jadedsirius @ 2003-08-11 20:39:00 |
(no title)
Music: Stratovarius - Anthem for the World
Though it seems ill-advised, especially at this juncture, I will make myself available for questions. Please be advised that I may refuse to answer overtly hostile questions. Also be sure that you truly want an answer to what you are asking, for you may get far more detail than you are prepared for in some cases.
And who knows? Perhaps I can set the record straight, as it were, on some incorrect assumptions.
~Sirius "the bastard" Black
darkflame173 @ August 11 2003, 20:42:19 UTC |
*will play nice this evening*
What kind of motorcycle do you have? How long have you had it?
Thanks so much! =)
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 20:53:57 UTC |
Thank you for your discretion, my dear. It is a late '70s Triumph 650. I've had it since it was new, though I was obviously not in possession of it for about 14 of those years.
(parent)jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 20:58:19 UTC |
There are many... but the best one is probably also one of the worst. It was the day Voldemort attacked Godrics Hollow. I found they had been killed, but I also learned that their amazing son had survived. Bittersweet.
(parent)jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 21:00:55 UTC |
I don't know if you'd call it dating, really... but I suppose I would have to say, thirteen or fourteen.
(parent)freak22 @ August 11 2003, 20:53:05 UTC Hello |
First off, it is very kind of you to take time right now for us.
Next, in all honesty how do you feel about Professor Snape?
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 21:05:07 UTC Re: Hello |
That is not an easy thing to say. He and I have had our differences, many of them. We have also had many very pleasureable times. In the end, no matter how I disparage him, I respect his accomplishments.
He can be an utter bastard. And, yet, he does have some surprising... predilections.
I think I'd better stop now, lest he poison my soup.
freak22 @ August 12 2003, 01:03:05 UTC Re: Hello |
Thank your for such an honest answer. I will make no comment on the "very pleasureable times" you refered to.
I really doubt he would poison your soup, and if he did it wouldnt be too bad of one. He wouldn't kill you im sure he enjoyed the " very pleasureable times" as well.
masincla @ August 11 2003, 20:55:17 UTC |
Hello! I was wondering if you could tell us when you discovered leather for the first time, since you seem to wear so much of it.
Thanks so much for taking the time to let us ask questions, sir!
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 21:07:52 UTC |
Ah... that would have to have been when I was almost fifteen. One of my older cousins was visiting, and he left his leather trousers in the guest room. I nicked them, and showed them to James, who insisted I put them on... and the rest is history.
I looked much better in them than my cousin did.
imochan @ August 11 2003, 20:59:40 UTC |
I have no question, only <333333333333333
I hope you find what you're looking for, Padfoot. :D
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 21:10:21 UTC |
Thank you. I do appreciate your sentiments and I am indeed doing a great deal of soul-searching.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 11 2003, 21:03:18 UTC |
Dear Professor,
Professor Lupin said that you had him from "Hello." How did you fall for him? If you don't want to answer, that's fine.
Thank you for doing this and I wish you all the happiness in the world.
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 21:14:16 UTC |
How do you not fall for someone who has the most amazingly deep eyes and the kindest soul? I have to admit that it took me a while to realise where my heart belonged, but once I did it all became clear.
Sometimes, I forget, though.
You're all being very kind.
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 21:29:54 UTC |
He is in his room.
Edit: yes, he is. But I fully expect he is worried and will be flooing over to the Leaky Cauldron soon.
bookofjude @ August 11 2003, 21:15:50 UTC |
Dearest Professor,
I was wondering if you spoke any foreign languages (magical or otherwise). Do you speak any fluently? Just a little? Which languages? Did you find them hard to learn? etc.
love, Jude
ps: nancy and i hope that the ecard we sent to you c/o harry got to you, as we didn't have your email address and where uncertain where to send it.
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 21:35:20 UTC |
I have learned a bit of Gaelic from Remus... and a bit of Gnomish from here and there. A few words in French and German (just the dirty ones of course). I'm afraid that my years in Azkaban, and on the run, didn't leave much time for scholarly pursuits.
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ms_potter @ August 11 2003, 21:18:27 UTC |
What do you think is your biggest accomplishment? Your biggest regret?
Thank you for your time! <3
--your number one fangirl
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 21:49:54 UTC |
My biggest accomplishment is helping to bring James and Lily's true betrayer, Peter Pettigrew, to justice. My biggest regret? Not realising until it was too late that Peter was a true rat.
And thank you.
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ms_potter @ August 11 2003, 21:52:41 UTC |
No no, thank you!
And my friend bobbypin is wondering, can she ride your bike?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 01:02:55 UTC |
Though I would no doubt enjoy taking both of you charming girls for a ride, I doubt it would help my situstion at the moment.
Thank you.
undermeyou @ August 11 2003, 21:20:44 UTC |
Professor, what is your favorite spell? What is your favorite song? And did you play Quidditch at all at Hogwarts?
I love your hair. Thanks for your time and best wishes! <333
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 22:01:05 UTC |
The Lubricatus spell. No, seriously (and I never get tired of that one, much to Remus' chagrin), and it's not really a spell once you learn it, but I enjoy the Animagus transformation the most.
My favourite song varies, but I am partial to Metallica and Judas Priest. Again, to Remus' chagrin.
I did indeed play Quidditch, from third year on. I was a beater. It helped me to exorcise my violent tendencies. Most of them.
Thank you for the compliment on my hair. And best wishes to you as well.
undermeyou @ August 11 2003, 23:12:25 UTC |
You really do learn something new every day. Thanks again! This was quite educational. :D!!
(parent)anjenue @ August 11 2003, 21:21:14 UTC |
Dear Professor,
First off, I would like to say that we certainly do not consider you a bastard. I know I am not just speaking for myself when I say this. Everyone lives their lives as best as they know how, and it is impossible to go through life without making mistakes. I have nothing but love for you - I can only imagine how hard things must be for you.
That aside, I was curious...what can you tell us about being an Animagus? Were you surprised by your form or did you expect it? What does it feel like? And anything else you'd care to share.
Thank you for your time. I hope things turn out well for you. We only want to see you happy.
Much love,
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 22:13:06 UTC |
Thank you, I appreciate your sensibilities.
I think no one was surprised when my Animagus form turned out to be a dog. Most of the girls had been calling me that for years anyway. I cannot really describe the sensation. It hurt at first... imagine your whole body re-forming itself to a new shape. But eventually the shape becomes as familar as a favourite shirt, easily slipped on and off. I can only speak for myself and my dog form, but my senses are enhanced, yet I retain my human intelligence. I can run faster, jump higher... a truly wonderful feeling. The smells are the best thing. When you are a dog, nothing really smells bad. Only interesting.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 06:41:01 UTC |
First off, I would like to say that we certainly do not consider you a bastard. I know I am not just speaking for myself when I say this.
No no no, do speak for yourself only.
Professor Black, you've got to admit that was pretty damn stupid of you to do.
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speakandenter @ August 11 2003, 21:21:36 UTC |
Why did you delete all of the user icons that you used except for the one you're using now?
(parent)jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 22:16:20 UTC |
I'm afraid I was in a bit of a temper at that point. You see, Remus made those for me...
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gryffindorckr @ August 11 2003, 21:29:34 UTC |
Dear Professor,
I was hoping you could add some pieces to the puzzle that is Lily Evans: when and how did you meet her, and how would you describe your relationship with her before and after she and James began dating?
Also, thank you so much for answering our questions, and I want to wish you the best! *fangirls* <33333333333333
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 22:33:10 UTC |
I don't remember the first time I met Lily; she was a classmate of course, but not really my type. She was of course quite pretty, but a bit too wholesome for me. Plus, she and James were always at each other's throats, so of course the rest of us knew what that meant. It was really quite amusing, how they pretended to hate each other. Well, Lily pretended to hate James, and James tried to impress her. We figured she finally accepted his invitation to make him leave her alone. But they went out, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Afterwards, once they were involved, I got to know her better. I thought she was good for James, as he was a bit easier to live with. James and I had ended our relationship by then, and so I didn't resent her as much as I might have.
By then, Remus and I had found each other.
Thank you for your wishes.
athene_51 @ August 11 2003, 21:33:59 UTC |
What is your favourite vegetarian food/meal?
Have you ever been to Canada?
And just for fun, have you ever been to a nude beach? :)
I don't think you're a bastard, and I hope you work things out. <3 to you and your player!
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 22:40:46 UTC |
My favourite meal I prepare at home is stir-fried tofu and vegetables. My favourite meal to have out is Indian lentils, Dal Makhani.
No, I have never been to Canada.
I have indeed been to a nude beach. I forced Remus to go with me, to the Netherlands, summer after sixth year. He refused to open his eyes or take off his clothes, and I had to lead him around by the hand. He still insists that was the day my ego got completely out of control.
Thank you.
athene_51 @ August 12 2003, 08:32:33 UTC |
My goodness, that must be a measure of how much Remus trusts you! I would think that keeping one's eyes closed and one's hand outstretched - on a nude beach - might lead to either interesting or embarrassing experiences.
Hmm. Perhaps there is more to this story and I'm just not asking the right questions? ;)
Thanks for answering our questions!
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 12:36:50 UTC |
Perhaps Remus kept his eyes closed so as not to embarrass himself? He never had quite as much control as I had...
You're welcome.
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 22:47:09 UTC Re: I ask too many questions x_x |
My fondest memory has to be the first night we all ran together. It was a perfect night, and the first time Remus enjoyed the full moon.
I enjoy the DADA position; I'd only perhaps like to teach Potions for a day so I could rearrange all of Snape's compulsively-positioned ingredients.
I haven't had my hair braided in ages, though I do enjoy blueberry muffins.
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 01:05:35 UTC Re: I ask too many questions x_x |
Conditioner is very important. And I do not wear pyjamas.
(parent)tabiji @ August 11 2003, 21:42:26 UTC |
Hello Professor Black!
First, thank you so much for taking this time with us, especially now. And no, we do not all think you are a bastard. People and relationships are intricate and complex. With that in mind, please go right ahead and hex anyone that gets out of line :)
Above you mentioned "soul searching", which gives me the impression that (hopefully) your split with Prof. Lupin is a temporary arrangement, until your differences can be worked out. Could you elaborate on that at all? It's obvious that you still both care deeply about each other, so is there anything that you can share that will give us more of your point of view?
much, much love,
(who refuses to give up her faith in happy endings)
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 22:49:28 UTC |
I'm afraid I cannot answer your question, wonderful as it is. Just remember that I do love Remus, but things are never as simple as they seem. Rest assured I will not give in without a fight.
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Anonymous @ August 11 2003, 21:45:16 UTC |
So, Sirius...
Do you bottom? Or do you strictly top? Is there anyone out there worth bottoming for, and if so, who?
Also: Ever do it as Padfoot, you kinky bastard?
sibyllsays @ August 11 2003, 22:01:49 UTC |
I Foresee that as a result of that question you shall be STRUCK DOWN by a large lorry!! The two actions have a direct cause-and-effect relationship and you will DIE from your injuries, and this will occur DESPITE the fact that you have posted anonymously!!
Really!! Has it not occurred to you that whether or not Sirius enjoys being the beast in 'bestiality,' some of us are not interested in discovering this side of him?!
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 22:58:20 UTC |
You probably thought I wouldn't answer this question. Well, you forget who you are dealing with, o anonymous one.
I top. Always, with the exception of one person, and I am in love with him. And then, only occasionally.
And I've tried to convince him to try it truly doggy style, but he has refused. So far.
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Anonymous @ August 11 2003, 23:00:59 UTC |
Perhaps if you took it like a man more often, you'd have a better chance at being man's best friend?
A point to ponder.
anjenue @ August 11 2003, 23:15:38 UTC |
*worships you for replying with grace, sass, and poignancy*
You are definitely my hero.
therealycats @ August 11 2003, 23:34:46 UTC |
Oh...this is probably obvious and it's definitely personal but you don't seem to mind so I'll ask and won't be upset if I don't get an answer.
When you say "truly doggy style," do you mean both of you in canine form or is that even possible at that time of the month?
Inquiring minds want to know!
therealycats @ August 12 2003, 06:06:17 UTC |
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! How interesting! Thank you! :D
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 01:39:43 UTC |
Thanks for asking him. I'd been wondering for a while.
sibyllsays @ August 11 2003, 23:44:55 UTC |
I Foresee a lorry. Headed directly for you. Please do not step out of the way.
zionsstarfish @ August 11 2003, 21:48:28 UTC |
What is your favorite cookie? and spill, if you feel you can, on your hubby and godson's favorites too ;)
Can you describe your favorite/best teaching experience?
And, um... cranberry coloured leather: a good thing or a bad thing?
*smooshes to you and your player* :) :)
zionsstarfish @ August 11 2003, 22:10:19 UTC |
I mean biscuit. I mean... oh, bugger it.
*slinks off*
p.s. <333333 :)
zionsstarfish @ August 11 2003, 22:34:58 UTC |
LOL :) I'm fairly good when I write fics and stuff, but take me away from that environment and whee! out the window ;) My Brit-picker tells me that the only 'cookies' they have are chocolate chip cookies.
*is suddenly craving chocolate...*
zionsstarfish @ August 11 2003, 22:44:15 UTC |
Hmm, probably because it would go straight to his thighs ;)
All right, I'll bite. But will you accept a poorly-executed jig instead?
zionsstarfish @ August 11 2003, 22:49:16 UTC |
Yes, he probably could. I wonder if he owns any Lycra... ;)
Excellent! I knew my terrible dance skills would come in handy some day! Cheers!
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 23:04:16 UTC |
Don't worry, I am familiar with American colloquialisms. I quite like a plain shortbread, though Remus got me hooked on bourbon creams. Harry, I believe, favours the Muggle kind, you know the chocolate ones with cream in the middle.
My best teaching experience was the Animagus class. Nothing of the sort had ever been taught at Hogwarts.
Leather, for me, only comes in one colour: black. Some can pull off brown. But cranberry? It's a food, not a colour.
Thank you.
zionsstarfish @ August 11 2003, 23:24:04 UTC |
:D Now you have me wondering if Harry is a dunker, a twist-and-licker, or a muncher. Anyway, thank you for answering these, you are very sweet :)
(parent)moony @ August 11 2003, 21:50:41 UTC |
Hello, Padfoot.
What happened on the night that Harry was born?
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 23:18:19 UTC |
Oh, that was a night to remember! James had been useless for weeks, jumping every time Lily moved, certain she was going to miscarry if she made tea. The night she went into labour, Remus and I were over visiting, luckily. Lily was very calm, stood up from the table and asked James to please fetch the mediwitch. It took a minute for that to sink in, then he flew into a frenzy. We had to restrain him while Lily contacted her herself.
While the mediwitch attended Lily, we forced copious amounts of firewhiskey down Prongs' throat. When little Harry gave his first cry, James passed out like a stone. He woke a bit later, and after Lily shouted at him a bit, he held Harry for the first time.
Remus and I left quietly after that.
It was wondrous.
purestblood @ August 11 2003, 22:10:07 UTC |
I was perusing mine and Narcissa's well-thumbed copy of the Kama Sutra, and while no one does the Lotus quite like my darling Cissa, I do find myself wondering if you can still put your legs behind your head.
Can you?
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Anonymous @ August 11 2003, 22:15:52 UTC |
Were you born with this innate ability to cause trouble or do you have too much time on your hands?
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 06:47:19 UTC |
Haven't you caused enough bloody trouble? Go away.
(parent)nightflight @ August 11 2003, 22:17:22 UTC |
Hello, Mister Black. Thank you for taking the time to visit with us. =)
Many people have already asked the clever questions, so I am just going to be lame and ask what your favourite song is, and why.
I hope everything works out well for all of you. I send my thoughts to you.
nightflight @ August 11 2003, 22:21:34 UTC |
And as this has already be asked, ignore the question but keep the <33s.
(parent)jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 23:21:35 UTC |
Thank you for your understanding. At the moment I'm listening to some Aerosmith, if that helps.
You Muggles do make the best music.
nightflight @ August 12 2003, 00:46:37 UTC |
I hope your lovely player has made it clear to you how much I do adore you.
And somehow, you do seem like an Aerosmith type to me. =) I'm glad we Muggles are good for something. ;)
morganmalfoy @ August 11 2003, 22:17:36 UTC |
My first question is why is everyone mad at you, but if you deem that too personal or simply too difficult, than my question(s) are what are Prof. Lupin's best physical, personal, and purely random best qualities, in your opinion?
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 23:25:14 UTC |
I could say that I don't know why everyone is angry with me, but that would be a lie. I am many things, but I am not a liar. Therefore, I think I would be best to pass on this question rather than raise even more ire.
Remus is loyal, and patient, and generally quite forgiving. And quite good in bed, even as a woman.
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Anonymous @ August 11 2003, 23:40:23 UTC An OOC Conversation: |
Remus's Player: Hm.
Remus's Player: Even as a woman, eh?
Sirius's Player: LOL
Remus's Player: Mister 'But Why Has the Penis Gone?'
Remus's Player: is it wrong that i just cracked myself up?
Sirius's Player: um, yes.
Sirius's Player: hee.
Remus's Player: it's funny.
Remus's Player: admit it.
Sirius's Player: it is!
Sirius's Player: you were traumatised, remus.
Remus's Player: YOU WOULD BE TOO
anjenue @ August 11 2003, 23:43:13 UTC Re: An OOC Conversation: |
*chokes on her own amusement*
You are far too cute for your own good. I don't think it's healthy.
tabiji @ August 12 2003, 01:18:49 UTC Re: An OOC Conversation: |
Okay, I have to say this, even if it's nutty on my part - damn, I'm glad to see they're still talking OOC.
And I will offer cash incentives to get more chat snippets like this :)
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 07:53:35 UTC Re: An OOC Conversation: |
Ron's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Arthur's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Ron's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Arthur's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Ron's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Arthur's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Ron's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Arthur's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Ron's player: http://www.livejournal.com/users/wehaves
Ron's player: "NA - Behind the Scenes"
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 10:58:05 UTC Re: An OOC Conversation: |
Think you're so funny do you?!
- that player
morganmalfoy @ August 12 2003, 07:14:49 UTC Re: An OOC Conversation: |
You guys are my favorites. And Snape. But y'all make the game for me.
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 23:33:45 UTC |
My favourite spot so far has been Cayman Brac, a small island in the Caribbean. The bluffs are incredible, and there are all sorts of amazing caves to explore. It's especially fun if you are a bit of an exhibitionist like me. I do enjoy... outdoor activities.
And thank you.
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Anonymous @ August 11 2003, 22:39:07 UTC |
How do you spend your time with Harry at DW?
What sort of things do you and Harry usually do together?
Have you planned to take Harry somewhere before the school starts?
Is there any kind of muggle sports do you like?
jadedsirius @ August 11 2003, 23:42:56 UTC |
We often practise Quidditch together, and I take him for rides on my motorbike. I had planned to teach Harry how to ride the bike, but he seems to be distracted lately. We had wanted to take him on a family holiday, but...
I have been known to enjoy a few Muggle sports; football is entertaining but I never quite understiid the appeal of baseball.
nabiki @ August 11 2003, 22:43:23 UTC |
Professor Black -
I must second and third and forth the thank-you's for letting us ask you questions, especially at a time like this...
Do you have any tatoos? If so, what are they of?
Can you tell us any more about some of the pranks the Mauraders pulled?
What, in particular, was one of the first or main reasons for picking on Professor Snape so much when you all were younger? ]
Thanks and much <3 :)
toopizza @ August 11 2003, 23:14:53 UTC |
Along some of those lines, do you have any piercings? If so, where?
(parent)dragynville @ August 11 2003, 23:16:05 UTC |
Professor Black,
I know you probably won't answer these, but please at least ask them of yourself.
Why is Lucius Malfoy so irresistable, so desirable, that you will not give up flirting with him, this one person out of a whole world of people?
And.. you know how Professor Lupin feels about it, you probably know how Harry feels about it. How would James Potter feel about it? What do you think he would say to you if you could ask him?
Good luck, and I hope you and yours can get your difficulties worked out together. (I would truly hate to see you wind up like my eldest brother, who has lost both his wives and alienated all three of his children through his own self-destructive behavior.)
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 00:17:51 UTC |
I think that answering that question would be a bad idea. But... haven't you ever been attracted to someone you oughtn't?
Thank you.
therealycats @ August 11 2003, 23:16:47 UTC |
Hello there! I adore you.
I was wondering about Snape's nickname that you all so...er...lovingly bestowed upon him during your school days. Did he have a sinus problem or is there some other story behind Snivellus?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 00:21:43 UTC |
Well, Snape did seem to have a lot of allergies that kept him sniffling. But, and James was actually the one who dubbed him thus, it really was more about the way he acted. Scuttling about... believe me when I say that the Snape of today really is an improvement.
May I say I think your icon is quite attractive.
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Anonymous @ August 11 2003, 23:21:55 UTC |
Is gay marriage legal in wizarding world?
If you want to get divorced, do you have to do the legal stuff?
Is there any kind of music that you can't stand?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 00:27:32 UTC |
It's not a legally binding union, no, but neither is it illegal. So, no, no divorce is required.
I despise Muggle country-western music. It's all about trucks and trains and people getting out of prison. It's quite depressing.
notapipe @ August 11 2003, 23:38:01 UTC |
Because I am obliged to ask, first: What's your favorite musical?
How did you get interested in muggle music?
Who is the better chess player? Remus, yourself, or Severus?
Whose idea was the current housing situation?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 00:37:46 UTC |
I don't care for musicals, really.
I think one of the older Gryffindors got me started on Muggle music, and I was hooked. It helped that it annoyed my family.
Snape and I are quite evenly matched at chess. Remus was never quite as good, though he could win occasionally when I was distracted. Which was often. Remus is much better at billards.
The current housing situation was a mutual decision.
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Anonymous @ August 11 2003, 23:42:55 UTC |
Do you want some of my cold rice pudding? It's very nice. And comfort food...?
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 00:05:31 UTC |
The first thing that comes to mind when you hear this poem?
We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.
-- Robert Frost
Beaucoup d'amour.
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 00:49:41 UTC |
I'm afraid I'm the wrong person to ask about that. I've never been one for poetry, that's more Remus' thing.
Or, I'm sure Snape would know all about it.
Thank you.
black_dog @ August 12 2003, 00:16:27 UTC |
How would you characterize Lucius Malfoy, from an ethical standpoint? Is he malicious? Complex and misunderstood? A bon vivant who attracts envious slander?
Do you believe or suspect he had any role in the murder of James and Lily?
Do you think he had any role in the recent attack on Hogwarts?
Would you trust him alone with Harry?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 00:52:23 UTC |
The only think that I think I should say about Lucius Malfoy is that he is very, very good with his mouth.
Take that as you will.
la_trix @ August 12 2003, 00:43:52 UTC |
First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to answer these questions, especially at a time like this. I hope you and Remus can reach a compromise that will make everyone happy in the end.
On to the questions. Is Harry all right? I gathered that he was pretty depressed for most of the summer, and your separation can't have helped matters. Has he been able to spend enough time with friends? You? Remus?
And just to satisfy my curiosity—what was your wedding present to Remus?
Hope this hasn't been too forward.
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 01:01:15 UTC |
Thank you for your good wishes.
Harry is probably not as happy as he could be, no. I'm afraid the separation came at an inopportune time. But we are all doing what we can to make it easier. Remus and I both love him and hopefully he knows that. He spends time with both of us, and his friends.
As for the wedding present... suffice it to say that it was satisfying all around.
ritergirl @ August 12 2003, 00:52:47 UTC |
Tell me about the times you and James spent together. What sort of things did he do in animagus form?
Why google it?
Love and nuzzles to you, beautiful.
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 01:36:03 UTC |
Seeing as we were quite different species, there were certain things we couldn't do. But I'm sure you didn't mean that. We ran in the woods together, mostly. And swam in the lake.
I'm not sure what a google is. If it's a magical creature, you could ask Remus.
Thank you.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 01:16:54 UTC |
was there any real leader to the marauders or was it a bit like the muskateers, all for one and one for all?
if you could sum up each of you in one word what would they be?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 01:41:54 UTC |
We didn't have a real leader, though Peter just followed what the rest of us did. Remus would often try to talk James and I out of our schemes, but it usually didn't work.
And I couldn't really pick one word... it wouldn't do anyone justice.
Thank you.
notapipe @ August 12 2003, 01:27:46 UTC |
I forgot. Boxers, briefs or other (please specify)?
(parent)jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 01:45:34 UTC |
Bikini briefs. Thong if I'm wearing the leather trousers.
I was waiting for that one.
eponis @ August 12 2003, 01:36:20 UTC |
Thank you so much for opening yourself up like this. I know that I and others have really appreciated reading your answers. Also, I wanted to say, as silly as it sounds, that I don't think you're merely a bastard. To be honest, from my limited perspective, I do think that you've made some poor decisions, but then everyone does where the heart is concerned. The love between you and Remus is so strong and beautiful (on both sides) that this separation really pains me for both your sakes. You have all my best wishes for a conclusion that's best for everyone concerned.
If I may ask two unrelated questions. . . You've known both Harry and James Potter well. How are their personalities similar, and how are they different?
Also, I have to ask this, but I'll respect your right not to answer. You've shown, in this q-and-a and elsewhere, that you're very open about your beliefs and activities. Has Lupin always been aware of the state of your relationship with Lucius, whatever it has been? Does he now know the full truth about what has and hasn't happened?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 02:02:36 UTC |
Thank you for your thoughts. They are appreciated.
James and Harry are quite similar, in that they will do anything they can to help a friend, or do what they think is right. Both are extremely brave. But, if anything, Harry is kinder. James could be quite cruel.
I have never lied to Remus. He knows who I have been with, and when. We were not together when Lucius and I were involved. And no matter what anyone thinks, Lucius and I have done no more than talk since. Whether or not Remus believes that, I cannot control.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 01:39:45 UTC |
You're a man of the world, Sirius. Got any sex advice you can impart upon us?
Will also accept blowjob tips.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 02:23:09 UTC |
In terms of pranks, are the Weasley twins up to par with the Marauders?
And why "The Marauders"?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 02:49:51 UTC |
I have to say that they are carrying on the tradition quite admirably.
We were dubbed the Marauders by Professor McGonagall, who berated us one night about our late-night "marauding." We all laughed about it. James said it made us sound like pirates, and he commenced a jig about the common room, doing bad pirate imitations. "Out marauding the high seas of Hogwarts! Arr!" And the next morning we clinked our glasses of pumpkin juice together and declared ourselves the Marauders. Much to McGonagall's chagrin.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 02:49:04 UTC |
hi! if it isn't too invasive, could i ask about your friendship with james potter? how you became friends and why? what kind of role did he play in your life? also, <3.
(parent)jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 12:29:22 UTC |
James and I were best friends from the instant we met, on the Hogwarts Express. I cannot describe what it's like to practically know what another person is thinking just by looking at them. Our friendship changed around third year, and we became even closer. Then he fell in love with Lily, and I with Remus. We remained best friends, though, until the end.
Thank you.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 03:01:02 UTC |
Has Harry ever asked your advices about his love life, sexuality, studying and future career?
If so, what're your advices?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 12:31:19 UTC |
Harry has come to me for various types of advice, and to Remus for others. He keeps fairly quiet about his "love life," but to that end I have provided him with some reading material. I can of course help him quite a bit with most subjects, other than Potions. As for his future career, only Harry knows that.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 03:40:16 UTC |
On the 1-st of August you wrote:
Checking in once more... am back, have godson, have husband, all is well.
And now, after 11 days what do you have? PLEASE think about this and go talk to Remus. HE NEEDS YOU!
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 12:31:49 UTC |
Things are always more complex than they appear.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 03:47:02 UTC |
I don't mean to be evil, but... have you picked up on the fact that Harry consistently "forgets" clothing items at Remus's and has to go "pick them up"? Resulting, it seems, in quite lengthy stays.
Sod it, there's no tactful way to ask. Maybe you're not giving Harry something he needs, something that he feels he can get more readily from Remus?
:: cringes in anticipation of the response ::
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 12:33:17 UTC |
Remus and I are different people, and thus provide Harry with different things. This is the reason that there are generally two parents in a family (when possible). I never begrudge Harry the time he spends with Remus.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 12 2003, 04:22:03 UTC |
Mr Black, I'm going to be annoying and ask you the same question I've asked everyone else. What do you think of the relationship forming between Draco Malfoy and Harry?
jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 12:54:33 UTC |
I think Harry would be quite upset if I were to discuss that. Suffice it to say that I am proud of him.
(parent)serpensortia @ August 12 2003, 04:43:05 UTC |
*hugs* Only one question from me...
If happiness could be brought, how much would you pay for it?
blondenarcissa @ August 12 2003, 04:46:03 UTC |
Why is it that you allow no one to use your kitchen but you?
(parent)jadedsirius @ August 12 2003, 13:07:41 UTC |
Though I prefer to be undisturbed in my culinary pursuits, I don't think I have been quite that dictatorial.
I hate it when things are not where they are supposed to be.