dragynville @ 2003-08-12 21:49:00 |
<3's for Sirius!
SQUEE! LURVE! Making the first move, what a man Sirius! But what will Remus reply? *trembles with anticipation*
[edit] He says yes! SCORE! We have us some happy! [/edit]
[edit 2] Going to the river to make a hole in it. CANNOT COPE. [/edit 2]
untiemybinds @ August 12 2003, 21:48:25 UTC |
This is all too much to deal with! :(( I want some happy. Give me some happy, please?
dragynville @ August 12 2003, 21:50:03 UTC |
Even if Remus says no, I see this as some little happy at least because Sirius is trying. :D
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 12 2003, 21:51:23 UTC |
True, but still. You know.
Ack! Answer him already!
Good job, Sirius.
untiemybinds @ August 12 2003, 21:54:56 UTC |
But, what if something bad happens? *pouts*
nightflight @ August 12 2003, 21:57:53 UTC |
Oh my God, look at Sirius fawn. Oh God. Can't deal. CANNOT COPE.
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 12 2003, 21:59:27 UTC |
I love that he cooked him food and is all worried about it still being Remus' favourite.
untiemybinds @ August 12 2003, 22:03:21 UTC |
Wah, why did I take the love away?!
The love is back Sirius, the love is back!
I must go cry now. It's just so good.
But what if...? :(
la_trix @ August 12 2003, 22:06:45 UTC |
No bad thoughts! Picture this: Sirius, sitting next to the bed, helping Remus sit up and eat, no heavy discussion yet b/c of Remus' exhaustion ... just sitting together. Sirius just being there for him. Sigh.
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 12 2003, 22:13:21 UTC |
Thankyou, dear!
You are right. Sirius comfort is good comfort.
Still crying -- from happiness -- though.
And still wibbling. Good wibbles.
la_trix @ August 12 2003, 21:55:56 UTC |
Remus is replying without using caps, which is unusual ... strikes me as tentative, maybe a bit nervous?
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 12 2003, 21:57:28 UTC |
He's been doing that with everyone.
I think he might just be tired, after the full moon and all.
dragynville @ August 12 2003, 21:57:35 UTC |
Quite possibly, also he's tired and worn out from the effects of the full moon.
(parent)la_trix @ August 12 2003, 22:08:37 UTC |
Yes, that too, poor guy. He can't even get out of bed.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 22:20:50 UTC |
This thing with Sirius, and so no Padfoot, the CAGE, and then Narcissa's well-meaning but very ill-timed visit make for a nasty time.
Maybe Remus will fall asleep while Sirius is over there and Sirius can sit on the bed and hold his hand. Or something romantic like that.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 22:06:12 UTC *laughs* |
Wow. Sirius is so enthused. As he should be. Good on, mate!
I love this bit: I have some lamb ready. It's still your favourite, I hope? And some roasted new potatoes with garlic butter. I won't even bring any vegetables. Is that all right?
lol. silly kid. potatoes are vegetables too. I know he's probably referring to veggies of the green variety, but it's still cute the way he said this, because it just shows he's in such a haste to make things right now that he doesn't seem to remember the previous lines he's writing.
*cuddles Sirius massively*
babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 22:14:32 UTC Re: *laughs* |
I think he's had this planned and even if it wasn't, the time and though he's putting into this is very sweet.
This whole thing has an awkward sweetness to it; like Sirius is a teenager again or when a relationship is very new.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 22:17:06 UTC Re: *laughs* |
oh! definitely! It's like a rebirth for them at the moment, and it's extraordinarily cute.
Thank goodness Harry doesn't have to be stuck in the middle again.
Go Sirius for taking initiative!
therealycats @ August 12 2003, 22:18:49 UTC |
Ooooooooooooooh!!! Is our favorite canine couple back together??? PLEASE???
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 22:22:29 UTC |
I think we have the first baby-steps toward togetherness.
(parent)therealycats @ August 12 2003, 22:24:07 UTC |
Good! This is good!
***note to self: Oh God. It's happening. You're getting addicted. Oh dear...***
aintgotink @ August 12 2003, 22:22:55 UTC *LOL* |
My first comment ever in nraged and I'm crying while making it.
*wipes tear* THERE'S HOPE! YES!
And to think that I used to make fun of my mother and her 'stories'. Oi.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 22:27:38 UTC |
im now in bawling mode.
babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 22:32:21 UTC |
Well, that was fast and painful. I wonder if they had a fight.
Would you like a code?
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 22:33:56 UTC |
yes i quite would, thank you!!
how do i contact you?
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 22:38:50 UTC |
did i say thank you yet? *estatic*
babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 23:50:50 UTC |
It was my pleasure. ^_^
I'm in love with your icon. I have many pictures of Mana taped up around my monitor.
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 22:32:45 UTC |
and lucius is a bastard.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 22:36:22 UTC |
*jaw hanging open*
THAT didn't take very long, now did it?
Perhaps Remus only wanted the food?
*pathetic attempt at humour*
Wow. How the hell could they have messed that attempt up so quickly. And, honestly, does Lucius have ANYTHING BETTER to do than hang around, waiting for Sirius to be doghoused???
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 22:43:29 UTC |
sirius's last post on the thread was at 22:07
give him a few minutes to get the stuff together, so let's say he apparates at 22:10.
he gets there, messes up, and is back to post at 22:24. Apparation time + time to get the net going + time to post... 4 minutes, let's say. That means they bungled everything within TEN MINUTES.
CRIKEY. And Remus seems too tired to talk much, too. WHAT THE HELL COULD'VE GONE WRONG.
Unless Remus was smoking when Sirius arrived?
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 22:46:38 UTC |
*pulls out dagger from earlier*
They need to get over themselves and work this out instead of behaving like children. Harry's having to be the adult. How unfair is that?
The only place I can see this going is regret...one of them dying in this big upcoming battle and the other beating himself up over it...
Yes, I am morbid. But seriously. That's where my mind's going right now, and as much as I don't like it, I'm starting to believe it.
zionsstarfish @ August 12 2003, 22:40:13 UTC |
Yes, the Riviera where he is vacationing with Draco must be rather... boring. I wonder if Narcissa's made it there yet? She won't be pleased...
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 22:41:43 UTC |
Yeah, really, eh? Especially since this Sirius/Lucius thread seems a lot more blatant than the last ones. o_o Narcissa should have him castrated.
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 12 2003, 22:55:32 UTC |
Absinthe? *rolleyes* Abstinence, ought to be more like it ;)
*waves the Flags O' Impending Danger* Run away, Sirius! RUN!!!!!!!
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 23:08:04 UTC |
oh! I like your way of thinking! yes! let's set up an nraged mantra shall we? if we say it in harmony, all of us, maybeeverythingwillgetbetter????
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 23:09:28 UTC |
STOPITWITHTHETEMPTATION, Lucius! *beats him with his own pimp cane*
(parent)undermeyou @ August 12 2003, 23:11:30 UTC |
*L* They're reciting even more poetry.. I stop somewhere waiting for you.
Is that an invitation?
nmalfoy @ August 12 2003, 23:20:10 UTC |
We've gone from Poe, to Robert Frost, to Walt Whitman. Interesting mix.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 23:24:39 UTC |
It seems that he lied to us (especially me) about poetry not being his thing.
nmalfoy @ August 12 2003, 23:26:45 UTC |
I don't know. Those are pretty well-known quotes. He might have picked them up here and there.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 23:28:19 UTC |
I suppose... Thanks.
I guess I'm jsut suffering from ALL THIS DRAMA. T_T
zionsstarfish @ August 12 2003, 23:31:29 UTC |
Sirius says he took the road less traveled; Lucius says (I think) at first he didn't succeed at tempting him, but he is darned well going to try, try again, and p.s. let's meet somewhere.
Um, maybe? LOL! It is way too late for me for poetic interpretations...
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Anonymous @ August 13 2003, 00:01:21 UTC |
I agree with your interpretation, even if I don't like what it means. But perhaps an inebriated Lucius will be easier to pitch off a cliff?
My spelling suffers as well, it seems. >>;; Way too late for this indeed.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 23:29:37 UTC |
that sure as hell looks like lucius is waiting. and the messages seem to have stopped, which just lends to that possibility.
but wait a minute... if he goes out... does that mean harry - if he's even at DW, which we don't know yet - will have to wake up alone in the house?
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 23:46:48 UTC |
*agrees and kicks Sirius*
I love Siri, I really do...but honestly.
*points* Go to your doghouse and stay there until you learn to think.
undermeyou @ August 12 2003, 22:39:08 UTC |
That took less than 20 minutes to go down in flames... *bursts into tears* So my stomach did flip-flops for nothing? :(
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 12 2003, 22:42:39 UTC |
Awwwww. It was probably a case of too much, too soon. Remus is in a terribly exhausted mental and emotional state right now, and having the mature, adult, rational, reasoned, logical talk that they need to have is probably beyond both of them at the moment.
(parent)anjenue @ August 12 2003, 22:52:35 UTC |
Once again, Remus turns to Severus for the sort of comfort that only Severus can provide.
I agree. What the bloody hell did happen?!? Neither of them are happy.
babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 23:35:47 UTC |
Remus sounds like he's reached some breaking point or fork in the road of life. It almost sounds like he's two steps away from giving up.
I hope Snape can do something about that.
swallowaspider @ August 13 2003, 00:55:50 UTC |
He's calling him Remus. Repeatedly.
This is... something.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 22:59:12 UTC latest remus reply: |
"and he knows this isn't about us or even me anymore. he bloody knows that because if he doesn't then. then i don't know how we're going to fix this."
talking about them as a family unit? Sirius/Remus/Harry? What else could be more important than just the S/R relationship by itself?
WOO Remus for being responsible and making sure Sirius can only be forgiven if he realizes what and who he was hurting. (if indeed he's talking about the family unit in this post o_o;)
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 23:01:06 UTC Re: latest remus reply: |
Looks like we know what happened though.
My thoughts? Sirius is being rather too stubborn, and if he goes to drink absinthe with Lucius...I think he's screwed.
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 23:05:32 UTC Re: latest remus reply: |
O_O;; hopefully not in more ways than one.
Hopefully he's not so desperate he'd actually fly to the Riviera to get drunk with his old lover while Narcissa is feeling neglected and Draco... well, Draco's been quiet... we don't know what he's thinking, the poor dear. He's been brought up to handle everything with an aristocratic air, so it may very well be that he's repressing all this.
But yes. That's a tangent.
Grar. I have yet to see the point where Sirius shows he wants to do something good for Remus JUST FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD DEED, AND NOT TO WORM IN CHANCES TO HELP HIMSELF.
*cuddles Harry, who I hope is sleeping through this*
zionsstarfish @ August 12 2003, 23:08:16 UTC Re: latest remus reply: |
So, Sirius tried to apologize and Remus felt that Sirius didn't fully comprehend the depth of the hurt, so the apology was dismissed and the crap hit the fan...
I'm worried for Harry. When parental figures argue, isn't the child (even a teenaged one) liable to blame himself? (Speaking of Harry, he's allowed to do magic now that he's 17, yeah? Maybe he'll go on a mini-rampage. LOL... Narcissa says that Draco disappeared to his rooms earlier... I'm hoping they've hooked up. Not for the H/D-ness, (no, really!) but because I think Harry could use a friend right now.)
blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 23:12:33 UTC Re: latest remus reply: |
I think even if they sat huddled together and didn't say a word, they'd still be giving one another strength.
And... speaking of which... Sirius never said if Harry made it home.
o_O surely it can't have taken THAT long... where is he?
(crikey, Harry's becoming N_A's version of Where's Waldo... oh! could someone make an icon of Where's Harry?????? I don't know how, but if someone does, I'd flip ^_^ in a good way)
zionsstarfish @ August 12 2003, 23:23:35 UTC Re: latest remus reply: |
waah. *has warm fuzzies at the thought*
Here's my newest crackpot theory re: Sirius and Lucius. I think Sirius likes the danger that is inherent with hanging out with Lucius. He likes being on the edge, flirting with disaster (lol, literally, I think), and likes to thinks he is in control of the situation. Every little innuendo he exchanges with Lucius or lets slip by, every new encounter, every button that he lets Lucius push... it's all good to him. He's juggling knives, he's in a cage with a tiger. He likes the adrenaline rush that comes with being in a potentially disasterous situation. I don't want to go as far as to say that he's addicted to the feeling of dancing about with someone who has links to Voldemort, and who is obviously someone he shouldn't be associating with, but he likes it far too much for his own good, and the good of those who really care about him.
Yay crackpot theory!!
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Anonymous @ August 12 2003, 23:02:44 UTC |
Hmm. Does Lucius flirting with Sirius follow an argument with Narcissa?
And wah! The angst! Have strength of will, Sirius! Don't trust the Death Eater, even if he happens to be sexy.
- Cyri
undermeyou @ August 12 2003, 23:17:45 UTC |
I was about to ask what the confetti was for, perhaps for us to choke ourselves with. :D
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 23:32:48 UTC |
*cries* does anyone else think, that after nights of snape telling remus to get some sleep, and remus responding with tolerant amusement, this final, disheartened admission:
"i am so tired, severus"
is perhaps the most heart-breaking things about this thread?
akutenshi2007 @ August 12 2003, 23:38:05 UTC |
*cries* yes. this irony is completely horrible.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 12 2003, 23:46:40 UTC |
"There are no such hearts on earth." This is a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Dirage." It is in the third stanza from the bottom.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 12 2003, 23:52:49 UTC |
aw, you beat me to it ^_~
oh well. my computer's starting to die on me so I'm going to have to wink out for the night. One more point of interest before I go, though...
Take a good look at Snape's Orlando icon. Does it not look a little like a picture of the moon set against the sky? WOW. I don't know if it means anything, but I'm loving it.
anjenue @ August 12 2003, 23:49:04 UTC |
*sobs* Poor Remus...
*shakes head* I don't think I have ever seen him this upset.
*glares at Sirius*
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 08:22:08 UTC |
It's not even upset anymore... o_o He looks broken. AGAIN.
(parent)anjenue @ August 13 2003, 09:44:52 UTC |
I am tempted to agree with our dearest Potions Master and call Siri an utter git</a>. Or a cur. Or something equally poised and yet insulting.
I do love Sirius, I really do. But...there's only so much pain one can inflict on the ones you love before you really have to get a clue and change something drastically.
blue_lightning @ August 13 2003, 09:47:16 UTC |
Snape has been wonderful through this all, though. I think he should take Remus with him on his next adventure. @_@
(parent)anatidae @ August 13 2003, 00:02:00 UTC |
At least he went through that effort to apologize, even if it was for the wrong thing. And I'd rather prefer it that they finally sorted out their differences, instead of ignoring them and making up.
So at least we're step closer to a Happy Family™.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 00:16:39 UTC |
Good god, I go away for an hour to watch QE, and the shit hits the fan. >.<
Once again, Sirius proves his twattishness by engaging in Lucius' bullshit. Can he not see that the man is doing this to cause problems? (And to stroke his own ego over being able to lead Harry's godfather around by the.. err.. libido?)
I truly hope he does not go to have drinks with Lucius for that will not do him any good with Remus or Harry. However, I fear that Sirius is the sort who has to learn everything the hard way.
And everyone has their limit to how much they can take and it sounds like Remus is fast approaching his. ;_;
We had us some happy and they took it away. The wibbling plays on.
portkey @ August 13 2003, 03:00:30 UTC |
However, I fear that Sirius is the sort who has to learn everything the hard way.
Either that, or he doesn't learn, period.
I'm leaning toward the latter, personally.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 04:04:03 UTC |
Well, now that I'm not so angry I can see that he didn't seem tempted by Lucius so much as the alcohol. And I'm hoping that Remus was short-tempered because of his condition and will be more open to Sirius' apology when he's feeling better.
*clings desperately to hope*
portkey @ August 13 2003, 04:14:56 UTC |
I think it would be the opposite, actually. Remus, being so worn out by the change, would likely be more weary of argument, and more accepting of an apology. Though I suppose it could go either way, really.
As for Lucius.. well, I do agree with what you said, but that could easily have been him trying to seem less eager, whether that be for Lucius or Remus. Or he might have even been deluding himself about it. But in this case, I really do think that he was wary of Lucius' offer. From his wording, especially in his reply to Lucius' first comment, it almost seemed as though he knew that he wasn't in the best condition to ward off any come-ons from Lucius, and wanted to avoid the situation alltogether.
Or so we can hope.
dragynville @ August 13 2003, 04:35:17 UTC |
Well I got the impression that Remus was short-tempered because, in his convo with Snape, he was snarlingly angry (whereas Sirius was 'frustrated').
I don't know. I'm trying to view this from the other side and see Sirius as something other than a total ass in this. XD
portkey @ August 13 2003, 07:09:00 UTC |
Hmm. You know, I just went and reread the thread on Severus' journal, and I think I have to agree with after second thought. But I don't know that it's necessarily a result of the change or not; he just seemed generally exasperated with Sirius, though I don't doubt his nerves were a little shot from being a wolf for a night.
And randomly, I loved how Severus ended the conversation, "And shall this dawn restore us." Just.. I love that odd little comfort he gives to Remus, without really asking for anything in return.
As for Sirius, well. Obviously, we don't know the full story, but as far as anyone can tell he definately seems to be in the wrong. Whether it be past demons as has been theorized here, or other things, it's hurting what could be a great relationship, and he really needs to recognize and deal with those issues.
anoni @ August 13 2003, 07:26:01 UTC |
Love the ending too. ^_^ With the recent Severus posts, it's as though he would cuddle Remus if he had been anybody but himself, but since he couldn't do that, he was left with words and with his usual rather blunt words at that. But he still does such a wonderful job of conveying that he cares... ::sniff::
(parent)imochan @ August 13 2003, 06:12:08 UTC |
therealycats @ August 13 2003, 07:59:09 UTC |
*hisssssssssss* Well now this is just silly.
They both say they love each other. They both say they're in love with each other. I realize that love alone is not the answer to everything but for God's sake. If they love each other they should bloody well talk about it (which it seems Sirius did attempt to do) and figure out a solution and get the hell ON with their lives. Think about the baby! It's not like the poor kid HAS any parents, and then he gets some and now...what? He gets to play the divorce game?
Are they gonna start trying to buy him off with new broomsticks now? Or have they already? (I'm still pretty new at this and there's no way I'm about to go through every single journal and read every single entry that's ever been made is it? :p)