wheresmytoad @ 2003-08-09 23:44:00 |
(no title)
Do any of you have questions for me? (but p'rhaps you won't because I'm not particularly interesting? If so, never mind, carry on.)
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Anonymous @ August 9 2003, 21:45:29 UTC |
Do you know what Sara's favorite flower is? If so, would you consider giving her a bouquet of them?
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 21:51:55 UTC |
She likes sweet peas! Haven't given her any bouquets yet (other than, you know, when we're clipping and gathering flowers from the cutting garden to be put in vases for the great house (Heaton Hall, I mean), which is part of our job duties). That's when I found out she liked sweet peas.
Well, really, haven't quite worked up the nerve to do something that obvious.
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kearie @ August 9 2003, 21:47:20 UTC |
Neville <3<3<3!!!
Aside from telling you that I simply adore you, I must ask, what are you worried that your memory block is hiding from you?
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 21:57:17 UTC |
*blushes* Thank you. You're very kind.
Well, I assume it has to do with what happened to my parents, you understand. A lot depends on who put the block on me, I suppose. If it had been the staff at St. Mungo's, I'd guess it would be to protect me from the memories of what happened. But there are no records that they did so. So who else could have done it? The Deatheaters? What were they trying to hide from me?
And if they were the ones bollucksing up my brain, what else might they have done to me that I don't even know about?
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kearie @ August 10 2003, 17:19:04 UTC |
*nods* You make good points, I hope you are able to figure this all out!
(parent)dragynville @ August 9 2003, 21:49:26 UTC |
Congratulations on the success of the tea party. Brilliant move, buying the hat! How is your practice with the Redige spell coming along?
Cheers! :D
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:00:36 UTC |
Thanks, I'm pleased it went so well. The hat is a vast improvement, too.
Well, I'm not sure, but I suppose I won't really know until I try the spell again with Professor Black. I worry that I'll be as hopeless at hypnosis as I am at potions. It does tend to make me sleepy (hypnosis, I mean), more than anything, but perhaps that will get better with practise.
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gryffindorckr @ August 9 2003, 21:51:06 UTC |
What's your favorite color? Favorite dessert? Also, what's your favorite spell and why?
Sorry for asking so many questions in one go, but when opportunity knockes...
Much <3
(P.S. I think you're absolutely darling!! And your player as well!)
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:02:00 UTC |
Favourite colour? That's obvious! It's green!
Favourite desert is raspberry fool.
Favourite spell. Um. That's a difficult question.
Well, reparo, I suppose. I have to use that one a lot.
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:02:43 UTC |
Um, I'm not sure I understand the point of the question? I'm sure the police find them very useful.
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:10:50 UTC |
Well, I'm not quite clear on that, myself. The International Code of Wizarding Secrecy has requirements that we hide our existence, but if someone slips, there are always memory charms.
To tell the truth, I don't really know the specifics because it has never come up for me before. I've been thinking that perhaps I need to talk with Great Uncle Algie or perhaps Mr. Takakura to find out the specific rules for me.
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:15:56 UTC |
She so good at putting people at their ease right away, because she's so friendly and kind, and seems genuinely interested in other people. I'm rather shy, really, but it seems so simple to talk to her, and I've rarely felt that way about a girl.
She also gives you her full attention when she's speaking to you. I'm quite used to being ignored, and so that was something I certainly noticed.
Also, she's just . . . just </i>lovely</i>!
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:18:04 UTC |
I think if it would be any subject, it might be herbology. But I am not sure I would be a very good teacher, because as you know, I don't have a particularly good memory. And I would really hate assigning grades. I mean, I know how it feels to get a bad grade, and I'd hate to hurt students' feelings.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 9 2003, 22:12:14 UTC |
First off, I'm so happy that your tea with Sara and your Gran went well. She sounds like a lovely girl.
Second, I would hug you if that were possible. Instead, please hug Sara--if you feel comfortable doing so. I don't think she'd mind.
And finally, my question: What would you like to do after graduation? Do you hope to continue working with plants?
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:21:11 UTC |
I became quite interested in the magical uses of healing plants, because of what happened last June. This is a rather new thought for me, so I will need to talk to Professor McGonagall when I get back to Hogwarts to find out how I might explore this career path.
(parent)xnera @ August 9 2003, 22:15:17 UTC |
Hi Neville!
Not only do I find you interesting, but I find you inspiring as well. I admire your courage; it takes a lot of guts to seek the out the truth and stand up for oneself. As you can see, I've made an icon of you; I use it whenever I'm feeling particularly strong or determined.
I feel that I've gone through many positive changes in the last several years, but especially these last six months. I'm much more confident and sure of myself. How do you feel you've changed over the last year?
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:25:17 UTC |
Thank you! Hmm. I suppose what I've learned the most about this year is that not everything is under my control. Well, I've always known that (I learned it in potions class), but this year I really thought about it. The whole veritaserum at Professors Lupin and Black's wedding, and finding out about the memory block, and also trying so hard to help Lav, and it just didn't work. At least I couldn't help her, no matter how hard I tried. (I hope she does get help, otherwise.)
So I suppose I've been thinking about finding out what I can control. Sometimes it's more than you think.
eponis @ August 9 2003, 22:16:02 UTC |
Thanks so much for answering these questions. I'm curious to know whom you consider your best friend (or friends) at Hogwarts, and what you like most about them.
wheresmytoad @ August 9 2003, 22:28:32 UTC |
Well, the sort of person I am, I'm usually happiest when I'm in a group, because it's a bit easier for me to fade back into the wallpaper, you understand. That being said, I get along quite well with all my dorm mates. Hermione Granger has always been very kind to me, but I know I'm not friends with her the way I know Ron and Harry are. I probably spend the most time with Seamus and Dean--or I did. Not quite sure how that will work when we get back to school, since the two of them have broken up.
(parent)imochan @ August 9 2003, 22:43:46 UTC |
My love for you = THIIIIIIIS BIG! :D I just saw that you mentioned Boggarts in your most recent post, and I was wondering if your Boggart's changed any since third year? I don't need to know specifics (if you'd rather not answer that question), I just wanted to know if it was still the lovely nightshade we call Professor S. Snape. Thanks so much for your time, love. :D
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 05:34:24 UTC |
Well, I haven't had to face a boggart in quite a while. They are not that common. I assume it would be the same, but I don't know that for a fact.
Although, you know (just between ourselves), I've been trying hard not to be afraid of Professor Snape. Don't know if I'm really succeeding.
notapipe @ August 9 2003, 22:51:26 UTC |
Hey Neville. Hope you're doing well. Give my best wishes to Sara and your Grandmother.
First, what's your favorite musical?
Second, what do you think of Professor Snape's accusastions against you?
Third, how are your frogs?
Fourth, would you say you're more of an Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader), a Frank Castle (The Punisher), a Bruce Banner (The Hulk) or an Eric Lensherr (Magneto)? If you had to pick one. I realize you're your own person, but if you HAD to choose.
Fifth, level with me: are you Evil?
Sixth, what do you think should happen to Death Eaters?
notapipe @ August 10 2003, 03:14:10 UTC |
Then you ought to talk to Sibyll. Because I had no idea I was going to do the frogs.
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 06:03:19 UTC |
First. Um. That's a difficult question. I don't go to the musical theatre very often. I'll try to think of an answer and if I do, I'll get back to you, all right?
Second. Well, I suppose what I think about them came out when I was under veritaserum, didn't it? Although I should have said it more politely, or better yet, kept my opinions to myself. I suppose you notice that I don't ever contradict Professor Snape, ordinarily. But in this case, well, the subject is me and as much as I don't like to contradict a teacher, Professor Snape is just wrong.
Third: I lost Petunia a while ago, but Trevor 2 is just fine. Eating a lot of flies and meal worms. He's quite a bit bigger than he was when I first got him.
Fourth. Um, I'm not familiar with these people you're talking about. I get the impression they're characters in stories, maybe? In muggle movies or books? I'd ask Sara, but that might not be a good idea. If they're really well known, she'd wonder why I didn't know them, just like the Beatles.
But if I'm guessing right, and they're characters, I guess I'm most like Oliver Crumbey in the comic book Martin Miggs the Mad Muggle. He goes to Martin's school, and he's a nice enough fellow, although a bit slow. And he's always losing things.
Fifth. I've seen your theories here on NRaged and I find them just . . . (*hunts for a polite word*) extraordinary. I'm sure Professor Snape would be pleased that you see so eye to eye, but I've already given my opinion about them. I don't mean to be impolite, but I find them quite disturbing. I've visited my parents, and to have people think that I would want do the sorts of things that could lead to hurting people like that is really quite insulting, and it hurts me quite a bit.
(Well, I'm sorry, but you asked.)
Sixth. I think they should be STOPPED, by every legal means necessary. It does not do to resort to their methods to fight them, however, or we're no better than them.
notapipe @ August 10 2003, 07:39:53 UTC |
1) Kay
4) You better not ask "Who is Darth Vader?", since Star Wars is pretty important. The rest are more reasonable, since they're comic book characters (even though Bruce Banner and Eric Lensherr were in recent movies).
5) You've got a thin skin there. Though you're rather polite. You could say "totally insane", I'm down with that. Though I don't see why you find it insulting that someone might think that you could do to the perpetrators of the injustice on your parents what they did to your parents. Death Eaters are, in part, a group who beleive they are protecting wizards from Muggle threats to the wizarding world. In the muggle world freed slaves from the United States shipped to Liberia turned around and enslaved the natives, and some of the jews who survived the Holocaust, arguably the greatest atrocity of the 20th century turned around and decided to use the same tactics on the palestinians. The desire for revenge or "justice" is a powerful motivater, and even the most principled person may fall prey to it's allure. It's perfectly reasonable to suspect that you might do the same. Besides, if you can't confront this desire, how can one reasonably trust that you can reject it, especially if something terrible, like, say, your Gran being killed by Death Eaters (something I understand isn't likely, but we're just playing with hypotheticals), were to happen.
Besides, you should develop a sense of humor. That's fun and isolates you from the pain.
6) So would you support Dementors as an acceptable punishment? Even when they suck out someone's soul? Even your parents have their souls intact, though they may not be able to demonstrate it. How precisely does the legality of one set of means make something inherently better?
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 19:59:26 UTC |
It occurred to me that I've seen some Gilbert and Sullivan productions and liked them. Both 'The Mikado' and 'Iolanthe' were enjoyable.
Darth Vader? I thought about this a bit, and now I think I remember what you're talking about. I mean, I've never seen the movies myself, but I've heard a bit about them: that's the story with chap who sounds like he's breathing with underwater scuba equipment, isn't it?
Uh, if I'm remembering what I heard about the character correctly, I must ask: what possible resemblance do you see between me and a bloke who's over six feet tall, commands an army, dresses entirely in black mechanical equipment, and (I believe?) kills people and shoots up starships with laser guns?
Just wondering.
You've got a thin skin there. Though you're rather polite.
Actually, I thought my reaction was quite understated.
Though I don't see why you find it insulting that someone might think that you could do to the perpetrators of the injustice on your parents what they did to your parents.
Don't you? Then I'm not sure I can explain it to you.
The desire for revenge or "justice" is a powerful motivater. . .
I believe that 'the desire for revenge' and 'justice' are two very different things. This accounts for our difference of opinion, perhaps? Both are powerful motivators, true, but I think only the desire for justice is acceptable. It isn't the proper business of a truly ethical person to seek revenge. I think that if you do a wrong to someone because it has been to you, or to someone you love, you're no better than the person who wronged you in the first place. I don't see how I could possibly get justice for my parents or honor them by hurting anyone the way they were hurt, no matter what the provocation. If you don't understand that about me, than I suppose you can't see that I'm different from Deatheaters, and it's probably useless to try to convince you. But believe me when I say the difference is real to me.
I'm not sure I'm explaining myself very well, but I'm afraid it's the best I can do.
6) You do make a good point about the Dementors, and I'll have to think more about that. I've heard Professor Dumbledore argue that the Dementors should be removed from Azkaban and not used to guard prisoners or administer their 'kiss' anymore, and I rather think I agree with him. So that would be an instance of something where just because something is legal, it doesn't make it right.
tabiji @ August 9 2003, 23:01:42 UTC |
Hi Neville!
I was hoping we would get the chance to interrogate talk to you!
I'm so happy to see that things are going well for you and Sara! I'm glad to see that you like Muggle girls :) Can I have a hug (if you don't think Sara would mind)?
I hope I'm not putting you on the spot by asking this, but since you are a brave Gryffindor, do you wear boxers or briefs?
Much love to you,
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 06:07:22 UTC |
Thank you, you're kind. But I hope you don't mind if I decline to answer questions about my underthings with people I don't know very well. (*is embarrassed*) Actually, I don't think I would discuss them with people I know really well, either. Sorry.
(parent)tabiji @ August 10 2003, 23:16:14 UTC |
Aw, that's okay, I still think you're adorable!
I'll let you in on a secret...the nicest girls always like the sweet shy type. You're doing just fine!
notapipe @ August 9 2003, 23:05:00 UTC |
Neville, sorry, one more quick question (and no e-word): what's your favorite muggle band you've discovered?
(parent)tabiji @ August 10 2003, 00:08:37 UTC |
Don't answer him, Neville! It's a trap! Whatever you answer he will twist and distort into something that gives the conclusion of you being evil!
notapipe @ August 10 2003, 00:17:52 UTC |
LIES! DIRTY LIES! Unless it's country, but then I guess I don't need to twist it, now do I?
(parent)tabiji @ August 10 2003, 00:49:57 UTC |
*points to my icon label and then realizes*
"Oh, crap, he may have a point there."
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 06:08:38 UTC |
(*puzzled*) What's "country"? Is that a band, or something?
(parent)notapipe @ August 10 2003, 06:56:47 UTC |
Country is a genre of music from America (and probably also from Canada, though why they would want to lay claim to it is beyond me) that reasonable people with more than two teeth do not enjoy. Just dissapprove of it and you'll go over smashingly at all muggle occasions besides a hoedown.
(parent)lostuponme @ August 10 2003, 11:39:52 UTC |
Not all country. It's actually quite depressing sometimes. Hoedown type music would be that annoying banjo music and moaning about a tracker hitting a dog or something of that sort... :P
(parent)notapipe @ August 10 2003, 18:23:08 UTC |
The argument is not that they play country music, but that people at a hoedown are disporportionately likely to enjoy country music. But thanks for the information, which I could have gone my whole life without knowing were it not for your helpful intervention.
(parent)lostuponme @ August 10 2003, 18:28:38 UTC |
:raises eyebrows: Your welcome for my misguided information, I'm terribly sorry I misunderstood you.
(parent)notapipe @ August 11 2003, 00:11:46 UTC |
Well, I was easy to misunderstand. I should have said something like "A tractor pull".
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 06:11:49 UTC |
Oh, I like the Beatles, of course. It's hard to answer that question, really, because I'm just learning so much about it, so I might have a different ansswer in a month. Sara is lending me CDs, and I'm listening to them in the evenings with a portable CD player. It makes Gran quite nervous.
(parent)bookofjude @ August 9 2003, 23:25:49 UTC |
I cannot resist: what is your real hair colour, black or blonde?
(also, my love goes out to your player <333)
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 08:49:29 UTC |
My hair colour is a very undistinguished muddy brown, nothing extraordinary about it at all. Sara calls it "chestnut," however, which is just another reason why I like her so.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 9 2003, 23:39:42 UTC |
How good are you at observing other people? For example: could you tell use one little insignificant thing about each of your house-year mates, you included? (something no one knows/notices but isn't important anyway. ie: I, personally, sleep better with lots of pillows but, curiously, I never sleep on the pillows.)
Will you/would you like to keep in touch with/see Sara during the school year?
If you could do anything for one day, with no consequences. What would you do? why?
Thanks for taking the time!
kisses to your player!
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 09:07:50 UTC |
I think I am rather good at observing people. That's often true of people who are somewhat shy.
Dean is quite fussy about his quills; they have to be perfectly sharp and the feather not the slightest bit mussed, or he won't use them. Comes from being an artist, I suppose.
Seamus is similarly obsessed with flossing his teeth after every meal, and is always after the rest of us to do it, too.
Harry has this sort of nervous tic, that when he thinks people are looking at him because you know, he's Harry Potter, the boy who lived, he brushes his fringe over his scar to hide it. He told me once that he rather likes his scar, but I think sometimes he wishes other people would just forget about it. He doesn't put on any airs about being famous at all, and gets uncomfortable if other people make a fuss over him.
Ron is allergic to pineapple. Once, he had some fruit salad, and he picked out all the pineapple, but I guess there was still pineapple juice in it that he reacted to, and he broke out in hives all over.
I'm not sure what will happen between me and Sara during the school year. I'm actually trying not to think too far ahead on the subject, but am just enjoying it one day at a time.
If I could do anything for one day, no consequences. Hmm. I'd cut potions class, but still get top marks on the day's assignment. And as for why, well, I think that would be obvious.
tiamet_nox @ August 10 2003, 12:58:05 UTC |
Allergic to pineapple? Poor Ron. I love pineapple.^-^
But you forgot to include the fact about yourself! What is something interesting yet insignificant about you?
Good luck with Sara! I hope it works out. You could always become penpals via your grandmother, I suppose.
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 15:32:02 UTC |
Well, I don't know if it's interesting, but it's certainly insignificant. I have terrible trouble with ingrown toenails, which is why I always wear shoes that are a little too big for me. Which is also probably why I trip over my own feet so often.
Penpals with my Gran as a go-between? *Shudders* I don't think so. I mean, I think Gran would resist the temptation to be a nosey parker. But one would never be sure. Don't know how Gran would feel about it, either.
blue_lightning @ August 9 2003, 23:46:27 UTC |
Dear Neville,
Everyone else has already commented on how sweet and gentlemanly you are, so I suppose it would be redundant for me to reiterate the obvious, though I would very much like to, because you're absolutely wonderful.
I have two questions, if it's not too much bother. The first is in regards to the late Trevor the Toad. Would you ever get another pet? Another toad, perhaps?
The second is in regards to your family - and I hope this does not trouble you, because it isn't my intention to make you uncomfortable. Now that tea with your Gran went well, if things continue to go well with Sara, do you think you'd ever take her to meet your parents?
Best wishes. Thank you for your time!
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 10:10:55 UTC |
I did get two tree frogs last year, that I named Petunia and Trevor 2. Petunia disappeared somewhere, but Trevor 2 is still doing well. Actually, I just call him Trevor now.
Re: having Sara meet my parents. Well, that's a rather difficult thing, you see. It's not as though they could really have a conversation, you understand.
I've thought a lot about this, because I'm rather dreading having her ask me sometime, 'Why don't you live with your parents?' How can I explain it to her, since she's a muggle and all? I think the best explanation I can give her would be that they were injured when I was just a baby, and so they couldn't look after me, and they're in a long-term care facility. Muggles know about those. I hope she'll let me leave it at that. If I got to know her rather better, to the point that we were getting quite serious about each other . . . well, I don't know.
It's all rather painful to think about.
blue_lightning @ August 10 2003, 10:13:18 UTC |
Sorry to mention it. You're a brave person, regardless of what anyone says. Thank you for replying.
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Anonymous @ August 10 2003, 00:23:32 UTC |
If things dont work out with Sara (which i wouldn't want to happen) could I have your babies?
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 09:08:28 UTC |
Sorry, I don't have any babies to give away! No puppies or kittens either.
(parent)vellum @ August 10 2003, 00:33:27 UTC |
hi neville! i absolutely love you!
you wanna have a family someday?
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 09:31:46 UTC |
Yes, I would very much like to have a family someday. I sometimes think my family when I was growing up was so odd. I mean, they truly cared for me, but everyone looking after me was so much older than me. And there was some strain because everyone thought for so long that I was a squib. I'd like to have a family that's sort of the more usual makeup, and closer to each other in age: a mum and dad and kiddies, you know.
(parent)cirakaite @ August 10 2003, 00:38:47 UTC |
Hi Neville! I hardly need to tell you that you're utterly sweet, because everyone else has already done that- take it as a given!
I was wondering if you would ever consider living in the Muggle world after graduation, rather than as a wizard? Especially now that you're learning more about Muggles, and with Sara and all.
And, just in case your player hasn't earned her own tiara yet, she's amazing!
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 09:43:59 UTC |
Well, what you have to understand that the muggle world and the wizarding world don't have to be entirely separate. There is the International Code of Secrecy, but there are muggles who marry wizards, and they raise their children to know about both worlds. And there are muggles who do know about wizards and work with them, in some branches of the government and so on. Perhaps if I do something with this idea of working with pharmaceutical magical plants, it would be important for me to know about muggle pharmacology, too.
I don't want to entirely turn away from my own magic and live only in the muggle world. I mean, I was thrilled when I got my letter to Hogwarts, 'specially cos I was really afraid I might be a squib, and I didn't want to be. Of course, this is all very abstract for me at this point.
Thanks, I'll pass along your compliment to my player. I think she's doing a rather brilliant job, too. (We get along because she blushes almost as much as I do)
sundaysunday @ August 10 2003, 00:54:21 UTC |
Do you ever feel...oh I don't know...a bit slighted that hardly anyone ever comments in your journal?
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 09:45:53 UTC |
Well, yes I do, sometimes. But I try not to let it bother me. I know I have good friends at Hogwarts, even though I do tend to get overlooked at times.
(parent)merlion @ August 10 2003, 00:57:12 UTC |
Good evening, Neville.
I know you said that Herbology is your favorite subject, but what is your favorite plant?
Are you interested in flowers? Fruit? Medicinal herbs?
What's your secret to healthy plants? Or do you just have a green thumb?
Thank you very much!
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 09:56:01 UTC |
Oh, I couldn't possibly pick a favourite plant. There are so many that are so interesting, and I still have so much to learn.
You know that people will look oddly at any teenage boy who admits he likes flowers, but that's all right, people already look at me oddly. And I really do. I would like to have a house with an old-fashioned cottage garden someday. But I'm also really interested in medicinal herbs.
As for secrets for growing plants: well, you just have to learn all you can about them, and pay really close attention to them, so you quickly notice if they're not getting enough sun or fertiliser, and remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Plants like to be pampered, as much as people do. Some of them are dreadfully fussy, but those can be the most interesting and useful ones.
merlion @ August 10 2003, 12:56:24 UTC |
Thanks, Neville!
All this talk of gardening and flowers is making me wish I had a garden again.
Ta ta for now.
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hezzabeth @ August 11 2003, 02:05:22 UTC |
I am NOT on the dark side, I'm currently in a sort of twilightish side.
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Anonymous @ August 10 2003, 03:16:17 UTC |
Dearest Neville,
Can you tell us about your secret dream?
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 06:14:36 UTC |
Well. I've never told anyone this, but it's that they find a cure for my parents that brings them back to themselves. I'd like to get to know them, like they really were.
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Anonymous @ August 10 2003, 08:38:03 UTC |
Oh, Neville *wibbles, wants to cry*
You certainly need a hug *hugs*, I so hope your dream will come true. Also I want you to know that I'm sure your parents'd be really proud of you.
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hobaggins @ August 10 2003, 03:18:32 UTC |
Hullo Neville!
I just wanted to know if you had any inter-house relationships, any friends in the other houses?
Is there anyone you always wanted to befriend but never had the opportunity?
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 11:08:03 UTC |
Padma Patil of Ravenclaw has always been quite nice to me. She's friendly to Gryffindors because her twin's in our house.
I'd think I could be friends with some of the Hufflepuffs, but Justin Finch-Fletchley always seems to be mad at me, and so it never quite seems to work out.
There isn't anyone in our year amongst the Slytherins that I consider a friend, but I got to talking with some of the younger Slytherins last June after the attack at the castle (when we were all staying in the Great Hall), and perhaps I might chat with them a bit some more when we go back to school and something will come of that.
serpensortia @ August 10 2003, 04:09:26 UTC |
Neville! I'm so glad you decided to answer or questions ^-^ And of course you're interesting!
So, questions... why a toad as your familiar? They're not really the most popular of pets, so I was curious as to why you decided on one.
What is it about Professor Snape that scares you so much? Moreover, why do you think he thinks you're evil? (Excluding the fact that he must be a very paranoid man).
Have you patched things up a bit with Lavender? I think I remember that she was being a bit off with you, when you tried to talk to her about her weight...
What is it about Herbology and gardening that's so great?
Other than that, because I said I wanted to know...what is your philosophy on life?
Sorry for having so many questions for you. I'm glad your tea with Sara went well - she sounds wonderful (of course, all muggle girls named Sara are wonderful...I may be biased though *cough*). Good luck with your work on memory blocks, and your job this summer!
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 11:26:52 UTC |
Well, Gran picked out a toad for me my first year; I didn't want a toad myself at first. But I got to quite like Trevor. I think Gran assumed I should have a toad when I went to school because that's what my dad had. Toads were more popular back then.
Re: Professor Snape. As to why he scares me: well, you understand it's rather uncomfortable to talk about, but surely you've seen how he treats me in his class, and you know he isn't very chuffed to have me there at all. I have just always hated it when I feel I'm not measuring up to someone's expectations of how well they think I should do (and I've always felt I'm not measuring up to people's expectations most of my life). Really, it's the most awful feeling when I know I've bollucksed something up again, and that's the situation I'm in so often in potions.
But I will tell you this: in one way, I really envy Professor Snape. I wish I had his self-confidence. He's really, really excellent at what he does--making potions, I mean; look how he invented the potion for Professor Lupin. That was a truly brilliant piece of work, and it's made a huge difference in all werewolves' lives). It must be nice to realise that you're knacky at doing something that can truly help people.
Why I like herbology and gardening: plants don't judge you and dismiss you the way people do. They can respond beautifully to you even if you aren't the most brilliant person in the room, if you just take care of them carefully. And they can do so many things that are so interesting and useful.
My philosophy on life? Well, to decide carefully what is right and stick to it, without complaining, and just do your best. Even if your best isn't worth much really, it's still worth doing.
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 11:28:51 UTC Forgot to say |
on your question why Professor Snape thinks I'm evil. I have absolutely no idea and am honestly baffled as to how he could think such a thing. I'm afraid you'll have to ask him.
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 11:34:18 UTC Oh, and also |
on Lavender. We've been owling back and forth a bit this summer, and at least she's talking to me again. I hope we can be a bit more friendly next year, although I don't expect we will be dating again. But I'd like to keep her as a friend. She's quite a sweet girl, really.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 10 2003, 04:54:16 UTC |
Neville, what do you think of the growing relationship between Draco Malfoy and Harry? No one else seems to acknowledge it.
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Anonymous @ August 10 2003, 10:16:39 UTC |
Damn, you are annoying. Are you aware that the world does not revolve around Harry and Draco?
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 11:47:50 UTC |
Well, of course I see what happens between them in class, but not really what happens between them outside of class. And it's really their own private business, isn't it? I expect if either of them wants to talk about it, they will.
Of course, Malfoy never talks to me and I expect he never will. And I don't ask Harry about it. That's something that's rather particular to me that I feel quite strongly about: I really don't like asking people what they think of other people, because too many times I've been hurt by things people have said behind my back about me. (Not that I think that anything I could say would ever bother Malfoy, you understand, but I still think it a good rule to follow.)
anjenue @ August 10 2003, 08:05:38 UTC |
Hi, Neville!
First off, I'd like to say you are absolutely adorable and I would love to hug you!
Now that that's out of the way, my question - are you, perchance, familiar with the tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? If so, I was wondering if you had considered perhaps taking the route of potions and such to find a possible cure for your parents? (I apologize if this is out of line or too personal.) Since you are so good at Herbology, perhaps a partnership between you and a potions master to develop something that might work?
Pure curiosity. Thank you so much for doing this!
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 12:03:31 UTC |
Oh yes, I know the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Perhaps you didn't know that Robert Louis Stevenson was a wizard? He got into a spot of trouble after that story was published, because he got hauled up in front of the Wizengamot for trial; he was accused of violating the International Code of Secrecy. He was acquitted, because the Wizengamot decided that muggles just thought it was a fantastical story.
Anyway, to answer your question: Gran is the one who talks with the healers about my parents and their prognosis and treatment. I know that they do take potions, so I assume the healers are always trying to find better answers, and of course, St. Mungo's is the best place to go for care and always has the most up-to-date treatments. But not everything can be cured.
I don't know if Professor Snape has ever turned his mind to the problem. It's . . . it's worth thinking about, I suppose, although I think if anyone were to help him, it shouldn't be me, but instead one of the healers who knows all about the properties of magical healing plants.
(To be frank, I think that no matter how much good a project like that could do, the professor would really prefer to work with anyone else beside me.)
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Anonymous @ August 10 2003, 08:55:43 UTC |
Can you see yourself kissing Sara at some point? What has to happen for you to bring yourself to do this? How do you think: what would it be like?
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 12:11:55 UTC |
I don't believe that I can answer this question, because I was raised to believe a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.
Um. I suppose I could say . . . I've done more with Sara than my Gran realises, and I liked it very much indeed.
And I haven't done as much as I would like to do.
There. I hope that's polite enough.
sistermagpie @ August 10 2003, 09:00:57 UTC |
Dear Neville,
First, I have been loving reading about your summer! I can never think of anything to say about it but I enjoy all your updates. Maybe you'll be getting to some muggle parties this summer as well as wizarding ones!
I have two questions, if that's alright. The first is: How's the bus riding been going? The other is: If you and Sara got serious, how and when do you think you would you tell her about being a wizard?
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 15:07:33 UTC |
Well, the bus riding has been okay. Much more sedate than the Knight Bus, which I took once. The smell of diesel petrol does make me a bit queasy, though. But it's fun to have more time to talk to Sara every day.
On that last question . . . I honestly don't know. Have been thinking about it quite a bit. I mean, how can you truly get to know a person unless you tell the truth about yourself, and let them see you as you really are? I don't want to be, well, dodgy with her. But I have to be careful about staying within the requirements of the secrecy law. I really must talk with Great Uncle Algie or someone about this.
And if I tell her and she doesn't like it? What if, I dunno, she decides she doesn't want to see me again? That's almost too painful to even think about.
So I am being truly indecisive, and waiting-and-seeing. Not sure if that will solve my problem. (If I'm honest, it probably won't; I'll have to decide for myself eventually.)
hunin_munin @ August 10 2003, 12:42:25 UTC |
Hello Neville-dear. Nice of you to drop by.
How's your spleen doing?
anjaliesque @ August 10 2003, 12:44:31 UTC |
Hullo, Neville! I hope you're having a nice summer.
Sara sounds like a lovely person. Do you hope to be able to one day tell her about your wizarding heritage? How do you think she'll react? Apologies if this has been asked before.
Don't feel bad if people don't always reply to your entries. Your Hogwarts friends seem very busy, but I assure you that somewhere, someone is appreciating your entries. Several someones in fact, some of whom show they care by coming up with involved theories that really don't mean any harm, but that's another story altogether. I wouldn't quite presume that this applies to the Potions professor, however, but best of luck there, and also to your grandmother and parents, and of course you and Sara. :)
wheresmytoad @ August 10 2003, 15:24:32 UTC |
I talked a bit about that here.
Thanks for your kind comments.
purestblood @ August 10 2003, 22:44:32 UTC |
How often do you get to visit your parents, Mr. Longbottom?
(parent)wheresmytoad @ August 11 2003, 15:36:39 UTC |
Probably more than is good for the peace of mind of you and your friends, Mr. Malfoy.
Your question makes me even more determined to find a way around that memory block. Sir.