blondenarcissa @ 2003-08-05 09:25:00 |
Greetings and salutations!
Mood: optimistic
I have been visiting with Narcissa this morning and perusing what she calls the 'entre net'. I confess that, although I was wary of the somewhat self-narcissistic undertones, I find what Misters Lupin and Weasley are doing to be very cathartic. By opening themselves up and allowing others to question them, in turn they are encouraged to look within themselves and reflect upon their essences. As I think this is something from which Mrs. Malfoy would greatly benefit, I encourage you to ask her questions. The past few months have been particularly trying for her and I do believe that this process may be somewhat therapeutic. Naturally I will suggest she not answer inquiries she deems to be too personal.
-Hera Peligroso
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dry_your_eyes @ August 5 2003, 06:43:01 UTC |
Mrs.Malfoy, would you like to have another child?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 06:58:11 UTC |
Why, I would not have time for another child. Echo is the newest addition to our family and the darling is rather like having another child in itself, I suppose. Besides, Draco is finishing his schooling at Hogwarts and I must concentrate on him and his needs at this point in time.
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy
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dry_your_eyes @ August 5 2003, 07:07:59 UTC |
but what if you become pregnant? will you keep a child?
the world would be even more beautiful with another handsome Malfoy in it :)
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 15:30:27 UTC |
If I were to become pregnant, of course I would keep the child. I do not foresee this to happen though and do not dwell on such matters.
Yes, the Malfoys are quite an attractive family, aren't they?
black_dog @ August 5 2003, 14:35:58 UTC |
I think all of us who care about Draco would like to know what you feel his most important needs are, right now. What do you think those are?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 15:33:50 UTC |
Right now I believe that he needs to feel free to explore the avenues which he might be inclined to follow once his schooling at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is complete. He is growing into a fine young man and has already begun to show signs of the person he shall be once he is no longer living with his parents. I am a firm believer in that he needs to take the time to discover just who he is and embrace that person whole-heartedly.
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 5 2003, 06:47:31 UTC |
What a delightful notion, Ms. Peligroso! I shall take you up on it.
Mrs. Malfoy, if you don't think it too presumptuous, I have three questions for you. First, how are you feeling today? Second, what do you think of Harry Potter? And third, what do you think of Harry Potter in relation to your son?
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 15:38:50 UTC |
Aren't you lovely for thinking of my health?
I am feeling quite well today, thank you very much. Every day I find myself becoming stronger and stronger, no thanks to those insipid people they presume to call Healers at St. Mungo's.
Harry Potter is a very nice young man and I find him to be ever so polite and charming. I do admit that once upon a time I did not think highly of him but my opinion has been irrefutablychanged to see him in a very different light. He brings Remus and Sirius a great deal of joy and I can only wish him the best.
I am rather unclear as to your meaning in your last question so I shall regretfully decline comment.
anjaliesque @ August 5 2003, 19:55:03 UTC |
I am so gratified to find your condition improved, Mrs. Malfoy. You really are looking finer than ever before. Thank you very much for your answers, and take care.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 5 2003, 07:00:28 UTC |
What a wonderful idea.
Mrs Malfoy, what do you think of Draco's and Harry's friendship? I think they would make an adorable couple.
Did you and Remus Lupin ever date? You seem awfully close to be just friends.
lupercus @ August 5 2003, 15:43:10 UTC |
Pardon me for stepping in on that last question, there, but I feel that I must:
No, we have never dated, because I am remarkably gay.
Though, that is the only thing that could keep me from courting such a lovely woman as Narcissa.
- Remus
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 15:46:00 UTC |
Remus and I are cousins. Of course we have never dated! Besides the fact that we share some of the same bloodlines, Remus and I happen to have quite a bit in common and often find solace and advice with one another.
Your first question is so incroyable that I cannot deign to answer it.
sigrun @ August 5 2003, 07:06:25 UTC |
This is quite an honour that you have graced us with your presence and openness, Mrs. Malfoy.
I have just one question that I hope is not too personal. Do you have a particular fond memory from Draco's childhood that you could share with us?
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 15:51:12 UTC |
Oh, how it almost seems like yesterday that Draco was just but a babe in arms! One of my favourite memories of him as a child was the very day that his father gave him a toy racing broom for the very first time. Draco could not have been more than three and had been ever so excited to see such a wonderful toy! He scampered over to the broom and hopped right on it before his father could properly instruct him on how to operate it and promptly began to zoom about the Japanese gardens on the West side of the Manor! I knew from the start that Draco would be a most excellent flyer as he gracefully looped around a few bonsai trees and did a baby Wronksi (oh dear, that is what that is called, isn't it?) Feint!
(parent)noirenails @ August 7 2003, 00:46:47 UTC |
Aww, how adorable! You have the most wonderful son, Mrs Malfoy.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 5 2003, 07:42:08 UTC |
Mrs Malfoy,
Thank you very much for the opportunity to ask questions! Mine is, how do you feel you and your son have changed over the years, and how has relationship developed?
Thank you again :-)
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 15:55:40 UTC |
My, this is a time consuming question, isn't it? You are quite welcome, mon ami. Draco and I have both grown a lot as people in the past several years, this past one in particular if I do say so myself. In the past I was unsure of how to properly deal with him as I was (and still can be) very insecure about my parenting skills. He tried very much to please me when I was not even sure what I had wanted. Eventually, though, I think that we have both come to realize that communication is the key to developing a stronger bond between mother and child. I am trying my very best to be more attentive and giving and I feel as though he is also making an effort to be more vocal about things. It is my hope that we continue to work on these things.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 5 2003, 16:03:18 UTC |
Thank you again :-) You can always tell just how much you love your son, it is lovely to see that amount of care going into parenting! You are obviously doing something right, if Draco's obvious intelligence is anything to go by!
(parent)blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 21:50:27 UTC |
Lucius and I have actually known one another for a very, very long time. Our first 'encounter' that I can recall was at my parents' estate in Cannes (which now, of course, belongs to Draco) when I was six and he was eleven. Our fathers were old friends and business acquaintances and, as such, we often found that we would be invited to one another's homes on occassion. It seems that my Lucius was something of a builder when he was a boy and he helped me build a treehouse on a secluded part of Mother and Father's estate! The treehouse was our little secret and we had ever so much fun playing games in there! At any rate, I shall never forget that day and the way his hair fell in his eyes and how the sun glinted off his skin as he climbed that old tree over and over again to put together our little fortress.
It really was divine.
eponis @ August 5 2003, 07:55:28 UTC |
Mrs. Malfoy,
Thank you very much for making yourself available in this way. I have always enjoyed reading your refreshing perspective on life, and benefitted from your tips on fashion and design.
My question is this: could you tell us more about your sisters? Specifically, what was the relationship between you three while growing up, and what are your thoughts on their life choices since then?
This is really more of a request than a question, but: what are your thoughts on the current difficulties between Remus and Sirius, specifically as regards your husband? Is there any way you could attempt to mediate in the issue? It makes me so sad to see them having difficulties in their relationship.
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:01:35 UTC |
You are quite welcome. I am pleased that you have found my extremely wise advice on society, fashion, and living to be of use to you.
I am afraid that you are a bit misguided about my family tree. I am an only child and have recently lost my mother, the late Marie Dubois Peltier. My only living relative is my aunt Mallory, a very rigid woman who resides in France.
Because I value Remus's friendship and respect his right to privacy, I cannot expound on this particular subject. I will say, however, that I do hope whatever problems they are encountering will be resolved.
babytyggeryss @ August 5 2003, 08:10:04 UTC |
Mrs Malfoy,
Thank you for taking time out of your day to answer questions.
My question is: Did you meet Mr Mafloy at Hogwarts? If so, what was he like? Was he Head Boy? Did he play Quidditch?
Thank you again for giving us this opportunity.
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 21:54:37 UTC |
No, I did not meet Lucius at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We were childhood acquaintances, in fact, seeing one another a few times a year. Lucius is a few years older than I so we did not really know one another very well as schoolmates. He was not the athletic type or the sort of boy to be a Prefect, although his marks were certainly high enough to earn him such an honour.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 08:15:36 UTC |
Dear Mrs Malfoy,
Thank you for gracing us with your presence - I must say I have always admired you and your dignity in all situations. Being not much more than a common Muggle myself, I have often pondered what life would be like for a fashionable aristocratic witch such as yourself - would you do me the honour of describing a typical day in your life?
Yours faithfully (or is that sincerely? I must confess I am always confused)
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:14:22 UTC |
I must commend you for your display of sense and sensibility. It is understandable that you would be curious about the lives of the aristocratic and I am more than happy to supply you with an overview of a day in the life of the mistress of a Manor. (Please note that as of late I have not been living day to day like this and rather prefer to do a few things for myself.)
Once I awaken from a peaceful night's sleep, the house elves bring me my morning goblet of freshly squeezed orange juice and teaspoon of tabouli on one cracker. My bedding is then changed and I am assisted into a fabulous morning outfit. After tending to my hair and cosmetics charm, I then will either go about the Manor and oversee cleaning, decorating, party organization, gardening, et cetera or prepare to travel for a social engagement.
During the noon hour I then change into my afternoonwear and take time to read The Daily Prophet and other reputable wizarding literature. After I have taken in as much news as I like and have had my tea, I then put on my casual attire for the day and walk Echo around the grounds. After this is done I don travelling garments and visit with friends or go shopping.
When I return home to the Manor for the evening I am sure to be outfitted in a lovely night time suit and relax with my husband and son. Ususally after tea I either converse with Draco or work on correspondence. It is not unusual for very important people to call upon the Malfoy Manor at this time and I of course act as a gracious hostess.
When it is time to retire for the night, Gunther massages me before I have a soak in the bath and drink my nightcap.
I do hope this provided some sort of insight for you and please remember that this is only an example. It is not how every single day of my life plays out.
As you have never properly met me and am not in my service, 'Sincerely' would certainly suffice.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 01:42:53 UTC |
Thank you ever so much Mrs Malfoy - I must say that was most enlightening. What a delightful life you lead! I must apologise for my courseness regarding the sincerely/faithfully dilemma.
(parent)takeonelook @ August 5 2003, 08:18:02 UTC |
Mrs. Malfoy! How wonderful of you to open yourself up like this. I hope it ends up being a good and worthwhile experience.
Now excuse me if this is too personal, but what do you think of Lucius and Sirius's continuous flirtation? Especially now that it seems to be putting a strain on Remus and Sirius's marriage. Please forgive me if you find this question offensive. That is surely not my intention, I am simply a curious observer.
Thank you for your time Mrs. Malfoy.
Also, congratulations on having such a lovely son. I know you are very proud of him.
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 14:01:11 UTC |
Of course this is Narcissa's question to answer, but I find myself perplexed by this flirtation of which you speak. Engaging another in conversation (and in a public venue, no less) is not flirtation. Hence my conversation with the likes of you.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:17:39 UTC |
A curious observer, indeed. I simply do not see what you do and shall refer you to my husband's response.
You are correct; I am quite proud of my son. He is a brilliant boy, is he not?
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hobaggins @ August 5 2003, 08:21:48 UTC |
Hello Mrs. Malfoy,
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions.
I'd very much like to know the type of student you were growing up. Were you very popular? What were your favorite classes? Did you date much? Who were your closest friends? What activities did you enjoy with them?
Thank you for your time Mrs. Malfoy. And thank you Mz. Peligroso for the opportunity to question Mrs. Malfoy
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:25:53 UTC |
My childhood was ever so fascinating and I am glad to share a bit of it with you.
From a very early age my parents stressed the importance of having a proper education. They were both strong believers that a learned lady was a proper lady and if I was to amount to anything in life I ought to learn, learn, learn! Thus, I was quite the studious girl at school. Although I did study quite a bit, I made time to make a number of friends. I suppose one could say that I was popular as everyone knew my name and, it seemed like, every aspect of my daily life! My favourite classes were Charms and Ancient Runes, although I did wish that we would have had a course on Magic and Crystals. Before I met Lucius, I dated a handful of boys who definitely did not compare to him in the slightest of capacities. I did remain friends with some of them but would not consider any of them to be one of my 'closest' friends. My dearest friend was Aubrey Nott who was unfortunately killed accidentally by an Auror fifteen years ago. She was a lovely girl and I still miss her very much. To pass the time Aubrey and I would design jewelry with our favourite crystals. She was quite adept at silversmithing charms.
lmblackjack21 @ June 19 2004, 21:03:57 UTC |
But you said that you did not meet Lucius at school, but instead were childhood friends. So why would there be a "before you met Lucius"?
(parent)qwyneth @ August 5 2003, 08:56:52 UTC |
Mrs. Malfoy,
Thank you so very much for gracing us with your time and lovely presence! I must say, it is wonderful to be able to speak with such a graceful and dignified person as yourself.
Being an only child myself, I have often wondered whether you always planned on having just Draco, or whether nature decided for you, via miscarriages, stillbirths, sickly infants, or other similar methods?
I hope you do not view my query as being intrusive; my own mother was forced to have only one child because of such tragic occurances, and I can sympathsize, and even somewhat understand, that pain.
Yours in honesty,
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:28:26 UTC |
You have raised a very painful subject and I cannot bear to answer it. Do accept my apologies.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 5 2003, 17:19:04 UTC |
Please accept my humble apologies, Mrs. Malfoy, I did not wish to cause you any discomfort. I was asking out of mere curiousity, being a child of such circumstances myself (this is actually very true). Please bear no ill will towards me because of my undue forwardness.
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 17:29:03 UTC |
Your apologies are both noted and accepted. You were not being forward, merely expressing a curiousity and had no way of knowing that I would become upset. Do not fret, for I bear you no ill will.
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy
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aurorasinger @ August 5 2003, 08:58:35 UTC |
What a wonderful idea, Ms Peligroso!
Mrs Malfoy, would mind telling us how exactly your friendship with Professor Lupin works out when you know that said Professor detests your husband?
Also, how do you feel about Professor Black?
Thank you so much for your time and for giving us the opportunity to satiate our curiosity. I hope, in turn, that this will be beneficial to you as well.
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:34:18 UTC |
Remus is a very dear friend and Lucius is my husband. I respect them both and do wish that they would at least agree to be civil to one another for my sake but I can understand why they cannot do so. Both of them are aware that I am unhappy when they antagonize one another but there is nothing I can really do to change they way they view one another. At times it is hard to be neutral when I know they are having some sort of row but I do try for both their sake. My relationships with them is a completely different and seperate entity from their mutual animosity.
In the past Sirius and I have had our differences but we are able to tolerate one another because of Remus. He makes Remus happy and I am glad for it. I think that over time we have become more accepting of one another and that is quite pleasing to me.
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aurorasinger @ August 5 2003, 17:31:11 UTC |
Thank you very much for your time and thought, Mrs Malfoy. I enjoy reading your journal very much and hope to continue doing so in the future.
(parent)purestblood @ August 5 2003, 13:59:44 UTC |
That's a rather crude and quite personal question. Do not assume that Narcissa and myself do not know the double entendre inherent in your seemingly innocent question regarding various garden vegetables.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 5 2003, 14:21:28 UTC |
No, Im serious.
I think cucumbers are healthy and made right can be delicious.
I do apologise for any misconceptions you may have had, to me it was a very innocent question. Looks like someones mind was in the gutter though...
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 14:23:13 UTC |
I have seen some of the comments you've made. I was merely operating under the assumption that you were styling the question in your usual crude muggle fashion, as befits one of your intellect.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 5 2003, 14:35:05 UTC |
Your such a sweet heart you know?
So, will she answer the question?
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 14:44:26 UTC |
No, you may not. This is Narcissa's journal, not mine and it would be inappropriate for me to draw attention to myself.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 5 2003, 14:50:59 UTC |
Thank you for your time, Mr. Malfoy.
I trust your doing well? At least can I inquire after your health?
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 14:54:24 UTC |
I am in the usual excellent health I always enjoy. Thank you for your concern.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 5 2003, 14:57:58 UTC |
That is good to hear.
Would you pass on a lowly muggles' best wishes for you and your family to Mrs. Malfoy?
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:37:37 UTC |
Oh Anonymous one, do you revel in meandering about concerning yourself with lowly, lewd and thinly-veiled double entendres instead of embracing a life of intellectualism?
Umimpressed, mon ami. Unimpressed.
1anonymous1 @ August 5 2003, 18:56:41 UTC |
I never! Why cant anyone believe that Im truly curious to your choice in vegetables!?
Again, I apologise if I offended you, I do not wish to make any double entendres by any means. Would you prefer I ask a more intellectual question?
Is all this because you really hate cucumbers? And yes, I mean the vegetable.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 10:11:38 UTC |
Hello Mrs. Malfoy! Firstly I must say that I think you are a gracious lady and Draco is lucky to have you as a mother, even if he doesn't always act like it--children will be children, no? :(
For my questions:
1. How did Lucius propose (Did you say yes right away?)
2. How do you feel, knowing that you and Remus are distant cousins?
3. And lastly, how are your flying lessons going?!
Thanks and much love!
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 22:01:55 UTC |
Thank you ever so much for the lovely sentiment! You are correct - children will be children and I do encourage my Little Dragon to express himself fully. After all, if we cannot allow ourselves to speak, think, and act freely, how true to our chis are we being? (Isn't 'chi' a lovely word? I learned it from Hera and I do confess that it is most fun to say!)
1. How did Lucius propose (Did you say yes right away?)
As our marriage was arranged from the time we were small children, Lucius never proposed to me in the traditional way. He did, however, get on bended knee and present me with a flawless 5-carat marquis cut diamond, slipping the ring on my finger and informing me that I would be a lovely Malfoy.
2. How do you feel, knowing that you and Remus are distant cousins?
I am nothing less than extraordinarily pleased, naturally! Remus is a very dear friend and learning that we are relation has only strengthened the already deep feelings of affection that I have for him.
3. And lastly, how are your flying lessons going?!
Quite well, thank you!
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gryffindorckr @ August 5 2003, 10:13:51 UTC |
Mrs. Malfoy,
First, thank you so much for opening yourself to us! It's so grand of you to be taking the time to reach out to us in such a personal manner.
And now for my question: What do you truly think of Miss Bulstrode and Miss Parkinson? Are you glad that Draco has such wonderful and close friends or, considering Draco will soon be graduating from Hogwarts and out on his own, would you rather he spend more time in your company?
Once again, thank you so much!
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:42:46 UTC |
Miss Bulstrode, although at times rather abrasive, is a good friend to my Draco. I do not always approve of her manner but, as she is not my child, it is not my place to correct her. Miss Parkinson should teach Miss Bulstrode proper etiquette one of these days. It is a comfort to me knowing that he has such dependable friends to lean on in times of need. Of course I wish he could spend more time with me but one cannot always get what they want.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 5 2003, 10:31:34 UTC |
Dear Mrs. Malfoy,
I hope you are feeling better. I, too, would love to hear how the flying lessons are going. What kinds of fashions are there for lady fliers?
Also, did you ever find out what happened to young Draco's portrait or why the other paintings were behaving so oddly?
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 16:53:37 UTC |
Dear S.M.,
Thank you so kindly for your well wishes!
My flying lessons are going quite well. Despite the fact that I had something of a spill not long ago, I have persevered and am continuing to get a bit of flying time in every day. Of course I have to be very careful for the next few days as I am still taking draughts for that atrocity I had removed not long ago.
Lady fliers are finally going to be able to be fashionable within a few short weeks! Currently I am wearing a smart outfit from AirArmani that is, regrettably, last season. However, Adamite Sui and Vivienne Westwitch are both releasing a line of Flying Outfits come September! From what I understand, this Season's lady fliers will be outfitted with something called 'arm warmers' and ermine 'drafs' (this is a new accessory by TarPei that is a scarf that drapes - how ingenious!) that protect the neck from the cold. I am also very excited about Mandrago Blahnik's thigh-high all-terrain dragonhide flying boots!
Alas, the portraits are still being very uncooperative and I have yet to find my son's younger portrait likeness. Do not fear, for I am still attempting to get to the bottom of this insidious mystery.
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy
sistermagpie @ August 5 2003, 20:21:48 UTC |
Dear Mrs. Malfoy,
That is good news! The Blahnik boots especially sound like something you will carry off better than most.
I have no doubt you will get through to the portraits. It's unfortunate they are still being difficult while you weren't feeling well.
Sincerely yours,
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 10:43:00 UTC |
Dearest Mrs. Malfoy,
I feel very honored to be able to ask such a graceful lady some questions.
1) What were Draco's first words?
2) Do you have some baby-photos of Your Son and can you show them to us? (we all will be VERY grateful)
3) Did you give little Draco some funny baby-names? What?
4) Children when they are very small often pronounce some words incorrectly and in a very funny way. Did Draco do this to? With what words?
Thank you very much and I sincerely hope that I didn't take too much of your time.
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 14:03:58 UTC |
That last question puts me in mind of young Draco's charming proclamation of all helicopters as "heliopop-pops".
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 14:13:09 UTC |
Charming indeed!
Maybe you could be so magnanimous and try to recall something else?
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 14:21:52 UTC |
These are Narcissa's questions to answer. I would not be so presumptuous as to take over this exercise, styled as it is for her own personal growth.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 14:31:23 UTC |
Somehow I'm sure, that Mrs. Malfoy wouldn't mind you helping her a bit. Also can I dare ask you to give us a tiny part of you precious time and allow to ask you some questions.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 17:00:38 UTC |
1) What were Draco's first words?
I do believe he was quite fond of the word 'me'. I do not think it was his first but it was undeniably the word he relished the most in saying over and over.
2) Do you have some baby-photos of Your Son and can you show them to us? (we all will be VERY grateful)
I do indeed have baby photos of Draco and shall show them to you at a later date. There are so many lovely ones that I will have a hard time deciding which to display!
3) Did you give little Draco some funny baby-names? What?
He was and always will be my Little Dragon. I also used to call him Drakie-do although I am quite sure he is not fond of this moniker. I think it quite adorable, myself.
4) Children when they are very small often pronounce some words incorrectly and in a very funny way. Did Draco do this to? With what words?
"Heliopop-pops" instead of "helicopter" was very endearing. "Poor buddah" instead of "pure blood" also gave me quite a giggle or two.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 17:21:17 UTC |
Little Draco was absolutely charming! (of course I didn't doubt it before but now I even more clearly see what a little darling he was)
And regarding photos I'm 100 % sure that all photos of Your Son are marvelous and you can show us any of them and we'll be delighted. Thank you beforehand.
anjenue @ August 5 2003, 11:15:54 UTC |
Mrs. Malfoy,
You are a positively charming lady and I am forever grateful that you are willing to do this!
My question is rather simple: As a French lady myself, I was curious as to how different life has been between France and the United Kingdom, as far as specifically wizarding society goes. Would you possibly be able to enlighten me?
Merci beaucoup, madame.
A la prochaine,
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 17:25:45 UTC |
There are many differences between the French and British wizarding societies. I could not begin to tell you all of them for fear I should be typing for weeks on end!
One of the major differences that I have found is that French witches and wizards are simply better dressed than those who reside in the United Kingdom. Also, the French wield very fashionable wands that also work exceedingly well. There are, of course, other differences between these two cultures that are of importance but I am not fully aware of as I have been a resident of the United Kingdom for a great many number of years and can no longer claim to be an expert on the French people.
Meilleurs souhaits,
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy
tiamet_nox @ August 5 2003, 11:44:10 UTC |
Mrs. Malfoy,
I'm curious: if the world was a cuban restaruant, which part would you be?
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 17:02:18 UTC |
If the world was a Cuban restaurant, I am afraid that I would have found residence elsewhere.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 11:49:15 UTC |
Should the length of one's hair change with age? Or can one wear one's hair long at any age?
Also - what, in your opinion, is the best type of vodka drink?
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 17:06:01 UTC |
Depending on one's ability to groom oneself, long hair can be worn at any age. However, if a person is particularly careless and does not follow a stringent hygeine routine, I would suggest that they cut their hair very short and live in a sand dune.
The best type of vodka drink is a martini, of course!
primroseburrows @ August 5 2003, 12:37:44 UTC |
Hello, Mrs. Malfoy,
The question I have for you is the same one I gave Prof. Lupin: What is your happiest memory?
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 17:07:30 UTC |
My happiest memory is a very recent one - discovering that my Draco was not seriously injured in that awful incident at Hogwarts. If something were to happen to him, I do not know how I would go on living.
(parent)primroseburrows @ August 5 2003, 21:26:59 UTC |
Draco's lucky to have you. Speaking as a comrade mother, you should tell him this as frequently as possible. Children forget such things. Oh! And my icon is an old picture of my daughter. *g*
dari_brit @ August 5 2003, 13:13:38 UTC |
Dear Mrs. Malfoy,
I've noticed your affinity for gemstones in both their healing and decorative sense. What is your favorite gemstone? Also, what is your favorite piece of jewelry from what I'm sure is an astounding collection?
How did you react when you learned that you were about to become a mother? How did Lucius react?
Finally, does Lucius's work put any strain on your marriage?
Thanks so much!
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 22:16:37 UTC |
My favourite gemstone is, without a doubt, the lepidolite. It's ability to relax me is something I shall never take for granted. As for the piece of jewelry that I most fancy, I would have to direct you to study images of my unique and utterly gorgeous engagment and wedding ring set. It is beyond lovely and transcends 'ethereal.' My Lucius has excellent taste in baubles.
When I learned that I was with child I was very, very nervous. I was only twenty and quite apprehensive about the whole thing, really. Lucius, on the other hand, was as pleased as could be. He immediately began to pamper me a great deal, bringing in the best designers from Milan, Egypt, and Paris to create maternity clothing for me as well as arranging for the gorgeous gazebo that still stands out in the gardents to be built in my honour.
Lucius's work provides our family with income. It does not create a strain on our family.
vellum @ August 5 2003, 13:56:35 UTC |
um... how do you like your tea? what do you think of the rift between your husband and lupin when lupin's such good friends with you?
what's up with the portraits?
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 17:09:43 UTC |
I prefer my tea with lemon, thank you. I have already answered your other questions above, but thank you for asking.
(parent)blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 17:13:12 UTC |
Thank you for expressing concern about my well-being.
I do not feel comfortable discussing this subject at length and must therefore decline to comment.
lore @ August 5 2003, 21:43:37 UTC |
Mrs. Malfoy,
I...I wondered if you knew that we loved you? That many of us, at least, appreciate your participation in this project and delight in your every well chosen word?
Because you should know....
love, lore
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 22:20:38 UTC |
Dear Lore,
I must confess that I had no idea a number of Muggles felt that way! Flattered does not even begin to describe how I feel at the moment!
Best wishes,
Narcissa Peltier Malfoy
tabiji @ August 5 2003, 22:12:59 UTC |
Hello Mrs. Malfoy!
It's wonderful to see that you're up and about. We've been very concerned for your health!
I was wondering if you've ever considered taking a career as a style consultant? Not that you need the money - even we Muggles know that the Malfoy family is fabulously wealthy! I think it would be a great if you would share your impeccable taste with the rest of the world.
Also, could you suggest any beauty tips to us, using products and ingredients that Muggles have access to? Your complexion and hair are always so lovely!
Best wishes for you and yours,
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 22:32:35 UTC |
What a lovely name and a pleasant personality to match! I am very grateful for your concern and compassion.
Although I am interested in fashion and beauty, I daresay that I never once had the notion to channel such a likely into a career. I feel that I have a firm grasp on what is stylish and what is not but I fear I have not the patience to deal with people who are commonly refered to as 'fashion emergencies' and assist them in their endeavor to not look like a homeless gargoyle. Perhaps if a journal such as Witch Weekly approached me to pen a style column, I would consider sharing my views with the world but for now I am content to live my life as it is.
Also, could you suggest any beauty tips to us, using products and ingredients that Muggles have access to?
Witchhazel infusion, witchhazel infusion, witchhazel infusion. I cannot stress this enough.
I do hope this helps you, dear.
tabiji @ August 5 2003, 23:00:38 UTC |
Does Witch Weekly offer a decorating section? You definitely have a flair in that area as well, as seen in the elegance of your home.
Thank you so much, I will definitely look into the witchhazel infusion!
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 23:07:58 UTC |
The editors of Witch Weekly do not have a 'decorating' section. Rather, they have a portion of their folio dedicated to 'style'. I am very pleased that you appreciate the splendour of my home! The photo does capture the elegance of the Malfoy family, most definitely!
Do let me know if I can provide you with any more advice.
blondenarcissa @ August 6 2003, 04:13:28 UTC |
Why, I hardly had to ponder this question at all! A few months ago whilst I had been shopping about in New York City for a business associate, I had heard there was a lovely little musical running in what is called the MePo section of the city and simply had to see what all the fuss was about. The show is called Hedwig and the Angry Inch and it is ever so colourful in every sense of the word and the clothing divine.
(parent)notapipe @ August 6 2003, 04:20:21 UTC |
Thank you. You have great taste, Hedwig is definetly one of my favorites. It's not quite Sweeny Todd, but what is?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ August 6 2003, 04:32:42 UTC |
You are quite welcome and I must return the compliment.
Sweeney Todd is an entity in and of itself.
bookofjude @ August 6 2003, 03:44:00 UTC |
Dear Mrs. Malfoy,
I apologise for having not responded to this post earlier, as had I noted I would have rushed to ask you the question that has been on my mind. Your kind husband tells me that the cane he clutches in the fine portrait of himself was a gift when the two of you were newly affianced, confirming my assumption. Would you be able to tell me where in the world you found such an utterly gorgeous cane, as I do so wonder?
I do thank you for your response, and hope I am not too late.
yours inquisitively, Jude
blondenarcissa @ August 6 2003, 04:49:29 UTC |
Not long after our engagement was announced, Lucius and I had decided to take a tour of some rather underappreciated countries and found ourselves quite taken with Romania. Because he so loves history, I suggested that we travel to Sighisoara to admire the medieval and Gothic architecture. While traversing, we came across the Casa Vlad Dracula. Unfortunately, the home has not been preserved and is now a restaurant that serves the general Muggle population. We were ever so disappointed and had been about to leave the establishment when a man approached us and discreetly informed us that there was a private auction of items that had recently been discovered in a secret room in the building currently going on downstairs. Knowing what we did about the Count, Lucius and I did not hesitate to follow the man (a most agreeable warlock by the name of Catalin Aronovici) to the ongoing auction. It was there that I first laid eyes upon the cane of which my husband is now in possession. I adored it at first sight and knew that Lucius had to have it. Thus, I got into something of a heated bidding war with a most unattractive hag from Brussels but in the end the cane that had once been property of Count Vlad came to belong to my Lucius.
(parent)bookofjude @ August 6 2003, 05:34:19 UTC |
Thank you very much for your swift response, Mrs. Malfoy: it was a most fascinating account of an equally fascinating acquisition. I'm glad that you did manage to outbid such a woman whose beauty would never even come near to being such as yours: beauty of yours could be compared to nothing on this earth, because this earth shudders with awe at every footstep you take.
I bid you well, and thank you once more.
saphywaphy @ August 7 2003, 00:08:13 UTC |
Forgive me for my tardiness, but I was wondering how your husband proposed to you, and what kind of ring he offered to you?
I must compliment you on your vast patience to endure such questions, and offer my sincere thanks.
blondenarcissa @ August 7 2003, 05:40:46 UTC |
Mon ami, the answers to your questions may be found here.
(parent)sincelastjuly @ August 7 2003, 17:02:06 UTC |
If you were under Veritaserum, what's the one question you would most dread answering?
(parent)blondenarcissa @ August 7 2003, 19:09:38 UTC |
Surely you jest! I would not be so foolish as to reveal something as private as that on the entre net! Imagine how horrifying it would be if someone were to place me under such a potion and will know by reading this just what I dreade the most to answer!