therealycats @ 2003-08-07 22:23:00 |
Mood: amused
Sorry, I don't know if intro posts are form here but I'm gonna do one anyway *blush* I was directed here and to NA a while ago by saffronlie and I've been watching for some time now, and given the hilarity which I've recently seen I figured why not go ahead and join and stop being a chicken about it. :)! :D
therealycats @ August 7 2003, 20:32:21 UTC |
Getting there...I've just been enjoying Sevvie's posts in here...I'm waiting to see if anyone asks about the gray holey underpants...perhaps that's when he started going commando? :o
(parent)therealycats @ August 7 2003, 21:00:53 UTC |
And who WOULDN'T want to have cute little Sevvie-Poos running around! Awwwwwww! *pinches Sevvie-Poo's cheek*
(parent)therealycats @ August 8 2003, 07:02:58 UTC |
Eh, maybe, but who really cares what he thinks anyway 8)
Surely though he would like to have his gene pool continued, even if he can't stand children. I bet he's donated to a wizard sperm bank!
notapipe @ August 7 2003, 20:37:50 UTC |
This message brought to you by the official n00b officer.
therealycats @ August 7 2003, 20:49:45 UTC |
Thank you muchly :) I will do my best not to break any newbie laws 8)
(parent)therealycats @ August 7 2003, 21:00:06 UTC |
I dunno? Do you? Being an officer and all, I figured you would know :D
(parent)imochan @ August 7 2003, 21:04:13 UTC |
Oh, don't mind him, he's just being voluminous. ;D
notapipe @ August 7 2003, 21:09:01 UTC |
MIND ME! MIND ME! *jumps up and down waving his arms insanely*
Point of information: What definition of voluminous does me saying "yo" fit?
imochan @ August 7 2003, 21:13:27 UTC |
You are very coil-esque. In a good way. :D Also, the eyebrows. <3
your fish in said motherfucking icon is the most wonderful thing i have ever seen.
therealycats @ August 8 2003, 07:01:09 UTC |
I'll agree with the coil one. That's what I was going to say anyway 8)
(parent)notapipe @ August 7 2003, 21:06:53 UTC |
How the hell should I know? I've only been on this horrible job for two days so give me a break, kay?
(parent)qwyneth @ August 8 2003, 06:30:22 UTC |
Eep! Was there one before you? ::wibbles cause she just blasted in and started talking:: Um, hi, you guys rock, N_A rocks, I wsa directed by littletort, I generally post from work as I have no scruples, but that generally means that I don't pay as much attention to my typing which results in typos...
therealycats @ August 8 2003, 07:07:54 UTC |
Ha! Um...thanks? Have just been informed by friend that am brave (or something like that; too lazy to scroll up in conversation) for making intro post. Am confused by this knowledge *shrug*
larks @ August 8 2003, 05:53:01 UTC |
lol, blame has to go somewhere, I shall now blame you also! :D *muah*
(parent)saffronlie @ August 8 2003, 07:08:41 UTC |
Oh, now that's hardly fair. Don't I blame you for fandom in general?! :p
(parent)therealycats @ August 8 2003, 07:14:51 UTC |
But it IS. You're not going to send me more glitter are you? :|