bookofjude @ 2003-08-09 18:07:00

Narcissa worries
Narcissa posts, worried about Weetzie, who appears to have been run over by a taxi.

Can anyone join me in saying ow?


tiamet_nox @ August 9 2003, 01:08:08 UTC



untiemybinds @ August 9 2003, 01:11:18 UTC

That would hurt.

And the fact that no one helped her because she was "being a house-elf" makes me want to join up with S.P.E.W. very badly. Jerks.

The Changs are obviously very nice people though.


bookofjude @ August 9 2003, 01:19:28 UTC


*buys a SPEW badge*


muggleangel @ August 9 2003, 10:48:08 UTC

And on that note,

NA Hermione's Spew Online
