a full one, because the little boxes that are sent to my office often have problems rather than just being the actual moofie. I'm still waiting to watch a complete one, any suggestions yourself?
Brilliant name for a fish!!!1
purestblood @ August 4 2003, 11:55:35 UTC |
Honestly, Arthur. First Lupin, then you. Originality never was your strong suit, however, was it?
Did you read that book I suggested? I think that a man of your proclivities might quite sympathise with the main character. It is often when we step outside ourselves that we gain the most insight.
dari_brit @ August 4 2003, 16:08:17 UTC |
Dear Mr. Weasley:
1. You and Molly tried for so long until you had a daughter! Can you compare some of the difference between raising a girl and a boy?
2. Did Molly ever have any pregnancy complications?
3. How did you feel when you learned that you were going to be a father for the first time?
Thanks very much!
wehaveseven @ August 6 2003, 05:25:12 UTC |
Dear dari_brit:
1. Dresses! Pigtails! Mary Janes! I'd gotten pretty good at raising boys, I'd thought. And then the princess came along! Good heavens! She was still a Weasley, though. Loud, babbling, progressed straight from crawling to running, full of giggles... stayed sweet as she got older, though, unlike most of the boys, who turned into men. None of that sweetness bollocks. Pity, really.
2. None at all! Though some of the children had birthing problems. Only in that the twins didn't want to come out, and were two weeks later than expected. Bill and Ginny were both out weeks earlier! Fast movers, those two! First and the last, it's funny like that, isn't it?
3. Overwhelmed. I couldn't close my mouth for hours. And then I couldn't hide my smile, for years.
Any time!
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Anonymous @ August 4 2003, 23:29:18 UTC |
What do you and Pansy disagree on regarding the Ministry? Could you send her my support for her budding career?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 6 2003, 05:12:17 UTC |
Many things, many things, many confidential, some trivial, others debatable. Such a pity, such a pity.
I'll owl your show of support to the young lady, certainly.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 09:47:44 UTC |
If given the opportunity, would you choose to live as a muggle for a while, or are you happier studying them through their artefacts?
(parent)wehaveseven @ August 6 2003, 05:10:55 UTC |
Apparently my dress sense is a bit off, Muggle-wise! Perhaps I could go visit the Grangers for a week or so, one holidays. INTERESTING.
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girlikethat @ August 5 2003, 23:08:52 UTC |
Hello, mister!
I was wondering what you thought of my icon. Lucius Malfoy doesn't like it.
sincelastjuly @ August 8 2003, 09:53:00 UTC |
Mr Weasley,
If you were under Veritaserum, what's the one question you would most dread answering?
And on a second note, I simply adore you, you cutie you. :-*
wehaveseven @ August 8 2003, 23:55:53 UTC |
That's a very strong question there, missy! I've thought of a few answers to it, none of which can be shared lightly, as the walls have ears. I believe they're extendable.
I hope you understand!
Good heavens, I just don't understand my appeal, but thank you! Sent the cheeks red, you have!
sincelastjuly @ August 9 2003, 00:14:43 UTC |
Wah, nobody's answering it. :((
I understand though, thanks darling!
(if it doesn't work out with eleveninches...well, I make a mean scone. Mean in the good way, of course :P )
wehaveseven @ August 8 2003, 23:53:23 UTC |
That's really a question for my son, innit? I'll ask the lad and get back to you, shall I?