onthehillside @ 2003-08-05 03:05:00 |
This is not good.
Mood: anxious
dragynville @ August 4 2003, 14:26:15 UTC |
I'm curious to know whether Sirius ever spoke to Harry or not about the party and how that went. Is Harry dividing his time between Sirius and Remus, or just wandering back and forth to Remus? Because we've seen a lot of interaction between Harry and Remus since the party, but none between Harry and Sirius.
This all has me very worried.
toopizza @ August 4 2003, 14:31:05 UTC |
Along those same lines, I wonder who Harry would choose if the two got divorced...
(parent)dragynville @ August 4 2003, 14:44:16 UTC |
That "numb" (mood), combined with the wording of the message, made me think 'separation' as soon as I saw it. *wibbles*
If he had to choose, I suppose it might depend upon how hurt he was by Sirius' flirting/fling with Lucius. However, Harry being Harry I think he'd stay with Sirius for a couple of reasons.. 1) even though he's very fond of Remus, Sirius is "Dad" to him; 2) he'd probably feel that Sirius needed him more (and you know how Harry is about people in need).
Quite frankly though, I think Harry would divide his time between the two of them and wind up tearing himself apart trying to take care of them both.
toopizza @ August 4 2003, 14:47:37 UTC |
Maybe if they get separated one of them will just stay in the guest house? Because then it'll be bad but at least Harry won't have to choose as much...
(parent)la_trix @ August 4 2003, 14:54:42 UTC |
If S/R really were separating, wouldn't Sirius be the one to break it to Harry? Or at least both of them, together? Remus asking to see Harry by himself suggests that maybe he and Harry will be spending a LOT less time together? *sob*
(parent)dragynville @ August 4 2003, 15:01:05 UTC |
That's why I was wondering if Sirius had spoken to Harry yet at all.
And maybe Sirius is leaving..? (Isn't Dogear Wryde Remus' estate?) *wibbles some more*
toopizza @ August 4 2003, 15:12:22 UTC |
Aaahhhh - this is horrible. I wish we could just know what's going on!
(parent)dragynville @ August 4 2003, 15:21:32 UTC |
Of course it could turn out to be something else entirely, like someone was in an accident or something. Which is horrible too, but somehow less horrible than the only home Harry's ever had breaking up.
This strain is killing me.
toopizza @ August 4 2003, 15:27:44 UTC |
Maybe it's about Molly.
That's it.
Nothing wrong with Sirius and Remus, nothing at all...
wednesday_tea @ August 4 2003, 16:23:42 UTC |
Of course not. Where would you get that idea? Molly is missing, and Remus is going to tell Harry about it, because Molly is a bit of a mother figure to him. Yes.
toopizza @ August 4 2003, 16:26:00 UTC |
My thoughts exactly. We are obviously correct about this entire situation. Maybe Remus even found Molly. Yes.
(parent)wednesday_tea @ August 4 2003, 17:46:05 UTC |
Because, obviously, in that situation, he would of course tell Harry before Arthur. It's completely reasonable.
(parent)anjenue @ August 4 2003, 16:00:43 UTC |
Oh God, I hope Sirius didn't go out on a bike again and get himself killed...
(parent)dragynville @ August 4 2003, 16:05:24 UTC |
Well, I don't think they'd kill him off, but they certainly might maim him a little. O.O
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childofatlantis @ August 4 2003, 15:51:02 UTC |
... it is so reassuring to know I'm not the only person panicking at that post. (or the only person obessively checking N_A for updates...)
(parent)la_trix @ August 4 2003, 16:25:05 UTC |
Seems like he's trying to engage Remus in a little of their usual sarcastic banter. Guess Remus isn't in the mood, though.
(parent)dragynville @ August 4 2003, 16:32:10 UTC |
He does seem to be trying to distract him. And Remus thanked him.
(parent)charmion @ August 4 2003, 16:42:03 UTC |
In a way, I think it's sweet. Distracting banter. And Remus would hardly qualify as a drama queen in earnest.
Snape also wishes him well.
ah, LJ not just eating my icons, I see. *kicks*
babytyggeryss @ August 4 2003, 16:53:48 UTC |
Maybe what we saw was the Snape equivalent of "Are you okay?"
I would hug him if I wasn't afraid I would hexed into my next lifetime. ^_^
charmion @ August 4 2003, 17:10:42 UTC |
Heh. Oh yes, I think it was. All talk, this one.
The Chang witch seems to have come out unharmed -unhexed- and she has coerced him into some kind of a make-over. I'd have imagined a scene similar to taking a cat in the shower.
Wuss, really. ;) Hug him anyway you like.
zionsstarfish @ August 4 2003, 18:39:17 UTC |
It seems like Remus is thanking Severus for not doing anything at the party. I take that to mean Remus' little invitation. Aww. I really like the friendship between these two, it's really quite... sweet.
(parent)shusu @ August 4 2003, 16:30:31 UTC long shot. |
Mou.... why talk to Harry after -Narcissa- saw him? This makes me think it wasn't Sirius but Narcissa's visit which triggered this. Otherwise both Sirius and Remus would be there for this, right?
I will bet on the dark horse and say it's bad news on the H/D front.
dragynville @ August 4 2003, 16:34:23 UTC Re: long shot. |
I don't think he's seen Narcissa yet. She said she'd visit him tomorrow morning. Or have I missed a post somewhere..?
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 4 2003, 16:40:03 UTC Re: long shot. |
Nope, you are right. Remus spills his guts tomorrow.
(parent)dragynville @ August 4 2003, 16:50:31 UTC Re: long shot. |
Hopefully, one of them will TALK ABOUT IT in LJ. *stares*
(parent)la_trix @ August 4 2003, 16:53:06 UTC Re: long shot. |
Narcissa likes to talk ... I think we can safely expect some news from her, at least.
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 17:48:31 UTC Re: long shot. |
If the conversation that is to take place is indeed as someone *too lazy to go check* proposed about the comment from Lucius that Narcissa doesn't need a mark to do her duties, then perhaps we will not hear from Narcissa.
We will hear somehow from someone I'm sure though... NA doesn't leave its mysteries open forever... well... unless they're of Blaise, or Draco's bedposts... or any number of things we weren't clever enough to catch. BLAST!
dragynville @ August 4 2003, 18:12:56 UTC Re: long shot. |
the comment from Lucius that Narcissa doesn't need a mark to do her duties
Oh yes, that raised an eyebrow. I wonder if they'll develop that further?
Yes, after they let us writhe on the line for a bit. :D It's a good thing I love angst.
dragynville @ August 4 2003, 18:28:58 UTC Re: long shot. |
Hmm.. love/hate indeed. So long as they get back together eventually (that is, if they do split up), I can deal with this.
Because theirloveissomeanttobe after all. :D
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 18:46:07 UTC Re: long shot. |
theirloveissomeanttobe after all.
OMFG!1 R0x0rs!! 4-EVA
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 17:01:20 UTC |
Did any of you think Lupin was on the verge of asking Snape if he could go with him?
(parent)swallowaspider @ August 4 2003, 17:09:04 UTC |
Not to be insenitive or anything, but man, would that be hot.
Nut oh, man, I'm getting so worked up over this. They'd better not split. Please please please don't split.
babytyggeryss @ August 4 2003, 17:19:31 UTC |
It would be very, very hot. All that intellect, all those sparks; how could it be otherwise?
(parent)charmion @ August 4 2003, 17:21:31 UTC |
Maybe they would just bore eachother to no end.
Then again... maybe not.
babytyggeryss @ August 4 2003, 17:12:26 UTC |
I had the same thought.
I don't think Snape would ever let him; he must continue his odyssey and Remus needs to stay put and come to some kind of understanding with Sirius.
Remus also has Harry to deal with. I can't imagine Harry is taking this very well and Sirius really isn't the type to sit down and wade through it with him.
charmion @ August 4 2003, 17:19:58 UTC |
Think he was casually asking if Cho was coming with him.
And I got the feeling there was some meaningful conversation going on as well.
Thank you
Thank you for what, pray tell? I did nothing.
I have no idea what it means.
...but maybe I just read too much into this.;)
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hobaggins @ August 4 2003, 17:38:53 UTC |
Think he was casually asking if Cho was coming with him.
Good point. I'm probably too fanciful.
As for the conversation, I took it to mean Lupin's thankful that Snape's there for him. That he took to engage him in conversation, that he is around... not for anything in specific but just because.
...but maybe I don't read enough into this.
charmion @ August 4 2003, 18:03:50 UTC |
No, I think you're right. 'Thanks, just because' seems to cover it nicely.
Hmm. May have double-posted. Sorry, if so!
zionsstarfish @ August 4 2003, 18:42:52 UTC |
Well, that'll teach me to scroll first and post later ;)
Remus' 'yes' seems to be in response to Severus' 'I did nothing'. I think they're talking about Remus' subtle invitation to join him outside at the party, just when things were going pear-shaped.
*much smooshy love* :)
imochan @ August 4 2003, 18:44:39 UTC |
I'm going back to my hole in the ground!! Who's with me? Someone bring chips, we'll watch some tv, play some video games, have pillow fights, I don't know, maybe bring out the scrabble board. Sound like fun?
this is so not on. unimpressed, s/r, unimpressed.
dragynville @ August 4 2003, 18:49:08 UTC |
I'll bring the orange cream soda. I also have several M/M movies.
(parent)imochan @ August 4 2003, 19:02:34 UTC |
You are the best friend in the whole wide world!!!!!1! *weeps*
(parent)dragynville @ August 4 2003, 19:56:56 UTC |
One must be something in life. ;D
I will also bring my S/R doujinshi. Strictly to help us 'keep the faith' of course. ^~
merlion @ August 4 2003, 21:11:18 UTC More sad evidence |
This doesn't bode well
Of course, I could be being over-sensitive. Sirius could mean that what he found out would be better discussed at school, despite the party fallout. But somehow, I don't think so.
babytyggeryss @ August 4 2003, 22:16:17 UTC Re: More sad evidence |
All this marital angst...........I think NA has almost hit a new low; this still can't beat The Outing of Harry, but it's close.
Sirius has also taken down all his icons, save the one he uses now.
I feel blue.
dragynville @ August 4 2003, 22:18:59 UTC Re: More sad evidence |
Ah.. ahh.. ah.. nooooo!
This makes things look so much worse. There's no reason for them to trek all the way over to Hogwarts other than that things have not been resolved at least amicably at DW. Even worse, it could mean he has taken up residence in his rooms at Hogwarts.
*am dying now*
zionsstarfish @ August 4 2003, 23:33:36 UTC Re: More sad evidence |
Well, maybe it isn't so bad? Maybe... Remus is just going to tell Harry that he and Sirius had a fight, and they need time to work things out, but they still love him no matter what. *hopes desperately* Ideally that would be a conversation that would involve both dog- and odd-father but maybe Remus and Sirius aren't exactly up to being in the same room as each other. I guess all the emotional tugging has been hard on both of them. Since the attack on Hogwarts, they've really not been able to settle into the family groove of things. There's been, let's see: Harry's injury, the school attack and the loss of many lives, Harry having to stay with his awful Muggles, Sirius leaving, Remus being alone, Harry being alone, Sirius' flirting... not to mention the extreme emotional highs: finding Harry alive, Sirius coming home, Harry coming home. It's been mentally and emotionally frazzling. I think at this point it's important to have a Talk with Harry, just to make sure he understands what's going on, and I hope that's what Remus is intending.
dragynville @ August 5 2003, 00:00:42 UTC Re: More sad evidence |
They have had an uncommon lot of trouble since getting married and had very little time to settle into married life. They haven't really been allowed to have their 'adjustment period' yet. Thank you for reminding me, this gives me hope.
I don't think they'd jump right into divorce, not after all they've gone through and all the years it took to find their way to each other. They might try a limited separation of some sort in order to get through this though. Sometimes a little distance is necessary. To be able to solve a problem, to see all sides, and to behave reasonably. To get past the anger and hurt and get to the root of the problem.
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dry_your_eyes @ August 5 2003, 01:59:44 UTC |
No! Leaky Cauldron?! NOO
oh Remus, don't move out!
damn Lucius, damn everything that destroys s/r!
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hobaggins @ August 5 2003, 02:12:57 UTC |
but... but... it's Lupin's house isn't it?
*doesn't understand*
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dry_your_eyes @ August 5 2003, 02:22:49 UTC |
me too!
Lupin is very generous and stuff, but it's his estate!
where the hell is Sirius?!
dragynville @ August 5 2003, 02:48:45 UTC |
Maybe he's leaving so that Sirius can stay at DW with Harry? Otherwise, Harry would again be separated from Sirius since he has to stay at either DW or #4 over the hols.
The Leaky Cauldron seems rather far away to go for people who are trying to work things out. I mean, couldn't he go to Hogwarts? Or someplace in.. err.. oh, what the hell is the name of that town near Hogwarts and DW that the students visit? And how will Harry visit Remus?
This is getting worse and worse. *cries*