nightflight @ 2003-08-12 23:55:00 |
my head hurts.
Mood: amused
Anybody who has been there, how accurate is this?
Also, O. ::meaningful look at dragynville:: ;D
eponis @ August 12 2003, 21:12:22 UTC |
As someone who lived in Orlando for something like 20 years:
The cockroaches are that big and that prolific, and Disney is indeed that plastic and frighteningly cheerful. It's really quite eerie, particularly in areas that are supposed to look "normal" but have pristine, just-painted walls, twice-a-minute-swept sidewalks, bouncy music floating out of the bushes, and topiaries without a single leaf out of their bland, cheerful order.
Also, I'm fairly sure that Snape will be disappointed, as (last I knew) Disney doesn't allow any alcohol on their grounds, among other things. If he's trying to see Epcot and the Magic Kingdom in one day (both one or two days in their own right), though, I can understand the need for intoxication.
(Psst, Severus: if you want tea, fresh orange scones, and the best mead I can procure, I'm only a short drive away. ::wink::)
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a_player @ August 12 2003, 21:17:01 UTC |
If I remember right, Epcot allows alcohol. The Magic Kingdom doesn't. Hence, all the adults want to go to Epcot, usually right after having to endure Small World seven times in a row.
- another refugee of Orlando and Disney World whore - oh, and Snape's player ;-)
nightflight @ August 12 2003, 21:20:11 UTC |
I just wanted to take the opportunity to say that you are a genius.
Do you need your tiara shined?
(And to all, the a_player LJ idea is cute! =D)
eponis @ August 12 2003, 21:59:59 UTC |
Ah, you're right, I'd forgotten.
Really, I never understood the "Small World" thing. I think I like the ride better than most (the cultural-stereotype-children are mostly pretty cute), but the darn line, as if no one else can leave the park without visiting it thrice, is the part that drives one to drink . . .
You're Snape's player AND an Orlando person? Can I have your babies? Please???
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 01:58:49 UTC |
I hate Florida. The cockroaches are entirely too big. AND ENTIRELY TOO PLENTIFUL -.- I FEAR FOR MY LIFE that they'll take me in my sleep or something.
And Disney makes me depressed and suicidal insted of happy \:D/ I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU FOR TELLING THE GOD'S HONEST TRUTH ABOUT THIS GOD AWFUL STATE.
On another note. I loved the idea of Severus in Disney, since it was practically me a few months ago, complaining. :D
I, too, hate Small World. Have you ever been on Peter Pan? That one isn't so bad! Although the lines!! oh, THE LINES. -.-
~Meiko! *excited!* *nerd*
notapipe @ August 12 2003, 21:20:23 UTC |
The title My grief lies onward and my joy behind. comes from The Bard himself. The last line of the couplet in a sonnet to Shakespeare's friend.
I am very amused by the thought of Snape in Disneyworld, sitting on "It's A Small World" and cursing Dumbledore. And honestly, I think Disneyworld is worse than he makes it out to be.
nightflight @ August 12 2003, 21:21:13 UTC |
I am enthralled with the image of him in mouse ears.
We need a manip.
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 21:22:54 UTC |
Who did the one of Snape in Lederhosen? They need to work on this one next.
(parent)notapipe @ August 12 2003, 21:37:12 UTC |
tabiji is the wonder who made that, though it appears she's not on at the moment.
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 00:46:14 UTC Re: :) Okay! |
That is the most horrifying thing I have ever seen.
- Snape's gobsmacked player
tabiji @ August 13 2003, 00:48:07 UTC Re: :) Okay! |
Er, does that mean that you, Snape and I can't have a threesome at the Grand Floridian?
notapipe @ August 13 2003, 00:52:50 UTC Re: :) Okay! |
Fuckwow. O M G. *dies a thousand deaths*
(parent)theantimodel @ August 13 2003, 02:47:38 UTC Re: :) Okay! |
bwaahahahaha I love it.
you rock tabiji!
tabiji @ August 13 2003, 13:53:06 UTC Re: :) Okay! |
Heh! If that poor man could see what we do to him!
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 13 2003, 08:35:25 UTC Re: :) Okay! |
That's...stunning. O_O And where was this lederhosen picture?
(parent)tabiji @ August 13 2003, 13:49:45 UTC Re: :) Okay! |
Ha! Thanks!
Here are links to the nocturne_alley ones I've done so far:
Snape in lederhosen.
Surfin' Sirius
Malfoy Family Portrait
Millicent is not pleased.
Draco and M.B. with Pansy's birthday cake.
darththalia @ August 13 2003, 13:42:58 UTC |
Thanks! Not as creative as yours, though. That gave me chills.
(parent)tabiji @ August 13 2003, 13:51:00 UTC |
Heh. They don't call it "The Happiest Place on Earth" for nothin' !
(parent)anjenue @ August 12 2003, 21:21:46 UTC |
Orlando scares me. It's way too much of a magnet for very irritating people wearing very, very bright colors. If I were Snape, I'd be running the other direction.
Or very, very drunk.
notapipe @ August 12 2003, 21:22:44 UTC |
Oh yes, and we're up to:
I think it's "everything's not" Though "everything snogs" is not out of the questions.
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 21:23:55 UTC |
Everything's not as simple as it seems?
That seems to be a rather common theme nowadays...
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 21:31:17 UTC |
Everything's now in place?
(loving the title of Grand Vizier)
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 21:33:53 UTC |
Ooo, that would definitely work...and wouldn't require quite as long to complete as my suggestion...
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 21:37:08 UTC |
It has to have something to do with something he's DONE in these places after all. Sometimes he's picked stuff up, but maybe he's been moving things from place to place, too? Preparing the necessities for an upcoming war?
What REALLY scares me is that if the message is completed before school starts, it could mean that the all-out war will commence in September.
I think we may be looking at a rather explosive N_A year ahead of us.
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 21:39:15 UTC |
That is an extremely frightening thought.
Makes me even more curious as to what exactly is the significance of the stuff he's moving...
Mad props to the entire N_A community for the depth of their playage and the way they're thinking this all out...I think I'm enjoying this more than I did Book Five.
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 21:40:57 UTC |
Er, I meant stuff he's picking up. Right. *facepalms*
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 21:42:03 UTC |
Hehe... on NA it feels like I'm following a trail of crumbs and have no idea where I'm going to end up.
Or maybe a better analogy is a donkey following a carrot on a stick. Damn. Hope we all get that carrot in the end. ^_^
babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 21:44:34 UTC |
What if he doesn't finish before term starts? Lucius has access to Snape's thoughts and his loyalties are starting to break through the mask. Having Snape gone gives Voldie and Co. an advantage.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 21:48:47 UTC |
So I guess... either way you slice it... the signs are pointing to a major conflict near the beginning of seventh year...
o_o eep.
babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 21:35:52 UTC |
Lots of interesting places start with "W:"
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 21:38:17 UTC |
How bout Walla Walla? ^_^
notapipe @ August 12 2003, 21:42:57 UTC |
I wouldn't count on him going to Winnipeg (bookofjude's index is awesome), though forcing him to go to Walla Walla has to be a thousand times worse. Maybe just Seattle Washington?
Or DC. DC could be good.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 21:44:49 UTC |
Bah. He's been in the US for too long. Let's cast him back into the jungle or something.
*avid gleam*
athene_51 @ August 12 2003, 21:50:36 UTC |
I feel so special - I've been linked by the illustrious Grand Vizier of Cool!
I would love to see Snape in Saskatchewan :) Wynyard, Weyburn, Watrous, Waskesiu... the possibilities are endless.
windtear @ August 12 2003, 22:36:47 UTC |
Wooloongong, just outside Sydney, has much to recommend it.
Alas, however, not myself; I'm a Brisbane girl. Still, it's only a ten-hour drive.
bookofjude @ August 12 2003, 23:02:02 UTC |
Rather, the spelling. :D I used to live there. And LJ ate the rest of my comment.
(parent)windtear @ August 12 2003, 23:45:23 UTC |
You're an Aussie too? YAAY! Not enough of us in this fandom, really.
And I shall bow to your superior spelling skills.
bookofjude @ August 12 2003, 23:46:37 UTC |
Definitely not enough of us, I'll give you that. And apologies if I sounded a little snippy, I didn't mean to be.
(parent)notapipe @ August 12 2003, 23:55:28 UTC |
What the hell? I can't throw a rock in fandom without hitting an aussie.
(parent)anjenue @ August 12 2003, 21:41:59 UTC |
Now, if only we could have a manip of Snape with one of those cheese hats...
(parent)zorb @ August 12 2003, 23:03:54 UTC |
My guess is "Everything's nothing." He keeps saying things like "This day owes me nothing" that are sending my Clue Radar nuts. Plus, you could count Dumbledore's party as an "apostrophe" in his travels.
(parent)notapipe @ August 12 2003, 23:51:31 UTC |
He went to Germany after the party. So it would be "everythin'gs nothing" then.
(parent)zorb @ August 12 2003, 23:52:58 UTC |
Whoops. *chucks that part of the theory*
*clings to the rest*
portkey @ August 12 2003, 21:26:43 UTC |
From Severus' comment about it not being a small world, I wonder if he actually rode that. If so, he has my deepest, deepest sympathies. I went there when I was seven, and though I had a great time overall, "It's a small world" was pure torture. *shudders*
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 21:29:35 UTC |
I will miss Remus's gentle teasing; I think he would get a kick out of this entry.
But for his health, he should stay in bed, eat Sirius's soup, and get lots of rest.
dragynville @ August 12 2003, 21:48:27 UTC |
caffeineaddict, I have much luff for your n_a icon! <3
zionsstarfish @ August 12 2003, 22:09:26 UTC |
OMG, hahahaha... I hurt something laughing at the 'prepubescent parading boys' being Florida's State animal.
I'm going to throw my hat in the ring and say the mystery line is from some kind of poem. I don't know if NA!Snape is an e.e. cummings fan, but why not this poem:
now does our world descend
the path to nothingness
(cruel now cancels kind;
friends turn to enemies)
therefore lament,my dream
and don a doer's doom
create is now contrive;
imagined,merely know
(freedom:what makes a slave)
therefore,my life,lie down
and more by most endure
all that you never were
hide,poor dishonoured mind
who thought yourself so wise;
and much could understand
concerning no and yes:
if they've become the same
it's time you unbecame
where climbing was and bright
is darkness and to fall
(now wrong's the only right
since brave are cowards all)
therefore despair,my heart
and die into the dirt
but from this endless end
of briefer each our bliss--
where seeing eyes go blind
(where lips forget to kiss)
where everything's nothing
--arise,my soul;and sing
(emphasis mine)... which I think means that everything is going to hell in a handbasket. Yay! *does a jig* Anyway, I am probably quite wrong, but it is the NA way to speculate wildly :D :D
zorb @ August 12 2003, 23:06:06 UTC |
I really need to learn to read all of the comments before replying. *facepalm* As I just posted above - I think you're right on target.
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 12 2003, 23:12:39 UTC |
But what could it possibly mean? (lol the 1672347343 Galleon question ;)
(parent)zorb @ August 12 2003, 23:17:18 UTC |
It could be a reference to that poem, just as he's been continuously using poetry (and it seems to be catching among the characters o.O). The piece seems like a good summary of the state of the NA world to me.
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 04:01:13 UTC |
Man, that Victorian hotel is *expensive*. And, also, I thought, pretty. Hee, I feel shame now. But, what I was wondering is-- does Snape get a budget for this from the Minstry of Magic? Or is this, you know, out of Dumbledore's pocket? 'Cause if so, Snape must have some issues with the man he's trying to work out. hee
(parent)primroseburrows @ August 13 2003, 07:56:57 UTC |
Love potions_master. LoveLoveLove.
*sigh* His heart is showing. So sweet.
Poor lupercus. He needs a friend right about now.