ms_potter @ 2003-08-12 17:47:00 |
Forget wibbling....
Mood: :(
This is enough to make me full-out bawl.
Sirius and Remus players, we've had enough. Really. Let's get back to the happy puppylove, stat. If Nragers start slitting their wrists, it'll be entirely your fault.
(and I hope I've obeyed the five minute rule...)
hunin_munin @ August 12 2003, 15:19:03 UTC |
*chuckles* A lover's spat. I love how the two of them are acting like children. Neither one will budge from their standing. Personally, I am hoping that Harry will get his fill of this and explode all over the two of them.
Of course, this is guessing this is over just what we think it is.
anjaliesque @ August 12 2003, 15:39:28 UTC IMHO |
Well, I think the players are doing absolutely marvelously. Their ability to jerk one's heartstrings demonstrates their skill and talent more than it ever could by keeping us in constant fluff. Variety is the spice of life, my dears, and NA's maintained originality seems to prove this best.
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dry_your_eyes @ August 12 2003, 15:45:52 UTC |
my first thought was:
I'm so happy they both have Harry. He'll find the way to get those two together. he has to...
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 19:33:38 UTC |
But... but WAH.
Are you telling me that after losing his parents, living in misery with the Dudley's for a decade, and having to fight Voldemort on a yearly basis, he also has to be the answer to MARITAL PROBLEMS?
*falls over*
I don't think this ever fell in the job description...
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dry_your_eyes @ August 13 2003, 02:20:08 UTC |
I don't think this ever fell in the job description...
life is not easy. Whatever they say, but eventually it's all about Harry (more or less)
what I was trying to say is that Harry will help them come together. He may even not do anythings, but he's a son for both of them. At least I can hope so
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 08:21:02 UTC |
oh, I know. ^_~ I was just answering in wibble fashion.
(parent)imochan @ August 12 2003, 15:52:43 UTC |
>:O >:O >:O >:O
This is ridiculous. You KNOW you don't want blood all over the nice, new carpet. C'mon. notapipe spent like, six hours putting this thing in. It's all purple and stuff. And sort of shag. It feels good on the toes. The blood of my angsty slicing will make it all crusty. You SO don't want that. You KNOW you don't.
tabiji @ August 13 2003, 01:31:45 UTC |
Did he ever get around to fixing the leaking faucet in the nraged loo?
(parent)imochan @ August 13 2003, 06:27:32 UTC |
You know what, I don't know, but the lineup's usually so long for the women's I just duck into the men's. We should poke him about that. >:D<
Also, the comfy chair is making that squeaky sound again.
dragynville @ August 12 2003, 15:57:07 UTC |
Sirius has restored my faith in the depth of his love for Remus. He's worried and is trying to take care of him. <3 <3 <3
Now if he'd just let go of his pride a little and take Remus the soup himself I bet it would go a long ways towards mending Remus' hurt feelings.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 16:38:57 UTC |
What is Harry, their messenger boy? Poor kid, to have to act as intermediary from them.
But it was a beautiful thought nonetheless. *wibbles*
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 19:26:29 UTC |
"Sounds like Remus can be just as childish as Sirius when he wants. If it's true."
Ah, and that's the funny bit, isn't it? For starters, all we have is Sirius's word on that, and that may just be Sirius's way of justifying for himself why he shouldn't see Remus in person. Then, even if he is telling the truth this time, can you really blame Remus? Until we see evidence that there was more to this matter than Sirius's lack of respect for Remus's wishes, as well as his lack of trust (as derived from the Neville post in which he's learning from Sirius) and his hypocrisy (talking to the man who wants Harry dead and then criticizing Remus for letting Harry try a cigarette), all we have is that Remus just underwent a most miserable transformation because Sirius didn't try to open the lines of communication that - for the moment - we can only assume he caused to break in the first place. Besides, as Remus is probably feeling pretty lousy right now, due to not sleeping and then the wretched transformation, I think he should be allowed to be snarky in the BEST of family situations. This is a bad time of the month for us to be drawing conclusions about Remus's innocence/guilt in regards to these family matters. ^_~ Just a thought.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 20:22:32 UTC |
I'm not saying Sirius is lying. I'm saying he may well be doing the whole self-defeatest number by telling himself Remus wouldn't accept the food even if he did go in person. They haven't even TALKED since the incident; how does he know Remus will refuse him?
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 20:37:57 UTC |
but when I say he's not telling the truth I don't mean that he is maliciously trying to create a lie about Remus. it shouldn't automatically be inferred that way.
And if your latter statement, Yes he is being stubborn about it, and yes, quite possibly Remus wouldn't turn him away, but neither have tried to conact or talk about things with the other, so perhaps that's why Sirius thinks Remus won't let him help him. , then surely even that is more evidence of a self-defeating attitude. Both are at an impasse, but when Remus is recovering from a transformation, it is only within the power of ONE of them to go see the other.
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 17:20:05 UTC |
*sniffles and wibbles*
The only thing I'm holding on to right now...reading over Sirius's replies to almost sort of seems there's something else behind all of this, driving it...
Here he talks about things not always being as they seem.
Here he says things are complex.
Here he uses the word "complicated".
I'm thinking...there really is something else that we're not seeing. At least...that's what I'm hoping.
Much <3 to Remus and Sirius and to their are both too good at jerking us around. *keeps a dagger handy just in case*
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 19:14:30 UTC hm... |
There is another factor to consider, of course, and that is that somewhere along the line Remus's player said that a real family crisis was happening and that all the characters were responding AS IF THEY WERE REALLY WITHIN THE CRISIS.
This may go against another theory I proposed recently, but all we have are theories anyway, so I don't mind offering a counterpoint to my own thoughts. Normal people don't like being told they're in the wrong; they don't like admitting their errors to others. Saying things like "it's complicated" or "it's complex" may just be his way of trying to avoid the fact that he's really in the wrong. It certainly sounds realistic enough; I'm sure we all know people who've said such things when others try to pin blame on them. Remus's character said the players were going to respond realistically, and it strikes me that MAYBE this is just sirius's player being at her usual, realistic best.
"Complex" and "complicated" just sound REALLY too vague at the moment. I offer this suggestion as just a possibility to keep in mind. I think we all need a little more evidence to come to any real conclusions about the matter, though.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 17:30:11 UTC |
i just feel like ive had enough sirius related angst to last me a lifetime thanks to canon i really wish we didnt have to see it here too
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 21:21:46 UTC |
Yes, that time when Sirius talks about the Marauders is very sad.
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 12 2003, 21:28:09 UTC |
At least Sirius is finally mentioning it and now it seems like Remus is the one who won't give this a go... it's giving his side, a little bit, and come on. He so obviously cares. So it's not all bad.
la_trix @ August 12 2003, 21:51:17 UTC |
Yes; it could hardly be more obvious that he cares. In post after post after post in Sirius's Nraged Q & A, he brings up Remus even when it didn't directly relate to the question at hand. Remus is clearly foremost in his mind; he can hardly think about anyone else. It seemed that he wanted, desperately, to talk about Remus, to remember their happy times (contrast this with Remus's Q & A, in which Remus seemed to want to distract himself from thoughts of Sirius more than anything else).
el_erzulie @ August 12 2003, 22:01:02 UTC |
That's exactly my thoughts. At first, it was Remus who was mentioning things. If he didn't mention Sirius, it would still be clear how shattered he is. Now he is hiding away, he hasn't posted because of the full moon but I doubt he would be even if that wasn't happening, and you're right about the question session. He tried not to mention Sirius and certainly didn't bring him up [much - he might have once or twice and I missed it] unless it was necessary.
It really, really makes me curious. Now it's very much Remus who is stopping them from speaking, though it used to seem like it was Sirius. Even odder, as Sirius just was NOT being open about it. But then he mentioned that jacket, and from there, he's been a lot more honest about it. Perhaps he's trying to win him back, perhaps he's realized it's not going to be easy to get him back, or maybe he just realizes how much he misses him.
Either way, something has DEFINITELY changed between the two of them. I, for one, am glad to see Sirius mentioning him and obviously caring. No wonder he all called him a bastard at first - but now, how can we, really? *glomps both Sirius AND Remus*
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 21:41:39 UTC Not to make a big deal... |
but would it be wrong of me to *SQUEE* about the fact that they're TALKING TO EACH OTHER ( NOW? KIND OF?