dragynville @ 2003-08-10 20:51:00 |
Mood: ecstatic
Iway avehay away erioussay asecay ofway ufflepuffHay ovelay ightray ownay! :D
[edit] And our darling Snape is in the Big Apple. w00t! :D
portkey @ August 10 2003, 20:59:46 UTC |
Also, Severus is in the Large Banana.
Wait, that's not right..
Silly mood. Ignore.
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 21:05:55 UTC |
*snerk* He can go visit Sonny. XD XD *dies laughing*
::is an ass::
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 21:12:01 UTC |
So, this brings us to EVERYTHING SN, those who are playing the letter game? =D
(parent)dragynville @ August 10 2003, 21:13:50 UTC |
(parent)nightflight @ August 10 2003, 21:15:32 UTC |
Obviously, it is EVERYTHING SNOGS. ^_~ Actually, I thought SNAPE too, but I guess we will have to see. =D
(parent)nightflight @ August 10 2003, 21:26:46 UTC |
<333333 back atcha! =D
I was going so say EVERYTHING SNOGS (INCLUDING DRACO AND HARRY AND THE VARIOUS OTHER OTPS ON NA), but somehow I believe that might tax potions_master and his beautiful tiara'ed player a touch too much. ^_~
I have always wanted to ask: what is your icon from? It's so pretty. <3
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 21:36:30 UTC |
Oh that's good! *lurve and shnuggles* :D
Yes, our darling Snape would miss the next term or two over that! XD
Thank you, it's from the back cover of Love Phantom 3 by 1-2 Finish (a GW doujinshi). If my site host ever finishes getting their servers moved, I can finally put it up for download.
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 21:42:36 UTC |
::trades you that lurve and shnuggles for multiple bolded <3<3<3s and supersnugs:: =D!
Yes, but wouldn't it be a way to get the message out? XD Although I can't think of any countries that would fill the parenthesis requirement. ::ponders::
Ooh! It's extremely lovely! *_* I was just gazing at it today and was waiting for a chance to pounce you with the question. =D Duo looks so PRETTY there!
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 21:51:00 UTC |
Whee! <3 <3 <3 's to you too! :D
Oh yes! Perhaps ther is a way to reword it without the parenthetical difficulty?
Yes, he's very pretty in that whole doujinshi series (and Heero too). The full pic is the background on my LJ, if you're curious. :D
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 22:05:40 UTC |
=D ::catches the <3s:: Mind if I add you to my Friends list? You don't have to Friend me back since my LJ is very boring, but I figured I'd ask permission first. =D
::squee!:: So pretty! I love pretty DJ art. =D!
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 22:57:50 UTC |
Please do! And I will friend you back, don't you try and talk me out of it! ;D
Wait till I get the Neketsu Sengen series (GW) up! Gorgeous! :D
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 23:02:48 UTC |
Done! =D And thank you! I am warning you, however, my LJ is terribly boring, but I'll keep my trap shut for now. ;D
EVERYTHING SNOGS BLACK is probably the most truthful one we'd get from that idea. Maybe it could go pseudo-poetic and be something like EVERYTHING SNOGS... SOMETIMES. Although it appears the letter is actually A, which throws the snogging totally off. Alas. XD
Kyaa! Can't wait! =D I love pretty artwork so! <3<3<3
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 23:41:33 UTC |
Done and done too! :D
Well, I see below that you were right and it is N, so I'm sticking with EVERYTHING SNOGS BLACK something or other just because I like it and Snape would not. XD
Is that Gackt and Hyde in your icon? *pets* Have you seen these pix of them?
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 23:46:08 UTC |
::glee!:: ::throws more <33333s at you!::
And that is a perfect reason to stick with it. Also, as thousands of Mary Sues over the ages have proven, the Dark Lord could have been calmed and the War avoided had he had a proper snog. So it's a perfect defensive strategy!
It most certainly is! *_* And yes! Aren't those the most adorable pictures? I could DIE. Did you know that Hyde is a BIG Harry Potter buff, and he brought the books with him to Taiwan while they were taping the movie? I've had reoccuring images of he and Gackt acting out the Remus/Sirius scene in book three all year. =D
::points at icon:: And there they are again!
dragynville @ August 10 2003, 23:55:58 UTC |
*super glomp*
Yes, clearly HWMNBN (aka You Know Who) was never snogged in his life and is suffering the pangs of jealousy. XD
No! I didn't know! That's so utterly cool. :D *squee*
ooo.. *pets your icon*
nightflight @ August 11 2003, 00:03:47 UTC |
::super snugs!::
Yes, of course. However, he should not fear, since one day he will attempt to use the killing curse on an unsuspecting American, because, you know, that's what evil people do all day, and not only will the attack not work, but it will merely make her long, blonde hair shine all the more brighter as she turns around, her violent eyes shining, and faces him. He will notice that all of her curves are in those mysterious "right places". Speechless, he will merely watch as she smiles quietly, her lips full and red, and uses her powers of wandless magic to make foreign fauna flock to her feet. They will sit and chat at a cafe while some Overmanufactured Sappy Pop Song plays in the background, and as she talks about the Dark and Angsty Past that made her flee America to be a transfer student at Hogwarts, he will realize that for once somebody understands him, and perhaps he doesn't need to destroy everything.
And then they will snog.
Because everything snogs. Even Dark Lords.
=D I thought so too. They're my Other True Pairing. Hyde also went to go see a private screening of HP2 a week before the movie was released over here even. Such a cute fandork. <3
Hee! ::pets yours as well::
I am pondering sleep, so if I randomly disappear, assume that my forehead has made contact with my wristpad. x.x ::clings::
dragynville @ August 11 2003, 00:40:49 UTC |
*huggles and wuvvles* :D
OMG! Super cute fandork for doing that! *lurve* :D
wahaha! I have fallen asleep at the comp before. XD
(BTW, Gackt doujinshi pix (same as the ones below): thing 1 and thing 2.)
nightflight @ August 11 2003, 00:50:43 UTC |
=D ::joy!::
I'm glad my obvious sleep deprivation makes me rock. I should try to do it some more then! ::makes mental note to buy more soda tomorrow::
He is. I love those quotes Gackt said about him too. <3 Or as Hyde calls him, "Gatchan". I'm starting to really realize that I need some sort of solid hobby, other than following them and following here.
...naaah. XD
Oooh, who is that with him? By body size, I'm tempted to guess Masa, but I really can't tell.
dragynville @ August 11 2003, 01:05:13 UTC |
"Gatchan" *LURVE* *SQUEE* :D
*snerk* I know! I spend way too much time poring over all this too. I guess I could call doujinshi scanning my hobby. :p
I think it's You because he says "You" on the first page. I can email it to you if you want it. Let me know.. :D
nightflight @ August 11 2003, 00:06:35 UTC |
Your icon brings miracles to the world.
Thought you should know.
notapipe @ August 11 2003, 00:39:38 UTC |
Thank you. Miracles to the world almost makes up for the hellish amount of time I spent manipping it.
(parent)nightflight @ August 11 2003, 00:47:07 UTC |
If I also added that it makes all songs about the sex appeal of farm equipment, past and future, magically unable to be written or performed, would that make up for the time completely?
I am also fond of that icon.
notapipe @ August 11 2003, 04:56:49 UTC |
I dunno, I like those lyrics in a perverted "Bad = Good" way.
(parent)dragynville @ August 11 2003, 00:35:37 UTC |
Gackt slash.. *purrrr*
Speaking of.. wah and wahh. :D
notapipe @ August 10 2003, 23:01:59 UTC |
everything snape?
everythings not right?
everythings night?
Will it be a poem?
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 23:05:37 UTC |
Well, apparently I was wrong, so we have to start over again.
nightflight @ August 10 2003, 23:23:36 UTC |
Okay, I was prepared to blame my incompetance on LJ since Snape's new style kills user picture keywords, but I just realized that his user icon isn't even ON the entry. So instead I will blame it on being too trusting that somebody else checked it and it was America and my own laziness. Gah.
At least my first guess was right then. x.x
notapipe @ August 10 2003, 23:55:04 UTC |
Would Snape say Everything Snogs? And wouldn't it be EveryONE?
I like "everythings nocturne alley" right now
dragynville @ August 11 2003, 00:03:42 UTC |
He might if he was including non-human creatures. And muggles. *snicker*
Wouldn't that be horribly reminiscent of A Christmas Story? XD
tabiji @ August 11 2003, 01:14:17 UTC |
Heh. Knowing Snape, it's probably "EVERYTHING'S NOTABOUTHARRYANDDRACO"!
(parent)anjenue @ August 10 2003, 21:05:54 UTC |
Oh GOD, so much love for N_A players right now...
Especially our dear Potions Master. That post made me FALL OUT OF MY SEAT. That was FABULOUS! And it's so true NYC too! I love the Big Apple, really I do...but the description was accurate at the same time.
Definitely a lotta love comin' from me.
anjenue @ August 10 2003, 21:07:48 UTC |
By the way, the quote is Oscar Wilde, if anyone was wondering.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 10 2003, 21:18:20 UTC |
Snape hates New York; that's no big surprise.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways....
notapipe @ August 10 2003, 23:09:15 UTC The Title |
W.H. Auden: Villanelle It's a beautiful poem, and you should all go read it.
Reading the text of the poem, it looks awfully like it's Remus targeted, to me:
Suppose the lions all get up and go,
And all the brooks and soldiers run away?
Will time say nothing but I told you so?
If I could tell you I would let you know.
snowballjane @ August 11 2003, 04:21:53 UTC Re: The Title |
Remus targeted? Eep!
Because I love you more than I can say,
If I could tell you I would let you know
I also love Remus using:
There are no fortunes to be told
to Sibyl..
kenboy @ August 11 2003, 06:43:03 UTC |
I think we're headed for "everything's not as it seems," or some such.
Let's see if we end up in Ottawa or Ohio or something tomorrow...