purestblood @ 2003-08-05 23:49:00 |
(no title)
Mood: annoyed
Well, Narcissa and Hera have persuaded me, by their best efforts and a liberal application of absinthe martinis, to post in this little community of muggles. Hera insists that it will be good for my personal growth (although I maintain that there's nothing about me that needs to grow, thank you very much) and Narcissa says it will be a bonding experience for us all.
I think I shall express the same sentiments Echo just did: I shall regurgitate a large wad of grass upon the Aubusson.
Very well. Ask what you will. If I am so inclined, I will reply.
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:15:16 UTC |
Narcissa purchases all of our hair care products from the clinic in Austria where she has her monthly facials. I do not know the exact provenance of the products, but I suppose one runespoor placenta is as good as the next. Gunther, our masseuse, is careful to massage us both on a regular basis, so that all toxins and other impurities leave our systems as well. He is quite committed to relieving our stress, and that contributes to our excellent health and appearance.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 5 2003, 22:02:26 UTC |
Mr Malfoy,
Would you ever pressure your son into becoming an active member in any "clubs" or the like you might have an avid, even fanatical interest in?
Would you ever pressure him to disengage in relations with another due to standing animosity between yourself and the object of Draco's attentions' guardians?
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:11:34 UTC |
I assume that by "clubs" you are referring to fraternal organizations of the type you undoubtedly belong to. I have no desire to don a fez and worship a cootie or a many-antlered creature.
That being said, Draco is old enough to make his own decisions. Narcissa and I have raised him most carefully and he is fully aware of the importance of his heritage and the mantle he will eventually carry.
blue_lightning @ August 5 2003, 22:24:48 UTC |
Mr Malfoy,
If, in his actions, he fails to reflect positively upon his heritage and the mantle of which you speak, will you then change your mind about whether he is truly old enough to make his own decisions without intervention on your part?
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:29:18 UTC |
I believe I already answered a set of questions from you.
zhonnika @ August 5 2003, 22:11:10 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy..
My word, I say.. yes, how kind of you to grace us with your handsome self! Can you tell me... what cologne do you wear, because it smells divine! Oh, and inquiring minds want to know, boxers, or briefs?
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:18:04 UTC |
The cologne is called (as translated from the original Transylvanian) "Dark Magic". Narcissa found it in a quaint little shop in Romania and insists on my wearing it.
As to your second question, if you're brave enough to ask it, I daresay you're brave enough to find out for yourself, my dear.
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 22:23:27 UTC |
I daresay she ought to be intelligent enough to know NOT to attempt to find out for herself!
(parent)swallowaspider @ August 5 2003, 22:51:54 UTC |
It's so sad that we as a society lay so much blame on the intervening third party and virtually none on the offending spouse.
Just saying.
blondenarcissa @ August 5 2003, 22:55:31 UTC |
It is equally as sad that some heathens delude themselves into thinking that they are proper members of society in the first place.
(parent)swallowaspider @ August 5 2003, 23:04:37 UTC |
I have never claimed to be a proper member of anything. Aside from Girl Scouts. I won the badge for margarita-mixing TWICE.
(parent)swallowaspider @ August 5 2003, 23:20:27 UTC |
But you're my hero, Mr. Malfoy. Did you ever know that?
(parent)bookofjude @ August 5 2003, 22:18:45 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy,
If you would be so kind to grace us with your air of dignity, and your brilliant wit, where and how did you buy that wondrous cane that so graces your lively portrait? Is it, perhaps, a family heirloom? Or, more likely, a possible engagement gift from your beloved?
I appreciate and await your response.
Kindest regards, Jude.
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:27:56 UTC |
My cane is made of the rarest woods, found only in the heart of deepest Africa. You are quite astute, even if you are named for the patron saint of hopeless causes. However, considering your role as a fairly regular member of this community, perhaps it is not as much a stretch as would appear on first sight. Narcissa gave it to me as a small token of esteem when we were newly affianced, and I found myself quite taken with it. I carry it so that I might be reminded of her, and of my true affiliations.
bookofjude @ August 5 2003, 23:49:29 UTC |
Ah, I suspected as much. I thank you for answering my question, I am content to understand the meaning behind the most well crafted cane I have seen. Thank you, once more.
(parent)tabiji @ August 5 2003, 22:22:05 UTC |
Hello Mr. Malfoy!
Other than Malfoy Manor, and Draco's estate, does your family own other property? Vacation homes? If Mrs. Malfoy's health allows, will you be travelling this summer?
This is really a treat for us! Thank you so much for the opportunity to speak with you! I do hope you have an abundant supply of martinis on hand for this.
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:35:22 UTC |
We have a variety of properties. We have a vineyard in Tuscany, homes in Austria, Bangkok, New York, and Whitsunday Island, Narcissa's chalet, and various other real estate holdings.
We are looking forward to our summer vacation. We will be traveling en famille to the Italian Riviera. Narcissa will then travel to Milan to select fall wardrobes for all of us and join me at the Manor.
As to martinis, your concern is well-founded. I find that I may need a more than adequate supply, indeed.
tabiji @ August 5 2003, 23:29:14 UTC |
New York?! Mr. Malfoy, I do hope it's a place out in the country and not New York City! I must say I can't imagine you'd like it there...too many Muggles, and American Muggles at that! Or is there a wizarding area there?
Is it time for a refill?
swallowaspider @ August 5 2003, 22:22:58 UTC |
After the fantastical mind-journey brought on by Narcissa's pills, did you find it difficult not to become a hopeless junkie, giving handjobs for generic ritalin and whatnot?
(parent)purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:31:33 UTC |
No. With great effort, I restrained myself from following in the footsteps of your parents.
(parent)swallowaspider @ August 5 2003, 22:34:20 UTC |
It's a pity. My dad tells me you've got a kung-fu grip and a talent for slapping together makeshift lubricants.
(parent)purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:37:57 UTC |
Ah yes. I'm familiar with the type of family you undoubtedly hail from. Tell me, how does one list a sheep as one's mother on one's birth certificate?
(parent)swallowaspider @ August 5 2003, 22:41:20 UTC |
Have you forgotten already? Draco's birth wasn't that long ago.
(parent)purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:43:02 UTC |
I do not have, nor have I ever had, political aspirations. My true calling lies outside the field of politics, and I have no desire to put my talents to use as Minister of Magic. Certainly there are plenty of lackeys who will fulfill the job admirably. As to changing the image of the office, my first step would be to remove the "Lion King" figurines. Honestly. Muggle toys in the Minister of Magic's office? There are standards.
As to my favorite locations in the world, I'd have to say Cairo. Narcissa and I went there on our honeymoon and the history there is just fascinating, as is the craftsmanship of the jewelry.
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:54:49 UTC |
I find myself intrigued by your icon. You have excellent taste.
(parent)zorb @ August 5 2003, 23:29:36 UTC |
As to changing the image of the office, my first step would be to remove the "Lion King" figurines.
Were I an English witch, I would vote for you just for that.
However, I might also send you some replacements.
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girlikethat @ August 5 2003, 22:29:13 UTC |
Hello, mister!
Do you like my icon? Are you a fan of Snape Dogg? I <3 him! XD
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:45:27 UTC |
Your icon is very indicative of your non-existent attention span.
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:52:07 UTC |
Severus Snape is a man of many talents, few of which the majority will ever see.
(parent)purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:56:46 UTC |
Learn to address your superiors in a respectful manner, lose the comma splices, and perhaps I will reply.
(parent)swallowaspider @ August 5 2003, 23:17:53 UTC |
Please take pity on my dear friend girlikethat. She'd like you to know that she has recently lost her Dickie and is cold and dead inside. I'd like you to know that these two phenomena are unrelated to one another.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 22:39:40 UTC |
What qualities do you admire most in Draco, Mrs Malfoy and Professor Black?
Do you plan to change your hairstyle any times soon? If so, which hairstyle would you like to have ?
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:50:00 UTC |
In Draco, I admire his intelligence and his tenacity, though it can be wearying at times.
In Narcissa, I admire her sense of style, her attention to detail (she knows, for example, that my mint leaves must be bruised and not torn for my juleps), her laugh, her charm, and her intelligence. We spend hours talking about anything and everything.
In Professor Black, I admire his flexibility.
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:51:13 UTC |
As to my hairstyle, I must defer to Narcissa on that question. She likes my hair long. Should I ever desire another hairstyle, hers is the opinion I would seek.
(parent)purestblood @ August 5 2003, 22:53:27 UTC |
If you don't even have the fortitude to identify yourself when asking such a crude question, I certainly am not going to dignify you with my response.
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deadspiders @ August 6 2003, 07:15:19 UTC |
Okay, so I'll ask. I'm identified, as you can see.
I repeat the question: Who's better in bed - Sirius or Narcissa? You've already said you admire Sirius' flexibility.
anjenue @ August 5 2003, 22:53:22 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy,
First of all, I should like to express my sincere gratitude that you are willing to take time out of your busy life to deign to converse with us tedious Muggles.
That being said, if you could choose a favourite room in your home, which would it be and why?
Sincerest regards,
purestblood @ August 5 2003, 23:00:24 UTC |
My favorite room is the library. It's several stories, with floor to ceiling books, on every topic imaginable. Narcissa has seen to it that it is furnished exquisitely, and I often retire there to read, catch up with correspondence to colleagues, or simply to address life's little concerns.
(parent)anjenue @ August 5 2003, 23:02:37 UTC |
That sounds positively delightful. Thank you again, sir.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 23:06:56 UTC |
Dear Sir,
When you look at your son, what do you see? Do you see yourself? His mother?
I thank you most sincerely for your time.
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 11:07:18 UTC |
I see both of us, actually. He has Narcissa's fine features, and my coloring. His personality is a mix of both of us, with qualities that are unique only to him. His strong sense of self he got from his mother, as well as his sense of loyalty. His tenacity and curiosity came from myself.
(parent)vellum @ August 5 2003, 23:13:18 UTC |
to help out anon up there: who's better in bed? narcissa or black?
miss me?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 11:09:01 UTC |
Ah, you'd love me to answer the question, wouldn't you? I suggest you peruse the historical fiction section of your local bookstore, that your desire for cheap titillation be fulfilled.
That being said, I really can't say one is better than the other. They are both completely different, with very few commonalities to remark upon.
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Anonymous @ August 5 2003, 23:16:04 UTC |
How long have you known Mr. Arthur Weasley?
Why does he seem to dislike you so much?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 11:11:42 UTC |
I have known Arthur since school. We were, of course, in different houses but rest assured that his exquisite fashion taste and fascination with plugs remains the same today as then. I, myself, do wonder if he's found an outlet for his plugs, being that there seems to be a dearth of them in the Weasley household at present.
As to why he dislikes me, I really have no idea. We are often intimidated by those superior to us, and oftentimes one becomes hostile in order to compensate for said feelings of intimidation.
zionsstarfish @ August 5 2003, 23:21:32 UTC |
Hello, Mr. Malfoy:
If you could add one course to the curriculum at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Thank you,
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 11:13:50 UTC |
I find it quite heartening that they practice "Defence against the Dark Arts" but, to my thinking, one cannot truly defend oneself against a spell without knowing the theory behind the spells and the impetus or motivations thereof. Therefore, a course in the theory of magic would be quite useful and, I daresay in these most troubled times, most timely.
(parent)zorb @ August 5 2003, 23:34:36 UTC |
*snags question from meme-land*
You're being forced to live on a deserted island with no means of escaping (that includes wands and powerful friends). What three books do you bring?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 11:52:00 UTC |
Ah. Interesting question, though a bit puerile. However, you've intrigued me and I shall attempt to assuage your curiosity.
"David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens (Yes, he was a wizard)
"Moby Dick" by Herman Melville (Ah, but we all have our white whales, do we not?)
"Chronicles of the Pharaohs: A History of Pre-Napoleonic Egypt" by Artemis Hexard
flourish @ August 5 2003, 23:35:14 UTC |
How old were you and Narcissa when you wed? And what was the ceremony like?
Me too, please: boxers or briefs?
el_erzulie @ August 6 2003, 00:01:00 UTC |
I think we give dear Lucius little credit. With his exuberant flair, I'm sure he could pull off commando like none other.
(parent)bookofjude @ August 6 2003, 00:54:07 UTC |
Certainly. I believe, however, that he's more likely to go with the traditional aspect of briefs/underwear, rather than the more popular and modern boxers. Also, the fact that boxers do crumple something terrible and therefore it's almost impossible to wear them without making a large, noticable disturbence with the fabric. At least, that's something I've found.
I also find it more like that a pureblood Wizard of Lucius' notoriety would have a more traditionlistic outlook on the type of under-clothing that he wears. Hence, briefs/underwear.
I could, of course, be very wrong...
notapipe @ August 6 2003, 03:47:13 UTC |
But we must remember, he's a wizard, and thus his traditional attire is the robe, so the noticability factor just doesn't exist.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 6 2003, 06:10:07 UTC |
See, i agree with the commando girl. He would see himself as being too good for normal manners of underwear, plus they might hinder him as he's going for a bit of quickie "relaxation." After all, I can see him thinking that aristocratic purebloods like him simply are too good for petty things such as underwear.
Course, there's always the thong.
notapipe @ August 6 2003, 15:48:18 UTC |
So I guess I should count myself lucky that I don't see his appeal, eh?
(parent)notapipe @ August 7 2003, 02:03:13 UTC |
I'm just a listmaking bitch then. Okay. I'll just assume you're not talking just "do I like the character" but "do I want them", because that's easier. In no particular order, though there is sort of an order. I also think these lists are dumb and horribly misleading for some reason.
Snarky!Harry at the beginning of OotP
Sirius, if he wasn't such a fuckoff
Radical readings of Draco (the Harry is a blind motherfucker reading)
The occasional Harry
the occasional Hermoine
Zacharias, who is also beautiful because he is a parody of himself
Oliver Wood
Emma if she sticks around for GoF, now she's still kinda pedo
Snape, sorta, his voice, his movements...
Draco's neck
TomMr. Dursley
knight_to_h3 when he is yelling
onourbrooms (because dykey hair and weirdass eyes are hot)
la_pensee though only for the reason M.B. mentioned
notapipe @ August 7 2003, 05:14:46 UTC |
I'm not saying Zacharias isn't beautiful in OotP, just that some varieties of fanon!Zacharias were, right out of the gate, a parody of fanon!Zacharias, it's some sort of weird reciprocal thing, and very cool.
a. not exactly, Snape was described as gliding and having a melliflous voice in canon IIRC, Rickman just made it very concrete, real, and so much... more.
b. I'm not sure, it's just a very sexy neck. How the fuck do you qualify a sexy neck?
I'm not saying she's a lesbian, just that she has a very dykey hairstyle. Though I think she is bi or lesbian, if I trust myself.
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charball @ August 6 2003, 10:23:24 UTC |
but isn't he a man of style? i would expect boxers, possibly silk. or boxer-briefs. definitely not tighty-whities though. something name brand. or maybe narcissa picks them for him.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 6 2003, 13:34:48 UTC |
I agree, but to me there's something...honest and open, and even a little vulnerable about a man in boxers. Thongs or commando give the feeling of power. Boxer-briefs are inbetween, but somehow I don't know if I see him wearing them. Briefs I could *possibly*, but only if they were black or dark colors. Just my two cents.
Also, note to all guys out there: If you're gonna wear boxer-briefs, WEAR THEM TIGHT. If you wearing them loose they look all saggy and utterly NOT sexy. Trust me on this.
notapipe @ August 6 2003, 16:02:26 UTC |
I'm sure all, what, two, three of us? (I'm just assuming there's a third lurking, to be generous) will keep that in mind.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 6 2003, 19:31:47 UTC |
Lol. Yeah, i'm really preaching to a crowd here, eh? Meh, I was just bitching. It's been bugging me for awhile. Guy I dated recently, and previously too many guys in saggy bbs in one drunken night overloaded my system....er....long story....my friends and I had an interesting night a year or two back. Struck a bargain where the guys dropped their pants if the girls shed their shirts. Never seen so many baggy bbs. Never seen pants fall so fast either.
Hm. That was a fun night. Had a blast hanging out on the sidewalk in my bra. We should do that again.
Also, I have to say that I'm not much of a Lucius fan either, to be honest. Doesn't quite turn me on. It's always fun fanning the flames though.
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 19:47:00 UTC |
I am heartened that you feel so comfortable as to comment upon your dislike for me in my own journal. Narcissa has always stressed the importance of putting her guests at ease, and she will be happy to know that I have succeeded.
(parent)notapipe @ August 7 2003, 02:05:33 UTC |
Just because someone doesn't find you hot doesn't mean they don't like you as a person. Don't let it get to you, Mr. Malfoy.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 7 2003, 06:23:50 UTC |
Dear me, Mr. Malfoy, did I strike a nerve? I do apologize, but as Mr. notapipe said, not finding you hot does not equate dislike. I feel certain, however, that your wife will most heartily approve that I don't find you incredibly deluctable. I happen to prefer single men, and as I am a but a handful of years older than your son, perhaps it's all for the best.
Oh, and I believe the word you were looking for was *entry*, not journal.
Also, Mr. Malfoy, you no longer belong the the death eaters community. What happened? Was there a falling out? It's always so disheartening when one has a disagreement with ones friends.
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 19:56:41 UTC |
Narcissa was but nineteen when we wed. I was twenty-four. The wedding was lovely, and Narcissa's mother saw to it that it was quite the social event of the season. The day passed quickly, but a few things stand out in my mind: the flowers, and the first time I saw Narcissa in her wedding gown. I do believe she has posted pictures from our wedding on her journal; perhaps she would do so again were you to ask.
(parent)nabiki @ August 6 2003, 00:00:26 UTC |
Mr Malfoy,
Do you find Miss Parkinson to be an acceptable match for your son? What would you, if it were possible, choose for a future profession or career path for young Master Malfoy?
Thank you for your time!
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 11:55:04 UTC |
Miss Parkinson has certainly improved upon her return from France. However, given her prediliction for older wizards; in particular, red-headed, married, financially challenged ones, I do not feel that she is an appropriate match for Draco any longer. Narcissa and I are exploring other possibilities for him.
As to a future professionn for Draco (you may refer to him as "Mister" given his age), I confess it would fill me with pride to see him follow in the vaunted footsteps of his father, grandfather, and many Malfoys before them.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 00:32:37 UTC |
Dobby would like Mr. Lucius Malfoy to know that Dobby still has that box of photographs of Sir with the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, and also that Dobby knows all about Sir's involvement with the Thai bordello and the strawberry-flavored lubricant. If Sir does not leave four thousand galleons in a nondescript burlap sack underneath the third table from the left at Florean Fortescue's on Diagon Alley at three o'clock tomorrow morning, Dobby will write a tell-all about his days as Mister Lucius Malfoy's house-elf. Dobby already has a tentative deal with Sugar Quill Publishing.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 6 2003, 07:43:00 UTC |
LMAO!!! Niiiiiiiiiice. So, um, when can we expect the tell all?
(parent)purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:29:12 UTC |
Mr. Lucius Malfoy would like to inform Dobby that he, Mr. Malfoy, is quite aware of Dobby's prediliction for the hippogryff heads in the billiard room, and of Dobby's unnatural attachment to Albus Dumbledore's unmentionables.
As to my adventures while I was a student, I find myself perplexed as to your alleged knowledge, being that I was attending Hogwarts and you were bound to Malfoy Manor.
Sugar Quill Publishing? That alone tells us all we need to know.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 00:43:59 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy,
What do you and Draco have most in common (besides good looks)?
Does it ever bother you that Professor Black often shows hostility towards Draco?
What's your idea of a perfect day?
Thank you.
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:33:09 UTC |
Give the muggles a taste and they come swarming back for more, don't they?
Draco and I are both rather strong-willed, and we have strong personalities. I'd say that's our most commonly shared asset. There are others, however, of which I shall not speak.
As to Professor Black, he is free to feel the way he feels. His true nature will out, as it always has. He certainly has my sympathies with the current state of his marriage. Not everyone can be as happy as Narcissa and I, though I do wish the newlyweds well.
A perfect day? Ah. I won't bore you with detail, but suffice it to say that Narcissa, Gunther, and perhaps tea with Professor Black all figure prominently in it.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 01:11:56 UTC |
Thank you for your time, sir. Regarding questions for you, I am most curious about your past:
Do you have any particular favorite memories that you would like to share with us: Of your childhood? At Hogwarts? Of your family?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:37:04 UTC |
My childhood is dominated by one memory: I was twelve or so, and Narcissa and I had a secret treehouse. We spend many lazy summer afternoons in the shadows of the leaves, laughing and playing Healer.
My school years were unremarkable for the most part, though I do remember the first time I kissed Narcissa. It was a giddy, heady feeling, and we recapture it every time we touch.
Family: I look back fondly over the course of Narcissa's pregnancy, including the moment when I first learned of Draco's impending arrival, and the birth of Draco. He has been a quite acceptable heir.
steph_hime @ August 6 2003, 01:13:19 UTC |
Mr Malfoy,
Do you think that Draco and Harry would make a cute couple? I asked your wife, but she hasn't answered me.
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:38:34 UTC |
If you are given to imagining strange pairings in your mind, you'd do well to ponder the mystery that is Arthur and Molly Weasley, or even James and Lily Potter, rather than making up strange permutations of people that have no basis in reality.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 7 2003, 02:20:22 UTC |
Surely you've noticed their flirting Mr Malfoy, and the hidden comment conversations?
swallowaspider @ August 6 2003, 01:29:53 UTC |
When I first saw you in Flourish and Blotts, I thought that your ghetto pimp serpent cane was some sort of scary claw hand reminiscent of the villain on Inspector Gadget. This isn't a question.
(parent)purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:40:27 UTC |
Of course it isn't a question. Those who are intellectually challenged and deprived of normal social skills often find it difficult to muster the interrogatory talents to further learn about the world around them.
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hobaggins @ August 6 2003, 02:31:30 UTC |
Mr Malfoy,
I was wondering, as others have done already, about your hair. Mine, however, is a question of the past: How did you have your hair cut when you were younger? Did you always favor it long? Have you always fancied velvet ribbons as ties? Do, please, engage us with the History of the Hair.
Most Curiously,
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:43:53 UTC |
I've experimented with a variety of styles during my tenure upon this earth. As a child, it was short, but I let it grow once at Hogwarts. Narcissa and I both prefer it long.
As to ties, I only use velvet ribbons after five, and rarely in the summer. During the day, I favor silk or satin. Narcissa has ribbons made to match my every outfit. The importance of accessories cannot be stressed enough. I tie my hair back on certain occasions, or when long hair would only serve to obscure the focus of my attention.
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kearie @ August 11 2003, 17:09:43 UTC |
I just needed to tell you that your icon is the greatest thing EVER!
(parent)purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:49:06 UTC |
I do confess to an attachment to a muggle car I saw once: a 1927 Stutz Bearcat. I would not be averse to owning one.
I have never been to a muggle movie, so I cannot speculate upon the entertainment value thereof. I am given to understand that muggles find them quite fascinating, however, which tells me more about the entertainment's societal value than you might realize.
I always enjoy London, and often take the opportunity to take tea with various friends and colleages.
The Cannes estate is Draco's, so, as its master, he is entirely free to stay there alone if he so desires, though he has not expressed a wish to do so as of this writing.
As to the "encounter", yes, I'm sure your mind leaped to its habitual residing place in the gutter. Rest assured that our childhood encounters were entirely innocent and incident-free. If you find that Narcissa and I talking about our childhood puts you in mind of an average day with your father in your past, I am sure Hera can suggest an excellent therapist.
acetal @ August 6 2003, 17:16:37 UTC |
Playing Healer, eh? That particular game is well-known for being `entirely innocent and incident-free'.
Of course, there was also that book recommendation. Perhaps, since you seem so keen for Mr Weasley to read it, you could lend him your own, doubtlessly well-thumbed, copy? Unless you have had the bad taste to highlight favourite passages, that is.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 03:26:08 UTC |
Dear Mr. Malfoy,
Would you like to have one more child? If yes would you like it to be a girl or a boy? How would you name him/her?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:50:38 UTC |
I hesitate to speculate upon hypothetical situations, since I fear deviating from the true course of rectitude. I am content with the family I have.
(parent)notapipe @ August 6 2003, 03:37:31 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy, thanks for giving us this wonderful opportunity, and pass my thanks on to Narcissa and Ms. Peligriso (she IS a Ms, is she not?).
What are your favorite musicals?
What is your greatest regret in life?
Have you ever considered doing something about your nose?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:55:05 UTC |
Ms. Peligroso is, in every conceivable permutation of the word, a "Ms.". Your instincts are entirely correct in that regard. As to musicals, I fail to see their continued acclaim as a form of entertainment but, if forced, I will submit to seeing "Kneazles".
I do not have any regrets in life. I leave that to those of you who spend your time engaging in conversations with individuals such as Remus Lupin and Arthur Weasley, rather than searching for opportunities with which to better yourselves.
My physical appearance is, to mine and Narcissa's eyes, entirely acceptable. So much so that I choose to display a likeness of myself with every post I write. I might add that you have not been so forthcoming.
ritergirl @ August 6 2003, 04:34:25 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy, I must ask,
Did you know James Potter at all? If so, what did you think of him?
What would be your oppinion of Harry Potter if he were to have been placed in Slytherin?
Also, what are your thoughts on the word 'shiny'?
You do have a lovely, lovely cane, Lucius. I trust you use it well.
With respect,
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 20:05:18 UTC |
I knew of James Potter, but we were not friends. He was also younger than I. Certainly we faced each other on the Quidditch field. My main impression of him is that of a peacock, strutting and shaking his tailfeathers at all pretty females in the vicinity.
As to Mr. Potter's placement in Slytherin, I daresay I would have been a bit surprised, but not unduly so. Still waters often run deep, and, in Mr. Potter's case, I think we have no idea just how deep or how dark.
I must regretfully decline to answer any questions as to the word "shiny" unless you are referring to baubles for Narcissa, in which case I maintain that the shiner they are, the better.
As to the cane, it is a quite prized possession and I thank you for your compliment.
saffronlie @ August 6 2003, 05:43:02 UTC |
Malfoy Snr,
I noticed your referral to the patron saint of hope for the hopeless -- could you share the extent of your knowledge of Muggle religion and how you came to gain it?
Does the hair require a lot of peroxide, and have you noticed any ill-effects of this on your scalp and/or brain cells?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:57:23 UTC |
I know little of Muggle religion, to be honest. My mother, however, was Catholic, and has continued certain practices throughout her life, most notably whenever my father is present. What little I know of Muggle religion I learned from her.
My hair is entirely natural and, unlike the majority of my interviewers, I do have matching collar and cuffs.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 06:03:03 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy,
Does Draco still talk about Harry Potter with you as often as when he was young? Or other friends?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 12:58:43 UTC |
Draco talks about all of his friends and his experiences at school in more or less equal measure. I do not recall any one person being remarked upon more than any other.
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aurorasinger @ August 6 2003, 06:59:42 UTC |
This is interesting; the great Lucius Malfoy has offered to open himself up (figuratively, I'm sure) to Muggles for questioning. I commend you (as well as your wife and Ms Peligroso).
I would like to take this opportunity to say that your journal provides us with an endless source of interest and amusement.
That said, I have a few questions for you:
1) What do you think of any possible relationship between Draco and Harry, be it friendship or something more?
2) Do you object to the friendship between your wife and Professor Lupin? If so, do you plan on taking any action to bar it?
3) Why exactly do you have a free account? I would have thought that a wealthy man such as yourself would almost certainly get a paid account.
Thank you ever so much for giving us Muggles this wonderful opportunity to get to know a bit more abou you.
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 13:03:54 UTC |
Draco and Harry already have a relationship. They are schoolmates and Seekers on their respective Quidditch teams. I confess that I do not have any strong feelings regarding this matter.
Narcissa and Remus are friends and distant cousins. I would not be so tyrannical as to bar Narcissa from seeking company with those who give her pleasure, nor would I deprive her of the comfort of family. She is a grown woman.
I see no need to spend money on anything unless I can ascertain a clear return on my investment. Frivolous things such as a "paid" account serve no purpose other than to render the owner with a dubious sense of self-importance.
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 13:05:20 UTC |
Before I start exploring the suggestions of anatomical impossibilities, I would ask that you enlighten me as to the exact nature of said "Klondike Bar".
(parent)eponis @ August 6 2003, 09:45:24 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy,
Thank you for opening yourself to these questions. I have two questions:
During the online conversation that resulted from certain revelations about Harry Potter on April 25, you commented to Draco: "I leave you with a thought. When casting aspersions blindly, and reviling others for what they are, you might consider that such aspersions hit far closer to home than you realize." Was this comment a reference to your own relationships with Sirius and others, to Draco himself and his own preferences, or to something else entirely?
Also: what is your opinion on the developing relationship between Harry and Draco, given that Harry's mother was Muggle-born and that Harry has made some very extreme accusations about your character and associations in the past?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 13:11:24 UTC |
I must compliment you on your flawless memory. Are you eidetic? Were you a wizard, I daresay we'd have need of you in the Ministry. My comment to Draco was simply what it was: a comment. It is my job, as a parent, to guide Draco and help him learn from the consequences of his actions. Any inferences Draco may have drawn from my comment are solely his province.
I believe I have answered the question of my feelings toward Draco's and Mr. Potter's "relationship". I have no control over the fact that they are schoolmates and Quidditch rivals, and I daresay Mr. Potter has served, and will yet serve, to illustrate several very valuable life lessons to all who witness.
I did not know Lily Evans except in passing. Her choices were her choices, and she and those left behind must live with the consequences of her choices and the actions thereof. As to Mr. Potter's aspersions upon my character, I would simply ask that you consider the source. Few consider him to be the Oracle of Delphi, and with quite good reason; however, it is my utmost wish that Mr. Potter recieves all the help he needs to become a valuable and contributing member of society.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 13:11:04 UTC |
Dear Mr. Malfoy,
I have a question for you and I hope it's not too personal:
What would you do if Narcissa was indeed muggle-born?
Thank you
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 13:12:35 UTC |
I find myself reluctant to speculate upon theoretical situations, and, as such, must decline to answer. Narcissa is indeed a pureblood, so your question is moot.
(parent)primroseburrows @ August 6 2003, 13:42:06 UTC |
Mr Malfoy,
If I may, I'll ask you the same question I've already asked your lovely wife and Professor Lupin: What is your happiest memory?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 20:07:13 UTC |
I have quite a variety to choose from, but to pick just one... It would have to be the day I learned of Narcissa's pregnancy with Draco. She was unsure of her parenting skills but I think she has proved herself entirely adequate to the task.
(parent)qwyneth @ August 6 2003, 13:49:59 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy,
Several of your answers have mentioned Egypt, including choosing Cairo as a favourite location and a history book as one of your "desert island books." Why the fascination with Egypt? Is there any special signifigance?
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 20:10:34 UTC |
I have always been fascinated with history, and with that of ancient Egypt in particular. When I was a child, a family friend had given me a daybook and on each facing page was a picture of one of the treasures found in Tutankhamen's (nee Tutankhaten) tomb. I found myself wondering what it must have been like to open the tomb and expose the items within; items that had been sealed away and waiting for three thousand years as empires rose and fell, dictators came and went, nations changed names... but yet, in a small, overlooked tomb, time stood still. For some reason, this captured my interest and has done ever since.
(parent)dari_brit @ August 6 2003, 14:07:32 UTC |
Dear Mr. Malfoy,
What sort of relationship did you have with your father and mother?
Can you tell us about your schooldays? What subjects did you excel in? Who was your favorite teacher?
Also, do you have a favorite piece of artwork?
Thank you for your time!
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 20:23:22 UTC |
My parents, Edward and Victoria, were a guiding force in my life, and still are. I have nothing but the utmost respect for them both.
I enjoyed school, and still enjoy learning. My favorite subject would have been History of Magic, were it not for the professor, so, in lieu of that, I'll say potions. I loved the end result of my labors; one that is much more than the sum of its parts. I was a quite good student and brought home top marks.
As to artwork, I favor the clean, spare lines of a Mondrian, though I confess to a liking for the works of Seurat as well. Picasso and Dali worry me. Narcissa and I go to Egypt, Greece, and Italy quite often and partake of the statuary and the ruins; I favor art deco when it comes to my surroundings. I do enjoy Blake's work, both his painting and his poetry.
anjaliesque @ August 6 2003, 16:40:25 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy,
I hope to find you in good health. Now, I am normally not the type to ask this sort of question. Rather hopeless in the kitchen, am I.
But I find myself intrigued. Do you have something against cucumbers, sir? I've always found them remarkably tasty in small crustless sandwiches.
Mildly puzzled,
(Also, to stay with the times- Boxer or briefs, sir?)
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 20:26:59 UTC |
I confess that I do enjoy cucumber sandwiches with tea, and I like them in salads and sushi. I deign to answer your question simply because it was respectfully submitted.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 17:25:16 UTC |
Do you engage in civil conversation, tolerating serious and frivolous questions alike, with all populations you cannot wait to see exterminated?
Or do we have the honour of being the exception to the rule?
Yours truly,
A Muggle
purestblood @ August 6 2003, 20:29:07 UTC |
I fail to see why you are laboring under the assumption that I wish to see all muggles exterminated. Certainly they do serve to fill a certain role, and I would never stand in the way of that.
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Anonymous @ August 6 2003, 22:06:51 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy,
May I inquire as to why you refused to purchase a boat for Miss Bulstrode?
purestblood @ August 7 2003, 17:56:28 UTC |
If Miss Bulstrode finds herself in need of watercraft, her family has more than adequate means to see that she is supplied to her heart's content.
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Anonymous @ August 7 2003, 09:32:27 UTC |
Dear Mr. Malfoy,
What is your favorite food?
Why was the name "Draco" chosen for your son? It is a lovely name, though rather unusual.
purestblood @ August 7 2003, 17:55:19 UTC |
My favorite food... I'd have to say the hummus from this wonderful little cafe Narcissa and I found while traversing one day in Cairo.
As to your second question: he was named for the constellation, for reasons which Narcissa and I will not divulge.
sincelastjuly @ August 7 2003, 17:01:17 UTC |
If you were under Veritaserum, what's the one question you would most dread answering?
(Lucius, you rock my world. :P)
purestblood @ August 7 2003, 17:53:00 UTC |
An intriguing question, if facile. I would say that the question I'd most dread would be "What's the worst thing you've ever done?"
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Anonymous @ August 7 2003, 18:59:26 UTC |
What will you do about your new baby? (Narcissa is pregnant right now, right? She's been eating all these weird new foods and gaining weight and feeling tired... and people have been giving her presents for a baby. I recently had a baby myself, so I recognize all the signs! Not that they're hard to figure out anyway.)
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Anonymous @ August 9 2003, 17:33:31 UTC |
You are an idiot. Have you not read NA for the past month or so?
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girlikethat @ August 8 2003, 16:40:21 UTC |
What do I need to do to get into Severus Snape's pants?
(parent)morganmalfoy @ August 8 2003, 17:29:05 UTC |
Out of Lupin, Black, and Snape, which are tops and which are bottoms? And who was the best lay?
purestblood @ August 8 2003, 18:25:09 UTC |
As to Lupin, I cannot say. I have heard, from other sources, but am reluctant to pass on information that could be classified as hearsay.
Severus is rather rigid in his desires, but I have found that he quite enjoys a corset and silk panties. He was usually on the bottom.
Sirius was quite creative and very passionate. It was, of course, a very long time ago, but I recall it fondly. He was usually on top.
I would say, of the two, I'd have to tip my hat to Sirius, simply for that growl thing he did and the sheer inventiveness and enthusiasm he brought to the proceedings.
purestblood @ August 8 2003, 18:17:30 UTC |
Actually, in canines, I prefer Great Pyrenees.
Thank you for your assistance in my endeavour to lift this matter out of the gutter where some appear to reside permanently.